Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 43

by Sable Hunter

  “He’s happy, it’s simple as that,” Cady mused. “I’ve known Canyon for several years and he’s always kept himself a little distant.”

  “I know. He was afraid to care about anyone. Losing Matty and his marriage took a heavy toll on him.”

  Cady grinned and nodded. “You’d know. After all, you were there with him through it all.” She swirled her own drink, her eyes following her own husband as he talked with Canyon, Denver Bolden, and Clint McCoy. “My story is a bit different from yours. As Joseph’s watcher, I loved him as unconditionally as you love Canyon. The time came when I couldn’t fully protect him from the other side. Instead of dropping me in the woods wearing a bunny suit…” Cady whispered and gave Seren a wink, “Gregori folded time and I was born into an earthly family – a magical family.”

  “Jessie told me about your family. She said they were special. I believe she called them New Orleans witches.”

  “Hoodoo practitioners is the most correct way to put it.” She waved her hand, as if in dismissal. “Anyway, my family and I healed Joseph when he was paralyzed.” Cady rubbed the rim of her glass against her upper lip as she reminisced. “That’s how I ended up in his life. I was brought in to be his physical therapist.”

  “You’ve lived on earth as a human all these years?”

  “Yes, it’s an enigma. I was Joseph’s watcher, yet after time was folded, I also grew up as a human.”

  “Did you keep your memories too?” Seren was fascinated by Cady’s story.

  “No. I did have a surreal connection to Joseph though. I didn’t understand why, but he seemed to live in my dreams. When I did hear his name, there was an instant recognition. I knew he was the man I’d been looking for all of my life.” Cady’s voice became monotone as she sank into her memories. “I was an empath in Louisiana. In my guise as a physical therapist, I healed others by taking their illnesses into my own body.” A small laugh slipped from her lips. “Every time I would do this for someone, I’d lose a little of myself. I’m not a practicing empath anymore, Joseph forbids it. He wants to keep as much of me intact as he can.”

  “I’m sure. So, you came to help Joseph when he was injured?”

  “Yes, he was paralyzed in a dirt bike accident.” She shook her head in the midst of her recollecting. “Kane Saucier, who was originally from New Orleans, told the family about me.” She locked eyes with Seren. “This was all destiny, the reason I was born. To help Joseph. To be with him.” Cady laughed wryly. “Oh, he resisted. At first, he resented the hell out of me. And…as I alluded to you earlier, my looks lacked a lot to be desired.”

  “I can’t believe that,” Seren protested, taking in the elegant woman’s regal countenance.

  “Oh, believe it. Anyway, I came into Joseph’s life and fulfilled my duties as a watcher and his wife. Fate allowed me to be with him when he needed me the most and I’ve been promised the child we created together will give humanity a great gift.”

  Seren was amazed. “What a marvelous story. I’m so glad to know I’m not alone.”

  “Oh, we’re not the only ones. The world is full of miracles. Angels aren’t always of the heavenly variety, some are born on earth and live out their days here.” She pointed across the room. “See Bree over there, Denver’s wife?”

  “Yes. I like her. She’s nice.” Seren leaned in to listen more carefully. “What about her?”

  “She’s a special case. Bree is not aware of her roots. Her father is an angel. A very powerful one, in fact.” She gave Seren a wink. “His hardass attitude might be partially caused by a guilty conscience.”

  Her mind raced with the wild possibility. “You mean…? Oh, my gosh!” She huffed a laugh. “And Bree doesn’t know? Will she ever find out the truth?”

  “When the time is right,” Cady assured her, hooking her hand around Seren’s arm. “I believe we’re about to have company.

  “What are you girls doing?” Joseph asked as he and Canyon joined them.

  “Just talking about what we have in common,” Seren answered as she placed her left hand on Canyon’s chest, smiling when her ring flashed with a million points of brightly reflected light.

  “And what’s that?” Canyon asked, sensing they’d been having a fascinating conversation.

  “We each have a handsome guy in our life, for one thing.” Cady took Joseph’s hand. “Come, let’s mingle and allow some of the other guests to enjoy the happy couple.”

