The Real Deal

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The Real Deal Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  Ruiz had done this. Deon had no doubt his ex-brother-in-law had set the barn on fire as a message. Keep your mouth shut. He should have killed the asshole five years ago when he’d found out the car crash had been Ruiz’s fault—when the narcissistic prick had taken Deon’s family from him.

  But Deon had been too deep in mourning, barely getting out of bed back then. When the police investigation said the brakes were cut, Deon had known. He’d known in his gut who had been behind the act. But getting to Ruiz wasn’t an easy task. Not five years ago and not now. He ran the Black Pythons and was well protected.

  Deon had concentrated on pulling himself out of the mental grave he’d dug for himself, the darkness that had been a constant, the mourning that seemed to go on forever.

  Now Ruiz was back and trying to not only pay Deon back for the crash but also to take Jayce from him because, in the bastard’s twisted mind, the loss had been Deon’s fault. Deon should’ve been in the car, not Selene and Matty.

  Deon had been so deep in thought that he hadn’t noticed how badly Jayce was shaking. His mate stared at the barn with wide eyes that were brimmed with tears. Deon’s gut clenched at how afraid he looked, and he wanted to comfort him. He put his arm around Jayce’s shoulders and pulled his mate close to his chest.

  “It’s just a barn,” he said. “The equipment can be replaced.”

  What if Jayce had been working in the barn instead of running errands with him? Ruiz would’ve orgasmed at the knowledge that he’d killed the one man who meant everything to Deon.

  Even though Ruiz had no clue about the dynamics of their relationship. His snitch had just seen how Deon had looked at Jayce in the diner and put two and two together. An educated guess, though most Black Pythons were idiots.

  Unfortunately the snitch had gotten this one right. God, Deon could’ve lost Jayce today, and the familiar ache of tragedy settled in his chest. His mate could’ve died.

  Although Darren and Malik were investigating the murder, Deon needed their help. They’d recruited him when Mike Cage’s mate was in trouble. Deon had gone to Oklahoma to rescue Kester’s mom. Mike had paid him to babysit Kester when Kester’s uncle and cousin were after him.

  Now it was time to call in those favors. Regardless of Ruiz’s warning not to tell anyone, Deon wasn’t alone in this. He had friends and hoped they had his back.

  He’d call after everyone left. He’d even pull in Moose to help. Shifters against humans. The Black Pythons wouldn’t see what was coming.

  Jayce slid his arms around Deon’s waist and looked up at him. “This is my fault.”

  That confused Deon. “How so?”

  “The culprit is trying to frame me for that guy’s murder. Who else would set your barn on fire? I can’t think of anyone, can you?”

  Secrets. Jayce hated them, and Deon wanted to come clean, just not in front of the fire department. The cops on the scene were Deputy Hayley and Deputy Mills, humans, so he couldn’t talk in front of them, either.

  “We’ll discuss this when we’re alone,” Deon said low enough that he hoped the chief, a polar bear shifter, didn’t hear him.

  When the fire was finally out, firefighter Scott Mulligan walked toward them, a grim expression on his face. “We got a problem.” Scott’s gaze landed on Deon before he looked to Deputy Hayley. “There’s a dead body in the barn.”

  Deon’s heart lodged in his throat. Ruiz had killed again, even though he’d said he wouldn’t if Deon kept quiet.

  “It’s badly burned, but not the hands. We can get fingerprints and DNA from whoever it is to identify him or her.” Scott wiped a hand over his face. “I mean you can, since that’s not my job.”

  Deputy Hayley walked over to Deon, his expression all business. He rested his hands on his utility belt as he gazed at Jayce. “This your doing?”

  “No!” Jayce’s eyes grew even wider, and his jaw was hanging down to his chest. “I was gone all day with Deon. We’ve been running errands. You can ask around town. People saw me.”

  “You could’ve disposed of the body earlier,” Hayley said.

  “And walked back to the farm to set the fire to cover up his crime?” Deon snarled. “I think I would’ve noticed my ma—boyfriend gone, don’t you think?”

  Deon had never wanted to slug someone as badly as he wanted to knock Joshua Hayley on his ass.

