My Holiday Reunion: A Second Chance Holiday Romance

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My Holiday Reunion: A Second Chance Holiday Romance Page 17

by Weston Parker

  It must have been close to full by now. I didn’t bother looking. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him.

  The back of my legs hit the side of the tub, and we stopped. Cal leaned in and kissed me so deeply that I thought I might crumble in his arms. I could taste the wine from dinner on his tongue. I curled into him as he rubbed my pussy and applied just the right amount of pressure.

  I smiled into our kiss before I broke away. I put my hands flat on his chest, and then with deliberate slowness, I moved them down over his ribs and stomach as I went to my knees before him.

  Cal gathered my hair up off my face as I took his cock in my hands and stroked him, nice and slowly, almost teasing him. He leaned his hips toward me as if silently pleading for me to take him in my mouth.

  I parted my lips and ran my tongue over his slit, tasting his salty precum. Then I pressed it to the base of his shaft as I took the rest of his length in my mouth.

  He groaned above me when he hit the back of my throat. I bobbed up and down and gripped his hips to keep him in place as I sucked him off.

  “Holy fuck,” Cal breathed. His fist tightened in my hair.

  I looked up at him, and his strained expression of pleasure deepened. I held his gaze, worked myself down, and held his length for as long as I could before coming back up for air. His eyes fell closed as I sealed my lips over him again and took him deep in my throat.

  He pulled me off, guided me to my feet, and tore my bra and panties off. I heard a couple stitches rip. He didn’t apologize, and I didn’t care.

  He cupped my cheek and kissed me again. His tongue explored my mouth with ravenous curiosity, and I whimpered into the kiss, clinging to him desperately. I needed more.

  Cal scooped me up in his arms and put me in the tub. He turned off the water and joined me. The bubbles came up to my shoulders as I sank deep into the water and let it kiss my skin. It was hot, but not too hot, and the silky-smooth oil-based bubble bath had me feeling crazy as I ran my hands all over my body.

  Cal slid up beside me in the tub. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he held me to him with one arm, while the other disappeared beneath the surface. I smiled at him, nipped at his bottom lip, and then gasped when he ran his finger up my aching, swollen pussy. My reaction made him chuckle, and he stared into my eyes as he slid a finger deep inside me.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes open when he pressed another finger inside me and moved me to the edge of the tub. With my back to the side, he fucked me hard and fast. My moans and sighs grew louder with every thrust, and I thought that it might all be too much. The pleasure was unreal. I felt like I was going to burst apart.

  And then I did.

  My orgasm was explosive. I screamed his name at the ceiling, and Cal kept stroking me all the way through, cradling me to him and bracing me against the side of the tub. Even when I was done and gasping for breath, he didn’t stop. He kept going. His fingers found that delicious spot inside me, and I came again, just as hard and just as fast, and then he backed off and let me recover.

  I was a quivering mess beneath the water. My muscles spasmed as I caught my breath and watched him with heavy eyelids. He was smirking.

  “Proud of yourself?” I asked breathlessly.

  He nodded. “Very.”

  I giggled and shook my head at him.

  Cal gave me a sly smile. “Turn around.”

  I arched an eyebrow, and he reached for me, took me by the hips, and forced me to face away from him.

  “Put your arms on the edge of the tub,” he directed. I did as I was told. “Arch your back.” Again, I listened. Cal’s hands massaged my ass under the water.

  I rested my cheek on top of my hands on the edge of the tub and closed my eyes. “That feels good.”

  He continued massaging. He worked his way down the back of my thighs and then back up again. His fingers slipped between my thighs a couple times, and I arched toward him, wanting him to touch me where I ached for him. Every time, his touch grazed me and then moved away to caress me somewhere else.

  After a couple of minutes, I heard his deep, sexy chuckle. He placed his fingers on my opening and rubbed my pussy nice and slowly. “Are you ready, baby?”

