The Brutal Time Special Edition

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The Brutal Time Special Edition Page 19

by Christina Bauer

  “Where are you hur—” My question gets halted by a stunning sight. All the busted skeleton kits now dissolve into red haze. “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Skyn and Bone,” replies Lincoln. “They’re about to reunite with Colossus.”

  My stomach sinks. Colossus? All of a sudden, I feel the press of eyes staring into the back of my neck. Little by little, I spin about.

  Oh. My. Fuck.

  On the other side of the room stands a giant demon. Colossus. The goat-y features, extra arms, and yellow eyes … it’s all there. The only bright side? The King of the Archdemons seems to be tethered to the wall by a long rope of red power. So that’s good.

  Then the red mist from Skyn and Bone seeps right into Colossus’s torso. My breath catches as his body expands even larger.


  The tether that ties Colossus to the wall breaks. Captain Fluffbottom materializes before me.

  “Trouble, trouble,” he squeaks.

  “I know, Fluff,” I state.

  “Risk, risk,” adds Fluff. “Plan, plan.”

  My eyes widen. My snow imp must not blab our schemes right in front of Colossus. “Stay quiet and hidden,” I warn. The snow imp vanishes.

  But it still doesn’t change the truth. Fluff has a point: if our scheme doesn’t work, I risk not only my own life, but the existence and history of everyone I’ve ever known and loved.



  My brain absorbs every aspect of this moment: Myla standing at my side, her body tense as a coiled spring … the silent chamber … and the towering form of Colossus, glowing red against the black stone wall.

  “Time to come out, little pets.”

  Colossus looks like polished stone, but if you stare more closely, it’s clear that he’s actually formed from a churning mix of small red particles. Right now, the archdemon king reaches through those particles, jamming his fist inside his own chest.

  One by one, Colossus removes the seven archdemons from inside himself.

  Soon all seven figures take their places behind Colossus. Add in the archdemon king, and that makes eight enemies against me and Myla.

  Not great odds.

  Colossus stares at me, his yellow eyes flaring with light and interest. “I have use for you, little king.” He waves dismissively at Myla. “But this creature? She means nothing.”

  Myla just got told she was nothing by Colossus. Even so, my girl radiates calm. Usually, being insulted would rile up Myla’s inner wrath demon.

  Which means she was expecting this from Colossus.

  And it’s likely all part of a plan.

  I stifle the urge to grin.

  When the pressure is highest, so are my wife’s abilities to scheme.

  Colossus steps over to Vain. Or rather, he steps into Vain. Normally, Vain is a tall figure in a metallic cloak that seems made of gold. As Colossus enters Vain, the archdemon cries out in agony. A moment later, Vain’s golden cloak becomes accented with swirls of red.

  Colossus has possessed Vain.

  My thoughts swirl through everything I know about the Archdemon of Pride. Like the Archdemon of Envy, Vain is a powerful mage.

  Colossus must be planning a spell.

  Myla and I need to get out of here. I scan the walls. The seals have closed over. No exit there. Myla burst through the ceiling, but that was with the aid of magic, possibly from Nimue and Merlin. We’ve no spells left. Beside me, Myla calmly takes in the scene.

  I steel my spine. Myla has a plan. I simply must wait.

  Sure enough, low whispers sound from under Vain’s hood. Although I can’t catch what’s said, the archdemon’s voice has the unmistakable sing-song quality that marks an incantation.

  Red smoke billows from what is now Colossus-Vain. Magic.

  Tendrils of colored mist wrap about my wrists and ankles. More loops around Myla’s hands and feet as well. The haze solidifies into colored manacles.

  We’re both locked up now.

  Still more red mist pours forth from Colossus-Vain, filling the entire room in a red haze. The air becomes thick with the enchanted mist. The floor turns rubbery beneath my feet. I’ve been through this before.

  Transport spell.

  The cloud of magic fades. Little by little, the air clears. I now find myself standing on the courtyard behind Camelot. The good news is that Myla remains at my side. The negative aspect is, obviously, all the archdemons. My gaze locks onto the nearby forest. Under that ground are all the archangels. Surely, someone in Heaven will notice they’ve been taken. After all, archdemons aren’t supposed to use obvious magic on earth.