  “The barn was just fine when we left this morning,” Deon went on, ignoring how suspiciously Hayley was staring at Jayce. “This was done while we were out. I already told the sheriff that Jayce is being set up.”

  That really was dumb of Ruiz, or whoever he’d sent, to set the fire while Deon and Jayce were away. He could’ve waited until tonight, when they were home. An alibi would’ve been harder to give. The cops would’ve said that Deon was covering for Jayce. That was plausible. But too many people in town had seen them at the time the fire had been set.

  “I saw them,” Deputy Mills said. “Earlier, when I was on patrol. They were at the post office, and I saw them at Raven’s shop. I’m pretty sure others will say they were other places, too.”

  “The gas station, then the post office, Raven’s, and lastly the grocery store,” Deon said. He pointed to his truck. “Groceries are still in the back. The receipt is time stamped.”

  Hayley didn’t look convinced but walked away, telling Deputy Mills that they needed to call Dr. Bjord to come get the body. Dr. Cormack had not only sold his medical practice to Ari Bjord but his coroner business, as well.

  “I’m gonna take Jayce inside,” Deon said to Chief Monroe. “He’s shaken up.”

  Sal nodded. He even helped carry the groceries inside. The ice cream had melted, but otherwise, the perishable food looked as though it had kept.

  Deon thanked the chief and walked him to the door. When he and Jayce were finally alone, Deon pulled his phone out and called Malik.

  The lion shifter picked up on the third ring. “Malik Burrows.”

  “It’s Deon, and we need to talk. Can you come to my house tonight?” Deon wanted everyone gone before Malik swung by. He didn’t need Hayley or Mills questioning his presence.

  “This about the fire at your place?”

  “News travels fast.” Deon put a kettle on the stove and turned the burner on. Jayce could use some hot tea.

  “I’ll stop by later.”

  “Bring Darren and Moose with you. I need to tell you guys something about the murders.”

  “Plural?” Malik sounded confused.

  “Yeah, they found a body in the barn, and I know who put it there.” Even if Deon didn’t want to dredge up the past, to have others poking their nose into his previous life, he couldn’t let Ruiz get away with this. The psychopath needed to be stopped.

  “We’ll be there around nine.” Malik hung up.

  “You know who did this?”

  Jayce’s voice behind him made Deon curse. This wasn’t how he wanted to explain things. Now it seemed as though he’d been hiding things from Jayce, and his mate wasn’t going to like that fact.

  With a deep sigh, Deon made them both a cup of tea and had Jayce join him at the table. “I’ll have to start at the beginning.”

  * * * *

  Jayce had tears rolling down his cheeks when Deon told him about his son’s and wife’s deaths. The boy had been only three. But he wasn’t the only one with wet eyes. The entire time Deon talked about Matty, a few tears slipped past his eyelids. His mate kept clearing his throat, as if trying not to let the dam fully break.

  Oh god. Jayce’s heart felt like it was being ripped right out. He couldn’t stand it anymore. The small distance between them. The heartbreaking emotions. Jayce jumped up from his chair and threw his arms around his mate. “I’m so, so sorry for what happened to them.”

  Deon cleared his throat again and simply nodded. Jayce suspected he was too choked up for any more words. Jayce sat on his mate’s lap and laid his head on his shoulder as the silence filled the kitchen. After a moment or two, Deon was fina
lly able to speak.

  “It’s Ruiz who’s dropping the bodies. He’s the one who set the fire.”

  Jayce was smart enough to already have figured that out. “He blames you for their deaths, even though he’s the one who cut the brakes.” He would never understand some people’s twisted sense of logic. “And he wants to take me from you in retaliation.”

  Deon brushed his hand down Jayce’s back, and Jayce sighed at the comfort. “I wasn’t trying to keep secrets from you.”

  Jayce snorted and lifted his head to look at Deon. “First, that was unfair of me. We just met. You’re not gonna open your life up like a book to me. I don’t expect that. I’m sorry for putting that kind of pressure on you. Second, who the hell would want to tell someone they’d just started dating about that insane shit?”

  “I’m sorry you got pulled into it. I’m gonna make things right. When Malik gets here—”

  “Wait.” Jayce held up his hand. “Didn’t Ruiz warn you not to say anything?”