  I wiggled my hips for him. “Yes.”

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. Then I pushed back, and his fingers slipped inside me.

  The water sloshed around us as he stroked me again. I gripped the side of the tub and bit the back of my hand to keep quiet. It didn’t work. My third orgasm rocked me just as fiercely as the first two, and I cried out as hot flashes of pleasure rippled through me.

  Cal moved between my legs. I could feel his knees against the inside of mine. He put his hand on the small of my back, forcing me to arch even more dramatically. I bent at the waist and looked back at him over my shoulder.

  “Stay where you are,” he commanded as he leaned over the side of the tub and plucked the condom from the floor. I didn’t move, but I listened as he tore open the wrapper and put the condom on. I wiggled my hips a bit for him, showing him I was ready.

  I was so fucking ready.

  Cal grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back forcefully, and at the same time, he slid his cock inside me.

  “Fuck,” I gasped as he gave me all his length on the first thrust.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Cal grated as he worked himself in and out of me. Somehow, even under the water, I was slippery wet.

  “Fuck my tight pussy,” I whispered, looking back at him. The feeling of my hair being pulled away from my scalp was a huge turn on. My skin prickled with desire as he grabbed my ass with his other hand and squeezed hard.

  I started bouncing on his cock. He pulled my head back farther. I moaned. So did he.

  He let me have a bit of control, and I rolled my hips slowly while I worked myself on his dick. I used the side of the tub for balance as I ceased rolling and started bouncing.

  “Holy shit,” Cal growled behind me.

  Then he released my hair, grabbed both of my hips, and held me in place as he fucked me for all I was worth. I screamed when I came, and he did not relent. He kept going until I came again, and he finished with me, and we both descended into euphoria together.

  When he was done, he climbed out of the tub and cleaned himself up. Then he came back and got in the bath with me. I waded over to him and sat on his lap. His cock was hard within moments as I traced the line of his jaw with my index finger and stared into his eyes.

  “I wish I could remember you,” I whispered.

  His smile was sad as he stroked my hair off my cheeks. He didn’t say anything.

  I kissed him. His eyes were heavy when I pulled away. “I hope you’re not going to murder me now that you have me alone,” I teased.

  Cal chuckled, and I was glad to hear it. I didn’t want to see sadness in him. It hurt too much. “That is the last thing I would ever want.”

  “Said every serial killer ever.”

  He laughed again and shook his head at my silliness. Then that sad smile crept back onto his face.

  I kissed him again, hoping it would go away, but it didn’t. “What are you thinking about, Cal?”

  He put his hands on my knees. He ran his palms up my thighs to rest them on my hips. “When we get back to Pittsburgh, there’s someone I need you to meet. Someone who I think will help with all this better than I ever could.”

  “Why does this make you sad?”

  He looked down into the bubbles between us. “I’m afraid that everything is going to change.”

  I cupped his face in my hands and smiled at him. “Nothing could change how I feel about you, Cal. Nothing.”

  Even that didn’t erase the sadness from his eyes.

  Clearly, he knew something I didn’t.



  It was snowing in Pittsburgh when we landed. After getting our luggage at baggage claim, we rooted aro
und through our bags to find warmer coats to walk from the terminal to the parking garage where we had left my car the previous morning.

  As we walked through the airport, I told Lina I had to make a stop first.

  “Where?” Lina asked.

  “To see the person who I think has the best chance of helping you remember. The situation is tricky, though. I want to go alone first and clear it with them. Find out if it’s a good idea or not.”

  “Oh,” Lina said, her eyes falling from me to the tile floor we were crossing. “All right.”

  “I’ll take you back home first,” I said. “You can have the place to yourself for a bit. I’ll pick Ash up on my way back.”

  “Okay. Maybe I’ll start dinner.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Cal, it’s all right. I want to. Besides, wasn’t I Asher’s nanny or something? Shouldn’t I be doing that stuff anyway?”

