Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  “You’re right about that,” he said with a shake of his head as if trying to clear his brain.

  Bull stood and watched her walk off, her arms full of his gear. “What do you make of her?”

  “Hell, if I know. She’s either certifiable or this is a dream I can’t wake up from.” His eyes followed Seren, entranced by the way her hair seemed to have a life of its own, the sable curls moving like an intriguing corkscrew spring. “Ow!” he yelped as Bull pinched his arm hard. “What did you do that for?”

  “Trying to wake us up.” Bull winked at him. “Show me this horse, Sleeping Beauty.”

  By the time they were in the workshop and he was pulling away the tarp covering the life-size metal sculpture of an Arabian stallion, Seren came bopping into their presence. “I love this, it’s one of the most beautiful pieces you’ve ever made. I like it even better than the dragon you made for the Texas Boy’s Ranch.”

  Canyon paused as if he were about to say something, then refrained.

  He didn’t know how she knew what he’d done in secret before coming here.

  “I didn’t know you had a piece at Cal Farley’s Boy’s Ranch! I bet you didn’t charge them a penny, did you?” Bull patted Canyon on the shoulder. “You’re a good man.”

  “It’s an orphanage. Why would I charge?” he mumbled. “Of course, that was before I learned about all the abuse up there. I’m glad they got that cleaned up. I just hate to hear about children being mistreated.”

  “Me too.” Bull nodded. “Me too. Seems like everywhere you look, there’s trouble.” Turning his attention back to the stallion, he smiled. “Well, you’d better charge everyone else, bud. This is fuckin’ magnificent.” Bull was in awe as he studied the piece of art made from pieces of scrap metal and old farm implements. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “He’s very talented,” Seren proclaimed with pride. “His work should be in museums.”

  Canyon frowned. “Thanks, but I don’t have any aspirations for fame and fortune.”

  “I agree with Sara.” Bull pointed to Seren, but she didn’t bother to correct him on her name. “This should be somewhere so people can enjoy it.”

  “Aron McCoy came to see Majestic. I think he’ll help Canyon get his work noticed,” Seren commented, ignoring the looks Canyon was giving her.

  “Don’t you have something to do?” Canyon pivoted to rummage around on his worktable. “While I’m thinking about it, let me return that drill I borrowed from you, Bull.”

  “Oh, no rush.” Bull pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. “I’d best be going. You can give that drill to me any old time.”

  Seren darted around Canyon. “I know where it is. You left it in the toolbox.” She knelt and opened the lid to the large, steel container. “Isn’t this it?” Holding it up in her hand, she glanced at Canyon expectantly.

  “Yea, that’s it.” He came and took it from her grasp. “Thanks.”

  Bull nodded toward Seren, who stood several feet away from them, still wearing her bunny ears and cape. “She’s handy to have around, you should keep her.” He gave Seren a wink, then smiled when she nodded her agreement.

  Canyon stepped closer to Bull. “I’d appreciate you not saying anything about this to anyone, not even Isabella. I still don’t understand what’s going on and I’d rather not draw any attention to the matter until I can…” He glanced over his shoulder at Seren. “Rectify the situation.”

  Bull nodded. “I understand.” He shrugged, taking the drill from Canyon’s outstretched hand. “I don’t really know what to make of it all myself. You won’t have any trouble from me. Although, as far as situations go…” Bull winked at Canyon. “This one is certainly not boring.” He lowered his voice to a mere whisper. “Not bad on the eyes either.”

  Canyon grumbled an almost indiscernible come-back, something on the order of, “It’s not my eyes I’m worrying about, it’s my sanity.”

  As his friend took his leave, Canyon walked out into the circle drive to see him off. He was aware Seren was shadowing him. “Okay, let’s go in the house and get to the bottom of this debacle.”

  “All right. I’ll be glad to tell you what I know, which isn’t much.” She hurried along next to him. “Slow down. You take such big steps. Usually I don’t have such a hard time keeping up with you.”

  “Not my problem,” he quipped, but he slowed down a bit anyway. After unlocking the door, he held it open for Seren to enter. “Sit tight while I shower and change clothes. I’ll be right back.”

