Welcome Back to Rambling, TX

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Welcome Back to Rambling, TX Page 20

by June Faver

  Frank saw her in a new light, not as the mother of a rambunctious preschooler or the abandoned wife of a small-town bully and not even as the editor of the Rambling Gazette. Tonight, Reggie Lee Stafford had been transformed into a beautiful, carefree creature. And she was dancing for him.

  * * *

  Gayle had been working on a new series. She hoped that her boss would approve when she returned from her trip.

  She had been to visit the local animal shelter to search for Violet, Paul’s lost dog. Although he didn’t seem to be as concerned about the dog as she was.

  Her idea was to feature a different animal’s picture each week with a little story about the dog or cat to encourage people to adopt.

  “Adorable Animals.” She spoke aloud, letting the words settle in her brain. “Animal Pals.” No, that didn’t sound right.

  She had snapped a few pictures with her phone and scrolled through the ones she’d selected. “Really cute. Nice. Ooh, this one is adorable…really adorable.”

  There was a fluffy orange-and-white kitten…and a part-terrier puppy. She scrolled back and forth between the two. So difficult to choose.

  She continued to scroll and stopped, gazing into the eyes of an older dog. One with some white hairs in her black muzzle. Her big brown eyes were soulful. The dog was seven years old and had been abandoned when her owners had moved to a city apartment.

  Gayle swallowed hard. How could someone abandon their longtime pet? Especially one with such beautiful brown eyes. Her name was Heidi. Heidi needed a home.

  “Hello, Heidi. I’ll help you find a home. Someone who will give you a forever home and love you a lot.”

  Gayle spent the rest of the afternoon writing a very poignant story about Heidi and her need to find a permanent and loving home.

  She felt enormously satisfied with herself, as though her journalism had just won her a Pulitzer Prize.

  “Oh, what the heck.”

  She picked up her phone and scrolled through the animals again, selecting two more poor unfortunate creatures. “Don’t worry, Bubba. I’ll save you.” Bubba was a large shepherd mix. He had been neutered, and his owner was now living in a nursing home. Bubba had been loved and cared for until the elderly owner could no longer manage it. That was sad too.

  Gayle sighed. If she had her way, she would bring all the dogs and cats to her little house. At least she felt passionately about this project and hoped she could sell it to Reggie Lee.

  One more. Three was a good number. She should have three stories to present to Reggie Lee. Three was better than two. This would show Reggie that she was seriously dedicated to the project.

  This time a feline. She scrolled through her pics and decided the orange-and-white kitten would be a sure winner. Rusty was two months old and had been found in someone’s garage. But that person brought him to the animal shelter. Rusty needed a loving home. She wrote a cute little story about Rusty and ended with his adoptable status.

  “Adorable… Adorable Adoptables. That should do it.”

  She printed all three stories accompanied by the photos and closed her laptop. She didn’t see how Reggie Lee could possibly say no to this project. Much more exciting than the local high school sports events, and lots of column inches were devoted to memorializing those young athletes, not to mention 4-H projects and church bulletins.

  Gayle put the pages in a folder, planning on handing it to Reggie Lee, or perhaps she would just leave it in her mailbox at the Gazette. That would be easier. Gayle wouldn’t have to have a nervous breakdown while trying to gather the courage to approach her boss.

  She scrolled through the pictures again, smiling when she realized she was perhaps their best chance of getting adopted.

  Chapter 12

  On the return flight, Reggie tried to keep up a brave front, even though she was on an emotional roller coaster. On the one hand, she was still glowing with the combination of new love and lust from their passionate and romantic rendezvous. While on the other hand, she was devastated to be returning to the real world after living out several days in a romantic fantasyland.

  A thousand questions were feeding her insecurity. Did Frank really care for her, or was she just another conquest in a long line of women he would forget? What would happen once they returned to Rambling? What would her father say? Would he know at once that his daughter had indulged in such wanton behavior? And what about the Gazette staff? Would the gossipmongers go into a feeding frenzy? Could she slip back into her old skin: Henry’s daughter? Shannon’s mother? Gazette editor?

  Frank reached for her hand and drew it to his lips. “What’s on your mind? You look worried.”

  Reggie pasted on a smile. “Who, me? I’m not worried.”

  He gazed at her sadly. “Liar,” he whispered. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “It’s just—”

  In the silence that followed, he examined her face. “Don’t be afraid. We can make it through whatever is weighing on your mind.”

  She drew a deep breath and released it slowly. I hope so. She relaxed into her seat and tried to let go of her doubts.

  Thankfully, she was less terrified on the flight back to Rambling. There was little turbulence, and she was able to appreciate the view.

  When they landed, Frank drove her back to her father’s home. The original luggage she had packed for the weekend remained inside the house. But now she had the addition of a new bag of treasures. The clothes Frank had insisted she purchase on his credit card were neatly folded into a brand-new suitcase he had selected for her. It was much finer than anything she had owned previously, making her old bag appear shabby.