  I hid my grimace. “Right.”

  We passed a book store nestled between a souvenir shop and a cafe. Lina came to a stop and adjusted the shoulder strap of her purse. “Do you mind if we go in? I need a new book. I already went through those romance ones you had for me back at the house.”

  “Yeah, sure thing,” I said, and I followed her into the book store.

  She was one of those people who could choose her books fast. She picked up two more romance novels and a magazine. I paid for them, much to her protest, and then we broke free of the crowds in the airport and held our coats tight to our bodies as we hurried to the car.

  I loaded it up, got in, and headed back home.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you to see this mystery person?” Lina asked after we had been driving for a few minutes.

  I shook my head. “I’m sure. Let me just lay the groundwork. I’ll come get you when it’s time.”

  She frowned. “All right. You’re making me kind of nervous.”

  “I’m sorry. Don’t be nervous. Everything will be fine. It’s just… complicated.”

  “I know.”

  I felt bad withholding information from her, information she was entitled to know. The person I had to go see was Kelli. I knew she was the only one who stood a chance of jogging Lina’s memory at this point. She was also the only family she had left. Well, aside from Judy. The two of them were going to need to be there to catch Lina when I told her the truth: that she hated my guts, and she had for the last fifteen years.

  And that I had lied about her being a nanny. About her being part of my family.

  The whole mess made me physically ill.

  I pulled into my driveway about half an hour after leaving the airport. I parked the car but left it on as I got out, popped the trunk, and carried Lina’s bags up to her bedroom for her. She put her new books and magazine down on the nightstand and turned on the lamp. It was late afternoon, and the sun had disappeared behind the snow clouds. The sky was getting dark fast.

  “Will you be all right here on your own?” I asked.

  Lina nodded. “Of course. I think I’ll have a hot shower, put some comfy clothes on, and curl up with a book. Then I’ll get dinner started. I could go for pasta. What do you think? Does Asher like pasta?”

  I nodded. “Pasta sounds like a great idea. But hey, if you’d rather just relax, please, don’t feel obligated to cook anything.-”

  Lina stepped toward me, took my face in her hands, and kissed me. “Stop worrying about me, Cal. I want to cook for you. I want all this.”

  I swallowed. She had no idea what she was saying. She kissed me again and let me go. “You go,” she said. “That shower sounds really good right now.”

  I nodded and left without saying anything. I heard her turn the shower on before I slipped out the front door and locked up behind myself. I got back in the car and drove to the one place I dreaded going more than anywhere else in the world: Judy’s house.

  I arrived much too quickly.

  The house was surrounded by snow and looked utterly serene. White Christmas lights lined the roof and framed the windows, and Judy’s red, green, and gold wreath still hung on the door. Her Christmas tree was lit in the window as well, and if she still did things the way she used to, I knew it would stand until the second of January, when Judy would spend the day taking down all her decorations.

  I should offer to take her lights down for her, I thought as I walked up the driveway with my hands in my pockets. I cut across the lawn on the shovelled path and hopped up on the doorstep. I lifted my hand to knock and froze.

  Was I sure this was the right thing to do? Was I going to get myself in even more hot water than I already was?

  I shook my head. Not talking to Kelli about this would be unethical. Lina needed her best friend in her life. Kelli was the one who should be by her side, not me.

  I knocked.

  I knew that Kelli was the one answering the door by how slowly it opened. She rolled around in her wheelchair to sit in front of me. Her stare was as dark and angry as it had been the last time I stood there to pick up Lina’s things.

  I tried to smile. It didn’t work. “Hey, Kelli. I know you don’t want to see me, but please, I have to talk to you.”

  Kelli crossed her arms over her chest. She was bundled up in thick sweaters and had a blanket draped over her lap. Her leg cast was still on, not that I thought it wouldn’t be. Not nearly enough time had passed since the accident. Hell, she was probably still in terrible amounts of pain.

