For the Taking

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For the Taking Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Running fingers through her hair, she tried to push those hopes aside. There was no point in hanging onto them. They would only hurt her in the long term.

  “Are you ready?” Riley asked.


  There wasn’t anything else she could do at this point. It wasn’t like she could tell him in a short space of time she was having second thoughts and even daydreaming about being with him as a couple.


  Completely fucking crazy.

  They entered the club, and oh, wow, it was a sex club. She knew from the moment they entered it was BDSM, and she wasn’t a virgin. There was a lot she knew but didn’t delve into.

  There were women and men on display, taking pain and receiving pleasure. It was like walking into a porno, only with whips, chains, and an audience.

  “He’s right by the bar.”

  Meghan had been too busy looking at the couples all around her to even pay attention to the man she hated more than anything. Sure enough, he was there, looking like he was lord of the bar. He had two guards beside him and a woman on her knees stroking his thighs. Nope, incorrect, stroking his cock behind the wall of his pants.

  “Can you just kill him?”

  “I will not risk Buckle’s wrath. I’d be dead before I even left the club. So would you. He doesn’t believe in leaving loose ends. He will kill you.”

  “Lovely,” she said. Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “Just … go with it.” He held her a little tighter, stroking just above her hip. The marks of his possession were on full display for all to see.

  Licking her dry lips, she tried to think of anything but the beating David had given her. Kind of hard to do when the evidence was still on her arm, and some on her face.

  Stay calm, Meghan. You promised to help.

  The moment David Peace spotted them, both of his guards reached for where their guns should have been, but, as per Buckle’s policy, they didn’t have any.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” Riley said. “It looks kind of embarrassing.”

  He sounded and looked completely relaxed.

  “Well, well, well, if I say I’m not a little surprised you would even think to come here,” David said. He glanced at her, and his nostrils flared. “With a certain companion I’ve been looking for.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say something to rub in his face in the fact she was alive and not only was she breathing, she’d fucked his enemy.

  Instead, like a good girl, she rested her head against Riley’s shoulder. The cool, sweet, lady she could be.

  In this moment at least.

  “Yes. The moment I saw her, I couldn’t let her go. I mean, look at this body.” Riley ran his hands up, grazing across the curve of her breast but not outright touching her. “She is a beauty, and I’ve got to say, I’m spoiled with her. Her appetite for me is insatiable.”

  She put her hand on his stomach and turned a little more to him, rubbing her tits as best she could, hoping she was putting on a good show of showing him just how insatiable she could be.

  It wasn’t an act with Riley. She really did want him. It was more than desire. It was a need far more powerful than anything she’d ever experienced ever before.

  “You should return her to me,” David said. “She is not yours to have.”

  “I think I’ll pass on that order. I like having her in my bed, and well, rapists are not really her style.” The ringing of a cell phone filled the air. “You might want to get that. It’s really important.”

  David didn’t look happy, and this time, she couldn’t keep the smirk off her face as he had no choice but to do as he was told and answer the call. This was a lot more fun than she thought it would be.

  She’d never considered herself to have an evil streak, but watching him now, she knew the evil was deep inside her, waiting to come out. David deserved everything he had coming to him and more. This was just karma for him.

  Riley looked cool, collected, in control. It was addictive, heady, and so sexy.

  “You! You’re the one responsible for my recent troubles.”

  “Oh, they’re more than recent troubles. I warned you, David. You didn’t stick around to see I was alive. I’ve been waiting. I’ve been preparing. When you least expect it, you will be mine, and this empire you think you’ve built will belong to me.”

  “You know with the click of my fingers, my men would annihilate you,” David said.

  “Give it your best shot.”

  David lifted his fingers, and they were outnumbered. Meghan didn’t flinch, but this wasn’t good.


  “I’m not one for the dramatics. There will be no fighting here, gentlemen,” Buckle said, appearing beside them.

  “You let him walk in here after knowing everything?” David asked. “I thought we had an agreement.”

  “No, we have an … understanding, Mr. Peace. This club is open to everyone. Even men you have tried to kill in the past.”

  “I will kill you,” David said, glaring at Buckle.

  Riley wished he could reach for his gun. There would be time the moment he left for him to have to deal with David, but not in here.

  He had a great deal of respect for Buckle and what he’d done with his life. This was his retirement, and rarely did anyone step out of line.

  Buckle had David by the throat in the next second, a blade to his neck. “I don’t allow people in my club to kill each other. It ruins the atmosphere, but don’t think for a single second I won’t kill you. In fact, it would give me the greatest kind of pleasure to plunge my knife into your neck and watch you bleed out. The only person who is allowed to kill here is me.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “You are becoming irksome. After tonight, consider your membership revoked. I grow tired of children. If I wanted to babysit them, I’d have some of my own. For now, I want you both to finish what you started and get the fuck out of my club.”

  “I’m done,” Riley said. He’d made his point.

