Bling: A Diamond Doms Novel

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by Ivy Nelson


  A Diamond Doms Novel


  A Diamond Doms Novel

  Ivy Nelson

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 by Ivy Nelson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected].

  First edition May 2020


  A Note From The Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  About the Author

  A Note From The Author

  Bling contains depictions of BDSM. This book is the authors interpretation of BDSM fantasies and is not intended to be an educational tool. BDSM is different for everyone and this is just one perspective. Everything in this book is fictitious and should be read as such. If you choose to participate in BDSM, please remember consent above all else and please do educate yourself with something that isn’t a work of fiction.

  I hope you enjoy this creation.

  Ivy Nelson

  Chapter One


  That’s how many people were about to lose their jobs at the hand of Garrett Oliver, and it was likely to be more than that if things continued the way they were going. Sitting in his downtown Philadelphia office, he felt like a bastard as he signed the paperwork making the layoffs official.

  He couldn’t bring himself to read the individual names on the list, so he shut the folder with disgust and dropped it in his outbox for Regina to pick up later. Learning their names would just make it harder. His management team in Colorado had come up with the list, and it was up to them to handle the logistics of when to let everyone go.

  Now, he turned his attention to the two familiar faces who sat on the other side of his desk.

  “Thanks for coming. Having another pair of eyes on this makes me feel better. Not that I think you can do anything, I just need to make sure there isn’t anything I can do to save these people’s jobs.”

  “I know this sounds harsh, Garrett, but twenty-six people isn’t that many in the grand scheme of things,” Elijah Barrett said, as he twirled the wedding ring on his finger.

  Hunter Novak leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and gave Garrett a sympathetic smile. “He’s right. You employ thousands all across the country and around the world. The severance package you’re offering is more than generous. I still think we need to figure out how Maxitech Solutions got that government contract out from under you. Paul Andrews is one of your best friends. It seems odd that he would pass up the use of your fulfillment center in his own state.”

  Garrett agreed but waved his hand. “You don’t need to get involved. I just needed someone else to look over my numbers and make sure there wasn’t a way to save more jobs. My people have been over it a dozen times, but with the unknowns of why that facility isn’t hitting quarterly goals like it used to, coupled with losing this contract, there doesn’t seem to be a way around it.” What he didn’t say is that it was already in the back of his mind to do a deep dive on Maxitech. There was definitely something off about how they swooped in on his deal at the last minute.

  Hunter nodded. “I understand. Fresh eyes are a positive thing. I still say you need to insert yourself into the day-to-day operations in Colorado until you figure this out. My gut is screaming that you have someone leaking information, if not outright stealing from you.”

  Garrett didn’t want to believe that, but when a company grew to the size his had grown, it was impossible to keep an eye on everyone at all times. He had fulfillment centers in eight states and fourteen cities along with shipping centers and manufacturing plants peppered across the country from a variety of companies he’d acquired. Shipping and e-commerce made up the bulk of his portfolio

  Elijah cleared his throat. “You’ve dealt with some negative press in the past few years over your decision to take your entire operation private. Is there a chance someone is angry enough about that to try and sabotage you?”

  Garrett shrugged. “I’m also on the president’s economic advisory panel. Plenty of people don’t like me. I just don’t know how any of them could get to me.”

  “Didn’t you have a falling out with a brother or something?”

  Garrett shook his head. “I wouldn’t call it a falling out. I got the company, he got five million dollars. There are days when I’m fairly sure he got the better end of that bargain.”

  Both men chuckled. They were no strangers to the stress that came with owning multi-faceted companies.

  Standing, Garrett moved to the bar along one wall and lifted a crystal decanter of his favorite scotch from a tray. After pouring three glasses, he motioned for the men to move to the sitting area where they could be more comfortable.

  “I think you’re right about Colorado, Hunter. Can I get a long-term suite at the Glenview, or should I just use my room at Solitaire for a while? I can get an apartment, but the Glenview is easier until I know how long I’ll be there.”

  Hunter flashed him a grin as he stood and stretched before making his way to the couch. He’d recently acquired the upscale hotel since many of the members of the BDSM club they all frequented used it. Club members got a discount, and he used some of the hotel’s profits to funnel resources to Solitaire. “I can get you the top floor suite.”

  Garrett gave him a thumbs up as his eyes swept to Elijah, who had crouched on the floor at his desk.

  “What did you find, Eli? The cleaning lady miss something?”

  His friend was standing now, frowning as he read what looked like a business card.

  “When did Grant Sterling give you his card?” he asked, turning it over in his hand.