  Joseph nodded. “Again, I really enjoyed having you at our wilderness training seminar. We had a wild time, didn’t we?”

  Canyon nodded. “Oh, we did, for sure.” He looked over at Clint. “I doubt he’ll ever forget it. I can’t believe what happened to him and Jensen. Talk about trial by fire.”

  Joseph chuckled. “I think things got pretty hot for them in more ways than one.” He nodded his head and smiled. “I’m sure proud he and I got a chance to get to know one another a little better. He’s a really decent guy.”

  “I agree,” Canyon said as he allowed himself to be tugged away by Seren. “Not so fast, darling. Your fiancé is getting old.”

  “Nonsense. You’re handsome, virile, strong, and mine.”

  “Ha! You won’t hear an argument out of me,” Canyon muttered as they made their way through the crowded room. Along the meandering path, he shook hands with Jonah. “Are you alone, bud?” he asked.

  Jonah cut his eyes across the room to where Delaney sat on the couch by his father. “Not exactly, but I wouldn’t say I had a date either.”

  “Too bad. You need to work on that.” Canyon tapped Jonah on his arm, then moved on to shake hands with Bull. “Glad you two could make it.” He hugged Isabella after Seren did the same. “Pretty as always, Mrs. Redford.”

  “We’re happy to be here.” Bull gave Seren a hug. “I hear you’ve been practicing your motoring skills. Did he let you drive tonight?”

  Seren nodded. “He did and I’m a good driver. I’ve only had one minor fender bender.”

  Canyon smirked. “Yea, my tailgate has an intriguing tree trunk shaped indention.”

  “Hush.” Isabella wagged her finger at Canyon. “Don’t make fun of your fiancé’s driving. I remember the time you and Bull snarled yourself up in a whole grove of trees.”

  Bull frowned and threw up his hands. “That’s not the same thing. A big buck ran across the road and we got all excited.”

  Isabella rolled her eyes. “Well, as long as you save some of that excitement for me.”

  “Will do, honey.” Bull kissed his wife, then addressed the newly engaged couple. “So, when’s the big day?”

  Seren and Canyon looked at one another as he announced proudly, “The first of January. We want to start the year out right.”

  “Congratulations!” This celebratory exclamation came from Jessie who’d slipped into the conversation. “Did you hear that, Jacob?”

  “We wouldn’t miss it for anything,” Jacob spoke for them all. “I love weddings.”

  Jessie laughed. “He does. I swear, the big galoot cries at every one we attend.”

  Seren waved at Avery who was standing on a chair to get everyone’s attention. “What is she doing?” She laughed at the sight of Isaac standing behind her, guarding his wife against a fall. His eyes were glued on her backside and the smile on his face proved he liked what he saw.

  “Attention! Attention! Toast time!”

  As everyone moved forward, Canyon scanned the gathering of his friends and coworkers. In addition to everyone he’d spoken to so far, he saw Noah and Skye, Denver and Bree, Sheriff Kane and Lilibet, Bowie Travis and Cassie, and Tanner and Desiree. Skye’s brother Lance, Canyon’s former boss, had also arrived from North Texas with his wife, Tricia. Even Cruz had come to offer his well wishes. From Hardbodies, Emma and Josh were there with Doris and her husband in tow. To round out the group, Aron stood between Isaac and Libby, holding a large wrapped gift.

  When everyone was in place, Avery held up a glass of champagne. “We’re here
tonight to celebrate the engagement of two wonderful people. Seren Whitewing and Canyon Brady. I want to wish them a lifetime of happiness and all the luck in the world. They deserve every good thing that could possibly come their way. We at Hardbodies are sad to see Seren go, but proud as punch that she’s enrolled in college to get her teacher’s certificate. These two have so many amazing things to look forward to, including a sweet baby. I know we’re all going to give them our continuing support and friendship.”

  Applause rang out from the crowd as Aron stepped forward. “Seren, Canyon, we all went together and bought you a little present.” He set it on a nearby table as the happy couple came to receive their gift.

