Sweet on Sophie ( (A Red Maple Falls Novel, #11)

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Sweet on Sophie ( (A Red Maple Falls Novel, #11) Page 11

by Theresa Paolo

  Even though Sophie was a frequent festival attendee, she still held a notebook in her hand, ready to take notes for her own event. From the minute they entered the festival. She’d been scribbling feverishly.

  “You’re going to burn a hole through the paper,” he said.

  “I just want to make sure I get this all down.”

  He took the notebook out of her hand, and she gasped. “You’ve been to this festival how many times?”

  “Every year since I was a baby.”

  “And how many other town festivals have you been to?”

  “All of them.”

  “Then I don’t think you need to write anymore down.”

  “But what if I forget?”

  He tapped her head. “It’s all in here. Besides, you keep your nose in this notebook, and you’re going to miss out on all the fun.”

  “I guess you’re right.” She took the notebook back from him and slipped it into her bag. She clapped her hands together. “Where do we want to go next?”

  “I think you had mentioned face painting.”

  Her lip quirked at the corner. “I did, but I thought we could save that for last.”

  “And miss out on you walking around the festival all decked out? I think we should go now. Don’t you, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte bit her lip then gave a quick precise nod.

  “Then it’s agreed. Face painting it is.”

  Charlotte skipped ahead, and Sophie jokingly shook a fist at him. “You think you’re so clever.”

  “Oh, I don’t think. I know.”

  “Fine, but you’re going to have to be the one to look at me for the rest of the festival.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Charlotte stopped at the face painting booth and looked at the wall of characters to choose from. “What are you thinking?” Drake asked, bending down beside her.

  She tapped a finger against her lip and her eyes scanned through the options. A flicker of joy flashed across her face as she pointed to the unicorn.

  “That’s the same colors as the cupcake you ate yesterday,” Sophie said. “Is purple your favorite color?”

  Charlotte nodded, and Drake looked at Sophie with awe. The way she picked up on the little details that helped piece together a bigger picture was impressive.

  “I think Uncle Drake should get you some more purple things for your room, and maybe some more unicorn accessories.” He had bought the unicorn lamp, a matching bedspread and pillowcases along with a rainbow throw pillow, and twinkle lights, but he supposed a few more things couldn’t hurt.

  Charlotte’s mouth opened wide, her lips creasing at the corners, and for the first time he saw pure joy on his niece’s face. His heart constricted, and he wrapped his arm around Sophie’s shoulder and squeezed her against him, placing a kiss on her head. “Thank you.”

  She glanced up at him, and he was lost to the blue depths of her eyes. “You’re welcome.”

  “Who is next?” A woman’s voice broke through his daze, and he snapped his eyes away from Sophie and onto Charlotte.

  A girl with a butterfly painted on her face skipped away, holding her hand out to her mom.

  “I believe it’s this young lady’s turn,” Drake said. “And she’d like to be a unicorn.”

  “I can make that possible.” The women’s salt and pepper curls moved with her. She held her hand out, bracelets jangling with the motion. “Step into my studio.”

  Drake gave Charlotte a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder. “Go ahead. I’ll be right here.”

  She took a deep breath, then jetted to the chair in front of the woman. The woman spoke with Charlotte as she readied the paint, and she didn’t say anything when Charlotte only offered head motions in response. He sighed a breath of relief.

  “She’s doing fine,” Sophie said behind him.

  He stepped back, giving Charlotte her space, reminding himself that he couldn’t always be there, and she needed to be able to do things on her own. He followed Sophie back to where the painted face options hung.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to get?” he asked.

  “I was thinking I’d go with the mermaid.”

  “Because you like mermaids, or because it’s the one with the least amount of paint?” He gently bumped his shoulder into hers and the slight touch made him crave more.

  “A little bit of both, I suppose.”

  It would be so easy to wrap his arm around her shoulder, but she was Charlotte’s teacher and other than the almost kiss at his office, they hadn’t discussed anything. He had no idea if she’d even be interested in him. He was a man with a schedule that barely gave him time for himself, let alone another person. He couldn’t expect Sophie to want to navigate his life just for them to spend a few minutes with each other.