  While he was gone, Seren sat perfectly still, her thoughts whirling around at the unexpected turn of events. If things weren’t turned topsy-turvy, she would accompany him to the bathroom. If things were normal, she’d be dogging his every step.

  But things weren’t normal.

  She raised her arm in front of her face and stared at the tiny pores in her skin. Something was definitely different. In this dimension, her body was softer, more vulnerable. “What is going on?” This had never happened to her before. She let her thoughts run rampant, trying to figure out some purpose or motive for this change. As far as she could tell, this wouldn’t make her job any easier. The only bright spot was interacting with Canyon. Even though he was grumpy, she enjoyed his attention. The change from a completely one-sided relationship to what they were experiencing was momentous. To her, he was the most precious thing in the universe. She knew everything about him and valued it all.

  Upon hearing his approaching footsteps, she perked up, awaiting his appearance. When he turned the corner, she hitched a breath, studying his every movement. She could see he was disturbed – and tired. “You’ve been working too hard. Even on your days off, you seldom take a break. I was so proud you went out with Bull this morning.”

  “Oh, our successful hunting trip?” He didn’t wait for a response. After standing still a moment, he dry-scrubbed his face, then asked, “Can I get you something to drink? Water?”

  Seren licked her lips. “My mouth is oddly dry. I’d like to try some, if you don’t mind.”

  Canyon rolled his eyes while fetching a glass to fill. “So, you don’t drink water where you’re from?”

  “Hey, things are different when you’re corporeal.” Surveying the space around her, Seren observed, “Even your place looks a little different in this dimension. Bigger. More vibrant. I love all the wood, makes the atmosphere very warm and homey.”

  “Thank you, Martha Stewart.” With a huff of disbelief, Canyon whirled around to give her the water, splashing some of the liquid to the floor during the abrupt movement. “All right, time to get to the bottom of this nonsense.”

  She rose to accept the drink, then started toward the kitchen. “Let me get a towel to clean that up for you.” As Seren moved across the room, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the glass door of a curio cabinet. “Praise be, you were right. I do look weird as heck.” She stopped and rotated, checking out the back view as well as the front. “When no one could see me, it didn’t matter what I wore. I get tired of the standard uniform, you know.”

  “Criminy, woman.” Canyon rested his hands on his hips and watched as she returned with a dishtowel and knelt to wipe up the small puddle from the hardwood floor. “For just a minute or two let’s try to have a normal conversation. My head is spinning.”

  Knowing what he’d gone through in the past, worrying him was the last thing she wanted to do. “I don’t really understand what’s going on either. This is as much of a surprise to me as it is to you.” Taking a seat at the dining table, she wiggled in the chair, getting comfortable. Across the room, Canyon never took his eyes off her. He was mesmerized as she took a sip of the water and exclaimed, “Oh, this is good. Very refreshing.” Patting the seat next to her, she urged him, “Come sit.”

  With his teeth gritted and his jaw squared, Canyon joined her at the oak trestle table. “I’m about to sweep this house for cameras and bugs.”

  “Okay.” She glanced around the room and
over the floor. “Everything looks fairly clean. If you’d like I could sweep for you. I’m sure this visibility thing is probably a glitch. While I can, though, I would love to do chores to help out.”

  “You really are certifiable,” he grumbled shaking his head. “Look, can we drop this charade? What’s going on? Really. Is this some kind of joke? Did Denver put you up to this?”

  “No, the only time I see Denver is when we’re at Tebow.” Tipping back the blue tinted plastic glass, she drained it.

  Canyon licked his lips, mesmerized by the way the sexy muscles in her throat moved as she swallowed, making him thirsty for something other than water. “O, brother,” Canyon moaned. “All right, let’s start from the beginning.” He studied her for a moment, wishing she wasn’t so damn beautiful. His sex-starved libido was threatening to riot just from being near her. She was the first woman to truly tempt Canyon since his wife left him for his ex-best friend – after… “So, what’s your full name and where are you from?”

