Ms Patriot- Queen of Hearts

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Ms Patriot- Queen of Hearts Page 4

by Don Ship

  "Don't fall in love, Ms Patriot" one of the goons whispered in her ear.

  The statuesque super heroine's baby blues popped open. Love? No way, but…the thought eroded her resolve just a tiny bit. The suggestion they planted distracted her, just a bit. The Grandfather of all Climaxes surged forward, now extremely tenuously contained. Her whole body began to tremble.

  "After all, it is Valentine's Day," the Weasel said. "The ultimate day of love."

  Her body's needs were so overwhelming. She felt her resolve slipping, as his lips slid all over hers, their tongues teasing each other, his hands mauling her breasts…and his cock pounding her to oblivion.

  He released her lips. "You love me!"


  He yanked her hair back. "Yes, you do. You LOVE me."

  "No, I don't…Oooooh, Sweet Justice!" she cried, baby blues wide in shock and awe. That looming Grandfather of all Climaxes exploded. It seared her soul and left her self-image in ashes. "Aaaaggh!"

  Wessel claimed her lips again, fucked her hard another two minutes, and again demanded, "Tell me you love me."

  Ms Patriot just gawked at him, baby blues wide with disbelief.

  "I… I… Aaaaaaaggh!" she cried, body ravaged by another monster climax. "I… I love… Aaaaaggh!" She gawked at him again, then, "Sweet Justice, the Weasel is taming me!"

  Hearing that overexcited Chief Wessel, and he spent his cum inside her. She, of course, climaxed again. The exultant vice chief fucked her until he went limp, ripping another three climaxes from her shapely, oversexed body. Then she was forced to her knees before him.

  "Lick me clean, Patriot," he demanded.

  Defeated and tamed, Ms Patriot licked her lips, mouth watering, and rose up on her knees. She gently took his cock in hand and kissed the head lovingly. Then she licked it. A second later, that sticky limp dick vanished into her mouth. She sucked it until it was hard, then started licking up and down his shaft, then sucked and licked his balls clean. Finally, she locked eyes with Wessel, wrapped her lips around his cock head and proceeded to give him the best head of his life.

  After she'd completely drained the Vice Chief of all cum, she had to give BJs to the two goons. She did what she was told, all the fight fucked out of her. Besides, she liked the taste and feel of cock in my hands and mouth. She always had, but until then had suppressed those needs and urges.

  That done, Wessel reached down and seized her mask. She gasped, steeling herself for being face stripped. Unmasked. Exposed to the world. She was a broken and tamed woman now, but when he pulled off that mask she would truly be PROPERTY.

  "No," one of the goons said. "The Queen of Hearts gets that pleasure."

  "But I captured and tamed her."

  "And was rewarded by getting to fuck her first."

  "Do you wish to earn the Queen's wrath?" the other goon said.

  "No of course not," Wessel said, unhappily.

  The goons pulled the vanquished vigilante to her red booted feet. She looked all around, baby blues round as she trembled. Now that she wasn't being fucked stupid, she was able to put two and two together. She was now a sex slave. A fuck toy. Cock candy. One of those rooms on the floor could very easily be her next home. Her place of work, where she pleased vile men in every sexual manner imaginable.

  Wessel picked up the various pieces of her costume. She eyed the power belt with covetous eyes, even though it was useless to her after all those climaxes. Wessel saw her looking at her costume in his hands.

  "Did you ever, in your wildest imagination, believe I would be the man that finally conquered and tamed you?" he said.

  "No," she said. "I never believed I would be tamed."

  "You were a fool then," he said.

  "Probably," she admitted, and scowled at him. He was such a bastard. Even in absolute victory over her, he was a bastard.

  "I mean, Ms Patriot, name one single super heroine that survived long enough to retire from crime-fighting."

  She couldn't. He knew it. Ms Patriot just thought she'd be the first. After all, she had the most celebrated, most brilliant career of all super heroines ever. Didn't she deserve to retire? But it wasn't to be.

  "Must you rub your victory in?"

  "Yes," he said. "I defeated the undefeatable Champion of Justice. I did. I defeated you in battle, then tamed your fine ass with amazing sex. I am the ultimate man."

