Kidnapped by the Minotaur Herd

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by Vivian Leigh

  Kidnapped by the Minotaur Herd (Virgin Breeding Gangbang)

  by Vivian Leigh

  Copyright 2013 Vivian Leigh

  All rights reserved.


  The wind whipped through Falina’s hair as she raced through the village streets. Her bare feet slapped on the cobblestone path, and behind her she could hear Cedric’s laughter as he chased her.

  “Run, run, run, Falina! You can’t run forever!”

  “If the gods choose me, I can!” She angled for the blacksmith at the end of the lane, cutting down the alley that separated the billows and their belching woodsmoke from the row of timber walled, straw roofed merchants’ houses.

  The alley had a layer of dust and grime, slick and black from the smith. A quick glance back showed the footsteps she was leaving. Easy for Cedric to follow her. Cedric probably could have caught her two or three times by now, Falina decided. And she wasn’t sure that she’d be upset if he did. Yet she kept running, anyway.

  She slid to a stop in front of the back door to her family’s house. Cedric was halfway down the alley, but taking more care where he stepped. From the way his nose was turned up, she had a feeling some of the grime might have a little more... organic than she thought. And now it was on her feet.

  Falina laughed.

  Then she pushed open the door and darted inside, shoving it closed and setting the bar before Cedric could reach her.

  “Really? Did you really just run inside and lock me out?” His exasperation was evident, even through the door.

  “You can’t have me, Ced. I’m saving myself for the Festival of the Gods.”

  He snorted at that. “Really? You’re too old, Falina. The gods won’t want you.”

  Falina rolled her eyes. The gods came every seven years, and if she was a little on the high end of the girls they usually chose, so what? What difference could a year or two make when faced with immortality?

  “You’re just jealous, Ced. If the gods choose me, you can’t have me all to yourself.”

  “Are you going to let me in?”

  “No. Not yet.” She wiped her feet, then dashed upstairs, dodging the small table where her mother kept her sewing when she wasn’t working in the shop at the front of the house. Falina took the stairs three at a time like usual. It was more like climbing a ladder than climbing stairs, they were so steep. No one else in the house had legs long enough to bound up them quite like she did. My little mountain goat, her father called her.

  She darted into the room she shared with her younger sister, Arra. This early in the day Arra would still be at Mistress Karla’s fashioning pastry, which meant Falina had at least two hours to taunt Cedric. She threw open the shutters that overlooked the alley. Other than Cedric, there wasn’t a soul in sight.

  She called down into the alley. “Oh, hello there.”

  Cedric looked up, shaking his head. “Are you going to serenade me?”

  “Of course not.” She never sang. He knew that. “I thought I’d give you a little show, though.”

  She swayed her hips and lifted the hem of her dress, letting the fine wool slip up her thighs. Cedric watched rapturously. She eased the hem higher, her eyes glued to her audience. He was practically drooling, and judging by the bulge at the front of his tunic, he was very interested.

  Falina let the hem drop, then smiled beatifically. “Why Cedric, I do believe I have your attention.”

  He wiped the corner of his mouth. “You are a cruel mistress, Falina. Exceedingly cruel.”

  Another voice murmured in the alley, diverting Cedric’s attention. He waved to the newcomer, then backed up a step. Falina’s mother moved into view and looked up into Falina’s window.

  “Good afternoon, daughter. Are you taunting the neighborhood boys?”

  “Hi Mother. We were just... chatting.”

  “So long as you do it from different floors, I suppose a mother can’t complain.” She patted Cedric on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear. He blushed furiously.

  “What did you tell him, Mother? You’re making him blush like a schoolgirl.”

  “Nothing, dear.” She disappeared back around the corner, whistling as she returned to the shop.

  When she was gone, Cedric spoke. “She said I’ll make a fine husband. I have very large fingers.” He looked at his hand, then at his tunic. His erection still pushed the material out before him.

