Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM

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Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM Page 6

by Thompson, Claire

  Did she even want that?

  “Yes,” a voice breathed fervently in her head. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  “I just had an excellent idea,” he said, turning back to his gear bag.

  Facing her, he held up a pink rabbit vibrator still in its wrapper, along with the remote control that went with it. His smile was at once sensual and cruel. “I want to give you added intensity while you’re in the vacuum bed,” he said in a low, sexy voice. “I’m going to take you beyond every limit you thought you had.”

  His words were exciting. His dark, sexy tone made her catch her breath. “Yes, Sir,” she breathed softly, transfixed by his fiery gaze.

  She lay down on the platform, settling herself against the latex inside the rectangle of PVC pipes. She was both excited and nervous at the thought of being immobilized in latex, but the scales definitely tipped toward the excitement side.

  Nick approached her and crouched beside her. He held a hand towel, along with the vibrator and a tube of lube, his gear bag over his shoulder. He set down his bag, spread the towel on the floor and set the items on it. “Like I said, let’s try out the pump first, just to make sure you’re okay with the process. Place your arms at your sides and close your eyes.”

  He unfurled the clear latex and pulled it over her body, loosely covering her face. There was a hole already cut into the plastic, and he positioned it over her mouth. “You can use your safeword if you want—mercy, right?” As Sophia nodded, he continued. “You should be able to make sounds, but it can be kind of overwhelming with the pump going, so it might be easier to use a safe signal. Your signal will be to stick out your tongue and waggle it, okay?”

  Sophia stuck her tongue through the hole and waggled it to show she understood. Her heart was beating fast, her nipples rising against the latex. She had no intention of using a safeword or signal, but recognized the need for one.

  “Okay,” Nick said. “I’m going to zip you up now. It’s like a huge Ziplock bag. Close your eyes and purse your lips through the hole. I’ll count down three, two, one and turn on the pump for a few seconds to see how you do.”

  He moved down to the base of the platform. “Three, two, one.” He flicked the switch. The engine hummed, sucking out the air around her body. The latex tightened around her, shrink-wrapping her like one of those vacuum-seal bags. The sensation was like nothing she’d ever experienced—full body bondage without rope or chain, her eyelids pressed closed, her nose and breasts flattened, her lips pooching guppy-like out of the latex. She sucked in air experimentally. She felt at once utterly helpless and deliciously cocooned.

  Nick flipped off the machine, releasing the vacuum seal. He unzipped the top sheet and pulled it away. “How was it?”

  She breathed a sigh. “Awesome,” she proclaimed. “I think I’m in love.”

  “With me or the machine?” he teased.

  Before she could answer, he said, “Just kidding. Let’s do this thing.”

  He squeezed lubricant on the rabbit’s phallus and the clit stimulator. “Spread your legs,” he directed. He carefully inserted the penis-shaped dildo into her cunt and positioned the stimulator against her clit. “Close your legs and your eyes.”

  Sophia obeyed, incredibly aroused already.

  Then, he repositioned the top latex sheet over her face and body, the breathing hole around her pursed lips. Moving down to the pump, he flicked it on.

  The air sucked away around her, sealing her inside the frame. It was like diving deep under water, everything muffled and at a remove. She startled when the rabbit whirred to life inside her. It was set at a low, steady thrum—not enough to send her too quickly over the edge.

  Nick’s hands were on her through the latex, moving over her shoulders, her breasts, her body and thighs… The sensation was both pleasant and odd. It was strange to be touched through the taut latex while sealed inside the airless bed.

  The hands fell away, leaving her alone in the tight snug of the mummifying latex.

  Then the thudding throws of a flogger thwacked against her groin, the sudden erotic pain juxtaposed with the pleasure radiating from inside her. The flogger flicked over her body without predictability. He covered every bit of her skin, from her shoulders down to her feet, each stroke sending her deeper into subspace. All the while, the vibrator at her sex thrummed and tickled.

