Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM

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Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM Page 4

by Thompson, Claire

  The experience was like nothing she had known. She was unable to hear, to see, to speak or to move. Only her pelvis rose to meet his as he pummeled and swiveled inside her. His pubic bone was perfectly angled against her clit, and each thrust sent a deep shudder of raw, dark pleasure through her entire body.

  Her brain short-circuited as he drew her toward a powerful climax. She was nothing but a cunt, her entire being fixated on that one part of her anatomy. His body was hot and hard against her, his cock filling her completely. Tears flowed from her covered eyes as she howled against the gag. When a hand circled her throat, the primal gesture sent her over the final precipice. She careened wildly into the most intense orgasm of her life…

  The feeling of cool air on her face made Sophia open her eyes. The gag had been removed, as had the plugs and now the blindfold. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. Nick stood beside her, smiling down at her. “You left the planet for a few minutes. You okay?”

  She lifted her arms, reaching to pull him down into an embrace. “Yes. Oh, god, yes, Nick.” She rained tiny kisses over his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids until they both were laughing.

  Pulling gently away from her, he continued to grin down at her. “I guess that means you liked it, huh?”

  She lifted a hand to wipe the happy tears from her eyes. “I fucking loved it. That was the most amazing experience of my life. Will you marry me?”

  He took a step back, a look of alarm moving over his face.

  She chuckled as she shifted to a sitting position. “Relax,” she said, still chuckling. “That’s just the endorphins talking. I have no designs on your freedom, trust me.”

  He smiled, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. Knee-jerk response. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  “Wait, what?” Now it was Sophia’s turn to be alarmed.

  Nick’s laugh was big and hearty. “Gotcha,” he said, pointing his index finger at her like a weapon. He bent down to retrieve his leather pants from the floor. He had a gorgeous body, muscular and tan. As he pulled the pants back on, he said, “Glad to know we’re on the same page. Pleasure without strings. Intensity without obligation.”

  “Exactly,” Sophia agreed, though a part of her wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, or quite how she felt about it.

  He helped her from the table and to a standing position. “Let me put some balm on your skin,” he said, moving toward the counter. “Put your hands on your head and stand still.”

  Sophia obeyed. He smoothed ointment over her body and then led her to the couch. She perched gingerly on the cushions as he retrieved a bottle of water from the small refrigerator and handed it to her.

  Nick glanced at his watch. “We only have the room for a few minutes more. How about we go get showered and changed and meet at the tiki bar in, say, thirty minutes? We can take a walk on the beach—maybe grab a bite of lunch if you want. Unless, of course,” he added quickly, “you had other plans?”

  “I’m signed up to attend a sensual yoga class this afternoon, but that’s not until three. I’d love to walk on the beach with you.”

  “Great. Then it’s a plan.”

  She remained on the couch, sipping her water and basking in the afterglow as Nick wiped down the bondage table, cleaned his toys and put them away in his gear bag. They walked together from the room and down the hall to the elevator bank. She was on the third floor—he on the fourth. As she stepped out of the elevator on her floor, Nick stopped her, pulling her into a quick embrace. He kissed her mouth, his hands moving over her back. She melted against him as the doors closed again.

  With a laugh, he let her go. “Sorry,” he said, pushing the button to reopen the sliding doors. “I just had to kiss you. See you in a few.”

  “See you,” she managed, trying to reel herself back down to earth, his kiss still burning on her lips. She floated down the hall to her room, unable to stop the goofy grin that spread over her face. This was turning out to be the best vacation ever, and it was only the second day.

  Chapter 4

  Nick whistled as he dressed for the evening. He’d gone snorkeling that afternoon with a small group led by Dylan, a man of many talents, apparently. While it had been a lot of fun, Nick was looking forward to seeing Sophia again. They had agreed to meet for dinner that night in the main dining room, and to go from there to the dungeon party.