  “What could it be?” Seren grinned, eyes wide as she began to delicately undo the tape.

  Canyon set out to help her. “Aw, you’re taking too long, girl.” He ripped a wide swath of the paper to reveal a box.

  “Open it!” Seren pressed a hand to her chest as he removed the lid, revealing a large crystal heart engraved with their likeness and their names. “Oh, my stars! I’ve never seen anything more amazing!”

  Canyon took it out with reverence, holding the heavy piece aloft so everyone could see and admire it. “Thank you all, this is such a perfect gift. Seren has captured my heart and I’ll treasure her forever. I’ll never look at this gift and not think of what wonderful friends we have. I hope to see each and everyone of you at our wedding!”

  * * *

  Their wedding day finally arrives…

  “Are you about ready?” Avery asked as Seren stared at her reflection in the mirror. “Emma, Cady, and I are all set to go. Soon, the impatient groom will start for the altar.”

  “Almost.” She turned sideways, tucking the front of the beautiful wedding dress beneath the still small evidence of their baby.

  “You look gorgeous, no one will be focusing on your pregnancy,” Avery assured her as she looked over Seren’s shoulder to check her own makeup.

  “I wish I was showing more. I want everyone to know about our baby.” Her expression grew tender. “Avery, you should see the nursery. The crib Canyon made is perfect, but so is everything else. He’s gone all out to welcome this baby.”

  “That’s great, I know you’re relieved.”

  Seren knew Avery meant well and she’d never say anything to make her feel bad – but this was one bit of information she had to correct. “The baby is Canyon’s, Avery.”

  “I’m sure he’ll always feel that way.”

  “No,” Seren insisted. “Canyon is the biological father of my child.”

  “Oh. Well. Great!” She was justifiably surprised. “I’m glad. I…didn’t know you knew one another before.”

  “It’s complicated.” Gregori hadn’t forbid her from talking to anyone, but Seren wasn’t taking any chances. The less people who thought she was crazy the better. “But true.”

  Avery held up her hands. “None of my affair. I’m happy if you’re happy.”

  “Oh, I am,” she whispered. “Very happy.”

  …Touching his boutonniere with one finger, Canyon smiled with anticipation. “Let’s go, guys.” He gave Bull, Jacob, and Jonah the head’s up. “It’s time.” Leading the pack, he and his groomsmen filed out of the anteroom and into the church.

  After finding his place at the front, Canyon gazed out over the crowd. The church was full, candlelit, and beautifully decorated with red camelias and white roses. He’d been looking forward to this day so much. As he waited for his bride, all Canyon could think about was the memories they’d already made together.

  Knowing Seren hadn’t experienced many of life’s joys firsthand, he’d made sure they celebrated Christmas in style. The first snowfall of the year had come on Christmas Eve as Canyon took her on a sleigh ride through the woods. At home, they drank hot chocolate and decorated the tree, laughing when he placed an angel on the highest branch. “Talk about special meaning, I’m glad we found one that looks a little bit like you.”

  “You think so?” She’d inspected the delicate piece, an angel with long dark hair sitting on a cloud. “I guess I can see a little bit of resemblance. Never could sit on a cloud, though.” Her smile made his heart turn over. “My butt’s too big.”

  “Oh, I disagree, there’s not one part of you that doesn’t fill me with holiday cheer,” he’d teased Seren. “You’re all I want for Christmas, angel-face.” After tugging her down next to the tree, they’d made love in front of the fire.

  Now, he was waiting to make her his – forever.

  When the organ music began to swell, his eyes flew to the back of the church. The parade of attendants began and each woman was a beauty, all dressed in evening gowns of blush and burgundy. He was so pleased how his friends had welcomed Seren into their lives so readily. Who could blame them? She was funny, kind, and generous. In other words, Canyon knew he was marrying the perfect woman.

  When everyone stood to signal her arrival, he anxiously stepped forward to catch the first glimpse of his bride. “Sweet fuck,” he breathed under his breath as her eyes found his. Saying she looked like an angel in satin and lace was no exaggeration. Most men just dreamed of such a fantasy, he was beyond lucky to be marrying the real deal.

