The Alpha's Virgin Prize

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The Alpha's Virgin Prize Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Please don’t worry about it.”

  “I can’t help it. I … you saw what he was like.”

  “You’re worried about turning into a rogue?”

  “It’s always there, Bethany. Each one of us is at risk.”

  She laughed. “Joe, you’re not going to turn into that kind of monster.”

  “I killed him.”

  “And he had killed so many. You’re not going to end up like him.” She watched him as he ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head.

  “Some of the survivors of my sleuth are returning.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “They want me to lead and I can’t do that,” he said, shaking his head. “I ran, Bethany. I can’t allow them to think I’m something I’m not.”

  “You won’t. You did kill him,” she said. “You saved them all. You saved all of us.”

  “With help.”

  She chuckled. “Does it matter?”

  “Yes. I was going to run. I was terrified.”

  “You had a right to be,” Caleb said.

  She hadn’t even heard the door open and she quickly stood to look at her man. He was so damn sexy. She wanted him, but rather than tell him that, she offered him a smile. Caleb ignored her, focusing on Joe.

  “You can’t blame yourself for wanting to run. I didn’t get it until I was fighting him. He was the strongest man I’d ever gone against. I get why you did what you did.”

  “It doesn’t make it right,” Joe said. “To be an alpha, you don’t run.”

  Caleb sighed. “I wasn’t always an alpha, Joe. I was part of a pack. Look at me, I’m huge and the alpha in charge at the time, he didn’t like it. He considered that I was too much of a risk, and so … he expelled me from the pack. I ran. I was ashamed. Embarrassed. I didn’t fight for my spot. For my chance to be part of that pack. Along the way, I found Reese, Brian, and David. They became part of me. Now I have my woman.” Caleb put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. “You did what you needed to do. What any of us would do in that situation. Don’t blame yourself. What you’ve got to do now is be there for your people. Be strong and don’t fail them, ever.”

  Joe nodded his head.

  “Can I steal my woman?”

  “Sure, go ahead. Will I be able to keep her for much longer?” Joe asked.

  “I love working for you. I don’t see a reason why I won’t stick around.” She winked at him but followed Caleb out to his waiting truck. This was the first time they’d been alone together since she’d been taken.

  She climbed in, aware of his hand on the base of her back, helping her inside. That one touch and all she wanted to do was wrap her body around his and forget about the world and everything else inside it.

  Sitting her ass down on the seat, she waited for him to climb on inside. She was angry at him. Confused. He’d pushed her away and she’d nearly died. Their lives could have come to such a quick end. Didn’t he feel that?

  The cab of the truck was uncomfortably quiet.

  She took several deep breaths in an effort to control her anger, but it was hard. She’d given up everything to be his mate. Now he’d gone from hot to cold.

  He didn’t speak.

  He drove.

  They were strangers now. The fairy tale was dying before her eyes.

  She knew they were heading home, which didn’t surprise her. He always had distractions and she was left wondering why the hell he’d mated her in the first place.

  They arrived at home and of course, David and Heather were there, as were Reese and Heather’s Uncle Benjamin. She didn’t want to see who else was watching. Climbing out of the truck, she stormed toward the house, ignoring Caleb’s call.

  He wasn’t going to get everything he wanted. Marching into Joe’s office, asking for her, and then what? Doing absolutely nothing about it. She wasn’t going to give in to him.

  She didn’t go to the kitchen, but to their bedroom.

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, she went straight to the window and looked out over his beautiful land. It was supposed to be theirs. Their life together was supposed to be beautiful, not this.

  “Why did you run?” he asked. Caleb stepped into the room, closing the door. She wished the deep baritone of his voice didn’t affect her so much.

  “Don’t you have something to do?” she asked. This wasn’t being nice. She should be supportive. A lot had happened in the past couple of weeks. She didn’t have time to be selfish, but her life had changed so fast, and now, she didn’t know what the hell to do and it scared her.

