Code Blue With Intent

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Code Blue With Intent Page 11

by Marilyn Esper Kelsey

  “But I know nothing!”

  “Linda seemed to think you knew something. And if she thought so, maybe someone else may think you know something you shouldn’t. I’m sure it was just a coincidence she was run over, but, all the same, I don’t like this situation one bit.”

  Kate’s eyes opened wider in panic. “What? Like someone ran her down on purpose? Please don’t tell me that’s what you are thinking!”

  “I’m not saying that. It’s just this whole thing is not sitting right with me.” The furrows in Jake’s forehead deepened.

  “This whole thing sucks! Should I be worried? I never even thought for a minute that someone could have intentionally run Linda over. This is all too much!” Tears welled up in Kate’s eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Kate. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Jake moved over to her and hugged her. “I don’t want you to worry. We’ll straighten everything out.” He looked at his watch. “We better get going. You ready?”

  Kate nodded, not at all sure how she felt.


  Kate walked into the police station, grateful that Jake was with her. When she asked for Sergeant Williams, she and Jake were escorted to the squad room. The sergeant was waiting in his office. He stood up and shook hands with her. Kate introduced Jake.

  The sergeant asked Jake, “Are you related to Mrs. Ross, or a friend?”

  Kate spoke up. “Jake is a good friend of mine. I asked him to come with me.”

  “Have a seat.”

  The Sergeant came right to the point, “We punched in the partial license plate number and color, make, and model of the car into our database. It came back to over eighty possibilities in the state. We still have lots of questions and investigating to do.”

  “What kind of questions?” Jake demanded, his voice rising.

  Sergeant Williams shot Jake a look of annoyance. “Our detective bureau will be handling this case from now on. Hang tight. I’ll be right back with a detective.”

  A moment later, the sergeant introduced Kate and Jake to Detective Jason Pratt.

  “We’re now checking into a possible vehicular homicide,” Detective Pratt reported.

  Kate stared at him, speechless. Jake clenched his jaw, “Are you telling us you think this was a deliberate hit-and-run?”

  “We’re still investigating.” The detective ignored Jake and spoke directly to Kate, “Why don’t you come with me, Mrs. Ross, and we’ll get your statement.”

  “Wait a minute!” Jake protested loudly and stood up. “I want to go with her.”

  “No, Dr. Fenelli, it’s against policy. You can wait here or in the waiting room.”

  “Will she get a copy of her statement?” Jake asked.

  “No, she won’t,” the detective replied.

  “What’s next?” Jake questioned, getting irritated.

  His question went unanswered. Both the sergeant and the detective left the room with Kate, leaving Jake fuming at being left out.

  After Kate’s statement, the detective thanked her for her cooperation and gave her his card with his contact information to call him if she thought of anything else. She met up with Jake, and they left the station.

  Jake questioned Kate about her statement. She turned to him, puzzled. “Jake, you were so upset back there. What was that all about?”

  “I don’t know, Kate. Those cops were pissing me off. They weren’t answering any of my questions.”

  “Maybe, like they said, they don’t have any concrete answers and they didn’t want to speculate.”

  “Bullshit! I think they knew more than they were saying. Besides, they were arrogant bastards.”

  His anger shocked her. She grabbed his hand. “Hey, it’s over. Let’s forget about it for now and walk around the square.”

  “You’re right, Kate. I guess I overreacted. Let me shake this off, then I’ll take you to lunch. I know a great little Italian restaurant not far from here.”


  At the police station, Sergeant Williams and Detective Pratt were discussing the case. “That Dr. Fenelli, what’s up his ass?”

  “He is definitely an arrogant one. What was he getting so all fucking riled up about?”

  “I don’t know, maybe he was worried about Mrs. Ross. She seems pretty straightforward. Do you think they are involved?”

  “If he has any brains, he’s tapping her.” The sergeant smirked.

