Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  “Actually, I’m closer than his brother. I’m his best friend.”

  The older of the two put a hand on her hip. “We can’t give you any medical details, obviously.” A small smile gathered on her lips. “What we can do is find out how the surgery is going. Wait here.”

  When she left, the younger one gave Canyon an appreciative glance. “You work out.”

  “Yea. Some. My job is pretty physical. I’m a blacksmith by trade.”

  “Wow. Sounds like something right out of a wild west movie. Do you swing a big hammer?”

  Her double entendre surprised Canyon so much he blushed. “Yea, I guess. Look, I know Bull was here for a routine treatment. What happened?”

  She gave Canyon a chiding glance. “You heard Nurse Brosnan, we’re not supposed to say.” Giving him a sly smile, she relented. “All right. I’ll tell you what I know at this point.” Leaning forward, she began to whisper, “While Mr. Redford was undergoing his treatment, he began to have severe pain in his groin area. When he called for assistance, I ran to him and found abnormal swelling, which indicated internal bleeding.” She straightened and sighed. “I called the doctor and he took one look at him and ordered an operating room.” Spreading her hands, she assured Canyon, “Until the doctor comes out of surgery, that’s all we know.”

  “Thank you.” Canyon dry-scrubbed his face. Learning those details didn’t make him feel any better. About that time the older nurse returned.

  “The surgery is going well and the patient is stable. As soon as the doctor finishes the procedure, he will be out to speak to Mrs. Redford. It shouldn’t be too much longer, I think they’re closing.”

  Canyon repeated his words of gratitude, giving the younger nurse an appreciative wink. “Thank you so much. Just knowing he’s stable is a relief.” Backing up, he tipped his Stetson. “We’ll be waiting for further word.”

  As he rejoined the women, Isabella rose with great concern on her face. “What did you find out?”

  He began with the best news. “The surgery is going well and Bull is stable.”

  The look of relief on Isabella’s face was worth everything. “Thank God. What else can you tell me?”

  Canyon returned to his chair. “Apparently, there was some internal bleeding. The surgeons are closing now, we’ll know the details soon.”

  “I hope so. I don’t know how much more I can take.” She bowed her head, covering her face with her hands. “He’s always so strong. Benedict is my rock. I can’t bear to have him suffer.”

  Needing to ease the tension, Seren stood and walked to the refreshment bar. “Let me get us some coffee. Isabella, how do you take it?”

  “Black is good,” she told Seren softly from across the room. “I thought everything was so perfect, you know. I was taking everything for granted, I see that now.”

  “Everything will be perfect again.” Canyon tried to comfort Isabella.

  Seren prepared their coffee and carried it to them. “I know this will sound cliché, but there is a pattern to events in our lives, things happen for a reason. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see that pattern – how one thing leads to another – but they do. There’s a master design.”

  “Do you think so?” Isabella seemed to want to grasp onto any form of comfort.

  “I do,” Seren assured her. “I’ve seen it time and time again.” She was about to say more when a voice from nowhere whispered in her ear. Careful. Covering her mouth, she gasped. Whirling around, there was no one to be seen. Seren wasn’t surprised, she’d recognized that voice anywhere.


  With his attention turned to Isabella, Canyon missed Seren’s reaction. Knowing her words brought comfort, he didn’t bother to contradict them. Although, he’d never see a reason for Matty’s death in the grand scheme of things. “Let’s just wait and see what the doctor says. Bull is a strong man and he has a helluva lot to live for.”

  As if in answer to their questions, the double doors swung open and they were joined by a man in blue scrubs. “Mrs. Redford?”

  “Yes?” Isabella stood and ran toward him. “How is he? How is my Benedict?”

  The doctor smiled. “Mr. Redford will be fine. A large iliac artery aneurysm burst. This aneurysm was masquerading as prostate cancer. The previous diagnosis was in error and the treatments Mr. Redford were receiving were unnecessary.” He seemed to pause for effect before placing a soothing hand on Isabella’s shoulder. “However, take heart. If he hadn’t been here when this aneurysm burst, he would have died. Bled out in a matter of seconds. Now, we have dealt with the problem and Benedict can go forth knowing he doesn’t have cancer.”