  “Bethany, I’m not good with this. I don’t know what the hell it is you want from me.”

  “I don’t want anything from you. I don’t need anything.” She turned and glared at him. “Seriously, this is nothing. I’ll be fine. Just go.” Tears filled her eyes as she returned her gaze to the forest. I can do this. I can handle this.

  “You’re pissed at me. I nearly got you killed.”

  “Caleb, don’t,” she said.

  “I … sending you away, I didn’t want to.”

  “But it was so easy for you to do so. Believe me, I get it. It’s all that has ever happened all of my life. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you to do it again.” Those horrible insecurities came right back to taunt her.

  Chapter Twelve

  He was failing as a mated male.

  The weight of the world was on his shoulders, but the one thing he cared about most was Bethany. How could he make her happy? How could he make everything up to her?

  For two weeks, he’d watched her heal from her injuries. That rogue had done a number on her, and he blamed himself. Unlike him, she didn’t heal almost instantaneously. She was human, delicate, and his fucking responsibility.

  Now she acted like their relationship was a mistake, and he had no clue what step to take next.

  “Everything I do is for you, Bethany. You have to know that.”

  She twirled to face him, her eyes narrowed. “Is that why you’ve been busy with everyone except me? I don’t even know why I’m here anymore. You don’t even sleep in our bed.”

  He swallowed hard. Her tone was clipped, and he knew he’d say the wrong thing and fuck this all up. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “This is all my fault, I understand that. How do I make it right, baby?”

  “Why now? All of a sudden you pull me out of work and want to fix things? What’s changed? I’m the same woman I was a week ago. Two weeks ago.”

  She huffed and attempted to walk past him to the bedroom door. He grabbed her arm and kept her from leaving. “Listen, I’ve never been mated. I’m not up-to-date on human customs. But I’m trying.”

  “The only thing you’ve been trying to do is avoid me.”

  When he saw her eyes glisten, he knew she was in pain, not angry. “No, you’ve got it all wrong. You don’t understand how all this made me feel as your mate, as alpha. Seeing all those bruises and injuries on your beautiful body destroyed me. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t even feel worthy to be near you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t believe you.”

  He pulled her into his arms, despite her reluctance. She was stiff and awkward. “This all started because I sent you away. A man isn’t a man if he can’t protect his woman.”

  “Caleb … it’s not your fault. You didn’t know what would happen.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I should have kept you close.” He breathed in deeply at her neckline. “I have a lot on my plate, but most of it is to distract myself from the fact I’m a failure.”

  “I don’t care about all that, and I certainly don’t blame you.” She licked her lips. “It’s your avoidance. You made me feel like a pariah, like it was a mistake choosing me.”

  “Is that really how you feel?”

  She shrugged.

  “Baby, day and night I think about you. I dream about fucking you.
But you were injured and I’d be a bastard to take advantage of you.”

  Bethany took a cleansing breath. “First of all, I’m not hurt anymore. Secondly, you can’t take advantage of me if I want you just as much.”

  He closed his eyes and sensed it. She wasn’t lying. Her pheromones perfumed the air, a delicate scent that he wanted to intensify until he drowned in it.

  “Will you sleep in our bed tonight?”

  “Anything you want.”

  “Anything?” she asked. Her teasing wasn’t going over well with his wolf. His cock had been hard for weeks. The blue balls making him near feral and snappy with everyone. It was a challenge to get his jobs done around the homestead.

  Caleb nodded.

  He hoped she’d ask him to eat her pussy or fuck her hard enough that the entire forest knew who she belonged to. He waited for her response.

  “I want you to make love to me. And I don’t want you to hold back because you think I’m injured. I want my beast, my wolfman, my mate. I’m tired of feeling alone and unwanted. Make me feel desirable, Caleb.”

  “I’m a fool if you don’t already feel like that,” he said. “I won’t make the same mistake again.”

  They kissed, soft and addicting. The love was still there, their connection just as strong. He trailed kisses down her neck, licking her pulse points.

