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The Real Deal

Page 1

by Lynn Hagen


  Maple Grove 15

  The Real Deal

  [Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Contemporary, ManLove, Alternative, Paranormal, Shape-shifters, Romantic Suspense, MM, HEA]

  Jayce Foyer is looking for work, and is offered a chance to make some cash by a hot stranger. He takes Deon up on his offer, but things turn sideways when two deputies show up, accusing Jayce of murder. He’s hauled in for questioning when evidence of the crime is found at his house, and the only man who can clear his name is the one man who is hiding the truth from him. Deon Wilkerson. Jayce’s mate.

  Deon’s past comes back to slap him in the face. It also opens old wounds he’d rather not deal with. Unfortunately his present and past collide, leaving his mate in serious danger. But Deon isn’t one to trifle with. He’ll use every tool in his arsenal to keep Jayce safe, even if that means facing the most painful moment in his life. As bodies drop and tempers flare, it’s up to Deon to save his mate from a life in prison.

  Length: 31700 words


  Maple Grove 15

  Lynn Hagen


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  The Real Deal

  Copyright © 2020 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-064-1

  First Publication: January 2020

  Cover design by Emma Nicole

  All art and logo copyright © 2020 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Maple Grove 15


  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  “I’m so over him.” Jayce Foyer stabbed at his blueberry waffles. “Where does Randy get off telling me where I can and can’t go?”

  “I told you he was trouble,” Baxter said. “He has that shady look about him. I never trusted those beady eyes.”

  Jayce grinned. “He doesn’t have beady eyes.”

  In fact, Randy had the most amazing blue eyes Jayce had ever seen. Too bad a douchebag lived behind them. Why couldn’t guys be themselves when hooking up? Why all the lies? Randy had told Jayce he developed software for some out-of-state company. Total lie. He’d said he owned two cars. The guy walked everywhere, always saying his cars were in the shop or his brothers were borrowing them. He had said that he had dinner every Sunday with his mom.

  Randy hadn’t talked to her in years.

  “I’m fed up with the dating scene.” Jayce had dealt with one asshole after another, and for what? A wet ass and broken promises.

  “Well, he does have nice eyes and a great body,” Baxter admitted.

  To make matters worse, Jayce wasn’t exactly out of the closet with his family. His mom still thought he was a virgin, and his dad always asked how Jayce was doing with the ladies. Unfortunately he was an only child, so his parents’ sole focus was on him.

  “You just have to get back into the dating scene.” Baxter sipped his coffee. “Every guy in this town can’t be a jerk. I think. It’s not that your well is dry.” He puckered his lips. “On second thought, you might be on to something.”

  “I’m swearing off men,” Jayce announced. “No more dating for me.”

  Baxter burst out laughing, gaining some curious looks from other customers. “You give up dating? Pigs will grow wings and Hell will have a snowstorm before that happens.”

  It wasn’t as though Jayce went out and looked for men to date. He was too shy for that. Behind his ribs beat a chicken heart. Most guys flirted with him, getting the ball rolling.

  Most guys. What a joke. There had been three men who’d asked him out, and Jayce wasn’t with any of them. Loser, loser, and oh yeah, a loser.

  “We could date,” Jayce teased. “We’re perfect for each other.”

  “As friends,” Baxter pointed out. “You’re too neurotic for me. Besides, I like alpha males, and let’s face it, you’re not an alpha male.”

  Jayce couldn’t even get mad at the truth.

  “And, I’m sorry to say this, but your dad is a bit of a crackpot,” Baxter said. “No offense.”

  “None taken.” Jayce had pulled out his wallet to pay for his bill when he saw someone walk into the diner from the corner of his eye. He looked up and was floored at how good-looking the guy was.

  Lean, muscular body, silky dark hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. Crap. Another man with blue eyes. Jayce quickly looked away. He wasn’t falling for another blue-eyed beauty. Hadn’t he learned his lesson with Randy? Jayce didn’t care if this newcomer had a dick made of gold. He was steering clear of him.

  “What?” Baxter looked over his shoulder and gave a low whistle. “Now that’s an alpha male I wouldn’t mind getting to know.”

  Sitting atop the man’s gorgeous head was a cowboy hat. He was a walking wet dream as he approached the counter and sat on one of the stools.

  Jayce tucked his wallet back into his pocket. Maybe they could sit for a little while longer and enjoy the view. There were a lot of nice-looking men in Maple Grove, but in reality, Jayce didn’t have a shot with most of them. He was too thin, with a head full of dull brown hair, jobless, and still living in a house his parents owned. Two of those things were a turn-off for most men.

  Maybe that was why Randy had faked it with Jayce. It wasn’t as though Randy was a prize, but Jayce had held out hope that he’d found the one. He hadn’t. Randy was a big fat liar, a quality Jayce couldn’t stand.