  “He also killed someone else,” Deon reminded him. “He doesn’t play by any rules, not even the ones he’s handed out. Fuck him. I’m not gonna let Ruiz keep doing this shit, sweets. It’s only going to get worse unless I put a stop to it.”

  Jayce was truly shaken up. He’d never been through anything like this before. Framed for murder, discovering that he had a mate and there was a whole other world right under his nose, a huge fire with a dead body, and now Deon was talking about going after someone in a criminal enterprise.

  “Hey, hey.” Deon pressed his hands on the sides of Jayce’s face. “Why are you shaking?” He gave Jayce a quick, soft kiss. “That was a dumb question, huh? Of course all of this is too much.”

  Deon caressed Jayce so softly that Jayce’s insides melted. “I can handle this,” Jayce said, more to himself than to his mate. “I’m tough enough.”

  “That you are.” Deon got up and carried Jayce to the couch in the living room. He sat, keeping Jayce on his lap. “I’m gonna keep you safe, sweets.”

  There was frustration in his voice, as though this situation was getting to him, as well. Jayce didn’t want to imagine what else Ruiz could do to ruin their lives. There had been enough tragedy already.

  And the cops still had to figure out who had been killed in the barn fire. Jayce closed his eyes. Was it another homeless person or someone he or Deon knew?

  “There you go frowning again.” His breath mingled with Jayce’s just as Jayce opened his eyes. Deon was so close Jayce saw tiny flecks of green in his eyes. They stared at each other for a brief moment before Deon cupped the back of Jayce’s head and their lips touched.

  A crazy thought popped into Jayce’s head. More like a song. “Magic,” by the band Pilot. Jayce snickered. He didn’t really know the song, just the chorus, but it kept looping in his head.

  Deon grinned as his lips left Jayce’s. “What’s so funny?”

  “I think I’m losing my mind.” He cupped Deon’s face and drew his mate back to him. “Magic.”

  “This certainly is. Feels like it.” Deon twisted and placed Jayce on his back, against the couch cushions. “Every second I’m with you feels magical.”

  That declaration was corny, but Jayce totally loved corny. He groaned as Deon ground his hips into Jayce’s. His mate was so hard. Jayce was, too. He wanted to forget everything, just for a brief moment in time, for however long it took for them to make love.

  He curled his legs around Deon’s waist, shoving upward, pressing their trapped cocks even closer.

  Deon hissed then reared back, untangling Jayce’s legs. His mate stood and undressed, revealing a golden, muscled body. It was the hard cock Jayce was focused on. He sat up and took Deon’s shaft all the way down his throat, twirling his tongue as Deon hissed again, grabbing Jayce’s hair.

  Deon fucked his mouth, his dick moving between Jayce’s lips as Jayce tightened his suction, taking the punishing thrusts. Jayce gagged twice but refused to back away.

  “Not…” Deon blew out a breath. “Not like this.” He pulled all the way out and took a step back. “Get undressed.”

  Jayce stood, their bodies close as he pulled his shirt off and shoved his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He sat, taking them the rest of the way off.

  Deon grabbed his hand and led Jayce to the bedroom. He grabbed the tube of lube from the drawer and then took him back to the living room.

  Jayce chuckled. “I could’ve stayed right here.”

  “Don’t want you leaving my side.” Deon set the lube on the coffee table. “I like holding your hand, too.”

  That made Jayce blush. He recalled how hands-on Deon had been in the grocery store—stealing kisses and groping him. “You’re very tactile.”

  “You’re just now figuring that out?” Deon grabbed the lube and wet his fingers. Jayce knelt on the couch, his arms dangling over the back of it. He had his back to Deon but felt every move the guy made.

  Jayce’s eyes fluttered closed when Deon’s thick fingers entered him. His mate climbed onto the couch, his knees on either side of Jayce.

  “Very tactile,” Deon purred, literally purred as he kissed his way across Jayce’s shoulder. “I love the way you smell, how soft your skin is, and how your hole clamps around my cock.”

  “Fuck me already,” Jayce begged. Deon’s closeness not only excited him but made his entire body tingle. His cock was hard and smashed between his body and the cushions. The friction. Oh god.