  “Take all of me,” she said. “Complete your claiming.”

  He raised an eyebrow. The last thing Caleb wanted to do was make an assumption. He obviously wasn’t very good at guessing her moods or desires yet. In time, they’d be so in sync they’d be as one.

  Caleb tugged her shirt off in one movement, her hair fanning back into place. He moved slowly now, drawing a path along her skin until he reached her love bite. As soon as he touched her there, she gasped, her eyes lolling back in your head. “You’re already mine. Have you forgotten the claiming, Bethany? You’re my mate. Now and forever.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She wet her lips, purposely toying with him. “My body’s hot all over.”

  He reached around and cupped her ass in his hands, squeezing hard. “Are you talking about this virgin ass? I’ve taken everything else from you, baby girl.”

  “It must be the heat. It never seems to end when I’m near you. I want you everywhere, taking every part of me as yours.”

  Caleb growled. Just the filthy thoughts of taking her virgin ass made his wolf balance on the edge. His fangs pricked his gumline, and she noticed.

  Bethany ran her finger over his lips, examining his fangs. She touched the sharp tips. “I saw your wolf running the other day. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  “I don’t deserve you.” He forced his fangs away and kissed her hard on the mouth. His love, passion, and the built-up stress was too much. He needed release, needed to connect with his mate. Caleb backed her up until she hit the bed. He lowered her down and knelt in front of her.

  “Let’s get these clothes off you,” he said.

  Layer by layer, he removed her remaining clothes. She was right. Her injuries had healed. If his woman needed to feel loved and wanted, he’d deliver. It hadn’t been easy keeping his distance the past couple of weeks. He was trying to do what he thought was right by her.

  He spread her legs as she dropped down to her elbows. They maintained eye contact as he swiped the flat of his tongue along her folds. His wolf howled within him, savoring her taste, wanting to live between her legs. But tonight, he had other plans—to strip her ass of its virginity. He suckled her clit, bringing her to a quick peak but not letting her go over. She looked gorgeous with her cheeks flushed, eyes glazed over. Her scent surrounded him, pleasing his wolf.

  Caleb loved how she panted and begged.

  He stood up, tearing off his shirt and kicking off his pants. Once he was naked, he ran his fist along his cock. “This what you want, baby?”

  She nodded, watching, her legs still spread.

  “It’s all yours. I live to pleasure you, baby. Anytime. Anywhere.”

  He braced one knee on the bed and penetrated her pussy while they both watched. She was slick and ready. His cock slowly disappeared in and out as he fucked her. She mewled, wriggling on the bed for more, lifting her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. But he pulled out, standing back up before flipping her to her stomach. She watched him from over her shoulder. The way she bit her lip, eroticism and trepidation, made him even harder. She was so damn curvy and sexy, the perfect mix of innocence and fire. He’d never have his fill of her.

  He used some natural salve to coat his erection and spread a healthy galop to her asshole, spearing the virgin hole with two fingers. She tensed as he impaled her. Her virgin hole was tight. He couldn’t wait to feel her around his cock.

  “Relax, Bethany. Don’t tense. This little virgin hole needs to be stretched.”

  He used his other hand to reach around her, circling her clit. Simultaneously, he rimmed her asshole with a finger. He pleasured her until her nerves eased and desire increased.

  “My wolf is eager to claim you.”

  “Tell your wolf to take it easy. I’m not a she-wolf.”

  He chuckled, leaning over her body to kiss the back of her shoulder. Then he stood at the end of the bed, looking down at her body. Her ass was lush and jiggled when he smacked it. He spanked her a few more times, leaving pretty red marks on her pale ass. She was the epitome of femininity and drove him wild.

  “You’ve got to tell me how you feel until I get some experience on being a mated male. I don’t want anything tearing us apart again.” He kissed her ass cheeks then helped hoist her up to her knees. “I love you. Every part of you.”