  “I bet you he’d ride me like a bull.” Baxter sighed. “How much do you wanna bet he’s epic in bed?”

  “He’d probably make you wear a lasso and some spurs.” Jayce snickered.

  “I’d wear anything he wanted me to,” Baxter said. “For a chance to sleep with that guy, hell to the yes. Bring those spurs and lasso on.”

  “You’re hopeless.” Jayce took a sip of his tea. “He’s probably married or a loser.” From the way the stranger looked, Jayce was willing to bet the guy was arrogant. Most good-looking men were.

  Except Moose, their waiter. He was gorgeous and nice. So was the owner of the diner, Cyril.
br />   “Hang on. I’m about to find out.” Baxter slid from the booth and got up.

  “What’re you doing?” Jayce said in a loud whisper. “Baxter, get back here!”

  Jayce had no idea why he felt so jealous. Baxter had balls. He’d go up to anyone and flirt. If Jayce had had the nerve, he would be the one strutting toward the stunning stranger.

  Oh god. He wanted to crawl under the table when Baxter starting talking and the cowboy looked directly at Jayce. What the hell were they talking about? Why had they looked his way? Why hadn’t he buried Baxter’s body years ago?

  The cowboy said something, and Baxter laughed, and fuck, Jayce wanted to punch his friend’s teeth in. Jayce had spotted the delectable eye candy first, and although he was too chicken to approach the guy, there was such a thing as bro code. Baxter should be honoring that instead of throwing himself at the guy like a complete slut.

  Baxter came back with a disappointed look on his face. “He’s definitely gay, and his name is Deon.” Baxter playfully kicked Jayce under the table. “But I’m not the one he’s interested in.”

  Jayce had no idea what that meant. “Who is he interested in?”

  Baxter gave him a pointed stare. “You.”

  “What?” Jayce glanced at Deon then quickly looked away. “But I’ve never met him before. I haven’t even talked to him. Why is he interested in me?”

  This time Baxter frowned. “You’re always selling yourself short. You’re a nice-looking guy, Jayce. How can you not see that?”

  Jayce didn’t see himself as butt ugly, but he was a realist. Men like Deon were way out of his league. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’m not talking to him. I just broke up with Randy, remember?”

  “And it’s about time you got back into the dating game.”

  Jayce gaped at Baxter. “I broke up with him this morning.”

  “Yeah, but I have a feeling about this one.” Baxter looked over his shoulder and waved his fingers at Deon. The guy was looking right at Jayce. He smiled, gave a nod, and then turned when Kenny, the waiter, approached him.

  “Do I have to hold your hand through this?” Baxter asked. “Because I will. You don’t pass up a steak to find a burger, sweetheart. Deon is prime rib. Randy was a burger with no fixings.”

  Jayce furrowed his brows. “What does that even mean?”

  “And I’m the one who’s hopeless?” Baxter pressed a hand against his chest. “You better ride that bucking bronco while he’s still interested in you.”

  In truth, men like Deon intimidated Jayce. What would he say? How would he approach the man? Jayce hadn’t the first clue how to properly flirt.

  Baxter rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll play your wing man.”

  Jayce reached for Baxter when his friend got up. He went to Deon, said something, and then pulled his wallet out. Was Baxter paying his bill and ditching?

  Ohgodohgodohgod! Jayce felt his face catch fire as Deon got up and joined him in the booth. The guy stuck his hand out.

  “I’m Deon.”

  Fuck, Deon’s voice had a deep timbre. Just another attribute that Jayce could fawn over. He was a sucker for a deep voice, and this guy had it in spades.

  Jayce stared at Deon’s hand as if it belonged to an alien. He swallowed tightly and shook. “I’m Jayce.”

  “I haven’t seen you around town.” Deon waved to Kenny when Kenny came out of the kitchen with a plate in his hand. The waiter brought it over and set it down.

  “Do you need anything else?”

  Deon shook his head. “This is fine, thanks.”

  Jayce looked around, but Baxter was nowhere in sight. When he caught up to his friend, he was kicking Baxter in the nuts.

  “Lived here my whole life,” Jayce said. “I’ve never seen you before.”

  Deon shrugged as he bit a piece of his crispy bacon. “I mostly stay on my farm.”

  “You own a farm?” How cool was that? Jayce loved growing things. In fact, he had an amazing green thumb. “What kind of things do you grow?”

  “Produce for the grocery store.” Deon drank some of his coffee, and Jayce couldn’t help but watch the man’s throat muscles bob up and down. He was gonna pass out just from watching the guy do simple moves.

  Like how he cut into his pancake or chewed or how he breathed. Jayce took in a few breaths to calm down.

  “Where do you work?” Deon asked.

  Jayce glanced away. He still had a little bit of savings from his last job, but so far, he hadn’t found anyone hiring in Maple Grove. He didn’t even own a car so he could go job hunting in the next town over, Falls Bend.