  She looked at him with big wide eyes and let out a long breath. “Seren from…here.” Spreading her hands wide, she indicated her surroundings. “People think heaven is far away. It’s not. It’s here, all around you, just another realm.” When he narrowed his eyes at her, she tried to explain. “There are ten dimensions, different layers of reality. Humans are limited to existing in one, whereas spiritual beings like me can move between them.”

  Canyon reached out and poked her arm.

  “Ow.” She frowned and moved away a bit. “What was that for?”

  “You feel pretty solid to me.”

  “Yea, I know.” She hung her head. “This isn’t normal. I keep waiting for guidance, but so far none has come.”

  Canyon smirked and chuckled. “Like Thor, are you waiting for them to,” he lowered his voice and moved his hand through the air, “send a raven?”

  “Nothing so dramatic, unfortunately. Usually, I just get a memo.” She stood up and took her glass to the sink. “I suppose they’ll let me know sooner or later.”

  “Hmmm.” Canyon knew he was being difficult, but if ever a situation called for difficult – this was it. “Seems like they’d be a bit more on top of things – whoever they are.”

  Walking slowly around the room, she nodded her head. “True, but don’t forget what they say about working in mysterious ways. Besides, time isn’t the same there as it is here. Things happen much slower on Earth, I think everything is pulled down by the weight of gravity. Remember the old saying, a day is like unto a thousand years and a thousand years a day.”

  When he saw she was heading to the mantle, every muscle in his body clenched. “Don’t touch that,” he muttered about the same time she picked up a photograph of Matty.

  To appease him, she carefully replaced his treasure into its designated spot. “When a parent loses a child, they have to spend a lifetime away from it. What that parent doesn’t know, is to the child only minutes pass between the time they are separated from their family and reunited again. Plus…children grow up in heaven, they don’t stay infants or toddlers forever. They continue to age until they reach what is deemed perfect.”

  “Oh, really?” And this was supposed to comfort him? “And what age is that?” Why he was playing along with her, he didn’t know.


  “How about you? You don’t look thirty-three.”

  Seren shrugged. “None of those rules apply to me. I’m just a facilitator.” She took a moment to gaze at Matty’s framed photograph. “He is a very sweet boy.”

  For some reason, anger flashed over Canyon. “Don’t talk like you know him! You don’t and you never did!” He rose and hurried over to remove the picture completely, pressing it to his chest. “I’ve had all I can bear and I don’t know who you are or why you’re doing this. Did my ex send you to torment me?”

  “No. No.” Seren tried to explain. “I have no contact with Kim. I would never betray you in any way!”

  “I don’t care. I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. And I don’t want to deal with you!” He strode to the door and held it open. “Now, get out!”

  Seren had no choice but to do as he asked. She’d never seen him so angry, not since his wife chose to walk away from him after their son succumbed to cancer. “I’m sorry.” She would leave his presence, but she couldn’t go far. Seren was tethered to Canyon.

  Connected in ways no mortal could ever understand.

  * * *

  As darkness fell and the temperature dropped, Seren sat on the bannister at the far end of Canyon’s front porch. With arms wrapped tightly around herself, she marveled at what she was experiencing.

  She was shivering.

  In all of her existence, she’d never noticed changes in temperature before. Seren winced, acknowledging this wasn’t the only new feeling to confuse her. The pinching pain in her midsection was hard to ignore. If she didn’t know better, she’d think she was hungry.

  “What’s going on?” she asked herself, closing her eyes, and tuning in to Canyon’s heartbeat. Even when away from his side, she could still hone in on the steady rhythm like a beacon. Unfamiliar twinges of hurt pricked Seren’s consciousness as she recalled his angry words. He’d been so suspicious of her, so distrusting. Even though his attitude pained her, she could understand it. With head bowed, she pulled the cape tighter around her. “I shouldn’t be surprised. He didn’t even know I existed until today.”

  With an exasperated sigh, she wondered how long this would last. She couldn’t do her job if she couldn’t watch over him.