  He hadn’t meant to restrict himself to just one woman while on this unique vacation, but somehow no one else he’d met held nearly the appeal Sophia did. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d so enjoyed scening with someone. He sensed in Sophia a willingness to go as far as he was able to take her. The prospect was both exciting and a little unsettling. Who would be the first to draw the line?

  He was just buttoning his shirt when his cell phone rang—the special ring reserved for his business partner, Brian. What the fuck? He’d told Brian he wouldn’t be available this week. Whatever it was, the guy would need to handle it on his own. He let the call go to voicemail.

  He was just about to leave the room to head down to dinner when his cell, which he’d decided to leave behind, rang again with Brian’s signature tone. It vibrated insistently on the desk beside his laptop as it rang, refusing to be ignored.

  With a sigh, Nick went to the damn thing and looked at the screen. He saw there were several missed text messages and calls from earlier that afternoon when he’d been down on the beach. “Fuck,” he muttered. “What now?” Without bothering to listen to the voicemails or read the texts, he punched the call back button.

  “Oh, thank god,” Brian said when the call connected. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to get you for hours.”

  “I’ve been on vacation, Brian. You know—that weird thing normal people who don’t work eighty hours a week, fifty-two fucking weeks a year do. You should try it some time.”

  “Lucky for you I’m still on the job, Kincaid, because all hell is breaking loose with the Cabot apartment project. Two of the investors have pulled out because of some unanswered questions about the funding. Cabot is throwing a fit. I’m scrambling to get this handled, but you know the numbers side isn’t my strong suit. I need you back here to take some of the heat off.”

  Nick blew out a breath as he sank down into a chair. Brian, younger than Nick by five years, was great at finding the deals, but not as good with bringing them to fruition. “Calm down,” Nick said, trying to remain calm himself. He did not want to cut this vacation short. “I’m sure we can fix this. We’ve worked too hard and too long on this deal to let it fall apart now. I still have five days on the island, but then I’ll be back and we can get this worked out. You just need to stall him for a little while, okay? Tell him I’m out of the country—whatever you need to do. Meanwhile, send me the details and I’ll work on it later tonight, okay? A few days isn’t going to make that much difference.”

  “I know it’s your vacation, but we’re talking a couple of million bucks here, if this pans out. Then you can take a lot more vacations.”

  “Chill, will you? Send me the stuff and I’ll have a look. Meanwhile, call Cabot and see if you can’t smooth his feathers a little. Tell him we’re on the case and we’ll get it sorted.” Before Brian could protest further, he added, “I’ve got to go now. I have a dinner date.”

  Nick spied Sophia at a small table in the corner of the dining room, an untouched glass of red wine on the table in front of her. Her curly dark hair fell in ringlets around her face and over her shoulders. She was wearing a sexy low-cut black leather dress that hugged her breasts, emphasizing their cleavage. There was a small, secret smile on her face as she stared into the middle distance. Was she thinking of him?

  He grinned at himself, shaking his head. He felt more like twenty than forty—a boy with a crush. It was both delightful and a little disconcerting. He reminded himself it was the intensity of the situation as much as anything. There were probably tons of budding romances on this BDSM resort island, where kinky sex drov
e most of the activities, and pheromones zipped and buzzed through the air like a swarm of bees. Folks no doubt connected all the time, passion flaring between them like a wildfire. Whatever might happen afterward, it made for a great vacation.

  She saw him, her face breaking into a radiant smile, her dimples visible even from a distance.

  “Hey, there,” he said when he was close enough to speak. “Sorry I’m late. My business partner’s having a minor meltdown.”

  Sophia quirked a brow. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Nick said easily, bending down to give her a quick kiss as he tried to ignore the anxiety in his gut. “It’ll blow over, I’m sure.” Except that he wasn’t sure. The Cabot deal was huge, and they’d been working on it for months. If it fell apart now… Stop it. This is more important than work.

  Whoa. Where the fuck had that come from? For Nick Kincaid, nothing was more important than work.