  Then again, I know how long it took last time. According to my many Arthurian books, it took a thousand years of archdemon nastiness before Colossus and the others were locked up. The Almighty sometimes operates with a different definition of speedy punishment.

  Long story short, I can’t hold my breath for a Heavenly intervention here.

  Manacles bite into my wrists. It’s painful and not ideal for fighting. I look to Myla, raise my hands, and mouth one word. Plan?

  My wife knows me well enough to realize there’s a whole statement hidden in that single word. Namely, this is my way of saying: I know you have a scheme here. Are these chains part of the plan?

  In reply, Myla winks. Good news.

  For his part, Colossus turns to his archdemons. “Where are the archangels?”

  “All imprisoned in Avalon,” says Rage.

  Colossus tilts his head. Sure, the guy has goat-like features, but some gestures are universal. This particular look says, I don’t believe you.

  And Colossus is right to be wary. Without their king around, the archdemons couldn’t leave through a door that’s clearly marked exit.

  “We’ll see,” says Colossus. He strides over to the edge of the forest and kneels, ready to set his hands into the earth. Not sure if he plans to dissolve his way into Avalon, but with Colossus, it’s a possibility.

  “Wait!” calls a new voice.

  Oh, no. Remy is here.

  The so-called Great Crimson Scourge marches out onto the green. “I heard what Rage said. He didn’t imprison anyone in Avalon. I did it. I am the Crimson Scourge! And my bard shall explain everything.”

  Beside me, Myla’s body stiffens. She whispers a few choice cuss words under her breath.

  Evidently, Remy and Drusus are not part of Myla’s plan.



  Drusus is at it again.

  My Drusus.

  Wrinkly-old-dude-on-a-cloud Drusus with his sparkly sandals and mopey attitude. The angel who was vanishing before my eyes. The man whose entire bloodline seems bound to the same mistakes, over and over.

  I almost punch myself in the face. Hell, I have enough to worry about without focusing on Drusus right now. The guy’s doing his Dalston Rusus the Bard thing. There’s no need for me to get involved.

  But I feel him behind me, staring at me with his big watery eyes.

  Not looking. Not looking. Not looking.

  Fuck, I looked.

  Why am I such a sucker? Here is Drusus again, ready to make life Hell for himself and his offspring for all eternity. Even so, it’s not too late. Drusus can take a stand now and sing how Remy’s a fraud. Then he’ll have all eternity to be an awesome and super-happy angel.

  And Drusus is still stares.

  Angling my body, I meet his gaze. It’s not easy with manacles, but I set my hands at my shoulders and twiddle my fingers in a style that should remind him of angel’s wings. My words are there if unspoken.

  Don’t be a dick. Do the right thing. Make yourself a happy angel.

  Remy rounds on Drusus. “Well, are you going to sing about my accomplishments or aren’t you?”

  Drusus slumps. “Yes, oh Great Crimson Scourge.” He flips his handy-dandy lute around so he’s ready to play.

  “Wait,” orders Colossus. Drusus doesn’t need to be told twice. The bard swings the lute so it press
es against his back once more.

  Colossus focuses on Remy. “So you were the one who put all the archangels to sleep in Avalon?”

  Remy sets her fist on her hip. It’s a motion that’s the definition of swagger. “That was me.”

  Colossus steps closer to Remy. Even though the girl is on my Goes To Hell List right now, I can’t help but feel a little bit worried. She should not be talking to Colossus. It won’t end well.

  “Then you have the Staff of Avalon,” states Colossus. His eyes flare yellow when he says the words, Staff of Avalon.

  “Sure,” replies Remy.

  “May I see it?” asks Colossus.

  I can’t help it. I fake cough, and it sounds a little bit like, run bitch.

  But Remy’s beyond cough-hints at this point. “Of course.” She looks up to Colossus through her lashes. “If I prove that I freed you, will I be your queen? That’s what the prophecy of the Heretic foretold.”

  “Yes.” Colossus places all four sets of hands on his chest. “Forever.”

