The Alpha's Virgin Prize

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The Alpha's Virgin Prize Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “We can do that.”

  Bethany cringed after her suggestion. What would they even talk about? She had no background, and her life was the opposite of fulfilling. If he expected to hear about her hobbies, travel, or rich history, he was in for disappointment. She’d have to keep the conversation focused on him. Bethany wanted to know every detail about her mystery man.

  “Not at the diner, though.” She giggled.

  “Definitely not at the diner.”

  She looked him up and down when he glanced at the building, but quickly averted her eyes when he turned back.

  “You’re not married, are you?”

  “I wouldn’t be asking you on a date if I’d already found my life mate.”

  Even the way he spoke was unique. She liked it. He wasn’t trying to be someone else.

  The door to the diner opened. Joe stepped out and began locking up for the night. The jangle of his keys was distinct in the quiet of the night. Caleb’s demeanor shifted. The softness in his eyes became hard. He turned, using an arm to sweep her behind him.

  “Be sure to send my regards to your boss,” Caleb called out. His tone was confrontational, not friendly.

  “I’m sure you’ll be hearing from him,” said Joe. Then he added, “See you Monday, Bethany.”

  Chapter Three

  “You can’t wear that shirt,” Reese said.

  “What the fuck is wrong with my shirt?” Caleb glanced down at his tartan shirt. It had a couple of tears from the axe but other than that, he didn’t see a problem with it.

  “And that is why there is everything wrong with it,” Brian said.

  “I can’t believe you agreed to go on a date. It’s so human,” David said, finally speaking up. “You should have just claimed her right there in the parking lot.”

  His pack had swarmed around him the moment he’d returned yesterday after consulting with Joe, the bear. Having a bear close wasn’t good. It meant there were more of them, and in his world, they were shady pieces of shit. They weren’t good at control and fights with them could come at the cost of a limb. In bear form, they could go crazy, almost psychotic. Turning into a wolf was one thing, at least they had control of their animal. The moment the human gave up control to the bear, it often spelled chaos.

  He’d seen a great deal of destruction caused by them, and it wasn’t pretty.

  “She’s human. That means new rules. I did offer to buy her jewels,” he said.

  “Why jewels?” Reese asked.

  “They’re pretty. I thought all women liked jewels. It shows you’re serious and willing to spend all that money on them.”

  “It’s official, you’re fucking crazy. Not on a first date—”

  “This is the second,” he said, interrupting Brian before he could continue.

  “When was your first?”

  “She got me coffee.” He looked at David, who was already shaking his head.

  “I hate to say this to you, Alpha,” David said. “But that doesn’t exactly make it a first date. She got you the coffee as a thank you. We were there, remember?”

  “It was a sweet and kind gift, and I treated it as such. I don’t see a problem.” He wasn’t going to be swayed. A first date was always a problem for him. He never knew the right rules or what to say or even what to expect. That wasn’t going to happen with him this time. He’d gotten the first-date curse out of the way. Now they were going to a nice bar where there was good music and steak. There was no way this date was going to suck. He’d put way too much thought in it.

  Reese pulled out a pristine white shirt. The kind he didn’t like to wear as they stained way too easily.

  “I’m not wearing that.”

  “You want to make a good first impression? This is it,” Reese said. “No woman wants a slob.”

  “I’m going to look too obvious in this.”

  “Dude, you’re not just doing this for yourself but for the good of the entire pack. Not all of us want to be eligible bachelors for the rest of our lives. Look at me. I want a wife, kids, and I want to be happy,” David said.

  “You’re trying to tell me you’re not happy?”

  “No, I could definitely be happier.” David swatted at some lint on the shoulder of his shirt.

  “Boys, back off. I can do this,” Caleb said. He wasn’t chasing after this woman because of his pack. She was his mate and he couldn’t let this opportunity pass.

  “So you know that you’re always supposed to be nice,” Reese said. “Don’t treat her like you treat us.”

  “Compliment her hair. Not her ass. A woman’s ass never looks big. Never. You have to remember that,” Brian said.

  “And don’t watch her eat either. Women get self-conscious about that. Staring is rude.” This came from David.

  He was done with all of their worrying and advice.

  “I can do this. Now back off. Trust me. I can do this.”

  His men looked doubtful but he wasn’t going to allow them to get to him. He’d been on plenty of dates before and this was going to be the first of many with Bethany.

  Dressed in a pair of jeans and a white shirt, which seemed way too out of place for him, he made his way to his truck.

  “Remember, be cool,” Reese said.

  He ignored him, turned the ignition over, and was gone. He didn’t need to listen to these men, not anymore. He wasn’t a child and could handle a single date.

  Bethany had promised to meet him at the diner where she worked. She wouldn’t allow him to pick her up at the boarding house. Did she not want him to know where she lived? He couldn’t understand why.

  Driving into town, he ran a hand down his thigh.

  He wasn’t going to drag her off to his home and mate her there and then. This had to take time, finesse. There had been plenty of wolf-human matings. They all took a little more handling. He could do it.

  It didn’t feel like it would be easy, though. With Bethany still working with that fucking bear, it was going to get complicated.