  “Wonderful! Thank you!” Isabella hugged the doctor, then Canyon, before turning to hug Seren. “You were right! The prostate cancer scare put him in the right place for this emergency. I am so glad to meet you!”

  Seren was almost as shocked as Isabella. It wasn’t that she disbelieved what she’d said, but the circumstances still seemed miraculous. “I’m glad to meet you too, Isabella. Bull is so lucky to have you in his life.”

  “Oh, I’m the lucky one. I’m the lucky one,” she whispered.

  Canyon and Seren sat with her until Bull was out of recovery and in his own room. During that time, Seren went to the cafeteria to get them all a bite to eat. When Bull awoke briefly, Isabella and Canyon were able to speak to him, giving him reassurance that all was well.

  “You don’t have cancer, baby. You don’t.” His wife cried as she placed her head next to his on the pillow. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “What happened?” Bull muttered in a slightly slurred voice.

  “You had an aneurysm in an artery in your groin. Somehow, that was misdiagnosed as prostate cancer,” Canyon explained slowly.

  “Well, I’ll swear…” he muttered with a smile. “Lucky me.”

  “Yea, lucky you.” Canyon laughed, more relieved than he could ever say.

  They stayed with the other couple until Bull drifted off to sleep, then Canyon made Isabella promise she’d call if she needed anything. “I mean it, girl. You let me know. If I need to come and drive y’all home, I will.”

  “I know. You’re such a good friend.” She hugged them both one final time. “And, Seren, I want to see more of you.”

  Seren nodded, but she made no promises. This could very well be a one-time thing. After hearing Gregori’s voice whispering without warning, she realized how closely she was still being monitored.

  On the way out of the hospital, she attempted to resist when Canyon reached for her hand. When he tried again and whispered “Please,” she couldn’t deny him what she also wanted so very much. Seren felt so confused. So overwhelmed.

  “I’m glad everything turned out okay for your friend.”

  “Me too.” Canyon squeezed her hand. “And I’m so glad you agreed to come with me. Having you there just felt…right.” Familiar. Like she’d always been there. Like she belonged. “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “You’re welcome. You were keeping me safe, remember?”

  When they arrived at his truck, he walked her to the passenger side to assist her up in the seat. “Okay, so we helped each other. That’s a good thing. Right?”

  “Yes. Although, I’m sure Diego gave up and is long gone by now.”

  Canyon didn’t say anything.

  “Don’t you agree?”

  “I hope so…but I doubt it.” Canyon shook his head as he shut her door, leaving to climb behind the wheel. Once in place, he started the engine and headed his truck toward home. “The bastard’s fixated on you. I don’t trust him. Something is just wrong with that guy.” Canyon fumed for a few seconds. “The more I think about it, the more I realize I’ve seen him somewhere before. He looks familiar to me. How long have you known him?”

  “I don’t know him.” Seren corrected his assumption. “The first time I saw him, he was sitting with this cowboy who works with you, I believe.”


ruz. I made the mistake of smiling at them and he took my friendliness the wrong way.”

  “You have to be careful who you’re nice to. Save your friendship for people you can trust.” As soon as the comment left his mouth, he considered that was all she offered him – friendship. Canyon knew the next time he said it, the word would leave a bad taste in his mouth.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it,” she whispered softly. “I’m still too new to this stuff to be any good at it.”

  “New to what stuff?” He adjusted the rearview mirror to keep the lights of cars coming up behind him out of his eyes.

  “Romance. Girl/boy stuff.”

  “This guy you’re in love with must be some piece of work. Totally inept in bed, I bet.”

  His caustic comment surprised Seren. She had to bite her tongue to keep from giggling aloud. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  Canyon grumbled under his breath, “Probably nothing to tell.”

  Seren didn’t say anything else, she certainly couldn’t tell him that he was the only man she’d ever loved, the only man she’d ever given herself to – the only man in the universe for her. “I’m glad everything worked out for Bull.”

