For the Taking

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For the Taking Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Her face felt on fire, but she couldn’t tell him to stop. Not with how … she liked him stroking her there.

  She’d never had anal sex. It hadn’t appealed to her, but as he pressed against her asshole, even with the bite of pain, she didn’t want him to stop.

  What was happening to her?

  “Don’t worry. I’ll get you ready to take my cock right here, Meghan. You’ll love it. I can’t wait to fill you with my spunk and watch it drip out.” His teeth bit down on her ass, and she let out a yelp before he had her on her back, legs spread once again.

  His mouth ravished her pussy, his tongue relentless as he stroked over her clit.

  The pleasure built inside her until she didn’t think she could take it anymore. When it was almost too much, he threw her into an orgasm that she couldn’t help but scream as it was out of this world.

  She had never felt a release like it. He kept her right there, not letting her come down.

  Riley didn’t stop licking her pussy. She didn’t think it was possible to rush into a second orgasm, but with him in charge, there was nothing she could do. There was no way she was going to tell him to stop, not with how good it felt to have him there, touching her. She wanted his cock.

  The hard length of him driving inside her.

  Fucking her.

  Taking her again.

  She needed it over and over again.

  Just as she came, she didn’t have to wait long. After her second orgasm, Riley slid between her thighs, and she stared up at him. His dark, intense brown eyes were filled with lust. She put her hands on his chest, but he grabbed them, pulling them above her head and keeping her in place.

  She let out a little moan at the pressure of him holding her down with only one of his hands. The other moved between her thighs as he gripped his cock. The tip stroked between her thighs, bumping her clit before he pushed into her.

  With one hard thrust, he was at the hilt, so deep it was almost too painful for her.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he said.

  He pulled out, still holding her down, keeping her in place, and slammed in hard.

  He did this three times, and on the fourth, much to her amazement, he came.

  Each pulse, each wave of cum, she felt flood her pussy.

  They hadn’t used a condom. She wasn’t on the pill, and even as it had lasted less than a minute, was it bad that it was the best sex she had ever experienced in her life?

  He collapsed over her. Not lifting up. Not talking.

  She heard the heavy pants of his breathing, and she couldn’t even hold him as he kept her down on the bed.

  What to do now?


  Riley picked up two cups of coffee the next morning. Meghan waited back at the car while he picked up breakfast. After last night, he hadn’t spoken a word to her, even as she begged him to at least talk to her.

  He’d done neither.

  There was no way he was going to be ashamed about last night. So he lasted no longer than a randy teenage boy. At least she had come twice, and he knew she had because he was the master at foreplay.

  With coffees in hand and waffles, he walked back to the car.

  Meghan was bobbing her head to the radio. He didn’t recognize the tune. The moment he was inside, he turned it off.

  “Hey! I was listening to that.”

  “You were, my bad? Don’t listen to music out in the open.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Music draws attention. Anyone could walk past, glance in the car, and walk away. Not really paying attention. Music draws the eye and can make people remember faces. You want to live, you’re going to have to start thinking about people as the enemy.”



  “Even you?”

  “Don’t be stupid.” He handed her the coffee and waffles.

  “You’re willing to talk to me about my music choice but not about last night?” she asked.

  He took a large gulp of his coffee and ignored the burn as it scalded his throat on the way down.

  “Silence again. Yay. It’s all you seem to do. Look, you don’t have to be embarrassed.”

  “Do I look like a man who is easily embarrassed?”

  “I don’t know. Are you?”


  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Do you want me to be embarrassed?”

  “I don’t know if I want you to be embarrassed or at the very least a little … I don’t know … normal. Some men would find last night mortifying.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not most men.”


  “I made you come twice, I sucked on your pussy, played with your asshole. I have no regrets about last night. Believe me. I know you were satisfied.”

  “Were you?” she asked.

  Her question took him by surprise.



  “I came, didn’t I?”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. Don’t go trying to make this about something it’s not. I know you came and you had a good time. Blah, blah, blah. You came really fast. You don’t strike me as the kind of guy who loses control that easily. Are you okay?” she asked.

  She wasn’t patronizing. He took another sip of his scalding coffee, but he didn’t let it show.

  “You’re the first woman I’ve fucked since I lost my wife.”

  He watched her mouth drop open.

  “No. There’s no way that’s possible. Look at you,” she said.

  “And? You think I get my jollies off on screwing random women? I’ve had nothing on my mind but killing my enemy. He’s my top priority. Not getting my dick wet.”

  “I’m the first woman.”


  “You don’t normally last a minute?” she asked.

  He really didn’t want to have this conversation. What was it with women and having to make a big deal out of nothing? It was tiring. Exhausting and above all else, unnecessary.

  Taking another sip of his coffee, and getting irritated by the burning within his mouth, he put the cup down, turned toward her, and stared.