  Yet, in the past week, they had managed to see each other a lot, and the thought of not seeing her as often twisted his gut.

  “And we’re all finished.” Drake heard the woman’s voice say, and he turned to see her holding up a mirror for Charlotte. Charlotte took the mirror and admired herself for a moment before handing it back.

  She hopped up from the chair and skipped over to him. “You look beautiful,” he said, which granted him another big smile.

  She pointed to Sophie.

  “Yes, I believe it is your turn.”

  Sophie moved passed him, her eyes lingering on him as she went. “I’ll remember this,” she said with a twinkle in her eye and humor tugging at her lips. “Payback will be a… Well, you know.”

  “It’ll totally be worth it,” he said.

  Sophie sat down in the chair Charlotte had just vacated, and she spoke with the women for a moment before the women got started.

  The women dragged the paint brush across Sophie’s lid, and she closed her eyes. He had no idea why seeing her close her eyes turned him on so much. Maybe it was the way her lashes fanned across the top of her cheek, or the way a smile sat effortlessly at the edges of her mouth. Or maybe he was imagining how she would look beneath him.

  He spun away before the thought could build in his mind. There was a time and place, and this certainly wasn’t it. Though it was hard to keep his mind from wandering there so often. The more time he spent with Sophie, the more he wanted to kiss the corner of her mouth and watch her eyes slip shut.

  Once again. he fought against his own mind and focused on the festival around him. Families walked the aisles, some hand in hand, others scattered about, one more excited than the next, running to the booth of their choosing.

  Kids with painted faces ran by, balloons bobbed, tied to small hands, and couples snuck glances at each other, momentarily stopping for a chaste kiss. These were things he never noticed before. Never cared to, but now he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever be that family one day. Two parents, holding hands, happy and in love while their kids raced about their feet.

  He felt a tug on his shirt and looked down at Charlotte, who pointed to where Sophie had been sitting. Sophie stood with an embarrassed tilt of her head. Her blonde hair fell like a curtain, blocking the paint.

  “Let us see.” He handed the women enough money to cover the painting plus a tip. She smiled her appreciation and stuffed the money in her pocket.

  Sophie’s hand reached up, brushing her hair out of her face. Her nose scrunched, but all he could see was how the green and purple somehow made her blue eyes bluer. How the curve of the design accented her features, making her even more beautiful.

  She wasn’t a mermaid. She was a siren, and he’d gladly follow her voice to his death.

  She stopped in front of him, blue eyes locking on his. “So what do you think?”

  A majestic goddess full of life and kindness. His mouth suddenly dry, he swallowed. “Beautiful.”

  “Oh shut up.” She swatted his chest.

  “I’m being serious. You are beautiful.”

  Her features arced down, her lips pressing into a straight line, the humor th
at etched her face gone. It was not the expression he expected. “Wh—”

  “Charlotte!” Travis’s voice boomed as he ran toward them, cutting Drake’s words off. He came to a skidding halt in front of Charlotte, Kristen hurrying behind him to catch up. “Wow!” His eyes took in Charlotte’s face paint. “That looks awesome!”

  She bit her lip, and Drake waited for the nod. “Thanks,” she said, her voice soft and faint, but it was a word! He heard it.

  His attention snapped to Sophie, afraid that he was imagining it and needed her confirmation that he wasn’t. Shock widened Sophie’s eyes, and he knew she heard it, too. Joy and relief bubbled inside of him, culminating into a roar of laughter. Sophie’s laugh mixed with his, and he picked her up, spinning her around before putting her down and doing the same to Charlotte.

  When he put Charlotte down, she looked at him like he was nuts, but he didn’t care. She spoke. It was only one word, but it was a start! Tears pricked the backs of his eyes, and he pulled her hard against his chest.

  Who knew a single word could bring so much happiness? He released her and held her arms, looking into her innocent eyes. Now he was the one who didn’t have words.

