DEPRAVITY: Love Depraved

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DEPRAVITY: Love Depraved Page 5

by Natalie Bennett

  I shared a discreet look with Ethan.

  He was being elusive, which wasn’t like him at all. Either he was hiding something, or he didn’t want us having anything to do with his baby girl.

  There was no way he knew I had any interest in Helena other than natural curiosity, though, so I was going to go with the first option.

  Bad move Heath, I thought to myself.

  If I wasn’t intrigued before I certainly was now.

  “Alright, well, we have to get back. Go over those numbers when you have a chance.”I sat my cup and saucer on the coffee table.

  Standing, I smoothed down my suit jacket, glimpsing at Ethan’s ass when he stood up beside me.

  He had a damn fine ass.

  “I’ll get back to you by this weekend,” Heath replied, preparing to walk us out.

  “That’s perfect. And as for your daughter, bring her to the party. If she needs help being social letting her lock herself in a room isn’t going to help,” I slipped in.

  He considered my words for a moment, agreeing with a nod.

  “You’re right. She does need to be around people. Bridgette had Molly get her job, too. Hoping that will help.”

  Now I wasn’t sure that was the smartest move. There was a vast difference in attending an event you could leave at any time, hiding away in the corner of a room if that’s what you wanted to do. A job didn’t grant those same liberties.

  I kept that to myself, saying a final goodbye at the front door.

  “You’re curious,” Ethan stated the second we were enclosed in my Beamer.

  It could be unnerving how well he knew me sometimes, but I was always quick to remember I knew him just as well.

  “Are you going to tell me you aren’t?” I turned off Heath’s street and headed for the only back road that would take me to the Chateau without having to drive through town.

  “You already know I am. Did you see how fast she took off? Smoke clouds were coming from her ass. And he said she thinks she’s sick? What the fuck does that even mean?”He reached out to turn the heat on; dropping a hand to my thigh once he set the temperature he wanted.

  “I’m not sure…” I mused, adjusting my position so my dick was more accessible.

  “Her showing up here has something to do with it. I’ll have to ask my uncle what he knows. He talked to Heath before she arrived.”

  Ethan hummed his agreement, long fingers beginning to stroke me through the material of my slacks.

  Us being so set on a girl we’d seen for all of two minutes could have been a testament to how bored we were.

  But that wasn’t the case.

  The thing’s I’d seen, I liked. They’d used all the keywords a man like me loved to hear, different, weird. And the mention of her being sick was like a siren’s call.

  Maybe I was getting my hopes up, but we’d been searching for our missing link for so damn long now, what could hope hurt at this point?

  I thought we’d found her three years ago.

  There was a woman I considered giving a ring to, that is until the idea of belonging to two men made her bulk.

  Of course, I knew what we wanted wasn’t for everyone. but she’d know up front what I was expecting.

  Beyond that, what the fuck was so horrible about being shared? She would have been treated like a queen, adored by two men more than capable of fulfilling her every desire and need.

  We would have been a perfect trio of hedonistic lovers, fucking and performing as one.

  For all intents and purposes, though, the shit didn’t work out.

  Perhaps this was why.

  The mere fact my Uncle Julian had been contacted prior to Helena’s arrival should have been enough to alert me that she had a history of some kind.

  All thoughts of her were temporarily suspended when Ethan undid my belt and slid his hand down my pants.

  I sucked in a quiet breath and quickly set the cruise control.

  I adjusted in my seat again so that I could spread my legs further.

  “I love the look of your cock,” he said, closing his hand around my shaft.

  For a moment I thought he was going to say something else. We’d never once professed to love one another verbally. Silently, through many other means, it was obvious, at least on my end.

  I wasn’t one of those men who were uncomfortable with my sexual orientation. I would preach my love for a man’s ass just as loud as I would for a woman’s pussy.

  I also wasn’t shy or discreet about my relationship with Ethan. He was legitimately my partner in every aspect. I didn’t give a flying fuck who might have an issue with that.

  Saying those three words aloud, however…I just didn’t feel it necessary when our future moving forward wasn’t set in stone.

  “So do I,” I finally replied, glancing down for a quick second.

  He laughed under his breath and turned his body so that he was facing sideways, never ceasing his hands’ movement.

  My dick twitched against his palm, already pulsing and craving what I knew was coming next.

  From my peripheral, I saw him lick his lips.

  Impatience overtook me.

  I grabbed the back of his neck and brought his mouth to my throbbing tip.

  With no preamble, he sucked me in.

  I withheld a groan as heat spread straight to my balls. He bobbed down and came back up, popping me out and then sucking me in again.

  When he went to do it again, I stopped him, clamping down on the back of his neck.

  “Take it all,” I demanded.

  He swallowed and relaxed his jaw, easing my dick fully into his mouth.

  “There you go,” I praised, threading my fingers through his hair.

  He proceeded to fuck me with his tongue and throat, adding his hand to the equation when I released a moan.

  We’d been like jackrabbits nearly every day since we’d resumed our relationship had.