  “Well, he should be worried about her. According to the witnesses at the accident, the car was speeding up when it hit the victim and never slowed down. There were no skid marks, so the driver never hit the brakes. This was a deliberate hit-and-run. I bet on it.”

  “Then there’s another matter of the other nurse that died from that insurance company, Premier Regional. Something’s not right there,” the officer commented regarding the death of Stella Lambert. Their investigation had come up with nothing so far. They did know that Stella’s gunshot wound to the head was done by a professional. But no prints, no leads.

  Chapter 25

  They left the police station and walked around the downtown Morristown area. The sun shone, and white, billowy clouds floated by like soft pillows tossed around in the sky. The downtown square was nestled in a beautiful park-like setting with flowers and trees, surrounded by cafes, restaurants, quaint book stores, dress shops, novelty stores, ice cream stores, and a deli and pizza shop. The restaurants sported outdoor patio areas with sun umbrellas above the tables for outdoor dining. Benches on plush green grass sat under sprawling giant trees, inviting people to sit and people watch, or to rest after shopping, reading a book, eating lunch, talking with friends, having an ice cream cone, or downing a cold drink.

  Kate and Jake sat hand in hand on one of the benches, enjoying the sunshine and hashing out what had taken place at the police station. Jake was calmer now and told her he just wanted her safe. Kate was touched by his concern.

  “Do you really think the police are leaning toward an intentional hit-and-run?” She shivered despite the warmth of the day.

  “I don’t know what they are thinking.” He put his arm around her.

  Kate smiled warmly. “I’m sorry I brought that up. Let’s just enjoy this beautiful afternoon and forget about the accident and the police, and concentrate on what happened last night. I loved that part of the evening.” She hugged him and kissed him.

  Jake returned the kiss. “I wish we weren’t in the middle of town right now.”

  “Oh really? Where would you like to be?” she teased.

  A wide grin broke out upon his face, “At my house, alone with you! Now let’s go to lunch before I attack you right here in public.”

  They walked down a side street off the square to a quaint restaurant named Portofinos, a small Italian eatery loaded with atmosphere and delicious mouthwatering dishes. They began dinner with an appetizer of antipasto and heated, crusty bread with warm olive oil. Jake ordered linguini with clams in a white wine sauce, and Kate had angel hair pasta with shrimp. They enjoyed a leisurely lunch talking and laughing and blocking out the drama from the accident.

  “This is the best lunch I have ever had,” Kate raved. “Thank you so much for everything, Jake.”

  He reached across the table and gently caressed her hand. “It’s my pleasure.”

  After lunch, Jake drove Kate home. They entered into her house and immediately began removing their clothes, yearning for each other’s bodies.

  Jake hated to tear himself away, but after an hour, he turned toward Kate. “I hate to leave you, but I have office hours. I wish I had cancelled the whole day.”

  “I’ll let you go if you must,” she expressed a broad grin. “I have to go pick up Megan.”

  He took a quick shower, kissed her, and said goodbye. “I’ll call you later.”

  She didn’t want him to leave, either. She wanted mo

  Chapter 26

  “What happened to Eileen Cantrell?” the muffled voice asked. “My sources informed me she is still alive.”

  “Nothing I could do about that,” the nurse said with hesitation. “She was transferred out of ICU before I arrived for my shift.” But the truth was that Mrs. Cantrell was moved out during her shift. The nurse was trying to sort out the situation and was getting cold feet. After hearing Kate joking at Jake’s party about patients dying from Premier Regional Insurance Company, she had pulled all the charts of the murdered victims, and they were all insured by that company. Then she was shocked to read about the nurse reviewer from Premier Regional involved in a hit-and-run accident. She wondered if Kate knew more than she was saying. But why would she joke about that? Wouldn’t she stay quiet if she were involved? The nurse was getting very uneasy and felt she was way over her head. She wondered what she had gotten herself into.

  The electronic voice interrupted her thoughts. “Yes. That was unfortunate. We have another admission for you—Martin Staden last night. He’s in ICU room 228.”