  “Was it something I said?” she asked, and he snorted, choking on his words.

  “Oh sweetheart.” He pulled her back in for another hug, beams of joy bursting out of him. He was afraid this day would never come. It kept him up at night, wondering what he could have been doing to help her adjust and come to terms with the loss of her mother. But the problem was, he hadn’t come to terms with it himself, so he had no idea how to help her move forward when he was still suffering silently himself.

  “We should celebrate!” he announced, standing up. “Ice cream! Travis, you in?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  “Travis!” Kristen said as she finally caught up to him.

  “I mean, yes please.”

  “What are we celebrating?” Kristen asked.

  Sophie linked her arm through Kristen’s. “Charlotte spoke.”

  Surprise filled Kristen’s eyes, and a smile bloomed across her face. “That’s definitely grounds for celebration.”

  “Where’s Jax and Noah?” Drake asked.

  “Noah wanted to go look at the goats and Travis wanted to find the games, so we split up. We’re meeting by Shay’s cupcake booth in an hour. Plenty of time to celebrate with you guys.”

  “Perfect,” Sophie said and led the way with her arm still linked through Kristen’s.

  Drake made sure Charlotte and Travis followed, wishing it was his arm Sophie looped hers through, but still enjoying the view of Sophie from behind.

  There was a short line for ice cream and when they got up Drake pointed to Charlotte.

  “What do you want, Char?” he asked, and she bounced at the nickname.

  “Vanilla!” The little squeak of happiness bathed him in bliss. He didn’t know if he’d ever get used to hearing her voice.

  “Vanilla, okay. Rainbow sprinkles?”

  She nodded.



  “In a cup,” Kristen interjected, and Drake turned to her.

  “Trust me,” she said. “I have seven years of parenting on you, and you will thank me. Get the cone but get it in a cup.”

  “You heard the lady,” Drake said to the teenager scooping ice cream. “I’m not going to question an expert. Okay, who is next?”

  Travis raised his hand and Drake circled his finger in the air as if he didn’t see him. “Me!” Travis beamed.

  “Oh, I didn’t see you there,” Drake joked. “What do you want?”

  “The same as Charlotte,” Travis said.

  “You got it! Sophie, what about you?”

  Her teeth slid over her lip, and she tapped a finger to her chin. He wondered if that’s where Charlotte had picked it up from. “I’ll take chocolate with chocolate sprinkles.”

  “I’ll take the same,” Kristen said.

  “And I’ll have a scoop of vanilla, and a scoop of chocolate, no sprinkles.”

  “No sprinkles?” Sophie exclaimed. “They’re like the glitter of desserts that make it so much better.”

  He laughed at her logic. “I don’t like to chew my ice cream.”

  “You’re weird.”

  “Says the woman who hoots down hallways.”

  Her lip quirked, and she looked down as a laugh slipped from her mouth. “Touché.”

  Travis let out a loud scream, and Drake spun. Travis’s ice cream fell from his hand, and Kristen immediately dropped to her knees.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked frantically, holding his face as tears poured down his cheeks.

  He glanced toward the red swelling of his arm.

  “Bee sting,” Drake said. “Is he allergic?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Let me see.” Drake bent down beside her and took Travis’s arm in his hand. He looked at the swollen skin but really focused on Travis’s breathing. When he didn’t hear any irregularities, he pressed his cup of ice cream to the bite to help with the swelling.

  “If he’s not allergic, he should be fine. Just cold compress to help with the swelling, and you can give him an anti-inflammatory.”

  Charlotte walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug. “It’s okay, Travis.”

  Travis sniffled. “I dropped my ice cream.”

  “You can share mine.”

  Sophie grabbed her chest and silently awed.

  “I’ll get you another ice cream,” Drake said, ruffling Travis’s hair.

  Kristen took a deep breath and let it out. “With kids, it’s always an adventure.”

  Drake was starting to realize that, and it was an adventure he was happy to be on.