  “I want you just as badly.” Deon kissed Jayce’s nape and continued on to the other shoulder. “So badly.”

  He pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his cock. Deon didn’t thrust inward this time. He inched inside Jayce, making this feel like erotic torture. The guy was teasing him, drawing this out, making Jayce pant as he gripped the back of the couch.

  The moment felt tense, as did Jayce’s body. He wanted Deon to hammer into him, to make him feel every delicious ache that was sure to come. But Jayce also wanted to draw this out, to make it last for however long he could. They could.

  “Such a sweet fucking ass.” Deon’s hands gripped Jayce’s hips, drawing Jayce down to him as he inched his way upward. “So perfect.”

  Then he ran his hands down Jayce’s thighs and then worked them back up, circling one around Jayce to grab his aching cock.

  Jayce was drowning in the feeling of having Deon so close, inside of him, wrapped around him. Deon yanked Jayce’s head back by his hair, and they shared a sloppy, passionate kiss. Jayce was on the verge of begging Deon to move faster when his mate bottomed out.

  As if reading Jayce’s mind, Deon once again grabbed Jayce’s hips and started a punishing pace, thrusting Jayce upward with his powerful strokes.

  It didn’t take long for Jayce’s buildup to grip him. He bounced downward, meeting the punches of Deon’s hips. When Deon sank his teeth into Jayce’s shoulder, a kaleidoscope of rioting emotions burst inside Jake. He threw his head back and shouted, “I love you!”

  He was too far-gone to regret what he’d said. His orgasm was crashing through him, pulling Jake under and shaking him.

  Deon pulled his teeth free and purred, “I love you, too, sweets.”

  He gave a few more hard thrusts and Deon joined him in their release. Jayce lay against the back of the couch, panting, gasping for breath, and allowing what was just said to sink in.

  Had Deon really said he loved him?

  Jayce’s mate curled his arms around him, holding him close, chest to back, and purring like crazy. Jayce had closed his eyes, ready for a nap, when a knock sounded at the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Jayce was sitting on the couch, fully dressed—blush—watching Deputy Burrows, Deputy Christopher, and Moose stand there talking with Deon. Jayce couldn’t take his eyes off his mate. He couldn’t get Deon’s declaration of love out of his head. If Jayce been a woman, he probably would have swooned.

  Mentally he had.

  But his attraction was more than jus
t sex. It was in Deon’s voice, his powerful stance, the way he kept stealing glances Jayce’s way. Jayce felt like he was Deon’s his entire world. No one had ever made him feel that way before. He just might have fallen hard for Mr. Sexy. Why else would Jayce have blurted out that he loved Deon?

  Deon’s arms were crossed, making his biceps bulge. He wasn’t the tallest in the room or the bulkiest, but he was still so… Jayce sighed, trying to force himself to look at something else. Epic fail. His gaze kept getting drawn back to his mate.

  “You knew who killed that guy?” Malik sounded pissed. “You should’ve told us, Deon. We might’ve been able to prevent the second death.”

  “Just give me his name and address.” Moose rubbed his belly. “I’m starving. Can we get this over with?”

  Darren rolled his eyes. “You’re always hungry.”

  “Because you’re a growing boy,” Malik said for Moose. “Yeah, yeah. We’ve heard that more than once.”

  Moose narrowed his eyes. “Careful or I just might eat you.”

  The two glared at each other. Jayce just sat back and watched it all, listening to them argue and throw barbs at each other, but no real plan had been made.

  Tired of hearing them, Jayce went into the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. His workout with Deon had left him hungry. He thought about making Moose something to eat, but he just might clear out the cupboards.

  Moose was on his own.

  Jayce took his plate and glass of juice to the screened-in sunporch. It was still a bit chilly out, the nights not hot enough yet, and sat, enjoying the view of the wide-open field and the forest just beyond.

  He could also see the remnants of the barn, its frame just charred remains. He could smell the scent of burnt wood that still clung in the air. Jayce thought about the person they’d found inside and wondered who it was.

  As he took a bite of his sandwich, he pulled out his phone and tried to call Baxter. He needed to tell his best friend what else had happened to him since the last time they’d spoken, but his call went straight to voice mail.


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