  I never tired of this.

  I never tired of him.

  The only thing that would make these moments better was the carnage we could create together.

  I missed the glowing red lights, and the blood dripping on the floor.

  I longed to hear the cries of terror and sometimes forced pleasure before a life was taken for the satisfaction of our dearest friends and business associates.

  Soon, so fucking soon we would have that. And maybe, just maybe the last thing we needed to be complete.

  The visuals that came on the tail end of imagining such a reality had me struggling not to thrust my hips and drive myself deeper into Ethan’s mouth.

  I focused on the flashes of autumn flying by as I drove, concentration divided between busting a nut and not wrecking the damn car.

  The 5series wasn’t exactly meant for two adults to be fooling around in its front seats’.

  And I needed more.

  The Château was still at least fifteen minutes away.

  Spotting a familiar turn around, I veered off the road, sending a puff of dust into the air as I slammed on the brakes.

  The car was in park and my seatbelt off within seconds.

  Ethan sat up, looking around in confusion.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  I climbed out of the car, leaving him to do the same.

  He quirked a brow as I stalked around to where he was standing, dick proudly on display and glistening from his saliva.

  “Was the dramatic stop necessary?” he asked, a grin spreading across his face.

  My answer came in the form of my hand on the back of his head, lips crashing into his.

  He didn’t miss a beat.

  Our tongues melded together.

  I gripped one of his thighs and forced his legs apart, walking him backward to brace against the car.

  The door chimed, signaling it was open—a chilled breeze filtered between us. At any minute another driver could come cruising down the road we were on.

  I didn’t give a fuck.

an wrapped a hand around my still hard dick as I found his, gliding down the silken shaft and forming a fist.

  I stroked him fast and hard, eliciting a groan as he hardened.

  We stood there jerking one another off, mouths locked together; swallowing each other’s sounds of pleasure.

  He let me go and moved his hands around to my ass, sliding one finger straight down the crack.

  I reflexively jolted forward when that digit slid inside me, circling my sensitive rim.

  “You like that?” he pulled away to ask, adding another finger.

  I grinned, lips hovering in front of his. Letting go of his cock I mimicked him, jamming two fingers into his ass.

  “Do you?” I taunted, loving the way his teeth clenched.

  “Or would you rather have my dick?” I added a third finger, stretching him out.

  His hands disappeared, muscled arms coming up to break us apart.

  Eyes never leaving mine, he lowered his slacks and shrugged out of his suit jacket.

  “You wanna fuck me on the side of the road? You’ve been holding out on me, Dec. Never knew you were a voyeur.”

  He was taunting me back.

  I flashed him another deviant smile and made my move.

  Closing the small gap he’d made between us, I took a step forward and grabbed his hips, spinning him to face the other direction.

  I didn’t prep him any further.

  If he ripped, then he ripped. He loved the afterburn anyway, loved the reminder my dick had been planted in his asshole.

  I spread his toned globes and spit, watching it slide down to the puckered hole I wanted to be inside of.

  Fisting my dick, I ran it between his cheeks, pausing at his entrance.

  He slightly tensed, placing both hands on the roof of my car.

  I flexed my hips, forcing myself in past his barrier.

  “Ah, shit,” he sucked in a breath, breathing it back out on a heavy exhalation as I began to fuck his tight ass.

  I held nothing back.

  I pounded into him relentlessly, pushing in harder the louder he moaned.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he groaned, thrusting back at me, eagerly accepting all I gave.

  I sped up, riding him harder, grabbing his hips to the point I knew it fucking hurt, ensuring he held still and let me do what I wanted.

  My balls began to tighten; his ass grew slick, tinges of red appeared on my dick.

  He never asked me to stop. If anything he begged for more. His hand found its way to his own cock, vigorously working it over.

  A few more pumps and I was emptying myself inside him, humming my pleasure in the back of my throat.

  He stroked a minute longer, shooting his seed onto the passenger seat with a low, “Fuck.”

  I withdrew from his ass, slapping it as I tucked away my dick, not bothering to wipe it off.

  Ethan slowly turned to face me, pulling my mouth to his in a soft kiss.

  “I’m not going to be able to shit for a week,” he grumbled when I stepped back.

  “That’s what you said last time.” I pointed out, walking back to my side of the car.

  “Where’s the remorse?” he joked, placing his suit jacket over the streams of come painted on the leather seat.

  “You’re about to sit on it,” I smirked.

  He flicked me off and lowered himself inside the car, moving a bit slower than normal.

  He’d live.

  Besides, I knew he enjoyed it. He would have said something otherwise. Neither of us did anything we didn’t want to do.

  Once he was all the way settled, I shifted the Beamer into drive and pulled back onto the road.

  Chapter Nine


  It was the place where all depravity came to light, Château Daliah.

  Aptly named after, Elizabeth Short, the pretty little actress that was beautifully mutilated and severed before being dumped in a park.

  I’d always thought the name was cleverly befitting, considering what we did here.

  The massive iron fence surrounding the property had begun to loom up a few minutes back.