  “Excellent. David, finish your drink,” Buckle said.

  The room had become quiet. No one said a word as David finished his drink.

  “Now leave and remember I control the parking lot as well. Anything you have to deal with, it will be outside of my walls and gates.”

  David left but not without giving him a long, hard look.

  This wasn’t over.

  Riley didn’t have a problem with that. He hadn’t gotten to say everything he wanted to tonight, but there would come a time.

  With David out of the way, Buckle turned back to him.

  “I didn’t raise a single weapon,” Riley said.

  “I know. Sit.”

  Riley pulled out a chair for Meghan first before taking a seat for himself.

  “David has become a … pest.”

  “A pest?”

  “Yes. He believes as all men of power do, he’s become unstoppable. No one is that powerful, not even him.”

  “You’ve been asked to take him out?” Riley asked. There would only be one way Buckle would know this and that would be if he’d been approached by someone private.

  “I no longer handle that kind of business anymore. People want him removed. He’s a danger, and no one can trust him.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “After ten years, you’ve come back out of the blue. Why?”

  “I want to kill David. He took everything from me.” Saying the words with Meghan with him didn’t feel right. They no longer felt like the truth. Something was missing. “I don’t intend to live after the fact. I know taking him on will cost me my life.”

  “The job is yours,” Buckle said.


  “If you kill David, and succeed, and still breathe, you’ll be accepted in taking over.”

  “No one knows me.”

  “You’re remembered, Riley. People know this world of yours exists. If you don’t take it over, anothe
r problem will. You think that’s what people want.”

  Riley laughed. “You’re telling me you’ve been approached by people of power to find someone to kill David and replace him?”

  “Yes. To provide a clean slate.”

  “And you turned it down?”

  “It’s not my life anymore.”

  “I’m not a leader.”

  “You’re wrong, Riley. You should consider it,” Buckle said. He looked at Meghan. “For her sake at least.”


  “She’s by your side. You brought her along to meet David. Something tells me it makes her mean something more than just a pussy.”

  “I’m dead if I’m not with Riley,” Meghan said.

  “Is that the only reason you’re with him?” Buckle asked.

  “You don’t have to answer him. Buckle has a way of getting under your skin so you’ll react in ways to amuse him.”

  Meghan didn’t say a word.

  “You should think about it,” Buckle said. “You know where to find me when you get the job done.”

  “How do they want to know if I succeed?” Riley asked.

  “You’ll be breathing, and David’s body will be disposed of. One of the many reasons to call me. I have a team for that as well.” Buckle stood, slapped him on the back. “It’s good to have you back. You should have come to me sooner. I’d have been able to help you recover.”

  “Why should I trust you?” Riley asked. “You never take sides. Never. Why now?”

  “Let’s just say, David has become a problem. Not a very good one. He’s a pain in the ass, and you know I don’t like to deal with pains. I never have. A pleasure to meet you, sweetheart,” Buckle said. “Be careful. Once you leave my gates, you’re on your own.”

  “I get it.”

  Riley stood, taking hold of Meghan’s hip. He had no intention of letting her go. Not with his enemies waiting right outside.

  He shook Buckle’s hand and left. He tried to shield Meghan as he walked back to the car. He didn’t want anything to happen to her, and David and his crew would be waiting to take their chance.

  He couldn’t let it happen.

  Meghan wasn’t going to die on his watch.

  Once back in the car, he grabbed his gun, loaded it up, and prepared his vehicle.

  “Shit! You really think they’re going to come after us?”

  “They will be waiting. There’s no way David will let us get away without him trying to take us out. He knows I’m alive. We’re on borrowed time now.” It was a good thing he’d done this to himself. Spending his free time with Meghan was becoming harder to walk away from.

  He didn’t want to, not even for a second.

  No woman, not even Bethany, had made him feel that way.

  He’d never stepped out on his wife, never been with anyone else, but he’d needed a break from her. Sometimes, he’d stay in a motel overnight just to have space. She was always so needy.

  Why am I thinking about this shit now?

  He didn’t need to be thinking about anything but getting them to safety.

  “Are you ready?”

  “To have a shoot-out car chase? Sure, every girl’s dream.”

  “Awesome.” He wasn’t going to deal with the sarcasm. There was no way they could stay in the parking lot.

  It was showtime.

  Chapter Ten

  Riley didn’t pull out of the parking lot slowly.

  He pressed his foot to the gas, and Meghan was more grateful than ever she’d put on a seatbelt. She was flung backwards into her seat from the force of the sudden acceleration.

  He turned a corner, and she squeezed her eyes closed and then screamed as their car was bombarded with gunshots.

  “Get down!” Riley grabbed her head and pushed her down toward the floor.

  She didn’t want to be a coward.

  This had to be the scariest moment of her life.

  Hello, beaten and nearly raped. That could be a scary moment.

  No, this had to be worse.

  Her heart pounded, and she felt like she was going to throw up.