  "That's absurd," she said, looking him over contemptuously. "You sucker punched me, let the stairs and these two goons finish me off. Then you fucked me until I came, AFTER you knew the hookers downstairs almost climaxed me, knowing I must be on the edge and easy to push over the top and tame. I was, you did. End of story."

  "Yes, you belong to me now."

  "Or the Queen of Hearts," she said. "I hope it is the Queen of Hearts."


  "No. I despise you that much."

  "A moment ago you loved me."

  "I never said it."

  "Only the orgasm stopped you," he said. "You said 'I love….' and screamed your pretty little head off in abject sexual pleasure and submission."

  "I never said that I love you," she said smugly. "Maybe I loved climaxing."

  The goons laughed. Wessel scowled at her. Then he backhanded her, before starting up the stairs. Ms Patriot was pushed after him, forced to precede the goons up the stairs. The stairs were not wide enough to allow them to ascend to either side of her. She trudged up dutifully.

  The top floor was indeed an ornately decorated penthouse apartment. The Queen of Hearts took the entire top floor for herself. They found the gorgeous Queen in the main living area, sprawled on a red leather couch. Autumn Moore was busy licking the dust off the Queen's hot pink pumps, wearing nothing but pink thigh boots and matching collar. Ms Patriot gawked at her. Autumn had been a friend of Lynda's.

  Lynda was gone. Gave up her costume and headed for the West Coast three months back. All for a boy, apparently. As Jennifer, she never even met the damn boy. Ms Patriot was still bitter about it. She didn't even have an address or phone number to reach her former protégé.

  She wondered what Lynda would think and do when word got out that she'd fallen. Would she try to rescue her? Not likely. Most likely Lynda could go into hiding, since it wouldn't be hard for criminals to figure out who Patriot Girl was once Ms Patriot's identity was revealed.

  "Your mother must be proud, Autumn," Ms Patriot said.

  Autumn looked up and around. He eyes widened slightly, but then narrowed. Ms Patriot knew that Annette Moore was the super heroine Silver Angel, and that her college-aged daughter was her sidekick, Silver Girl. It was possible that the two super heroines were captured, and Annette was forced to be the Queen of Hearts' puppet while Autumn served as a whore.

  First and foremost, they had to act if neither knew the other's secret identity.

  "My mother doesn't know," Autumn said. "She thinks I moved to the West Coast to be with my boyfriend."

  Ms Patriot almost choked on her tongue. Not Lynda, too. No, her protégé really was in Los Angeles. Or San Francisco. Or….dammit, she didn't know what city Lynda was going to. Why not? Why didn't Lynda tell her? Could Lynda, like Autumn, have really stayed in Grimme City just to work in a brothel as the Queen of Hearts' property?

  "Is… Is Lynda Lynns working here?" she asked.

  "Lynda? Here?" Autumn said. "I don't think so. Why?"

  "Jennifer told me she went to the West Coast, to be with her boyfriend."

  "Oh. I didn't know."

  "Lynda is working for King Pimp," Wessel said, quite pleased with himself. "King Pimp captured her and some of her girlfriends on her twentieth birthday party, when they dared to venture into Sugar Town. Those stuck up society bitches are all working in The Palace for him now. Have been for about three months. I know, I have enjoyed her company a number of times. What a wild woman in bed!"

  "I hear she has supplanted Bethany as King Pimp's favorite, and as his girlfriend," the Queen of Hearts said, speaking fo
r the first time. "Welcome, Ms Patriot, we meet again."

  "I tamed Ms Patriot," Chief Wessel said. The vanquished vigilante cringed, hating how pleased he sounded. "I beat her up and fucked her into submission, my Queen. For you."

  "Why thank you, Chief. You are such a doll," she said, smiling so brightly Ms Patriot felt her heart melting. "But, I dare say, the Champion of Justice doesn't look too tame right now. Could you be mistaken about that taming part?"

  "She's tamed."

  "Really?" she said, and looked at Ms Patriot. "I like you better out of costume, by the way." Ms Patriot scowled at her. "Now, my pet, did Chief Wessel tame you?"


  "Liar," he cried. "I climaxed you into submission."

  "You beat me down with your puny dick, and almost tamed me, but I have rebounded nicely," she said. "You are not the man you think you are, pig."