  He didn’t like the thought of her being near a creature with so much potential to get out of control. He’d heard the myths about rogue bears. She wasn’t safe with anyone else except for him, but he didn’t know how to communicate that to her. Could he offer her a job? Give her a reason to constantly come to his place? They all cleaned up after themselves so a housekeeper wasn’t right. Nor was a cook. He could cook and with the amount of food they consumed on a daily basis, she would ask questions, no doubt about it.

  Don’t think about it. Just drive.

  “It’s one date,” he said out loud.

  He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he came into the parking lot to catch Joe speaking with Bethany.

  His woman looked tense and he didn’t like that. He wanted to slaughter the bastard, but he kept his cool. Starting a war with the bears right now would be stupid. He needed to know how many he was dealing with.

  “Caleb,” she said.

  “Bethany.” He approached her, taking hold of her hand and kissing it. “It’s a pleasure.”

  Her cheeks reddened and there was a spice in the air. Smirking, he turned to Joe.

  “Joe,” he said.


  Joe held his hand out and he wanted to sneer. Instead, he gripped the man’s hand. If Joe had been human, with the strength he was displaying, his hand would have been crushed. As it was, there was not even a single twitch.

  “I didn’t think you were working today,” Caleb said. He recalled yesterday Joe saying he’d see her on Monday.

  “I saw her standing outside all on her lonesome and figured she needed some company.”

  “I’m here now.”

  “No rush. How about I get you two some coffee?” Joe said.

  He shook his head. “That won’t be necessary.” He took Bethany’s hand. “Are you ready?”

  “Er, yes, of course, if you are.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He was done listening to this fucker and
he knew without a doubt Joe was doing this on purpose. He had to stay on his guard at all times.

  “Bye, Joe. See you Monday,” she said. As they walked away, she said, “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is fine. I just … I thought you didn’t like that guy,” Caleb said.

  She frowned. “I never said anything about liking him or not.” She tilted her head to the side. “How did you know?”

  “It was a hunch.”

  “Good hunch.”

  “You’re right not to like him.”

  “He’s my boss.”

  “Doesn’t make him a good guy,” said Caleb.

  “He gave me a raise. A good one.”

  “Again, I don’t see what makes him so good.”

  She chuckled.

  “What?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. Can we not talk about my boss? I’m not the kind of person who likes to leave work and still talk about it. You know?”

  “Got it. I don’t mind.” He helped her into the truck. Get your shit together. He knew his pack would be disappointed if he screwed this up. It was a simple date. Nothing good or bad. He climbed into the truck. “You haven’t been in town long, have you?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “I don’t suppose you’ve gotten the chance to try some good steaks at the bar?”

  She giggled. “You would be correct in that. I’ve never been to the bar.”

  “Then you’re in luck.”

  “Should we really go to a bar?” she asked.

  “I can’t think of any better place to be than at the bar. Besides, we don’t have a lot of options here.” He loved good food and it was the only place in town beyond his own cooking that had anything decent to eat.

  “You’re going to love it. We’ll be surrounded by people, so you won’t go thinking I’m some kind of murderer.” His pack was going to kill him. What kind of vomit was coming out of his mouth? Damn, this was harder than he thought.

  “A murderer? An axe kind or a nice kind?”

  He frowned and glanced at her. “I’m not freaking you out with my conversation topic?”

  “Not a little bit. It’s different, no doubt about that, but, I don’t know, it’s kind of fun to know you’re nervous.”

  “I’m not nervous. I’m not the type of guy who gets nervous.”

  “No? Then why do you look like you want to slap your own face?”

  He glanced at her. There was a twinkle in her eye.

  “Okay, you’re right. I’m nervous. I haven’t done this in a really long time. I … honestly don’t know what to say or do.”

  “I like that, Caleb. I haven’t been on a date in a long time. You’d think with this being our second date, you’d be okay with it all.”

  “You’re mocking me?”

  “Not at all. I’m just having fun.”

  He liked this. She made him comfortable.

  Parking outside of the bar, he took a deep breath. His pack was counting on him. Not only that but he really did like this woman. She was his and the last thing he wanted to do was screw it up.



  She was used to them but why was Caleb nervous?

  Bethany waited as he rounded the truck and held her door open like the perfect gentleman. She didn’t know how she was able to get his attention, but she was on cloud nine. This was her first date in well, ever, and she was excited. She couldn’t contain herself. Sitting beside him, she had to keep forcing herself to look out of the window, not that there was much to see as the sun had already set.

  She hadn’t been on a real date in so long. If she were honest, she’d never been on a real single date. She’d been really unlucky when it came to love and she wasn’t about to fall for any line a guy might think she’d go for.

  Now, as they walked toward the bar, the music drifted into the night. Men and women laughed. Some were drinking, others smoking, a bunch doing both, but Caleb put his hand at her back and guided her inside.

  Was it her or did he feel warm?

  Pushing those nerves to the back of her mind again, she followed him toward a reserved table.

  “You booked us a table?”

  “This is the best damn place in town, no offense.”

  “None taken, believe me.”

  He pulled out her chair like a proper gentleman. Her heart fluttered but she was able to contain herself.