  “Where are the cops?” she asked, screaming the words.

  The shooting stopped, but as she tried to get up, Riley pushed her down.

  “They’re on his payroll. All it takes is a couple phone calls. Hold the wheel,” Riley said.

  She didn’t have time to question him as he was suddenly shooting. She held the wheel and peered up over the dashboard to make sure she didn’t hit any cars. Riley’s foot was still pressed to the gas, and they were going way too fast.


  He’d been shooting his gun before sitting back, twisting the car, and firing his gun once again at the oncoming car.

  He swerved to miss it, and she watched the car crash into the brick wall of an overpass bridge.

  Another car came up behind them, and Riley took off.

  More bullets shot toward them, and she felt a sudden splash of pain in her arm.

  She didn’t make a sound. Covering her ears, she tried not to think about Riley and him dying, and just how painful that would be.

  Would he even consider taking out David and living? Would that be so bad? Would spending a life with her be awful, compared to death?

  She knew she couldn’t ask him for anything.

  He’d already given her, her life. Without him, she’d be dead.

  Don’t think about this now. You’re in the middle of a car chase. Think about it when you’re alone in bed, wanting him.

  Riley touched her shoulder what seemed like hours after.

  “They’re gone,” he said.

  “They are?” she asked.

  Her voice sounded hoarse. She didn’t even realize she’d been shouting. She must have been, as otherwise, what happened to her voice?

  “Yeah, come on.”

  She got up and groaned. Blood ran down her arm, and she looked to see she’d been hit by a bullet in the same arm that had been broken. She had no fucking luck.

  “Shit, don’t worry, I’m heading to a private place. You’ll be safe.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “We have to go anyway,” Riley said.

  She noticed he was holding his side.

  “You’ve been shot.”

  “Not the first time.”

  She reached toward him, but he shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Riley, you’ve been shot!”

  “I know. Don’t worry about it. I’m not.”

  “Doesn’t it hurt?” Hers did. Really bad, and she didn’t want to think about the kind of pain she was experiencing right now.

  “It’s fine.”

  “You don’t have to put a brave face on for me.”

  “I’m not. Believe me. I’m not. Sit back. I’ll have us there soon.”

  “Is this the doctor who put my arm in a cast?” she asked.



  She sat back, watching him. How could he still be driving after being shot?

  “Did you train for this?” she asked.

  “For what?”

  “For driving and doing normal things even after being shot?”

  He chuckled. How was it possible for him to find any humor right now?

  “No. I’ve been shot a lot. Believe me, you learn to live through the pain. If you want to survive, you do whatever you can to heal before you go and deal with the son of a bitch who thought they could hurt you.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  She rested her head against the seat. “You’re going to keep on doing this for your wife, aren’t you?”

  Pain shot through her, but she was able to hide it. He didn’t need to know she had developed feelings for him. It wasn’t like he didn’t warn her. His heart was with another. A dead woman, and she didn’t stand a chance to compete.

  “Rest, Meghan.”

  “You got anything you can give me to knock me out? The
pain, it’s kind of bad.” Only the pain in her heart was a problem. Everything else seemed to be working fine for her. No one would ever love her the way he did his dead wife, and it hurt more than she ever thought possible.

  Why did she have to meet him?

  This was really unfair.

  “Close your eyes. I don’t have anything for you.”

  She closed her eyes, but listened to the world going by. Would there ever come a time when she would be the person someone loved?


  “How is she?” Riley asked, several hours later as Stephen stepped into the room.

  “She’s fine. It’s a simple flesh wound. I told her where the kitchen was, and she asked for ice cream.”

  Riley smiled. He hadn’t given her any ice cream in the time he’d known her.

  “Did she say if it was her favorite?”

  “If what was her favorite?”

  “The ice cream?”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  “Next time, you should.”

  “This woman is still alive and with you. Should I know something?” Stephen asked.


  “Really? I’ve never had you bring a woman to me once, let alone twice. Why is she so different?”

  “I let her go after I was sure she was fine from the beating she took.”

  “She’s still with you.”

  “Peace sent men to her apartment.”

  “You were already waiting for them?”

  “Yes.” The pain in his side was getting worse. “It’s time to fix me now.”

  “I should have been here with you in the first place. She didn’t have any life-threatening injuries, Riley.”

  “She needed taking care of. Besides, I thought you’d approve of me being the gentleman. Putting the woman before myself.”

  Stephen got what he needed, and Riley stayed perfectly still after removing his shirt.

  “Does this mean you’re considering living your life with the pretty Meghan?”

  Riley tensed up as Stephen began to work on him. They’d already done tests, and when he knew the bullet hadn’t hit any major arteries or vital organs, he’d demanded Stephen patch up Meghan first.

  “Don’t push it.”

  “You brought her here.”

  “I know.”

  “I saw the way you were looking at her. You know it’s okay to have feelings for someone who is not Bethany.”


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