  Falina laughed. “I suppose you do. The gods come soon, Cedric. If they don’t choose me, then I guess I’ll have to look for an alternative.”

  Cedric shook his head. “Cruel. You are so cruel. I must go, Falina. If you change your mind and decide not to wait, you know where to find me.”

  Oh, he would like that. And she would, too, she suspected. She watched him jog away, admiring the shape of his calves and the motion of his rump. She would enjoy it very much.


  Around two dozen girls and women sat on the dais, waiting for the gods. Falina looked down the row, marking off faces and names. They ranged from girls that just barely counted as women all the way to a spinster that was unmarried and pushing thirty. That one didn’t have a chance at being chosen. Falina didn’t understand why she’d put herself through the humiliation of rejection.

  A murmur rose from the crowd. The city guards had seen the gods’ horses approaching an hour before, so they had to be close. A trumpet note rose over the din, announcing the gods’ arrival.

  Falina sat up straighter, pushing her shoulders back and her bosom forward. Cedric was a fine boy, and a worthy alternative, but immortality? Once she was immortal, she could find a way to send for him. Surely the gods wouldn’t envy one of their own a little frivolity. The stories about Zeus, well, heavens knew he enjoyed his.

  The first god appeared at the end of the walkway. He was taller than any man in the village, and wore a robe so white it almost hurt to look at it. A nimbus of light glowed around his robe, illuminating his square chin and penetrating brown eyes. A second god followed the first, then a third. In total, six of them strode down the walkway and stopped before the stage.

  Falina didn’t recognize them, though she half-suspected that the paintings and statues were figments of the artists’ imagination, anyway.

  The leader, the one with the brown eyes, turned to face the crowd. “People of Athens, we have come to accept one of your maidens into our ranks.”

  A cheer rose from the crowd.

  “We will take your most talented, most beautiful daughter to our home on Mt. Olympus where she will join us in immortality.” He turned, amidst more applause, and surveyed the seated maidens.

  His fellows flanked him, and then one came forth. Falina’s breath froze as he stopped before her. After a moment of contemplation, he moved on. The disappointment was overwhelming. Her only consolation was that they had never chosen without first testing half the girls.

  “You may perform first.” He pointed to Gwinnet, two down from Falina.

  Gwinnet bowed first to the god that had selected her, and then to the others. She stood up straight, adjusted her hair, and began to sing.

  Her voice flowed like a spring brook, pure and high and sweet. Falina blinked in amazement. She’d never heard anyone sing so beautifully. If that was the competition for immortality, she was doomed.

  The song ended, and more than one person in the audience had a tear in his eye. Gwinnet bowed again, then returned to her seat, a tight smile on her lips.

  The god that had chosen her returned to his fellows and another came forward. He surveyed the girls, then picked one of the youngest, Cherise.

  Cherise came forth with a flute in her hands. She bowed, then raised it to her lips and began
to play a slow, mournful tune. It tugged at Falina’s heartstrings, evoking thoughts of what it would be like to leave her family behind and move to Olympus. It reminded her of Cedric, sweet Cedric, and how disappointed he would be if she left. Finally, Cherise finished and returned to her chair. More than one woman in the audience was sobbing. More than one man, too.

  The gods conferred, then came forth again and chose another girl. Falina’s back started to ache as more and more girls were chosen, performed and sat down again. Few were as moving as Cherise, but they all were talented. Immortality had never seemed further away.

  The leader of the gods came forth and worked his way down the row of girls. He stopped before Falina. “Perform for us, my dear.”

  Falina could hardly believe her ears. She rose, trying not to stumble, and bowed. She didn’t have a voice for singing like Gwinnet or the talent with the pipes like Cherise, but she did have one true love among the arts: dance.

  Falina imagined Gwinnet’s voice carrying the melody and Cherise’s pipes carrying the tune, and she began to move. Her hips swayed with the music, her feet glided across the stage. Arms up, arms out, a kick here, a spin there. Her robe fluttered and rose. With each step she tried to flow like water, to glide like an eagle. The music wound down and she slowed her movements, putting every ounce of effort into grace.