  She was a beautiful woman. The bruising was starting to go down. He would have to take a trip to Stephen soon so he could look at her hand. Not today though.

  “When I have my way with a woman, she can never leave my bed.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “I exhaust them.” He recalled Bethany. Once he had his fill of her, she’d have to rest for a couple of days because he had tired her out.

  His appetite was insatiable. Before Bethany, the women he slept with, they never complained, but some couldn’t handle just how much he loved to fuck.



  She tilted her head to the side, and he knew she was thinking. He didn’t know if what she was thinking was in fact a good thing.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I’m just wondering what you do.”

  “I fuck a lot. I like sex. I like feeling my cock surrounded by a nice wet cunt, watching it open up, take my dick. I also love to see my cum filling them as well. There’s nothing more … primal than that.”

  “Our friendship is into this kind of sharing.”

  “I could kill you, and seeing as you’re Peace’s enemy number one right now, there’s no reason to lie to you.”

  “You now know I’m the devil.”

  “Word on the street is, he wants you dead. He knows he’s failed, and anyone who finds you, gets a nice, big, fat reward. I wouldn’t go to your old job either,” he said. He had his ways, his spies, being able to keep an eye on things for him. It was how he knew he could trust her.

  “How come we’re on the street then? Shouldn’t we be hiding?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what reward you’ve got. You’re with me, and I can protect you.”

  “You want him to know you’ve got me,” she said. “That makes no sense.�

  He took a bite of waffle before finishing it off with his warm coffee.

  “Meghan, I don’t intend to live after my revenge. I’ve got nothing to live for. No one. My wife was already dead before I could say goodbye. Her lifeless body in my arms. There is no love for me. Nothing for me. I don’t give a fuck if David was right outside my window with a gun ready to shoot, I’m ready to die. If you’re sticking around with me, you’ve got to be prepared for that.”


  “Or, you’re on your own.” Even as he said it, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the very thought of her being alone.

  What was happening to him?

  Chapter Six

  They were still in the city, but on the outskirts. Meghan saw a great deal more of the countryside where she was standing. It was beautiful, but all she had to do was turn her head, and there was the city.

  She had never left the inner city, but it seemed quaint, calm, lovely out here.

  “I fuck a lot. I like sex. I like feeling my cock surrounded by a nice wet cunt, watching it open up, take my dick. I also love to see my cum filling them as well. There’s nothing more … primal than that.”

  Riley’s words from earlier came back to her, so clear.

  She pressed her thighs together, trying not to think or wonder what it could mean. He didn’t strike her as the kind of guy who was done and finished with only a few strokes. What also surprised her was his complete lack of embarrassment.

  He was all about the control.

  There was just something about him that made her want to … play with him. Not in a bad way, but to see just how far he could go. He fucked women into exhaustion. She hadn’t been with all that many men, and yet, she was curious about his level of … need. It couldn’t be like porn star need?

  This was driving her crazy.

  When they got onto the subject of fucking, she should have told him there was a risk of her getting pregnant. Only, their conversation had changed so fast, to death and his complete lack of desire to be with anyone else. He was willing to die for what he wanted.

  After ten years of abstinence, he’d been with her.

  She wasn’t jealous of his wife.

  His story saddened Meghan. He’d protected her when he didn’t have to, and now, well, she couldn’t get him out of her head. It was crazy.

  Running fingers through her hair, she made her way back inside the motel room. Riley had gone to get them some food. Closing the door, she sat on the edge of the bed, before collapsing back.

  His cock had been so big as he slid inside her.

  She put a hand on her stomach. She didn’t know when he’d be back. Would it be so bad to … touch herself?

  He’d done it to her and been inside her.

  Opening the clasp of her jeans, she slid her hand inside, moving past the fabric of her panties to touch her swollen clit.

  She let out a little gasp. She was already wet, not that it was a shock to her. Since last night, she’d been aroused.

  Nothing like a car ride, talk of sex and fucking to make a girl aroused. Pushing down to her entrance, she slid two fingers inside.

  Even though he’d been inside her for less than a minute, she still felt a little tender. Pulling out, she stroked over her clit.

  Closing her eyes, she pictured him here, now, watching her. Wanting her. She wanted to taste his cock, to have him order her around. What would it be like to have him take his fill? To not just belong to him one time, but for him to show her what it meant to be taken and exhausted by him?

  His hands on her body, holding her down, keeping her in place so he could have his way. Would it really be so bad?

  She didn’t think so.

  In fact, she wanted him.

  “Well, well, well,” Riley said.

  His voice was so clear there was no way she was imagining it.

  Opening her eyes, she sat up about to pull her hand from her pants, but he tutted and shook his head. “You don’t have to stop on my account.”


  He had several bags of takeout.

  She wasn’t hungry, though, for anything but him. He closed the door, and she watched him flick the lock before sliding the bolt across.