  I caught a glimpse of one of the security guards disappearing into a bundle of trees, doing his round of patrols.

  We took our privacy very seriously.

  Hence why our property was secured tighter than Fort Knox and sat all alone on acres of fenced land.

  That didn’t stop the nosey tourist of shitheads from snooping, but they never got too close these days.

  Riverview was loyal to the Andreou name and did a fine job spreading the word that my family was not to be trifled with.

  Oh, if they knew the half of it.

  I bypassed the shiny black mailbox, slowing down so I could take the turn off the country road.

  Coasting forward a bit, I stopped at the code box and entered the four digit number that would grant my passage through the double iron gates.

  “Home sweet home,” Ethan announced around a yawn.

  It took exactly six minutes to drive from the entrance gates to the end of the driveway.

  The end opened up and split in two separate directions, forming a large circle. Mason’s car was parked by the front doors; Uncle Julian’s was off to the right, behind my father’s.

  I drove to the left and then took a narrower driveway towards the home I had built on the property two years ago, passing by the massive ivory structure that was Dahlia.

  This route took another five minutes.

  When my three bedroom abode came into view, I felt infinitely more relaxed.

  Stopping right in front of my double garage, I cut the engine and got out.

  “You coming up or going in?” I asked Ethan when he popped up on the other side.

  “I’ll meet you in a few.”

  I nodded, and set off for the Château, leaving him to find his way inside.

  The Dahlia seemed even bigger outside of the car. I’d grown up here and still couldn’t get over how large the damn place was.

  With two wings and over twelve bathrooms, it made games of hide-and-seek last for hours.

  I rounded the corner and went through the front, stepping into the entrance hall.

  The glass roof cupola gave a suitably dramatic first impression of the house.

  Had it not been for that, sunlight would have been all but banned.

  Long drapes covered the rows of French windows. From the outside it was impossible to see in, and from the inside impossible to see out, just as we liked it.

  A sweep of the first level revealed nothing but emptiness and silence.

  Our large, formal dining room was straight ahead, grand sweeping staircase centered in the foyer, stairs sweeping in an arc to the left.

  I strolled towards them, dress shoes clacking across black and white marble flooring.

  On my way, I peeked into the drawing room off to the right. Katie was often there with her dog, Max, but it lacked her presence today.

  At the top of the stairs, I took a right, and then a left, following the flow of the banister to a set of thick, black double doors.

  I punched in another code into the keypad affixed to the wall. A low beep sounded followed by a soft click, the locking mechanism.

  Mason’s voice reached my ears the moment I stepped into the next hall.

  Unsure which room he was in, I glanced left and right trying to spot an open door.

  With everything soundproof back here, that was the easiest way of figuring out where he was unless I yelled for him.

  The whole hall was lined with solid black doors with green or red lights above them to let others know if they were in use or not. They were all set to red right now as we weren’t open yet.

  A quiet sob gave away exactly where I needed to go.

  Transitional chandeliers hanging above me were on a permanent low setting, giving off a soft glow.

  The dark, rust-colored, and black damask wallpaper was the same kind I had in my own house.

  Counting in my he
ad, I went to door five and pushed it the rest of the way open.

  Three nearly identical faces turned towards me as I entered.

  “Looks like I missed the memo for the family gathering.”

  “We made a bet when you’d get here,” my father replied.

  “And I won. You owe me ten bucks,” Mason gloated.

  “When he gives you that just pass it to me because my time was still the closest,” Uncle Julian cut in.

  “So is there a reason you’re all in here?” I took a look around the room, which was the equivalent to a dog pound.

  We had a total of seven women and three men padlocked inside individual kennels.

  More were on the way. They’d be kept in the basement pens until these were killed off.

  One may think it was hard to kidnap people, but it wasn’t.

  If you knew what you were doing, then you didn’t get caught. And if you didn’t get caught then there was no problem, was there?

  Not to mention we weren’t usually involved in the acquisition process. People were pre-arranged to be sent here by the Chateaus ‘benefactors or contracted by someone with a specific fetish.

  Sure there were times when Uncle Julian would toss his latest fuck into one of the pens, dad and Uncle Porter too. Hell, even Ethan and I had done that.

  More often than not though, we killed them as soon as we were finished fucking.

  Like at the motel.

  Mason had his own system, and now that he was married his balls belonged to Katie. His favorite hobby was degloving and painting anyway; he had a room full of skulls he’d skinned himself. His wife’s family included.

  I peeked in the kennels, seeing almost every future star in a zombie-like stupor, grave-faced and resigned to the fact that they weren’t getting out of here, completely unaware of what was actually to come.

  Another sob filled the air, and I zeroed in on the woman responsible for disturbing the peace.

  She had a striking resemblance to my mother. When she lifted her head, eyes meeting mine, the same hatred was reflected in them.

  “She’s the newest arrival if you couldn’t tell,” my father stated.

  Blinking, I looked away from the woman to my Uncle and asked, “What’s the deal with Heath’s daughter?”


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