  Garrett frowned as he tried to remember. “That must have been three months ago, right before your wedding. I think he was hitting up a number of big companies. He’s trying to rebuild his PR firm from the ground up. Nicholas Sutton was his only client for several years because he was paid to be exclusive.”

  Garrett shrugged and sipped his scotch. “I told him I already had a firm on retainer. Card must have fallen off my desk.”

  Elijah tucked the card into his pocket. “That man still rubs me the wrong way. There’s something off about him.”

  Hunter shoved his shoulder as he settled onto the couch. “You’re just p
issed that he dated your wife before you did.”

  Elijah scowled as Hunter chuckled around a sip of scotch. Garrett noticed that he didn’t deny the accusation, though.

  “Now that you’ve listened to my troubles, what did you fellas want to talk to me about?”

  Elijah gave a slow smile. “We want to exploit your political connections a bit.”

  Garrett lifted an eyebrow. This should be interesting. “What did you have in mind?”

  “It’s about to be inauguration season for a few governors, and of course, there’s the president,” Hunter said.

  Garrett waited, but they didn’t continue. “Spit it out, you two. What kind of favors am I cashing in for you?”

  Elijah pulled a tablet from his messenger bag and began tapping the screen. He flipped it around for Garrett to see. “We want to get in touch with whoever is dressing the high-profile guests and of course, the politicians themselves, and outfit them with our diamonds. We’ve been looking at the agendas for several of them, and we really think they would buy into it.”

  Garrett looked from Hunter to Elijah. He didn’t realize Hunter had gotten stop into the man-made diamond game with Eli and Patrick. Garrett had teamed up with them to use their synthetic diamonds for some aspects of his manufacturing company, but that was much simpler than the jewelry world.

  “So, you want me to put you in touch with fashion teams? Why me?”

  Hunter chuckled. “Because the people we have in mind are all people you’ve advised.”

  Garrett gave a low hum as he stared at the intricate jewelry pieces on Elijah’s screen. One striking piece in yellow stood out to him and his gaze lingered on it. Isabelle would look stunning with that around her neck. He shook the thought away; she was his submissive at the club only. They hadn’t even slept together yet, though he hoped to change that this weekend. She was not ready for his collar.

  “Anyway, my baby girl suggested we talk to you since you have more connections in that world than any of the rest of us.”

  Elijah’s baby girl was his wife and the vice president of the Barrett Corporation, but she also wore Elijah’s collar. Dynamics in a relationship like theirs were complicated, and Garrett couldn’t imagine blending the two worlds the way Elijah had. He’d taken a submissive or two to dinner, but generally kept his kinky proclivities behind the private doors of Club Solitaire.

  Thoughts of the dark-haired sub he was currently training there had a smile playing at his lips. She’d been assigned to him as part of the house submissive program, but recently, they’d grown closer to each other and the relationship was growing sexual. In fact, she’d agreed to share his suite with him at the club this weekend. He was even breaking his own rules and taking her to an upcoming fundraiser where it was better if he had a date. He’d made it clear that they had to leave their Dom/sub dynamic at Solitaire, though.

  “Earth to Garrett,” Hunter said.

  “I think he was daydreaming about a certain submissive we all know,” Elijah teased.

  Garrett shook his head. “Sorry. Yes, those pieces are exquisite. I’ll make a few phone calls this week and put you in touch with whoever I can. Jasmine Darlington comes to mind.”

  Hunter laughed. “Notice he didn’t deny who he was thinking about.”

  Garrett just glared, though he didn’t really mind the ribbing.

  “There’s no board meeting this weekend. Will Samuel or Matthew be at the club?” he asked after a moment passed with the men just sipping their scotch.

  Hunter shrugged. “I know Matthew will be, but it’s hard to say with Samuel. He might be out of the country again.”

  Garrett nodded. Samuel was a mysterious man who traveled often. If Garrett had to guess, he was an operative of some kind, but he never pressed him for answers.

  The men spent the next half hour talking about business, the club, and the women in their lives. Elijah was a newlywed, and Hunter was the exact opposite, a player of epic proportion who often had multiple women on his arm at parties and red-carpet events. He was a god in the entertainment and gambling world, though, so it seemed to fit him well. Garrett was quieter about the women he kept company with and right now, there was only one.

  His phone buzzed, and he tucked his hand inside his jacket to retrieve it.

  I’m planning to take off early on Friday. I hope I can see you before the party.

  He smiled as he typed out a response.