  Still, this was the first time in a zillion years he’d taken any substantial time off, and damn it, he was going to enjoy it. He quashed his lingering anxiety. Brian would send him the details and he’d work on putting out fires later. Right now, he wanted to focus on the lovely woman sitting before him.

  They passed the meal pleasantly, keeping the conversation light as they ate the delicious food. There was an early party at the dungeon, before the free play that would start at ten or so. The party involved BDSM parlor games, whatever those were, and Sophia had suggested they check it out.

  They entered the dungeon together. There were already twenty or so people there. The young Brad Pitt lookalike who called himself Master Ryan was there, along with his red-headed slave girl. For a moment, Nick tried to imagine living a Master/slave lifestyle 24/7 on an island dedicated to the scene. No. He would miss his work too much. He would miss the constant excitement and opportunity of living in the greatest city in the world.

  But for a week, it was fucking awesome to be there, and he planned to make the most of it.

  Master Ryan called the guests into a circle. He stood in the center and explained, “Our first game is called Musical Doms. It’s a great way to meet new people. All the Dominants please step forward.”

  Half of the group, most of them male but a few female, took a step forward, creating a smaller circle within the larger one.

  “Good,” Master Ryan said. “Now, turn so you’re facing the sub standing behind you. When the music starts, the subs will walk in a circle. Doms, you stay where you are.” He looked toward the outer circle. “When the music stops, whoever you’re standing in front of is your Master for the next fifteen minutes. You’ll engage in a quick scene of your temporary Master’s choosing, and then we’ll do it again. Any questions?”

  Nick caught Sophia’s eye. “This all right with you?” he asked softly. He would have rather just taken her up to his room, but if she wanted to play in the dungeon a while first, he would go along.

  “Sure,” Sophia replied with a toss of her head. “It’s good to do a little comparison shopping.”

  “Ouch,” he said with a laugh. “Hope I measure up.”

  The music started and the subs began to walk around the Doms. There were several very pretty women in the circle in various states of undress, but he found he wasn’t especially interested. Maybe he’d get lucky, and Sophia would be the one to stop in front of him.


  Sophia walked in the circle as the music played. This party was a good thing, she reminded herself. Nick and she had been moving awfully fast. There was an entire island of Doms to be explored. It would be crazy to limit herself to just one guy the whole time.

  Especially a guy who was as driven in his career as Nick. From their casual conversations, she’d gotten the strong impression he lived and breathed real estate development. He was constantly putting together huge, complicated deals involving millions of dollars. He was still conducting business while on the island, for heaven’s sake. A sole proprietor herself, she understood that your business didn’t take a vacation just because you did. But she really didn’t want to fall for a guy whose work consumed him. She’d been there and done that, and had promised herself she wouldn’t do it again.

  When the music stopped, she stood in front of a tall, heavyset man of around fifty dressed from head to toe in black leather, sweat gleaming on his broad brow. He grinned at her from beneath a thick mustache. “Hey, pretty lady. Looks like you’re mine for the next fifteen.” He moved toward her, circling her upper arm with his large, slightly damp hand. “You may call me Lord Larry. Let’s go to the pillories. I’m going to spank that ass of yours until you squeal.”

  Oh, goodie, Sophia thought with an inward groan. Why had she thought this would be fun? Oh, well. She could handle anything for fifteen minutes.

  She glanced toward Nick. His partner was a tall, willowy blonde in a black bustier with garters, a tiny thong barely covering her mons. She had small, high breasts and long legs capped by very high heels. Shit. She was fucking gorgeous. He was smiling at the woman, who was making a simpering face back at him.

  Sophia turned resolutely to Lord Larry. “Let’s go.”

  They played the game two more times. Sophia didn’t manage to get Nick either time. Happily, the guys she scened with, even Lord Larry, knew what they were doing. Her juices were flowing nicely from the spanking, flogging and hot wax treatment she’d received respectively from her three Musical Dom partners. She’d tried to ignore Nick and his scene partners, and she’d mostly succeeded.

