by Faun Rice
244–246, 366
Sudan, 65, 78
Trobriand Islands, the, 145
see the Alur
Troy, 13, 366
see the Azande kingdom
Tupí-Guaraní peoples, the, 43, 390
see the Nuba
the Araweté, 38, 39, 41, 42, 57, 58
Sukhothai kingdom, the or the Suk-
the Tapirapé, 43
hodaya kingdom, 234–235
the Tenetehara, 43
Swahili city-states, the, 147, 211
Uganda, 121, 347
Taleland, the, 150
see Acholiland
see the Ankole kingdom
Wintu, the, 353
see the Buganda kingdom
see the Soga
Yatenga Mossi, the, 148, 170, 171, 194,
Urapmin, the, 43, 46, 49, 50
Yombe, the, 157
Valley of Mexico, the, 225, 226, 229,
Yoruba kingdoms, the, 149
232, 234, 244
Oyo, 149
see the Alcohua
Prince Oduduwa, 168
see the Chichimecs
see Culhuacan
Zaïre, 154, 158, 160, 180, 186, 202, 206
see the Mexica
see the Bashu
see the Tepanec
see the Ekie
see the Texcoco
Zambezi Valley, the, 155
see Tollan
see the Goba
Vazimba, the, 258, 290, 336, 448–455
Zambia, 170
Vietnam, 363, 364, 369, 371
the Kilwe Island, 197
see the Dai Viet
the Luapulu Valley ( see the
Vungu, the, 146, 154, 155, 158, 164, 178,
180–182, 184, 186, 202–204, 206,
see the Ndembu
see the Yombe
Vungu kingdom, the
Zande kingdom, the, 149
see the Bungu kingdom
see the Azande kingdom
Zapotec, the, 435
Walbiri, the or the Warlpiri, 45
Wappo, the, 383
the Zambezi Valley, 155
Wasangari, the, 193, 199
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