  “I’m . . . I’m having second thoughts about, uh, continuing,” she stammered.

  “What’s the problem? Do you want more money?”

  “It’s getting complicated.” She bravely proceeded to tell them that she knew they were from Premier Regional and that she had read about the nurse hit-and-run accident from their company.

  Her statements were met with silence.

  “Well,” she ventured on bravely, “what do you have to say now? And for God’s sake, turn off that damn Darth Vader voice device and give me a human voice. Your mystery is over!”

  The haunting voice continued. “Look, take care of Martin Staden. We’ll meet with you and talk about what’s going on.”

  “What guarantees do I have that I won’t end up like your nurse, Linda McCarthy?”

  “There are no guarantees!” The line went dead.

  Shit! I should have kept my mouth shut. This is totally out of my league. I need to form some kind of plan to ensure my family’s safety.


  Martin Staden was admitted to ICU room 228 with a diagnosis of COPD. Despite regular doctor visits and medications, he had a difficult time controlling his illness. Mr. Staden was fifty years old and had been smoking two packs of Camels since the age of fourteen. He’d tried numerous times to quit smoking but couldn’t go one day without his “fix.” Even with labored breath and oxygen, he still reached for his cigarettes. His oxygen levels were dangerously low, and if medical staff were unable to raise them, he would require intubation and a ventilator.

  Mr. Staden’s primary physician had preached to him for years, telling him to stop killing himself with smoking. The doctor had been warning him he that didn’t have much lung power left and that a day would come when no medical intervention would work. That day had come.

  The ICU nurses knew Mr. Staden well. He was in the unit quite often. They were always amazed he had not stopped smoking. Each visit, he came in gasping for breath. They always thought each admission would be his last.

  Kate came up to the ICU to call in an initial review on Mr. Staden. His insurance company was Premier Regional. After checking his chart, she picked up the phone and called the insurance company.

  “Premier Regional Insurance Company, Roy speaking.”

  Damn. I was hoping I’d get his voicemail, she thought. Kate gave Roy a detailed review of Mr. Staden’s vitals, medications, lab work, x-ray reports, EKG reports, and oxygen levels.

  “I’ll give you two days, with an update tomorrow,” Roy said. “Reference number four-three-six-nine.” He hung up the phone before she could respond.

  Kate shook her head. Nice talking to you too, asshole! What is this guy’s problem? She thought a moment about Linda McCarthy’s accident a few weeks ago. Kate had gone to her funeral to pay her respects to her husband. She’d wanted to talk to him but had felt it was not the appropriate time or place. She had not heard from the police with any news of the hit-and-run.

  “I bet I know what you’re thinking about. Or should I say who you’re thinking about?”

  Kate glanced up to see Maria, “Oh hi, Maria. How are you?”

  “I’m great as usual. What’s up with the gorgeous Dr. Fenelli? Isn’t it time you confess your sins? And please don’t tell me that bull crap that you’re just friends.”

  Kate avoided the subject. “How are you and Dr. Timmers?”

  “Damn you, girl. You’re always changing the subject. I love talking about myself. Dickie and I are hot and heavy; however, he’s getting a little possessive and clingy. I don’t like that. I’m more of a free spirit and like to spread the wealth around, if you know what I mean?”

  Suddenly the intercom at the desk blared. “Get the crash cart; call a code room 228!” Rita shouted from Martin Staden’s room and started CPR.

  Julie ran the crash cart into Mr. Staden’s room, with Maria following. The secretary was at lunch, so Kate offered to call the code and contact the patient’s doctor.


  Lydia and Rachael, who were in the cafeteria, left their lunch and ran up the stairs to the unit. Dr. Fenelli, Dr. Lucien, and Dr. Timmers were all on the third floor of the hospital and ran down to the second floor to respond to the code. Dr. Timmers immediately went to the head of the bed and asked for an endotracheal tube to intubate the patient and attach the ventilator.