  When she finished, a sheen of perspiration covered her brow, but she knew that she’d done the best she could. It wouldn’t be good enough, but at least she could go to Cedric and be proud. And who knew, maybe he’d want her to dance for him some evening.

  The gods chose more girls, but Falina hardly noticed. She only realized that the testing was complete when she heard the leader’s voice addressing the audience.

  “... have chosen a new member for our pantheon.” He turned and surveyed the girls. Then he pointed to Falina. “You have the grace of a swan, the strength of a doe and the beauty of a summer sunset. Come join us on Olympus.”

  Falina glanced left and right, making sure he wasn’t pointing to the girls on either side. “Me?”

  “Yes.” The gods smiled upon her.

  Falina rose and took his outstretched hand. He lifted it high over her head, parading her before the crowd. Their cheers drowned out all thought. Finally, after what felt like forever, they went quiet.

  “We will take...” the leader of the gods turned to Falina, “... what’s your name, dear?”


  “We will take Falina to gather her belongings. Rejoice people of Athens, one of you will ascend soon!”

  Falina walked with the gods, the crowd’s applause behind them. She hardly dared to speak, for fear that it was all a dream. The gods walked silently, but urgently. Their goal accomplished, they wanted to return to Olympus. Falina could hardly blame them. She couldn’t wait to see it, either.

  Falina stopped before her parents’ shop. “This is my home.”

  “We will wait. Hurry along.”

  Falina dashed inside and found her family waiting for her. Her mother pulled her into a deep hug. Her father wrapped his arms around them both. And even Arra caught her by the waist.

  “We’ll miss you, Falina.” Her mother brushed tears from her eyes. “Do not forget us. If you can visit, please do.”

  “I won’t. I mean, I will. I’ll try!” Falina blinked away tears of her own. “I need to get my things.”

  She made her way upstairs, heart heavy, and entered her room.

  Cedric sat on her bed.

  “Falina...” His face was streaked, though no tears were visible.

  “Cedric.” She sat beside him, let him slide his arm around her.

  “Don’t forget me. Whatever you do, whatever they offer, remember that I loved you. That I will always love you.”

  “I know, Ced. I won’t forget. I’ll come back for you.” She leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “Go, my dear. Go and gain immortality. Make us all proud.” He practically choked on the words.

  Falina kissed him gently on the lips, then rose. She had packed a few items for travel early that morning, so she gathered and them and walked downstairs. Her family showered her with kisses, and then they were gone.

  She strode outside to join the gods.


  “There is one final test.” The leader of the gods eyed Falina. “You must pass it before you can join us.”

  Falina bowed her head. She knew what it would be.

  “No woman may join Olympus unless she is a maiden.”

  Falina nodded.

  “Then come, Falina.” They guided her away from her home, from her family, from Cedric.

  She didn’t know where the testing would be, but the group stopped near an inn close to the northernmost gate to the city. Falina’s nerves were on edge. They meant to test her, yes, but did they all intend to? There were six of them, for heavens’ sake.

  The leader caught her hand. “I will do the testing.” He turned to his fellows. “No one enters until after.”

  He led Falina into the inn, and she wasn’t surprised to see that it was empty. The whole city bent over backward to please the gods. His grip was firm, yet gentle. And while his skin looked like it would be smooth, it had a surprising texture to it, as if the gods did not spend all their time idle.

  That thought sent Falina’s heart racing. She’d always imagined the gods sitting around with nectar and ambrosia, with grapes and wine. But an active god, like an active man, was so much more appealing.

  They strode down a hallway and stopped at a closed door at the far end. “You may call me Erarus.”


  He pushed open the door, revealing a large room dominated by a bed with four posts. The gods and Cedric had a few ideas in common, it seemed. Falina bit her lip. All the stories about Zeus were true, apparently. The ones the gods wished to raise, they first lowered.