  A short time later, after many drips and drops, the five of them met up with Jax and Noah.

  “Jax, look! Look!” Travis held up his elbow. “I got stung by a bee!” He stood proudly, showing off his war wound.

  Jax put Noah down and took Travis’s arm in his hand, giving it a once over before meeting Kristen’s gaze with concern in his own.

  Kristen shook her head. “Always something.”

  “I only cried a little,” Travis said.

  “He was very brave,” Drake added, and Travis beamed.

  “It hurt, but I was more upset I dropped my ice cream,” he admitted.

  Jax gasped. “You had ice cream without me?”

  “We were celebrating! Charlotte talked. Right, Charlotte?”

  A blush spread across her cheeks and she stepped closer to Drake. He placed his hand on her shoulder, to reassure her that he was there and not going anywhere. She nodded.

  “That’s why you should have come with us.”

  “Nuh uh!” Noah said. “We got to pet goats!”

  “We had ice cream.” Travis stuck his tongue out, but one look from Kristen and his tongue retreated into his mouth. He kicked the ground. “Goats are cool, too. I guess.”

  “And that’s how you parent,” Jax said under his breath toward Drake. “Seriously, she’s a pro. If you need any tips just ask.”

  Maybe it was time Drake stopped trying to do it all on his own and started getting help from those that were willing to give it.

  “I think I will. Kristen also mentioned that you might be able to pick Charlotte up from school some days when you pick up the boys. I didn’t want to—”

  “I’d be happy to pick Charlotte up, too. I’m there anyway, and she and Travis seem to get along really well. Though now that she’s talking, who knows?” Jax laughed. “I think Travis liked having someone who never interrupted him.”

  “Even though she’s talking, I don’t think Charlotte will be interrupting him much. She still likes to listen and observe.”

  Travis tugged on Kristen’s shirt and she looked down at him. “What is it, Travis?”

  “Can Charlotte come to the movies with us?”

  “Do you still want to go to the movies? Doesn’t your
arm hurt?”

  “It’s okay!” he exclaimed. “The ice cream helped.”

  “I’m sure it did.” Kristen laughed. “It’s not up to me. It’s up to Dr. Stevens.”

  Travis, quick on his feet, pivoted to Drake. “Dr. Stevens, can Charlotte come with us? Mom is letting us stay up until ten! And I did get stung by a bee today and it would make me really happy if Charlotte could come.” The kid was a natural charmer. He was going to give Kristen and Jax a run for their money when he was a teenager.

  “They’re playing a double feature of Casper and Hocus Pocus. How can I not?” Kristen interjected. “I loved those movies, and I’m excited to share it with them.”

  “When did they get Hocus Pocus?” Sophie asked, her mouth dropping open. “I love that movie! I wanted to be Sarah Jessica Parker’s character when I was a kid. I even went as her three years in a row, but so did Ellie. She refused to be the Winifred to my Sarah.”

  “Apparently an old movie theater in Maine closed, and they scooped up all their 35mm films.”

  Sophie bounced. “Do you mean we’ll finally have more options than Back to the Future?” Did Sophie like the movies? Maybe he’d ask her to go with him and Charlotte one weekend.

  “From what I heard, at least ten new films to be debuted over the next few months.”

  “Make sure to go when Terry’s there,” Jax said. “The woman pulls out a roasted chicken and Tupperware full of sides. It’s like a full-blown feast.”

  “Seriously?” Drake asked.

  “Oh yeah. She fed the whole movie theater the first time I witnessed it, and it’s happened several times since. She had apple pie last time, too.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Drake quipped. What was it going to take to convince Terry her sugar was something she needed to take seriously? It’s not like he was purposely trying to deprive her of her favorite desserts, but as her doctor it was his job to monitor her health and recommend the best options to keep her in good health. She didn’t have to listen to his suggestions. He knew that she was her own person, but each one of his patients was important to him. If he could help them, he damn well was going to pester.

  A squeeze of his hand brought his attention down. Charlotte looked up at him with hopeful eyes.


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