  Then, the sudden, sharp flick of a whip snapped across her right breast. It hurt just as much, if not more, than if it had been on bare skin. She yelped and jerked, though she wasn’t able to do much more than wriggle slightly in the vacuum seal.

  The vibrator ratcheted up in intensity, pulling a moan from her lips. Then the whip landed again, this time on the other breast. The tip caught her nipple in a blinding flash of raw pain that eclipsed the aching pleasure in her sex.

  Then, all at once, something was covering her mouth. It took her a fraction of a second to process that it was his hand. The palm pressed firmly against her lips, completely cutting off her ability to draw in even the slightest gasp of air.

  She wriggled beneath him, startled at this turn—something they hadn’t negotiated in advance. Her heart pumped hard, pressure building behind her face. The toys at her sex filled her and vibrated against her in a continuing spasm of raw pleasure.

  Don’t panic, a voice in her head whispered. You have your safe signal. He will feel your tongue against his palm. He will stop.

  The hand remained, covering the lower half of her face. A second hand circled her throat, tightening just beneath her jaw. Terror spurted through her veins, turning her blood to ice. Her heart was booming in her ears, her body trembling and twitching beneath the latex. Yet, she didn’t push the tip of her tongue up through her lips.

  In that moment, she understood that she trusted this man—this man she’d only known for a few days—more than she’d ever trusted anyone. She trusted him—quite literally—with her life.

  Her body stilled its trembling. Her heart ceased its thrashing. Peace moved over and through her, covering her like a shroud…

  All at once, the hand was withdrawn.

  The world clicked back on.

  Instinctively, Sophia sucked in a bushel of air through her pursed lips. The hum of the pump once again filled her ears. The toys pulsed deliciously at her sex. Hands moved seductively over her latex-wrapped breasts.

  After a moment, the hands were gone, replaced by the thuddy swish of the flogger. She was cocooned in her vacuum-sealed cage, the slick cover of latex holding her down, the flicking kiss of the stinging leather, the raw, pulsing throb of the dildo and the sweet, insistent tickle of the clit stimulator combined in sensation overload like nothing she’d ever known.

  She had moved beyond language, her mind blank, her body rigid and trembling. She had been reduced to pure animal—grunting and writhing in her confines. Her heart was pounding, her clit throbbing, her breath a ragged pant through forcibly pursed lips. She heard a high-pitched, keening wail over the hum of the pump’s engine as her body hurtled into a powerful, obliterating climax…

  The sudden silence yanked her back to awareness. A moment later, the latex was pulled away. The cool air instantly chilled her sweat-soaked body. She opened her eyes, squinted as they adjusted to the light.

  Nick was leaning over her, his dark, lovely eyes moving over her face. “Hey, you,” he said gently, concern etching his features. “You okay?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but only managed a croak. He slipped a hand under her neck and helped her to lift her head.

  “Wow,” she managed, a smile lifting her lips of its own accord as tears slipped down her cheeks. “Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.”

  Nick smiled. “I take it that’s a yes?”

  Chapter 6

  Sophia lay on the recovery couch, a small, dreamy smile on her face. Nick gently smoothed balm onto the welts he’d painted over her breasts and upper thighs through the latex. He glanced at her face as he worked. He was startled to find her regarding him with studi
ed intensity, as if memorizing the planes and angles of his face.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she said, flashing a dimpled smile. “Or, no. Everything.”

  “Everything?” he repeated, bemused.

  “That was,” Sophia said emphatically, “without a doubt, the most intense, all-encompassing scene I’ve ever been in. When you put your hand on my mouth”—a shudder moved through her at the memory—“I was both terrified and exhilarated. I felt so—so…” She seemed to be struggling to find the word. “So alive,” she finally finished.

  Nick smiled as he tucked an errant curl behind her ear, warmth flooding his soul. “You were incredible, Sophia,” he said sincerely. “Your emotions were so raw—so palpable. I felt like I was there experiencing it with you.”