  I hope so too, Doll. And I hope by the time Friday gets here you remember how to address a Dom.

  His plan was to get to Colorado early and take her to dinner so he could get a feel for how comfortable she really was with taking their dynamic sexual. They had been Dom and sub for three months. That was longer than a lot of house subs spent in the program. Isabelle loved the service aspect of it, and he was slowly learning the things that made her tick. Unfortunately, she still refused to sleep with him.

  At first, he thought it was that she didn’t find him attractive, but it turned out she didn’t like rushing into things, something he could respect. His phone buzzed again.

  Yes, Sir. I promise. I wasn’t sure how you felt about me calling you Sir outside of Solitaire.

  His cock hardened as he thought of soon bedding the beautiful Isabelle. He needed to get himself together, though, because he had meetings soon.

  Over text is fine, Doll. I have to go. I’ll see you on Friday.

  “I should get going,” Hunter said. “I have to swing back through Vegas before the weekend. I’ve been on the road for too long.”

  Eli finished his glass and stood. “Me too. After the honeymoon, Holly and I dove straight into negotiations with a London tech company and I feel like I haven’t actually spent time with her other than on conference calls. We’re going to head to Colorado tomorrow and hide away at Solitaire for a day before the other members arrive.”

  Garrett stood as Hunter and Eli made their way to the door. They would both be rushing off to airfields and private jets to go in different directions. Their lives were extravagant, but with the extravagance often came jet lag and stress. It was worth it for Garrett, though. He couldn’t imagine a life where he didn’t have unlimited resources.

  Another perk of his lifestyle was Solitaire. Members came from all over the country, and a few even came from overseas to partake in the luxury BDSM club. There were parties nearly every Friday and Saturday, but the crowd was different every week except for a few core members who couldn’t stay away. He glanced at his watch. His next meeting was in ten minutes.

  Regina, his ever-efficient assistant, poked her head in the door.

  “Do you have the Colorado paperwork, Sir? I’ve got a member of your management team asking for it.”

  He crossed to his desk and picked up the folder with the papers he’d just signed. Handing it to her, he felt like an asshole all over again, but he hadn’t achieved his level of success by being nice. Heaving a heavy sigh, he drained the last of his glass and walked out the door to his next meeting.

  Chapter Two

  Isabelle watched her uncle from her station on the Colorado Logistics fulfillment center floor. He appeared to be heading for the exit. Was he leaving work early? That wasn’t like him. She glanced at her watch, something she wore since phones weren’t allowed and she couldn’t afford a smart watch. Nearly time for her to leave. It would be easy enough to ask him when she got home.

  Since it was Friday, she was leaving work early to start her weekend at Solitaire. The past three months there had been an exciting respite from the drudgery of her everyday life, and tonight, things were going to get even more interesting.

  The screen next to her station flashed an alert, telling her to finish her current box and stop working. A glance around the warehouse floor told her several others had received the same alert. Was there a hang-up somewhere in item picking? A voice came over the loudspeaker.

  “Employees with a pause alert, please make your way off the floor and to the conference room on the se
cond floor.”

  Isabelle frowned. What was going on? She tapped the appropriate buttons on her screen to suspend her work and walked toward the stairs, pausing at a hand sanitizer station as she did.

  “What’s going on, Izzy?” a lanky, almost childish looking young man asked as he joined her on the trip up the stairs. Isabelle fought the urge to glare. She hated being called Izzy, but she should really be used to it by now. “I have no idea, but I just saw Uncle Henry leave the conference room. It looked like he was going home.”

  When they arrived in the conference room, Darren, her supervisor, was at the head of the table. As he waited for the group, about a dozen, to file into the room, Isabelle watched him shifting his weight from side to side.

  The door closed, and he cleared his throat. “Thank you for coming so quickly. Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news. Because of circumstances beyond our control, Colorado Logistics is being forced to cut labor costs.”

  Isabelle felt a rock land in her stomach, and she clutched at her abdomen. She knew exactly what was coming next.

  “We are going to have to let you all go effective immediately. You will be able to collect your last paychecks on your way out and you’ll also receive any unused vacation time. Your health benefits will remain in place for sixty days or until you can find another job with benefits.”

  Her face felt hot and the room seemed to spin as she looked around the room. Three of her family members were standing in here with her. Had they fired her uncle too? He was a floor supervisor. Maybe they would have talked to him separately.

  The door opened and three security guards stepped in.

  “These gentlemen will escort you to your lockers and to payroll to get your checks. We appreciate your service to the company and are sorry it had to end this way.”


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