  Frowning, I take a moment for a little mental recap. Colossus is a ten-foot tall demon with four arms, backward legs, and a goat’s head.

  Goat’s head, I tell you!

  Where is it a good idea to marry this person?

  Oh, Remy.

  Even so, Remy raises her arm and whispers another incantation. Within seconds, the Staff of Avalon is gripped in her right fist.

  Fast as a whip, Colossus swipes the staff from Remy’s hand. With another free set of arms, the archdemon king grabs Remy’s head in one hand; the other grips her feet. Remy’s so shocked, she doesn’t even scream.

  Now, I’ve witnessed my share of disgusting kills on the Arena floor. I’ve a pretty good idea what’s coming here, and there are some things I just don’t need to see.

  I close my eyes like a boss.

  There’s some nasty noises of the ripping variety. After a few seconds, I nudge Lincoln.

  “Is it over?” I whisper from the side of my mouth.

  “Most definitely,” says Lincoln.

  I open my eyes in time to see Drusus start to run. Colossus takes the Staff of Avalon and points it toward Drusus.

  I close my eyes again. Hey I’m not proud. A nasty squish sounds. “Is it—” I begin.

  “—so over,” ends Lincoln.

  My heart cracks. I mean, I always knew Drusus was dead. After all, I met him as an angel. Still, being present for his nasty end is a different type of awful.

  There isn’t time to mourn.

  Colossus now rounds on me. His long forked tongue flickers out across his lips. “Your turn.” The archdemon king slowly stalks closer.

  On reflex, I take a half-step backward. Not an easy move with these ankle chains.

  Colossus crouches down on his backwards-style animal legs. I’ve seen this attack before: the old jump and kill. My heart thuds with such fury, blood whooshes in my ears.

  A shadow passes over the sun. Wincing, I look up to see Dragon-Ximena wheel through the sky to land on the ground between me and Colossus.

  I exhale. Damn, that was close.

  Colossus spider-walks closer to Dragon-Ximena. “Where have you been?”

  “Occupied,” snarls Dragon Ximena. She’s working a definite you can’t possess me vibe.

  Colossus’ eyes narrow. It’s not a comforting look on him. The archdemon king gestures toward me. “She’s one of yours, isn’t she? Some Furor blood in there?”

  Dragon-Ximena shrugs. “Obviously.”

  Colossus crawls over to me. His body is a furnace of heat and menace. The archdemon king leans in toward me, stopping when his not-a-nose is an inch from mine. “Then kill her.”

  My body chills over with alarm. This is really happening.



  The world around me seems to slow. The green behind Camelot fades to black and white. All breath leaves my body. The words of Colossus echo through my soul, each syllable chilling and final.

  Kill Myla.

  I take a quick mental inventory. Am I battle ready? Blood still seeps from my hip wound … My back is sliced up from metal mirror shards … I’m bound in manacles … And my body armor is shredded. My condition?

  More then prepared to fight. The manacles will hamper me, but I’ve trained for such limitations.

  No one touches Myla.

  I grip my baculum, ready to reignite them as a longsword.

  Myla gently touches my shoulder, stopping me. My breath catches. Turning, I face my wife once more. A mischievous gleam shines in her eyes. Myla’s got a plan. I shake my head, thinking through this turn of events.

  Myla’s bound and supposedly about to be murdered by the Queen of Dragons. And yet my wife is still working her scheme. Adoration pours through my soul. How I love this woman. After lowering my baculum, I tap my chest with my left hand. The meaning is clear. Do you need my help?

  Myla shakes her head and winks. Her reply? I’ve so got this.

  Relief and concern battle it out in my soul. I’m pleased Myla has a scheme here, but that doesn’t stop my protective instincts from spiraling ever higher. This is my wife. I want her safe, period. Somehow, I’m able to press those worries aside.

  This is also my Myla. She can do this.

  After Colossus threatened Myla, time seemed to halt. Now the world moves at regular speed once more. In my heart, it feels as if hours have passed since Colossus ordered Myla’s execution. In reality, only a few seconds have gone by.

  “Hey, Colossus.” Myla raises her cuffed hands, a motion that makes her chains jungle. “Kill me and you won’t find Lucifer’s laboratory.”