  He closed his eyes a moment, visualizing her trapped and writhing beneath the latex. When he’d blocked her ability to breathe, and then placed his hand on her throat, he’d straddled the high wire of risk-aware consensual kink, barely keeping his balance. How far could he have taken her? The raw power that had surged through his being as he’d held her life in his hands lingered even now in the form of a hard-on still pulsing at his groin.

  “It’s good that you had the presence of mind to stop when you did,” Sophia said, as if reading his mind. “Because I honestly don’t know if I would have stopped you. Being held down, sealed in, completely helpless… It was so thrilling. I really think I might have just let you go on and on until—”

  “No,” Nick interrupted sharply, her fantasizing aligning a little too closely to his for comfort. One of them needed to have some limits, and he understood it was he, as Dom, who had that responsibility. “It was very intense for me, too,” he added, modulating his tone. “There was a moment there where I had to pull myself back. To remind myself it was my job not just to give you the submissive experience you crave, but to keep you safe in the process.”

  Sophia nodded. “I know. I think that’s why I was able to let myself go so completely. I knew you were there to keep me safe.” She smiled like a trusting angel, her dimples beyond adorable.

  Something clutched in Nick’s heart—something unfamiliar and almost frightening, yet also welcome.

  Sophia reached out her hand and touched his arm, her smile falling away. Fixing him with those big, blue-green eyes, she whispered, “I want you to make love to me.”

  Nick drew in a sudden breath, startled at her word choice. Was this the moment that would tip the balance of their relationship from scene partners to lovers?

  Did he want that?

  You’re dying to fuck her. Stop obsessing over semantics.

  Leaning down, he stroked another springy lock of hair from her face. “I want that too, Sophia. Very much. Let me just finish cleaning up here and then we can go to my suite.”

  They were quiet as they rode in the elevator. Sophia was once again dressed, her nipples perking prettily against her low-cut top, her sandals dangling from her hand. Perhaps feeling his gaze on her, she turned to him, smiling.

  When he smiled back, she laughed. “Sorry. I can’t stop grinning.” She put her hands to her face. “My cheeks actually hurt from grinning so much. It’s all these endorphins zinging around in my bloodstream. Totally your fault.”

  “I accept full responsibility,” Nick said, laughing too.

  Once in his suite, he went over to the mini-fridge that was nestled between the desk and a bureau. He’d left his phone back in the room on purpose, not wanting to be disturbed during their scene. Now, he had a sudden urge to check both his phone and laptop in case there were any messages or emails that needed handling regarding the Cabot deal.

  Don’t you dare, he ordered himself. No way was he going to fuck up with Sophia a second night running. Instead, he pulled out the bottle of top-notch champagne he’d ordered from the bar earlier that day. He turned to Sophia, who had flopped back onto the sofa with a languorous sigh.

  “Care for a glass before I ravage you, sexy girl?” he asked with a wolfish smile.

  “I’d love one,” she replied.

  He popped the cork and filled the two champagne flutes he’d also had chilling in the fridge. Taking his seat beside her on the sofa, he handed her a glass. They clinked lightly and drank.

  “Yum, that’s delicious,” Sophia said with appreciation.

  “It is good,” Nick agreed, finishing his glass. “Care for another?”

  Sophia shook her head. “Champagne goes right to my head.” She set her glass down on the end table at her side. “What I could use is a shower. I feel sticky from sweating in that vacuum bed.”

  Nick, too, set down his glass and got to his feet. He held out a hand to help her up. “How about I’ll join you?”

  “You’d better,” Sophia retorted with a laugh.

  He took her into the bathroom, which included a Jacuzzi bath tub and a separate shower stall. He turned on the water in the shower. As it heated, they stripped off their things.

  Nick’s cell phone started to ring in the other room. He pressed his lips together, annoyed. Couldn’t they leave him the fuck alone for one damn night?

  “Do you need to get that?” Sophia asked, her tone neutral, her gaze elsewhere.