  “Be careful,” she said as he pressed the tip of his cock at her rear entrance. “I’m scared.”

  He sensed her trepidation, so he rubbed small circles over her clit as he pushed the head of his cock into her tight ass. “Such a gorgeous ass. All mine.” His wolf growled as he disappeared into her virgin hole.

  Her entire body tensed, but he felt her start to relax once he was balls deep inside her. She was so fucking tight, mercilessly squeezing his cock. He wanted to howl but kept some semblance of control.

  “I feel so full. So dirty. More, Caleb…”

  Caleb licked her mating bite then sucked the spot, making all her inhibitions vanish. She tested her muscles around his erection, pressing back against him, and mewled like a female in heat.

  He pumped his hips, fucking her ass, his speed increasing to match her pace. It was an effort not to come when she was so damn tight and receptive.

  “Oh God, Caleb.” She panted heavily, gasping and moaning.

  His fangs lengthened. Caleb closed his eyes, breathed in deep, and sank his fangs into his mate once again. She went wild, crying out and grabbing the blankets. He pumped his hips as she milked his cock, spasming around him as he finally allowed himself to come in her ass.

  He dropped down beside her, his chest sheen from clean sweat. She rolled over to face him.

  “You’re all mine now.”

  She smiled. “Will that love bite always feel the same?”

  “One of the pleasures of being mated.”

  Bethany cuddled up into the crook of his arm. “Maybe I should bite you, too?”

  He chuckled. “With your blunt teeth? Sounds painful.”

  “I thought wolves weren’t afraid of anything.”

  He looked into the eyes of his mate, so fucking in love and ready to spend the rest of his life making her happy. “Only of losing you.”


  She wasn’t used to being the center of attention. Bethany had sailed through life without being noticed. Right now, she felt like a princess, like Snow White. Heather adjusted the ties at the back of her wedding dress again. It was a herculean task keeping her bosom in check. She couldn’t wait to see Caleb’s face when he saw her in her wedding dress.

  Forest animals kept creeping in to see what was happening—bunnies, deer,
and every kind of little creature. They adored Heather and she noticed they were all naturally curious.

  “Make sure it’s secure,” said Bethany. “I don’t want it exploding when we’re saying our vows.”

  “It’s safe, don’t worry about a thing.”

  Heather finished up and then stood in front of her. “Perfect. Caleb will freak out.”

  She smiled. There were only two other women she spent any time with. Heather and her younger sister Mika. They’d merged with Caleb’s pack, along with their uncle. Their father, the alpha, had been killed by the rogue bear. Their mother had died by the hands of hunters many years ago.

  “How many people are coming again?” asked Bethany. She wasn’t good with big crowds, and her nerves were starting to get the better of her.

  “Well, besides the pack, Joe and his sleuth are all coming. Not many, so don’t worry. We were going to invite some of your friends from the diner, but the guys can’t be trusted to behave. Best not to have humans around.” Then she corrected herself. “Except you, of course.”

  Bethany giggled. “David will love you in that dress.”

  She shrugged.

  Caleb said he’d felt something the moment he encountered Heather in the woods. The other packmates felt it, too. They were certain she was David’s fated mate, but they’d been avoiding each other, so she wasn’t so sure. There was definitely something going on with the two of them, but she didn’t want to pry.

  Bethany looked at her reflection in the mirror leaning against a tree. Heather had put some curls in her hair and braided in some sprigs of flowers. She felt beautiful and excited to make their mating official in the human world. They’d already received their legal marriage certificate, so the ceremony was for her benefit. Joe was going to act as the officiant.

  “I’ve never seen Caleb in a suit. He lives in his jeans and old t-shirts.”

  Mika sat on a tree stump. “Your mate cleans up nicely. You’ll be pleasantly surprised, I’m sure.”

  “You’ve seen him?” asked Bethany.

  “He’s a mess. He’s terrified to screw things up. This is the first wedding he’s ever been a part of.”


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