  All while I was playing house with my high school sweetheart.

  “What do you want, Cal?” she spat.

  “I need to talk to you about Lina. Can I come in?”

  She scoffed and shook her head. “No.”

  I nodded and tucked my chin into the collar of my jacket as the wind tugged at my back and chilled me to the bone. “All right.”

  “Leave,” she said.

  “I can’t do that, Kelli.”

  “Why the hell not? I don’t want you here, Cal. Of all people, you are literally the last one I want to see right now.”

  I nodded. “I understand, but this isn’t about me.”

  “I don’t care if it’s about you or Lina. The two of you did this to me. You think I’m going to just forget? Or forgive you? I can’t fucking walk ever again, you asshole!”

  Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes. Her cheeks were pink. Her fingers were curled into fists that were so tight her knuckles had turned white.

  I hung my head. “I’m so sorry, Kelli.”

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it.”

  “I know.”

  “Then get the hell out of here.”

  “I can’t,” I said miserably.

  Kelli grabbed the door and made to close it, but I stuck out my hand, bracing it open. “Just hear me out, Kelli. Then I’ll go. And I swear, you’ll never have to see me again if you don’t want to.”

  She paused and gave me a skeptical look. “Fine.”

  I let my hand fall from the door. She didn’t try to close it on me. This was my window of opportunity. “I need help getting Lina’s memory back.”

  “Oh, you mean you haven’t been able to pull it off? Imagine that. The guy who hasn’t seen her in fifteen years has no idea how to restore his ex-girlfriend’s memory. Probably because you don’t know her anymore, Cal.”

  “I know, and I shouldn’t have tried to be the one to help her. But I didn’t know what else to do. She had nowhere to go. No family to turn to. And I didn’t think sending her here with you and your mom was the best idea. You needed space. And your mom had her hands full.”

  “For once, we agree on something,” Kelli muttered.

  “Look. I know you’re mad at Lina, but the accident was my fault. I was the one who upset her. I was the one who pushed when she told me to leave her alone. If you’re going to put the blame on someone, it should all fall on me. Not on Lina. She loves you, Kelli. You have to know that.”

  “She was the one driving the car, Cal. Not you.”

  “I know,” I said. “But people make mistakes. You yourself crashed your first car when you were seventeen, and Jordan had to get fourteen stitches in his head because he was in your passenger seat.”

  Kelli lifted her chin. “That was different.”

  I nodded. “It had small consequences. This crash didn’t. You’re paying the highest price, Kelli. I know that. And it fucking kills me. And if Lina knew…” I trailed off. I couldn’t even say it aloud. If Lina knew what had happened to Kelli and she hadn’t lost her memory, she would never forgive herself for this. I forced myself to find the words. “If Lina knew what her mistake had cost you, she would fall apart, Kelli. And I’m not enough to pick up those pieces. I can’t help her when this all goes to shit because I’m the one she’s going to hate. You’re the one she’s going to need. Please tell me you agree with what I’m saying. Please.”

  God, I was begging. Actually begging.

  Kelli closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Kelli, you may have lost your ability to walk, but Lina has lost everything. She can’t remember who she is, let alone who you or your mom are. For fuck’s sakes, I took her to her parents’ grave site, and she doesn’t even remember them!”

  Kelli opened her eyes. Her tears were back. “I don’t know how to help her remember either,” she whispered.

  I rubbed my temples. “You don’t have to know what to do. All I need to know is that you’ll be there for her.”


  “When I tell her the truth.”



  I stood at my bedroom window and watched Cal reverse out of the driveway. His headlights lit up the flurries of snow that were falling and thickening by the minute. They had started as nothing but tiny white specks and bloomed into full-blown orbs that stuck to the grass and pavement like glue. A lot of snow would be on the ground in the morning.

  Once Cal was gone, I got into the already running shower. The bathroom was filling with steam that warmed my skin before the hot water even touched it.


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