  “Absolutely not,” he staunchly asserted.

  They stood together under the hot water. Nick brought his arms around Sophia. She was a full head shorter than he, and she rested her cheek against his chest as they embraced. After a while, he reached for the soap and gently lathered it down her back and rubbed it along her rounded ass cheeks.

  She turned so she was facing away from him. She had two adorable dimples above her butt. He reached around her, massaging her breasts, arms and body with soapy lather. Finally, he rubbed the bar along the cleft between her legs.

  Sophia leaned against him with a soft moan as he teased her sex with soapy fingers. But after a moment, she twisted so she was facing him. She reached for the soap he held in his hand. He let her take it from him.

  She lathered his body with soap, walking in a circle around him in the large stall. Returning to face him, she dropped to her knees in front of him and took his erect cock in her hand.

  As she washed his cock and balls, he groaned and took a step back. “Slow down, sexy girl. Let’s take this into the bedroom.”

  “Works for me,” she said with a saucy grin.

  As they left the bathroom, Nick could hear the fucking cell phone again. “Excuse me a sec,” he said. He strode into the living room, grabbed the phone and flicked it to silent without even looking at the screen.

  Returning to the bedroom, he took a moment to admire Sophia, who lay naked on the bed, her skin pink and damp from the shower, her nipples fully erect against the mounds of her breasts.

  Dropping the towel he’d wrapped around his waist, he lunged for her with a guttural growl.


  Sophia held out her arms, pulling Nick over her. She loved the heavy feel of his body draped over hers. His cock was hard between them, trapped against her thigh. They kissed for several long, lovely minutes, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

  Her cunt ached to be filled, but she wanted to take her time. She wanted, somehow, to give him as much pleasure and satisfaction as he had given her during that intense scene.

  Turning her face to break the kiss, she pushed at his shoulders. “Lie on your back,” she whispered against his neck. “I want to suck your gorgeous cock.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice, but what man did? He rolled from her and lay on his back beside her, his erect shaft bobbing in the air like a divining rod.

  Sophia scooted between his legs and crouched. She cradled his heavy balls in one hand as she lowered her mouth in a slow, seductive tease over him.

  He moaned as she drew her lips along his length. She suckled him, using her tongue and throat muscles until he moaned again. Then she lifted her head slowly, releasing his shaft by inches until she held only the head between
her lips. She watched his face as she teased the head of his cock and drew her tongue along its slit.

  He stared back at her with a dark, intense gaze, his lips softly parted. Reaching for her, he placed his hand on her head and slowly, sexily, forced her mouth down over his cock until she again took him to the hilt.

  He entwined his fingers in her hair, twisting a handful and tugging lightly. Using her hair, he pulled her head up until his shaft nearly fell from her lips. Then he pressed her down again, controlling her movements until her nose was pressed against his pubic bone, his cock lodged deep in her throat.

  She’d planned to take control, but he’d once again asserted his dominance. And she loved it. She adored the sense of erotic helplessness as he forced her head up and down over his cock. Her nipples ached and her clit throbbed.

  All at once, he pushed her away and flipped her onto her back. Climbing over her, he reached for her wrists. Pulling her arms up, he pinned them to the mattress as he forced her legs apart with his thigh.

  Then his cock was at her entrance. She groaned, arching her hips to take him inside. “Yes,” she begged, barely aware she was speaking. “Yes, yes, yes…”

  When he entered her, her cunt spasmed around his cock in a paroxysm of pleasure. He moved in a sensual circle inside her, the head of his cock catching that sweet spot as he swiveled. She moaned, straining against his grip on her wrists, delighted that she couldn’t escape.

  He brought her to the edge of a climax and then, all at once, stilled. “Not yet,” he murmured throatily in her ear. “We’re going to take our time.” Lifting his head, he sought her mouth with his. His lips were soft and warm over hers, his tongue insistent. They kissed for a long while, his cock still hard as steel inside her.


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