  …Inside, Canyon sat in his favorite chair, trying to pay attention to the news. Trying. Every time the old house creaked, he looked around expecting to find Seren moving stealthily about. He tried to stay angry. Or hurt. To his surprise, he was having trouble defining his own emotions. The wood nymph had succeeded in turning him on his head. How did she know all that stuff she’d said? Being a natural skeptic, there was no part of him that believed her cockamamie story. There had to be some other explanation. A logical one.

  Still…she’d saved his life.

  And she was sexy as hell.

  And he’d sent her out – alone.

  And he lived in the middle of nowhere.

  “Hell.” Canyon laid the remote on the side table and rose to find his hat. He had no idea if he’d be able to find her, but he had to try.

  …When the wooden door opened and the screen door creaked, Seren felt every cell in her body come alive. She tensed, her eyes zeroing in on him even in the twilight. Being very still, she tried to ascertain what he was about to do. As he headed down the steps, Seren instinctively followed. “Watch your step, you know those stones on the walk are a bit uneven.”

  Canyon stopped and sighed. “You never left, did you?”

  “Uh. No.”

  Turning, he gestured with his hand. “Get in the house. I bet you’re freezing that sweet ass off.”

  Her ass was sweet? She immediately whipped her hands in the back to cover it. “Thank you.” As she eased into his living room, she immediately gravitated to the fireplace. “This does feel much nicer.”

  “You need to wear something else,” he mumbled, leaving the room. In a moment, he returned with a folded orange T-shirt. “Feel free to go take a shower.” He handed the shirt to her. “You can wear this. I think it’ll be long enough to cover all of your…needs.” God, he felt like a bumbling idiot.

  Seren accepted his offering. “Oh, how nice. Thank you.” The prospect of wearing something of his made her feel odd. “Could I use the tub?” She’d always wanted to try a bath.

  Seeing her eyes brighten, he tried to hide a smile. “Sure. I don’t have any girly bubble bath salts though.”

  She smiled at him and shrugged. “That’s okay. I don’t really think of myself as a girl.”

  With that causal remark, she exited, her cape flowing behind her, the rabbit ears on her head still a bit crooked. Canyon followed her progress, his eyes caressin
g her completely female form, wondering what the hell she’d meant by that last mind-boggling comment. “Well, if you’re not a girl, I don’t who is,” he muttered under his breath.


  “Now, this is inconvenient,” Seren whispered as she peeled her clothes off, then removed the rabbit ears. Try as she might, thinking about changing her garments did absolutely nothing. Usually in her regular environment, she could imagine an outfit and it would appear.

  Of course, her options weren’t endless. There were rules. Rules she often stretched to the breaking point. Nevertheless, the threat of a reprimand hardly dissuaded her from donning certain pieces of apparel that made her smile. Like the rabbit ears and the cape.

  Now, no matter how hard she concentrated, no white robe materialized.

  “Oh well, I’m glad I have Canyon’s shirt.” She patted it with a smile.

  Standing in front of the mirror, her eyes barely grazed her nude form. As much as Seren enjoyed dressing to amuse herself, self-appreciation was an alien concept.

  “Okay, now to draw my bath.” After gathering a towel and a washcloth, she knelt by the large porcelain tub to turn on the water. “Hmmm, you can figure this out if you try.” After all, she’d watched Canyon take a shower a zillion times. The tub wasn’t his thing, but she’d seen commercials on the television showing women lounging in water and seeming to enjoy themselves quite a bit.

  “Now, how does this work?” She turned the spigots and tested the water. “Too cold.” Twist. Twist. “Oooh, too hot!” She felt like Goldilocks in the cartoon she’d seen on television. Finally, she found a temperature that felt good to her skin. “Now, how do I get the water to stay in the tub?” Seren looked for a stopper, but didn’t see one. She pushed and tugged at the spigots and the gadget at the bottom of the tub, but nothing would stop the water from draining out as fast as it ran in. “Canyon!”

  …From the end of the hall, Canyon heard his name called. Thinking something might be wrong, he took off to see. At the same moment he reached to open the door – it swung open and Canyon had to grab onto the door facing to keep from going to his knees.


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