  As she headed back to the circle yet again, Nick waylaid her and murmured into her ear, “I’ve had enough. How about you? Want to blow this popsicle stand?”

  “Sure,” she agreed, glad he’d been the first one to suggest it.

  As they left the dungeon, Sophia asked, “Want to take a walk on the beach? I hear there’s a fire play demonstration tonight.”

  Nick put his arm around her. He looked very, very good in a black silk pirate’s shirt open at the throat, soft black leather encasing his muscular legs. “I was thinking maybe we’d just go upstairs to my suite? Share a nightcap and…” He lifted his eyebrows suggestively, his lips quirking into a sexy smile.

  “That works,” she said, smiling back. She could see a fire demo any day.

  When they stepped into his suite, they were greeted by a ringing cell phone.

  “Shit,” Nick muttered, striding across the room toward the phone, which quivered on the desk. “I probably better get that or he’ll never leave us alone.” He grabbed the phone, punched a button and held it to his ear. “What is it now, Brian?” He glanced back at Sophia, mouthing, “Sorry,” before turning away.

  She looked around his suite, which consisted of two rooms, unlike her single room on a lower floor. Moving toward the sliding glass doors that led out onto a balcony, she pulled them open. She stepped outside into the cool, moist air and leaned on the high railing to stare out at the dark ocean.

  She’d left the door ajar, and she could hear Nick’s deep voice rising with agitation as he spoke. He’d mentioned something at dinner about a possible snafu with a big deal he’d been putting together. “Okay, okay, Brian,” he finally said. “Calm the fuck down. I’m opening the laptop now. I’ll handle this, I promise.”

  Sophia turned back. Nick was seated at the desk now, booting up his laptop, the phone tucked between his shoulder and ear. She came back into the room and moved into his line of sight. “Everything okay?” she asked softly, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

  “What?” He glanced distractedly at her and then seemed to focus. “Hold on a second, Brian. I said, hold on.” He covered the phone with his other hand. “Look, I’m really, really sorry, Sophia, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to spend at least a little time on this. I feel like a total douche, but we’ve been working on this for months, and if I don’t do a little damage control now—”

  “It’s okay,” she said quickly, pushing down her irritation at the interruption to what was supposed to be
a sexy night. “I get it. Life gets in the way, sometimes.”

  “Thanks,” he said with obvious relief. “I really appreciate your understanding. Why don’t you help yourself to something from the minibar while you wait? I’ll just be a little while. I need to give this my full attention.”

  Sophia shook her head. She had no intention of sitting around watching Nick at work. She had a feeling whatever he was dealing with was going to take more than a few minutes. “You have my cell. Just shoot me a text when you’re ready, and I’ll come back up. The night’s still young. I think I’ll go check out the fire play demo on the beach.”

  Nick frowned and seemed like he was about to protest. But then he just nodded. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll text you ASAP.”

  As he replaced the phone to his ear, she left his suite, closing the door with a click.

  Sophia went outside onto the beach and approached the fire pit where the action was taking place. As she eased herself into the circle of spectators, she recognized the woman wielding the fiery whip. It was Ella Bertrand, one of the co-owners of the island, whom she’d met when she’d first arrived. In her late forties, Mistress Ella was beautiful, with silver hair and dark, almond-shaped eyes. She was wearing a caramel-colored vest and matching leather pants.

  The Kevlar whip snaked in a fiery line through the dark. The person on the receiving end of the flaming whip was a tall, slender man in his twenties with a shaved head and a studded slave collar around his neck. He was naked, save for a codpiece covering his cock and balls. His arms were raised, hands behind his head, his back to the Mistress. Each time the whip met its target, he gave a small cry but held his position.

  Sophia watched, fascinated, her skin tingling with desire to feel the flicking heat of the flaming leather against her own body. She wished Nick was there with her so he, too, could enjoy the energy and power provided by the scene. She slipped her hand into the pocket on the side of her dress and pulled out her phone. No text yet.


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