  He rolled the new bag up to the door while Reggie carried her tote with personal items in it. Glancing around, she hoped none of the neighbors happened to be peering out their windows. She was certain that her return with baggage and a handsome man driving a BMW would be enough to set tongues to wagging. But when he clasped her in a swoon-worthy embrace and kissed her so that her toes tingled, she knew she would be the topic of gossip for months.

  “I had a lovely time, Frank.” Her voice came out all breathy as she smiled up at him.

  “I did too.” He didn’t release her from his grip. “Thanks for helping me choose everything for the remodel.”

  “It was great fun.”

  He kissed her again, releasing her finally when he was done. “I just can’t seem to get enough of you.” Taking a step down from the porch, he was at her eye level. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the Gazette.”

  Reggie nodded. “See you.” She watched him return to the car and drive away, suddenly swamped by an immense sense of loss. Swallowing hard, she heaved a deep sigh before dragging her bags inside.

  The house seemed disconcertingly quiet when she entered. She stowed all the luggage in her room, taking care to place her new finery on hangers, wondering if she would ever have the occasion to wear them again.

  She emerged thinking she would pick Shannon up early from day care and take her to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream treat.

  Reggie Lee sorted through the mail her father had left on the credenza for her. She found a letter addressed to her in a handwriting that was eerily familiar. Her mouth went dry and her stomach flip-flopped as her shaky hand reached for the envelope.

  Not now. Not when my life is just beginning to come together.

  She ripped the envelope open and shook out the contents. A single sheet of paper slid out. She grabbed it, unfolding it to stare at the scrawled handwriting.

  Oh, no!

  Her ex-husband, the devious and untrustworthy Kenny Landers, had written, and she was terrified. What could he want? Their divorce was final. He’d had no recent contact with their daughter. In fact, he hadn’t bothered to check in on her since he had left town. Shannon didn’t even remember him.

  Reggie read the first lin
e, and the twisting sensation in her gut felt as though she had been run through a meat grinder.

  Hello Gorgeous!

  I sure have missed you. I will be in Rambling next week, and I plan on stopping to see you and my little daughter. Will be with you on Tuesday.

  Love you, girl


  The letter fluttered to the floor as Reggie Lee ran to the bathroom to throw up. She was shaking all over as she splashed cool water on her face. “Oh, nooo. You can’t do this to me now, Kenny Landers. Just when things were going well.”

  Patting her face dry with a hand towel, Reggie gazed at her reflection in the mirror. What can Kenny possibly want now? “My little daughter”? Did he forget he signed away all rights to her in return for not having to pay child support?

  She paced back and forth across the bathroom. No way! I don’t want to see him. I can’t let him see Shannon.

  Her first thought was to call Frank. No. This is my problem. I can’t drag him into it.

  Pacing from the living room through the dining room and into the kitchen, she gazed out the back door without seeing anything. She gnawed her lip and then turned to trace her steps back to her starting point. I cannot allow Kenny into my life again…or Shannon’s.

  She swallowed hard, realizing that she had no control over whatever Kenny had planned. She would have to figure it out and go into full combat mode whenever he arrived.

  Reggie grabbed her purse and strode out the door, intending to follow through with her plan to take Shannon for ice cream. At least that was something she could control.

  * * *

  Frank returned to the Victorian, marveling when he realized he was walking around with a grin plastered on his face. He raked his fingers through his hair. When did he get to be this happy? He let out a loud snort.

  He knew exactly when that had happened. About the same time things started to heat up between him and Reggie Lee Stafford, that’s when.

  Shoving his hands deep in his pockets, he wandered around the house, reliving the past few days he had spent in her company. A lifting sensation filled his chest when he visualized her face. He could lose himself in her gorgeous dark eyes, bask in the warmth of her smile, and thrive in the luxury of her embrace.

  Frank grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed out the back door. Twisting the cap off, he took a long drink. He leaned his forearms on the porch railing.

  He had dropped Reggie off at her father’s house a short time ago, but he already missed her. How could he suddenly feel so empty? Like someone had lopped off a part of him…an essential part. Sucking in a deep breath, he blew it all out. Not a problem. He would see her again soon. Maybe he could give her a call to find out if she wanted to go to dinner with him. Maybe he could invite her to dinner with Shannon. He would show her how great he was with kids, and then—

  He brought himself up short. Whoa!

  His reverie slipped away. What was I thinking? This is not me.

  Paralysis held him in place. He blinked and sucked in a breath. He felt as though he was being ripped apart. On the one hand, being with Reggie was the best thing he had experienced in a long time…maybe ever.

  But on the other hand, he knew who he was. Frank Bell was the consummate bachelor. He didn’t have time for relationships. He had always thought that if he were to form a long-standing relationship with someone, she would be a sophisticated woman of the world. Someone with no ties, who could be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  Not a woman with deep roots embedded in this small town. Definitely not a woman with a small child. Frank shook his head, envisioning Reggie Lee and her daughter.

  He let out a long breath. Shannon was a perfect child. Any man would be proud to be her father…or, for that matter, her stepfather. His chest felt tight.

  He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but he was scared. Yeah, the big, strong, powerful man was terrified…of a beautiful woman and her precious child.