  Holding onto Isaac’s arm, Seren floated down the aisle to Canyon. With each step she took, visions of her former existence flitted through her head. The way she’d danced on moonbeams. Chased butterflies through the Elysian Fields. Floated on wind currents through the clouds. All of those amazing things paled in comparison to the perfect thrill of joining her life with the life of the man she’d treasured for so long.

  When she came close enough to clasp his hand, they didn’t wait for the pastor’s instructions. Touching him seemed paramount. “Hey,” she whispered.

  “Hello, love.” He smiled at her, his eyes roving over her gorgeous face. “I thought you’d never get here.” Isaac kissed Seren on the cheek and Avery took her bridal bouquet for safe keeping as Canyon and Seren faced one another to exchange vows.

  Canyon was glad he’d arranged for someone to record the ceremony, for he didn’t hear a word the preacher said. Lord knows, he’d agree to anything to have this woman as his own. When Seren looked up to him and began to speak, he felt every step he’d taken in life led him to this one moment.

  “My Canyon.” Her voice trembled with emotion. “It seems like I’ve loved you forever. Sharing my life with you and our child is the culmination of my every hope and dream. I promise to honor you, cherish you, and care for you all my days. You are my best friend, my lover, and the love of my life. To be your wife will be the highlight of my existence. I gladly marry you.” She placed a ring on his finger, then kissed the band of gold.

  Canyon cleared his throat, his eyes misty. “My darling, my angel, my Seren. You are my once-in-a-lifetime love. The day I first laid eyes on you will never leave my memory. I fell for you so hard and fast, I’ll never be the same – nor do I want to be. I know how fortunate I am to see a side of you no one else has ever seen and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know I worship the ground you walk on. You are my gift from heaven and I will be grateful for you all of my days.” He placed the wedding ring on her finger, then brought her hands to his lips to kiss the palm. “I adore you. I promise to hold your heart tenderly and to protect you fiercely with all I am and all I hope to be.”

  When they finished their vows there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  The preacher placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “It is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you man and wife. Everyone, join me in celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Canyon Brady! You may kiss the bride.” Canyon took full advantage of the suggestion, sweeping Seren over his arm in a low dip and kissing her breathless.

  As the congregation rose to its feet and applauded wildly, Seren knew the rest of the day and the night would exceed her every expectation – but even this perfection would be surpassed by the days to come.

  And one day in particular…

  An excited Canyon held Seren’s hand as she pushed their child into the world. “I’d do this for you if I could, sweetheart.”

  She gave him a stern, wide-eyed glare. “I think I’ve got it.” The next moment, she closed her eyes and held her breath. The pain was overwhelming, but the anticipation of what was to come made it all worthwhile. “Canyon!” Seren gasped as she felt their baby slip from her body.

  Time stood still for the brand-new parents until they heard the first cry of their newborn.

  “It’s a boy!” The doctor announced as the nurse gathered the tiny human up to clean him before presenting the bundle of joy to lay on his mother’s breast.

  “Oh, Canyon, look at him. He’s wonderful!” Seren’s voice was full of gratitude and awe.

  Canyon bowed his head, love for his son stealing his voice and his breath. He’d only known this feeling once before and he never thought to feel it again. Leaning forward to kiss the tiny velvety cheek, he whispered to the baby, “Welcome, little man. I’ll love you forever and a day.” Taking nothing from his love for Matty, his feelings for this child were undeniable and indescribable. “Thank you, my darling,” he whispered as he kissed his wife’s sweet lips. “He’s as perfect as you are.”

  Seren cradled her husband and her baby close. Nothing she’d fantasized or conceived could compare to the complete joy she felt. “His name is Jon. Jon Canyon Brady. Our son.”

  “Our son.” As Canyon buried his face in Seren’s neck and breathed in her sweet scent, he whispered in a voice filled with wonder, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - heaven’s loss is my gain.”

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