  “Take your jeans off,” he said.

  “What about the food?” Why was she arguing with him?

  “Take off your jeans.” He stood by the door, looking sexy as fuck and all imposing.

  She got to her feet and wriggled out of the jeans, watching him as he did the same to her. Kicking them to one side, she stood, waiting for him to give his next instruction.

  His tongue licked across his lips. “Now the panties. Give them to me.”

  She pushed them down her thighs and kicked them over to him.

  He shook his head. “No, I told you to give them to me.”

  She stepped up close to him. She bent down, grabbed the panties, and then placed them in his hand.

  She was so turned on.

  He pocketed her panties. “Good. Go and get on the bed. Spread your thighs and let me see your pussy.”

  “You know, you’re not the boss of me.”

  “But you’re going to go and do it anyway. Stop arguing with me, and do as you’re told.”

  She didn’t say another word. Moving toward the bed, she sat down.

  “Actually, I want to see your tits. Pull your shirt and bra off.” He still didn’t move away from the door.

  Lifting up her shirt, she dropped it to the floor and then flicked the catch of her bra, which opened up.

  “Beautiful,” he said.

  She didn’t say a word. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she was about to pull herself further on, but he tutted and nodded for her to come closer. If he kept on stopping her, she was going to attack him.

  “I want you to stand up.”

  Meghan stood.

  “Now, turn around.” She did as he instructed. “Bend over.” Again, without argument. She was being a good girl. “Spread your ass cheeks. I want to see your cunt and ass.”

  Even as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, she did as he asked, spreading herself open to him, for his pleasure.

  This time, he did move away from the door.

  She gasped as his fingers pushed inside her pussy.

  “I know what you want,” he said.

  “You’re not inside my head. You don’t know what I want.”

  “But I do. You’re so easy to read, Meghan. I bet no man you’ve given the time of day to has ever made you feel what I did last night. Now you’re curious. You want to belong to me, don’t you?”

  She didn’t say a word. Did she want to belong to him? Or did she just want to experience the kinds of pleasure he spoke about? Was that really so bad to crave?

  She wasn’t crazy. There was no way she could be.

  He added a third finger inside her, spreading her cunt before teasing up to her clit. He pinched the hard bud tightly and then stroked over her. She couldn’t help but grind her pussy onto his hand, not wanting him to stop.

  “I’m an expert at reading people. You may not even realize what it is you want, or why you want it, but you do. You can hate yourself for your own weakness, but it’s not going to stop the fact you do want me.”

  She jumped as his teeth bit into the curve of her ass. Not hard, but enough to leave teeth marks that would fade within seconds.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

  She cried out as his fingers stroked over her asshole. They were wet from being inside her. This time, he didn’t just tease, caress, and make her ache. He pushed two digits against her asshole, and didn’t stop until he was knuckle deep inside. She gripped the sheet beneath her a little, taken aback by the sheer sensation he created.

  “I don’t know what I’m talking about, do I?” He pumped those fingers into her ass. “Then tell me, Meghan, why haven’t you told me to stop? Why is your cunt so fucking wet, and you’re pushing against my fingers?
You want to know how to be fucked by a real man.” Riley spread the fingers in her ass, and she gasped. She wasn’t prepared for the pressure. She whimpered, but it wasn’t from the pain. No, this was from the pleasure.

  With his other hand, he was already stroking her clit, teasing her nub. Pleasure and pain combined. He knew how to tease her body, to get what he wanted.

  She didn’t want him to stop.

  For several seconds, or maybe even minutes, he did this, worked her body as only he knew how, and there was no way she could stop him. Why would she want to? It was everything she ever wanted, but stop he did.

  Riley’s fingers stayed perfectly still on her, and no matter what she tried to do to get him to start touching her, he wouldn’t move. Wouldn’t budge.

  Once again, she was reminded who was in charge, and it certainly wasn’t her.


  This woman was … everything. Riley didn’t even understand it. She was nothing like the woman he’d lost, and his memories of Bethany, they were fading. Every hour spent with Meghan, he didn’t remember the pain, the anguish of losing Bethany.

  Opening the hotel room door, seeing her touch herself, but still confined in her fucking jeans, it had pissed him off.

  Sex was a beautiful thing. Something that shouldn’t be tamed. He didn’t want to keep her locked within herself.

  He wanted to see her splinter apart. To see her cunt on his cock, riding him. For her to not be embarrassed by what he was going to do. He liked it raw, hard, and without any restraint. All prudes had to stay out of the bedroom for him. He didn’t like them.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  She was so full of need and yearning, it practically dripped from her.

  The men before him had done her a disservice. He didn’t want to think of anyone touching her before him. If he ever found any of them, he would kill them, without even fucking blinking.

  For now, Meghan Short belonged to him.

  “I’m not going to do anything, baby, until you tell me what it is you want,” he said.


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