  Frank raked his fingers through his hair. He was just coming off a wonderful trip with the woman he had crushed on since high school. The fruition of all his teenage fantasies, but better than he could have imagined. He should be feeling completely satisfied, but his euphoria was short-lived. Now all he felt was panic.

  He gazed out at the property he now possessed. Owning so much property was a commitment.

  Massaging the tightness at the back of his neck, he rationalized that he owed it to Aunt Rosie to take care of the property she loved. But there were managers in place. He knew Evan would make sure the vineyard continued to thrive. And the other businesses had managers. The Dairy Queen. The coffee shop. The Gazette building would still be there.

  He huffed out a sigh. Reggie would manage the Gazette, but she would never forgive him if he distanced himself from her. Not after their long weekend together. Not after making love so passionately. Not after he had finally gained her trust.

  Frank finished drinking the water and crushed the plastic bottle. He returned to the kitchen and pulled out the recycle bin. This had been one of Reggie’s additions. Miss Save the World, one plastic bottle at a time. He smiled and lobbed the bottle into the bin.

  Straightening his spine, he reached for his phone and scrolled for his calendar. Yes, he could afford to take off for a few days. He needed to sort out his feelings. He was confused, and Franklin Bell was never confused.

  * * *

  Reggie Lee was more than a little disturbed. She was afraid. Afraid that her ex, Kenny Landers, might actually get his hands on Shannon. That was unthinkable. Would a judge award joint custody to a worthless man like Kenny?

  She couldn’t afford to take a chance. Not with someone as cherished as her own daughter. Kenny was so irresponsible she couldn’t imagine that he would put Shannon’s well-being ahead of his own self-centered interests.

  She gripped her hands together, trying to stop them from shaking. She took several deep breaths and let them out slowly to help clear her brain.

  Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Kenny has grown up… Maybe the tooth fairy is real.

  She paced around for a while, but nothing brilliant came to mind. She was always a woman with a plan, but tonight she was just a woman with a problem.

  Every fiber of her being wanted to reach out to Frank, but something stopped her. This wasn’t his problem. Although he claimed to be fond of Shannon, he wasn’t her father. He wasn’t anyone’s father. Franklin Bell had no idea how to be a father. There was only one man for this job, and Reggie called him Daddy.

  While Shannon was still in day care, Reggie drove straight to Stafford’s Mercantile and parked in front. She practically ran through the door, clanking the metal bell against the glass. “Daddy, I need you.”

  Henry Stafford had been stocking the shelves with canned goods, but he turned at the sound of her voice. “Hello, sweetheart. How was your trip?” His wide smile faded when he caught sight of her face. “What’s the matter, baby? What did that bastard do to you?”

  Her face crumpled. “Oh, Daddy. I’m so miserable.”

  “I’ll kill him.” He shook his fist menacingly. “Frank Bell is a dead man.”

  “No, not Frank. He’s been wonderful.” Her voice trailed off into a whine. “It’s Kenny. He’s going to be here. He wants to see Shannon.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, unnoticed. “I can’t let that happen.”

  “Then I’ll kill Kenny.” Henry crossed his arms over his broad chest and planted his feet. “The weasel who broke my little girl’s heart has no place in your life now and no place in Shannon’s. I’ll be damned if I allow him to just waltz back in here, thinking he can pick up where he left off.”

  “I know, Daddy.”

  “Don’t you worry. I’ll talk to the sheriff. I’ll talk to the judge.”

  Both the sheriff and judge were fellow members of the VFW as well as classic car buffs. That should
have been enough to quell her fears.

  But she nodded, not sure these measures would deter someone as stubborn as Kenny Landers. She hated to admit it, but he did tend to bully people. He never considered the other person’s point of view. Everything was always about him.

  “That bastard walked out on you and Shannon,” her dad raged. “He has no business just showing up here again.”

  A rush of gratitude flooded her chest. “I know. I appreciate you for paying for the divorce.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “And I appreciate you for giving us a home. I don’t know what I would have done if—if…” Her voice trailed off as she contemplated what might have been had her father not stepped up.

  He made a noise in the back of his throat that sounded like something between a growl and a snort. “I was glad to get you out of his clutches. He was way beneath you, Reggie Lee.”

  “I used to think he was wonderful. All the girls were crazy about him.”

  “Bah! Big football hero.” Henry smacked his fist into his open palm. “Big jerk is what he is.”

  “Daddy, I didn’t want to upset you. I just wanted you to know that Kenny wrote me that he’s going to be in town and wants to see Shannon.”

  “Not gonna happen.” The expression on her father’s face sent a shiver coiling down Reggie’s spine.

  * * *

  Gayle had taken it upon herself to make sure everything was running as it should at the Gazette. She was surprised when the rest of the staff seemed to accept her inquisitiveness as being some sort of supervision. They all shared what they were doing and made sure to keep her in the loop.

  She felt a little guilty for letting them assume she had been given some kind of assignment from Reggie Lee to keep an eye on things. Gayle had been very positive, making sure to compliment each of her coworkers on their particular area of expertise.

  “Milton, the pics you took of the high school basketball game were spectacular. I can’t believe you got that jump shot in stop action. Brilliant!”


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