  Lydia entered the room. “What happened? I just left the room five minutes ago.”

  Rita commented, “I was at the desk watching the monitor when he started with an arrhythmia. By the time I made it into his room, he had flatlined.”

  “What’s this man’s history? Who’s his doctor?” Ben Lucien asked.

  Kate answered, standing at the door. “Dr. Margolian is on his way from his office. You need more help?”

  “I think we got it, Kate, thanks. But you could check on my patient in 236. He needs a new IV bag hung. It’s in his room,” Rachael said.

  “Sure,” Kate answered. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Kate,” Jake said, “I need to see you when we’re finished here. Can you wait for me?”

  “Of course.” She left the room.

  For forty minutes, they tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate Mr. Staden.

  Dr. Margolian had arrived at the code twenty minutes prior. “Let’s call it. Time of death, twelve forty-five. Thanks, everyone.”

  Jake, Richard, and Ben left the room and went out to the nurses’ desk. Kate looked up from charting. “How’d it go?”

  “No good. Never got a rhythm,” Dr. Lucien said.

  “According to Margolian, his lungs were shot,” Dr. Timmers said. “Do you want to go to lunch with Maria and me?”

  “I can’t. I have surgery in ten minutes,” Jake said. “Kate, can you walk with me to OR?”

  Richard smirked. “You need her to hold your hand?”

  “Who’s holding whose hand?” Maria asked as she came up behind them with Rachael.

  “Jake needs Kate to hold his hand and help him find the OR,” Richard mocked.

  “I bet she holds more than his hand,” Maria shot back.

  Kate rose from the desk. “Come on, Jake. Let’s leave these juveniles to their wit.”

  “Have fun, you two,” Maria drawled.

  Kate turned back to Maria. “Bite me!”

  “That’s more like it!” Maria grinned. “Speaking of biting,” she turned to Richard, “want to go out tonight?” Then she turned back to Ben, “Want to make it a threesome?”

  Ben’s jaw dropped. Rachael took up the slack. “If anyone is going to bite Dr. Lucien here, it’s me.” Linking her arm through Ben’s, she escorted him away from Maria.

  Maria smirked at Richard. “I was
only trying to get a rise out of him.”

  “Girl, you get a rise out of every male you lay those big, brown eyes on.” Richard roared. “You are one brazen woman.”

  “Damn straight I am!” Maria batted her eyelashes at him.


  Kate commented to Jake as they walked toward the OR, “That Maria is a pistol, huh!”

  “That she is. I haven’t talked to you in a few days. Everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine. I’ve been busy with Megan. We’ve been school shopping. I can’t believe how fast summer has flown by.”

  “I know. It goes way too fast. Listen, I miss you. Can we get together tonight?”

  “I miss you too. Tonight’s good. What do you have in mind?” Kate grinned.

  “Maybe dinner, then back to my place?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  “Do you want me to pick you up?” Jake asked.

  “No, I’ll meet you, so I’ll have my car. That way you don’t have to drive me home.”

  “Maybe I can persuade you to stay over? Does Megan have plans tonight?” Jake asked.

  “I’m not sure, I’ll call you later.”

  They reached the OR, and Jake said goodbye and he’d see her later. Kate walked toward her office thinking about him. They had been going out for weeks now. It felt so easy with him, like they had been together for years. He had awakened feelings in her that she had not felt in a long time. She couldn’t get enough of him. She felt a tremor of pleasure just thinking about him.

  “What are you grinning about?” Dr. Timmers asked. “Like I really don’t know who that grin is for . . . Jake, right?”

  Kate snapped her head back to her surroundings to face Richard Timmers with his intimidating, piercing glare.

  “No, I was thinking about getting off soon.” Kate avoided eye contact.

  “Yeah, right. You have a minute? I want to continue our conversation about Premier Regional that we started at Jake’s party.”

  “What do you want to discuss?” Kate asked.


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