  Erarus turned Falina to face him, and pulled her close. His hands slipped over her hips and around her back. She quivered against him. He smelled of sunshine and freshly cut grass. The scents were intoxicating.

  “This will not be unpleasant, Falina.” He tugged at the hem of her robe, sliding it up. Falina raised her arms and let him slide it over her head. Her bare skin puckered in the cool air. Her nipples grew hard. She sucked in a breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

  Erarus slipped his arms around her and lifted. He carried her to the bed. His fingers played her over bare stomach. A twitch and a tug took her shift away, leaving her utterly bare.

  She swallowed nervously. Not even Cedric had had her in such a vulnerable position. The gods demanded maidens, and in her eighteen years she’d done nothing that could displease them. Nothing with another person, at least.

  Erarus traced a finger over her belly and down the top of her thigh. Falina exhaled slowly. Her skin burned where he’d touched her, as if his fingertips were made of ice. Erarus cupped her quivering sex, a finger slipping into her crease. It teased her lips, barely dipping into her channel, then sliding up through her wetness. His thumb circled her mound, homing in on her most sensitive pearl.

  Falina’s breath caught in her throat. She held perfectly still.

  Then he touched her.

  She shuddered and gasped. A bolt of lightning arced through her. Her breasts were so hard they hurt. His thumb traced faster, circling, teasing, taunting. Falina’s body shook beneath his touch.

  A grin spread across Erarus’ handsome face. “Do you like that, Falina?”

  “Oh, yes,” she gasped. She loved it. Touching herself had never felt half as good, even when she’d imagined it was Cedric.

  He practically purred, then he lowered his head. Falina’s eyes went wide when his tongue flickered against her nub. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt. Huge and velvet and amazing. He worked up and down her slit, parting her lips, plunging into her channel, then returning to the nub. Caressing and teasing.

  Energy built in Falina’s legs. It was like a great summ
er thunderstorm. The very air in the chamber felt as if it were charged, ready to explode into blinding light. Her breathing came faster. Her legs shook.

  Erarus flicked his tongue faster, driving it against her, smothering himself in her sex.

  Falina screamed.

  The storm burst.

  She clawed at the bed, her voice wailing far and high until she could scream no more. Total exhaustion enveloped her, but as soon as Erarus rose, the exhaustion transformed into a manic energy.

  Falina reached for him. She wanted him inside her, and she wanted him inside her RIGHT. NOW.

  “Not yet,” Erarus whispered.

  “Please.” She pleaded. She begged. Her hands cupped his manhood, stroking it through the front of his tunic. “Then let me suck it. Let me do anything.”

  She ached for more.

  “Very well.” Erarus lifted his tunic, exposing his thick shaft.

  Falina gripped it, admiring the curve, the bulbous crown. She licked the tip tentatively, tasting the barest hint of salt.

  Then she plunged it into her mouth, sucking like a greedy calf. It filled her mouth, pushed against her throat. She could feel every rib, every vein. It throbbed with his heartbeat, thick and hot.

  Erarus groaned. His fingers tangled in her hair.

  Falina sucked harder. Her fingers found his fruits and massaged. Erarus flexed and it was like he doubled in size. His cock quivered, and then he was coming.

  Hot manseed pumped into her mouth, and she sucked every drop of it from him, filling herself with the seed of a god. Finally, when he started to lose his hardness, Falina slipped him free.

  Erarus leaned against the bedpost, panting.

  “Did I pass your test?” Falina leaned back on the bed and stared up at him. If being a goddess were anything like this, she was going to truly be in heaven.

  “You have.” Erarus smoothed this tunic. “Dress yourself, Falina. We have much travel left today.


  Falina sat atop the mare donated by the city. The gods rode in a loose pack around her. The road stretched out before them, and citizens of Athens lined either side. Falina waved as they showered the group with flowers. Songs filled the air.


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