  The Queen of Hearts laughed. It was a beautiful, musical laugh that filled all around her with joy. Autumn began to lovingly stoke her Queen's long legs as she stared adoringly at her.

  The Queen of Hearts rolled off the couch and rose up sensuously. She walked around Ms Patriot, running her delicate, perfectly manicured hand across her breasts, back, rump, and stomach. Then she stopped before the sexy super heroine and locked eyes with her.

  "There is only enough room in this town for one alpha bitch," the blonde Amazon said. "The Champion of Justice is dead. Long live the Queen of Hearts, and your new mistress, my pretty. Now, let's see who is hiding behind that naughty mask."

  The Queen reached out. Ms Patriot froze. Delicate fingers touched, then curled under the edge of her mask. The statuesque beauty panicked, and smashed the Queen's hand away with her forearm. The Queen gasped and fell back a step, whereas the Champion of Justice put a roundhouse in the side of her head before she even thought about it. The beautiful blonde sorceress collapsed with a cry of pain, and didn't move.

  Realizing she just fucked up majorly, Ms Patriot grabbed the leg of the coffee table, and ripped it off. Spinning around, she smacked first one, then the other goon down. Wessel and Autumn screamed and charged her.

  Ms Patriot flipped Autumn over her hip and into Wessel. They went to the floor, cursing and screaming. Autumn came up first, and was promptly thrust kicked into the wall. She bounced off, wide eyed, staggered two steps, dropped to her knees, and passed out cold.

  "Sorry, Autumn," Ms Patriot whispered, feeling guilty, then turned to the Weasel. "Now to deal with you."

  "I'm not scared of you, Ms T&A," he sneered as he rose to his feet.

  She looked around quickly. They were the last two standing. No other goons coming to the sorceress's rescue.

  "It is Ms Patriot, dolt," she said. "Ms Patriot, the Champion of Justice. And I will have justice for what you did to me."

  They both dropped into fighting stances.


  "I'm turning you in to the police," she said.

  A smirk danced across his face. Her skin crawled when his dark eyes looked her body over. She hated the lust in his face. Even more, she hated that her body reacted to his interest in a way her mind did not.

  "You and what army?"

  Chief Wessel was almost twice her age. Well past his physical prime, while she was just twenty-five and in her prime. She was a perfect specimen of feminine physical fitness, even before she added in her super strength, endurance, and healing abilities.

  "I don't need an army," she said. "I am Ms Patriot, and I am a one woman army."

  "No, you are a stupid bimbo who is so stupid you forgot I climaxed you, took away your power belt, and left you naked, weak, and vulnerable," he said viciously, stalking towards her. "I am twice as strong as you, now."

  Ms Patriot froze. She had forgotten about being de-powered. Hell, she'd forgotten about being naked. In her hesitation, her distraction, she almost lost it all. Chief Wessel took a savage swing at her.

  "Ha!" she laughed, ducking and stepping aside and away from him. If that right cross had connected she'd be in la-la land. "You are too old, fat, and slow to defeat me, even when I am de-powered. You old dolt."

  He screamed and charged her. Ms Patriot met him halfway. She blocked his first two punches, then she connected with a combination to his head and face, that staggered him but didn't take him down. If she still was powered up, any one of those punches wouldn't put him down for the count.

  Chief Wessel backed over Autumn's unconscious body, and stumbled. Ms Patriot saw her chance to finish him off, and attacked. She kicked at his head, but he caught her foot and held on. She was forced into a hyper-extended split and landed atop Autumn's soft rump. Fortunately, she was very limber so she wasn't hurt with a pulled muscle. But he recovered faster.

  A second after Ms Patriot realized what happened, Chief Wessel plowed into her from the side. Tackled her. Swept her right off Autumn. She found herself under the angry cop, him straddling her waist and holding her wrists pressed to the floor to either side of her head.

  "Gotcha," he said proudly.

  "No, stalemate," she countered beneath him. "As soon as your grip loosens, I will break your hold and we'll go at each other again."



  "I don't think so," he said, and head butted her between the eyes.

  All the strength evaporated from Ms Patriot's body. Chief Wessel laughed and flipped her over onto her stomach. He walked away, while she fought desperately to regain her senses and strength before he returned. But he returned too quickly, carrying a length of rope in one hand.

  "I should've tied you up long ago," he said. "Hindsight, huh?"