  “Yea, me too.” He tapped the steering wheel with his thumb. “Tomorrow, I’ll talk to Isaac about watching out for you when I can’t be there. I regret we didn’t call the cops on him last night. If we had, you could get a restraining order against him.”

  “I fear a restraining order would only make a man like Diego worse.”

  Canyon gritted his teeth at the implication. “I think you should move. I saw that woman you pointed out to me the other day. The one you said wanted to me meet. Joplin.”

  Joplin! Seren actually flinched. Hearing Canyon bring her name up felt like a punch in the gut. “You saw her?” She knew he’d seen her, Seren had witnessed the kiss. Still, she knew she had no right to ask anything.

  “I was headed into town and came upon her standing on the side of the road with car trouble. When I gave her a ride home, I saw where she lives. A gated apartment building. You should move somewhere like that.”

  Seren let out a breath of relief when she heard his innocent explanation. Perhaps the kiss was a kiss of gratitude. “Canyon, I don’t have the money to move. When I started work at Hardbodies I didn’t have even one penny to my name.”

  Canyon fumed anew. “Why in the hell isn’t someone taking care of you? What about this man you claim to love? Isn’t he worth his salt?”


  “The truth is…after last night, then seeing that ape lurking around the club earlier – I won’t be able to sleep tonight for worrying about you.”

  Seren glared at Canyon. “I don’t know what time you left last night, but I made it just fine without you.”

  He puffed out a frustrated breath. “You weren’t without me.”

  “What do you mean?” Seren pressed him, her pulse rate going crazy.

  “I pulled my truck around and parked close enough to watch over you. Didn’t go home to bed until the clean-up crew arrived early this morning. I’ll do the same thing tonight if I have to.”

  “You stayed all night” She squealed. “You can’t do this, Canyon! Where will it end?” Seren fussed, stomping her foot in the floorboard of the truck. “You have to work. You have to sleep. I am not your responsibility.”

  Canyon wanted to argue the point. He knew it didn’t make sense, but she felt like his responsibility. After changing lanes, he cut her a quick glance. “There are two acceptable alternatives. One, you can come home with me, I have a guest room. Or two, I can sleep on your couch. If neither of those things work for you, I’ll park outside your trailer again and stay awake to watch over you. Those are your only choices, because I won’t leave you unprotected from that jerk.”

  Crossing her arms over her breasts, she pinned him with a stare. “I choose for you to go home and get a good night’s rest. You have to work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll sleep at home if you’ll go with me.”

  She gritted her teeth. “I can’t do that.” No matter how much she wanted to. Being back in his house – with him – would be the last straw.

  “Well, do I sit up in the truck all night?”

  “No, I can’t let you do that!” She couldn’t let him ruin his health. What was the right thing to do? “I won’t sleep either, knowing you’re out there forcing yourself to stay awake.” She bowed her head, what she wanted warring with what was right in her mind. “Arg! Canyon! Why can’t you just let this go?” She knew why – he was Canyon.

  “Well, if you think you’re going to talk me out of standing between you and that jerk – well…you can’t.”

  The memory of Gregori’s word of caution made Seren shiver. “It isn’t the standing between us that worries me, it’s the sleeping on my couch part.” She exhaled an exasperated sigh. “It’s so…unnecessary.” And dangerous. Having him within reach would be beyond temptation.

  “May be, but I’m unwilling to take that chance. I can’t explain all of this to you, but it’s important to me.” He glanced over at Seren, locking her eyes with his for a short moment. “You’re important to me.”

  “All right. All right. Fine.” She exhaled loudly. “I can’t stand the thought of you staying awake all night because of me. You can stay in the trailer. On the couch.”

  Hearing the resignation in her voice, Canyon declared victory, “All right! Good choice.”

  “You won’t be saying that after you take a second look at the couch. Compared to you, it’s tiny.” She waved a hand at his big body. “You’ll be hanging over in every direction. If we’re going to do this, I’ll take the couch.”