  “In between right now,” he said. “But I’ve been looking. I’m not one of those guys who sits on his ass. I’m a hard worker.” Stop babbling and shut up. Jayce curled his lips in.

  Deon winked at him. “It happens. You’ll find something.”

  Jayce sat there with absolutely nothing to say. No witty remarks came to mind, no smooth words, no flirty pickup lines. His mind was a complete blank as he slowly turned his cup of tea. He wanted to kill Baxter for this.

  “So, it was nice meeting you.” Jayce stood and gave Deon a smile. “See you around.”

  He headed to the cash register to pay his bill, forcing himself not to look over his shoulder, to give himself one last glance at the delicious man.

  “Everything okay?” Kenny asked as he cashed Jayce out.

  “The food was incredible, as always,” Jayce said. He paid and walked outside to the hustle and bustle of small-town life. People were walking down the street, cars passed him by, and the smell of the diner clung to the air just outside the door.

  Part of Jayce was hoping Deon would chase him down and ask for his number, but as Jayce snuck a glance through the window where Deon was seated, the guy was still enjoying his meal, paying Jayce no attention.

  So much for a chance with Mr. Hottie. Life truly sucked sometimes.

  * * * *

  Jayce made it home, still thinking about Deon as he hung his keys on a hook and closed his door. Why had the hunkalicious cowboy joined him at his table if he had no interest in him? Regardless of what Baxter said, Deon had made polite conversation, nothing more.

  If Baxter had been playing a prank on him, Jayce was gonna skin the man alive.

  Jayce grabbed the local newspaper he’d left on his table and sat, looking over the help wanted ads. The house belonged to his parents, and Jayce was able to live there rent-free. It was nice, but he also felt guilty because his folks could’ve had extra income from renting it out to someone who could actually pay them.

  He picked his phone up when it rang. “You rotten bastard. Why’d you throw me under the bus like that?”

  “Seriously?” Baxter asked. “I was just calling to see how things were going with that hunky cowboy. What happened?”

  “I told him I had to go.” Jayce folded the newspaper and pushed it aside. “He didn’t ask for my number or if we could see each other again. Nothing.”

  Maybe that was for the best. It wasn’t as though Jayce had anything to offer. He firmly believed a relationship—even a budding one—was fifty-fifty. And what did Jayce have on his fifty percent? Zilch. Zero. Nada.

  “That’s odd,” Baxter said, interrupting Jayce’s thoughts. “He really seemed into you. I swear it wasn’t a prank. Not even I would be that cruel. Well, fuck him. It’s his loss.”

  That was easy for Baxter to say. The guy looked like a god—luxurious blond hair, blue eyes, and a killer body. Baxter had to beat away the men who approached him in droves. Jayce wished he had that problem. He could count on the one hand how many men came on to him.

  “Are you still coming over later?” Jayce wanted the subject changed before he fell into a deep depression. “You can order a pizza.”

  “As much as I would love to, I have to work. I’ll take a raincheck for tomorrow evening.”

  Jayce wished he had a job to go to. He looked around his kitchen and decided he didn’t want to sit around
all day. There had to be something he could do. “Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow evening.”

  “Hey, Jayce?”


  “I’m really sorry he turned out to be a jerk.”

  Jayce sighed. “Me, too. I’ll talk to you later.”

  After hanging up, Jayce headed for the door. He wasn’t going to come back until he’d found a job. Someone had to be hiring. Maple Grove was a small town, but it wasn’t that damn small. There were plenty of businesses in town, and Jayce was gonna be employed at one of them come this evening.

  With purposeful strides, Jayce walked from business to business, inquiring about work. By noon, he sat on a bench and sighed, looking down at his feet as he wondered if he would have any luck if he kept going.

  His head snapped up when two cop cars whizzed by him, sirens blaring and lights swirling. He watched them cut the corner and drive out of his sight.

  “Something’s going on,” Deon said as he took a seat next to Jayce. “Wonder what has them speeding through town.”

  Jayce looked at Deon. Was this a dream? Had the hottie from the diner really sat next to him? Jayce wanted to pinch himself to make sure this was real.

  “I guess bad guys never rest,” Jayce said lamely.

  “I guess not.” Deon stretched his lean body out, crossing his ankles while throwing one arm over the back of the bench. His fingers came close to Jayce’s shoulder, and Jayce inhaled his masculine scent. Not in a creepy way. He sucked in puffs of air through his nostrils and let the scent settle in his lungs.

  “You still looking for work?”

  “That’s what I’ve been doing all morning.” Jayce picked at a stray piece of fabric on his jeans. A small hole had started just above his knee.

  “Can I hire you for a job?”

  Yep, Jayce’s mind went there. He imagined a lasso and some spurs. “What kind of job?”


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