  "I will have my vengeance, Weasel," she groaned, as he pulled her to her knees.

  Wessel pulled her arms back and started to wrap rope around her crossed wrists. She sobered fast, realizing she was a goner once he tied off that rope. So she threw herself to the side, and kicked one leg up and over so that she found herself sitting on his hands, which still held tenaciously to the rope binding her. He gawked at her, and she smiled back smugly.

  Then she head butted him.

  "Just returning the favor, boy," she said.

  The crooked cop fell back and lay before her, groaning. He was down for at least a few minutes by her practiced judgment. At the same time, she noticed the Queen of Hearts was struggling to her knees. She couldn't fight them both, but her wrists were still bound behind her back. True, the rope was not tied off, but it was wrapped tight enough it would take a few minutes for her to unravel it.

  The shapely super heroine rushed over to the Queen of Hearts. A swift kick to the head would put her down until the police arrived. But the sexy blonde bombshell of a sorceress surprised her and rolled away and to her feet. The sorceress was still a little wobbly, but she was up. And she looked mad, too.

  "You bitch. You kicked me," she growled, one hand rubbing the knot on her head.

  "Life sucks," Ms Patriot said. The ropes were almost loose enough to slip them, so she continued to covertly struggle with them. "It'll suck even worse while you're in prison."

  "Yes, that would suck," the Queen said, starting to smile. It wasn't a pleasant smile. "It sucks even worse being a sex slave."

  "I agree, but I am a super heroine. I must always take the high road, so I cannot turn you into a sex slave," she said. The super heroine could think of a dozen brothels and pimps that would pay top dollar to get their hands on that golden-maned hottie. "So I have to arrest you and send you to prison instead."

  "Arrest me? You're serious, aren't you?" the Queen of Hearts said, truly surprised and delighted. "Have you forgotten I am a sorceress? A single, simple spell will secure you as my personal slave."

  "Whoa there, there's a problem, sister sorceress. Your magic only works on men, and all the men in the room are unconscious. It's just us girls," Ms Patriot said, and finally got loose from the ropes. She tossed them aside with a look of distaste. "Now, I suggest you surrender sweetly. Otherwise, I'll be forced to use extreme fo

  The sorceress held up her hands as if Ms Patriot had a gun aimed at her. Then she winked, extended her two index fingers, and began to mutter a short spell. Ms Patriot realized what she was doing and charged her. She was almost there when the Queen drew a heart shape in the air before her and "kissed" it. That heart leapt at Ms Patriot, who tried to dodge it, but couldn't.

  "Aaaieee!" she cried, as intense heat enveloped her, then sank deep into her body, deep into her bones.

  "Love me," the Queen of Hearts commanded, and it was so.

  Ms Patriot felt love consume her, body and soul. She gasped and clawed at the floor a long second, then crawled to her hands and knees.

  She turned big, baby blue eyes on the sorceress and looked upon the most gorgeous creature to ever live. Her beloved Queen smiled upon her, sending waves of pleasure cascading throughout her shapely body.

  "I love you," Ms Patriot said passionately. Then tears flowed, and she begged, "Please. Love me."

  "I do love you, my pet," the sexy sorceress said, and laughed. "Fool! Whatever made you think I could only bespell men?"

  Ms Patriot gazed upon her new goddess and mistress with adoring eyes. All she wanted to do was please her.

  "The bank robberies, my love," Ms Patriot said all breathy. "You only enchanted the men. Never the women. I thought that meant you only had power over men."

  "You are a fool, Ms Patriot," she said, and then stroked her soft cheek. "But a beautiful fool. My beautiful fool."

  "Yes, my love, I am your fool."

  The men started to stir. Chief Wessel was the first to struggle to his feet. Ms Patriot ignored him. He was nothing. All she cared about was her mistress.

  "Well, can't say I dislike the way you transformed Ms Patriot," Chief Wessel said, moving over to them. "Are we going to get to see her in some hot girl-on-girl sex now? Maybe with that little tart, Autumn?"

  "I like it," the Queen said. "But that is later. Come, my little love slave. Come over and show me what you can do for a woman."

  "Fucking A!" Wessel said, eyes bright.

  The Queen of Hearts frowned at him. She did not put on sex shows for the help.


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