  Seeing this to be a never-ending argument, Canyon waved his hand. “We’ll work it out when we get to your place.” Lowering his voice, he whispered, “We could always share your bed. I’ve heard friends do that…on occasion.”

  “You’re impossible,” she mumbled, trying to keep her imagination and memory from going to places she couldn’t afford them to go.

  “I’m still hungry. Let’s pick up some takeout on the way home. What sounds good to you?”

  Seren’s head swam. She felt like time had turned back on itself. Closing her eyes, she whispered a prayer – more like a message to Gregori. Is this your idea of a joke? Am I still being tested? What do you want me to do? Please give me strength to build a wall between us. Give me guidance. Show me the way. I only want to do what’s right – for him.

  With her mind still trying to figure out what was happening, she answered automatically, “Uh…our usual Chinese is fine.”

  Their usual Chinese? Canyon chuckled. “You’ll have to enlighten me, but I like that we have a usual already.”

  “Sorry. I mean my usual.” Seren rolled her eyes at herself. “This has been a wild day. I must be losing it.”

  “So…what’s your usual?”

  “Vegetable eggrolls for me.” “And what’s yours?” He’d say Mongolian beef.

  “Mongolian beef.”

  Seren had to smile. At least, he was predictable. Her eyes caressed his beloved face in the light of the streetlamps. Adorably predictable. “One eggroll for you?” Two for him.

  “No, two for me. Chicken.” Even though Canyon was weary, his heart was light. Bull was on the mend and here he was with a beautiful woman whose company he enjoyed immensely. “Since we’re going to be best friends and all…”

  “Best friends?” Seren teased him. “When did we jump from friends to best friends.”

  Canyon glanced at the clock. “Oh, about fifteen minutes ago, I guess.” He winked at her. “I don’t believe in messing around.”

  “Oh, that’s unfortunate,” Seren said with a straight face.

  “Ha!” Canyon barked a laugh. “Don’t play with me, angel.”

  The last word out of his mouth stole Seren’s breath. What was going on? Was he remembering? Quickly, she attempted to change the subject. Heavenly days, she needed to do
some serious thinking. Glancing up at the sky, she muttered the first thing that came into her head, “Do you think it’s going to rain?”

  Her out of the blue question surprised him. “There’s not a cloud in the sky. All I see is stars.”

  “I guess it’s just a feeling.” Indeed, a storm was building – she could feel it in her bones. “What were you going to say earlier?” She repeated his words. “Now that we’re best friends and all…”

  “Oh, yea.” He put on his blinker to turn on the interstate in order to head west toward Kerrville. “With Bull out of commission for a while, the full brunt of friendship responsibility is going to fall on you. What are your suggestions of ways you can enrich my life?”

  “Oh, my goodness,” Seren mused, “let me think.” A list of fun to-dos wasn’t the only thing on her mind. There was something odd here. Déjà vu all over again. Literally. The only difference was the energy between them. Oh, he was still being attentive. Kind. Sexy. Sweet. All macho, alpha male. But…he was treating her as if she were real this time. Equal. Opposite, yet the same. Only at this moment did Seren realize how reticent he’d been with her before. As if she might disappear in a poof of smoke. As if he couldn’t be completely open with her. After all, there were things you’d never talk about with an angel.

  This new knowledge made Seren feel sad and happy at the same time. This was her chance to know Canyon in a whole new way. Before, she thought she knew everything about him. Yet, here was a facet of his personality she’d never seen before. Pushing aside all her doubts and fears, Seren embraced this unique opportunity. She might never know the joy of being one with him again, but she could spend time in his presence, storing away memories for bleaker days. “Well, you said we could go to the movies. I’d like that. If we have time, we could go on a hike together. Have a picnic.” Her face brightened. “You could take me fishing on the lake.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, I know!”

  Canyon couldn’t quit smiling. He was making far greater progress with her than he’d thought possible. “What do you know?”

  “We could sing karaoke together!”

  Shaking his head, Canyon held up his hand. “Now, hold on. You’re just going crazy now. Everything sounds great except the getting up in front of people and making a fool out of myself.”


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