  Get a grip, Bethany.

  He sat down and handed her the menu. “Pick whatever you like. Do you want a beer?”

  “Er, sure.”

  She wasn’t much of a drinker but right now, she needed something to settle her nerves. The music was good. The bar was full but not too crowded where she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Everything was going well.

  Glancing over the menu, she nearly jumped as a waitress placed down a bottle. “Are you guys ready to order?”

  Caleb raised a brow at her.

  “I’ll have whatever he’s having.”

  She didn’t know what to eat. Caleb ordered … a lot of food.

  After he finished, he handed the menus to the waitress and they were alone. “You’re hungry?” she asked.

  “Starving. Don’t worry if it’s too much for you. I’ll eat it up.”

  “You’re used to eating a lot?”

  “I work a lot. I need the calories.”

  She couldn’t resist looking at his broad shoulders and thick muscles. There was no denying that he worked out a lot. Licking her dry lips, she kept a smile on her face. “So, what is it you do?” She was curious. Joe wouldn’t talk about him. He’d warned her, but something told her that his words were lies. Caleb wasn’t a cruel man. He didn’t have that vibe. She was no expert in body language but he didn’t give her the creeps.

  “Let’s not talk about me. Tell me about yourself. Are you staying in town long? What do you like to do on the weekends when you’re not on a date? Do you love sunsets? The full moon?”

  “Wow, okay. That’s a mouthful.” She giggled. “Let’s see. I’m here as long as I’ve got a job.” She nibbled on her lip but decided there was no point in lying to him. If tonight’s date went well, she wasn’t going to turn him down for a second or even a third one. She’d like a home though. A place to settle down. To call her own. Where no one could take it from her and she’d find protection, safety, security, and one day, she hoped to have love.

  “I actually live at the boarding house for now. I’ve got a room there. I’m hoping to get my own place when I’ve got enough money. Anyway, moving on, I love long walks. Do you like long walks?”

  He chuckled. “You could say that.”

  “I love sunsets. I’ve never paid too much attention to the full moon.”

  “You should. The full moon is a beautiful wonder.”

  “I’m going to have to check it out,” she said.

  “I guarantee you’re going to love it.”

  “I bet I will.” She shook her head. “So, yeah. I love reading, cooking, and just living. Oh, I love dogs.”


  “Yes. Actually, all animals. I don’t know why I’m telling you this. It’s crazy but I do. If I could, I’d have cats, dogs, bunnies, the lot. I don’t mind. Birds as well.” She smiled. She didn’t know why she suddenly felt so incredibly happy. “What is it you like?”

  “I love long walks as well.”

  “You already said that. Come on, I’ve bared my soul to you. It’s your turn to bare all to me.” She tilted her head to the side. “I’m listening.”

  “I want to hear all about you.”

  “I know but like I said, there’s not a lot to know. I’ve given you most of it. Come on, tell me more about yourself. I want to hear it all.” She reached over, taking his hand. Again, hot body, hot everything.

  She licked her lips and tried to think, tried to do anything, but she just wanted to touch him. Not only that, for some odd reason, she started to feel … hot all over. She wanted him—there was no
doubt about that. That want was all-consuming. She took a deep breath, trying to gain some focus. Within a split second, she could imagine his hands all over her, touching her, feeling her. She craved his touch, wanted to be consumed by him.

  Shaking her head, the feeling was gone, but she was drawn back to him.

  He reached out and stroked her cheek. “Has anyone told you just how beautiful you are?”

  There went her heart again, racing. All senses on high alert.

  “Do you know what’s beautiful? The sunset from my house. If you’d like, it would be my honor to cook for you, and having you stop by my house to see it. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.”

  “I don’t imagine for a second I could be disappointed in whatever you have to show me.” That sounded really dirty, even to her.

  Her cheeks heated and was that a smile on his lips? He knew as well. He’d read her mind. This was going bad.

  Before she got the chance to excuse herself, the waitress returned, loaded with food. Bethany didn’t know how the waitress did it, but she managed to fill their entire table with the food.

  “Dig in,” Caleb said, already thrusting cheese-covered fries into his mouth. “So good.”

  She picked up her fork and started to eat. Maybe with some food, she’d be able to actually gain her composure back and not be a complete idiot.

  “You never said if you’d like to come by my house. See the sunset?”

  What should she say? Was it being too forward going to his house in the afternoon? Would he expect sex? He’d be disappointed. She didn’t know the first thing about sex or being with a man.

  She’d kept that part of herself to, well, herself.

  “I promise I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

  Now she was disappointed. Another flash of him pushing her to the bed, spreading her thighs, licking her, tasting her.

  “Yes, I’d love to,” she said. She didn’t know if she was saying she’d love to in her mind, or to the vision she’d just experienced. Either way, she had to gain some control here, otherwise, she was going to lose her mind, and that wasn’t good.

  She watched as he cut into his steak and listened as he talked about his home. The small garden he had, the woods he protected. She loved hearing his deep voice and it soothed her soul, but she couldn’t help but feel like he was hiding something. She didn’t know what it was exactly, but he kept up the conversation, asking her opinion on matters.


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