  The King of the Archdemons backs away. It’s a ballet of movement, considering how he uses all six limbs. Once again, he strikes me as a spider with a demon’s body and goat’s head. “And why would I care about that?” he asks.

  A grin rounds Myla’s mouth. I know how my wife thinks. The fact that she’s not getting killed right now? That means Colossus is interested … and Myla knows it.

  “Lucifer might be a little obsessed with you,” explains Myla. “He built a set of armor for you in his laboratory. Super-special stuff.”

  “Why would I need armor?” To illustrate the point, Colossus bursts out into a misty field of red particles. A moment later, he reforms into his spidery self. “No blade has ever pierced my flesh.”

  “That’s a little limiting, isn’t it?” asks Myla. “Lucifer built armor to contain your misty-ness. You’d be able to cast spells or kill on your own, versus having to possess other people all the time.”

  Colossus lifts his chin. “Not possible.”

  Myla moves to stand directly at my side. “Lincoln here is my partner is crime. We can take you to the lab. There you’ll see the truth for yourself. Imagine the evil you could cause with magic at your command. Picture the joy of killing someone with your own hands.”

  Colossus tilts his head. He’s considering this. Excellent. I scan Myla’s face. Her mouth thins to a determined line. I’ve seen that look before. It can only mean one thing. This is the crucial moment.

  Will Colossus take the bait and go to Lucifer’s laboratory?

  My pulse speeds. I don’t know all the specifics of Myla’s plan, but it must involve that frozen lab. A single thought overtakes my mind.

  Please let this work.

  Colossus rounds on the dragon queen. “Kill the girl,” he orders. “Now.”

  Stepping forward, I set my body between Myla and the dragon. “You’ll need to finish me off first.”

  “No,” states Colossus. “I’ve another plan for you, little king.”

  Raising my arms, I prepare to ignite my baculum. Once again, Myla gently rests her hands on my shoulders. “Trust me,” she whispers.

  Bands of sorrow tighten around my throat. “I can’t. Not in this.”

  Myla moves to stands before me. There’s no avoiding her gaze. Everything beautiful and strong shines in her eyes. “Yes,” she whispers. “Es
pecially in this.”

  At that moment, Ximena claws come down on Myla from behind, spearing my wife though the chest. Blood lines her mouth as she speaks five final words. “Get him to the lab.”

  Myla falls over.

  My world shatters.



  My legs turn watery as I kneel by Myla’s side. Every corner of my soul is heavy with grief.

  She’s not breathing. My Myla.

  Reaching forward, I gently brush my fingers through her long auburn curls. How many times have I inhaled the cinnamon scent of her hair … wrapped her locks about my fist as we kissed … or brushed a few wild strands behind her ear?

  Myla can’t really be gone.

  Odd things happen in mourning. I’ve seen it with others, but never felt anything like this. It’s if part of my consciousness breaks free. A ghostly version of myself hovers above my own living body. It’s that spirit that now watches while the world transforms around me.

  Colossus rises to stand. Normally, his hind legs stay half-bent. Now he straightens fully. His gangly body towers above Camelot itself. The King of the Archdemons looms tall like some living red vine that stretches up to the Heavens.

  Then Colossus dissolves into mist.

  A low red haze covers the courtyard behind Camelot. This is no natural haze; it’s the misty form of Colossus on the prowl. The King of the Archdemons seeks out his next target to possess.

  All this while, the seven archdemons have stood along the outer wall of Camelot. A memory appears from when Myla and I first entered Lucifer’s lab. We found the red alcove with tiny dolls, one for each archdemon. That’s how the seven appear right now—lifeless and stiff as they lean against the stone wall, awaiting possession.

  They won’t remain motionless for long.

  The red essence of Colossus seeps across the castle green. Soon the colored mist crawls up the bodies of each archdemon, wrapping around them like a translucent cloak. After that, the haze soaks into their skin. For a moment, all seven archdemons hiss and writhe in pain. Then they stand tall, their eyes blazing with the same yellow light that shines in the eyes of Colossus. Red patterns swirl across their bodies.


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