To Begin the World Over Again

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To Begin the World Over Again Page 68

by Matthew Lockwood

  Garrow, William (i)

  George, David (i)

  George III

  German heritage (i), (ii), (iii)

  on the importance of the Caribbean empire (i)

  Ireland’s continued loyalty to (i)

  John Wilkes’s plot to kidnap (i)

  plot against (i)

  policy of conciliation with Australian indigenous peoples (i)

  Qianlong Emperor’s letter to (i)

  use of German mercenaries (i)

  George IV (i), (ii)

  Germaine, Lord George (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  German states

  Britain’s use of German mercenaries (i)

  Francis Dana’s travels through (i), (ii)

  George III’s use of German mercenaries (i)

  impact of military service on (i)

  impact of the American War on (i), (ii)

  relations with Britain (i), (ii), (iii)

  during the Seven Years’ War (i)

  stance on Russian/Austria aggression (i)

  struggles for autonomy (i)

  volunteers for the American army (i)

  Gibraltar (i), (ii), (iii)

  Gibson, George (i), (ii)

  Giray, Bahadir (i), (ii)

  Giray, Sahin (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Godoy, Manuel (i)

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (i)

  Gordon, Lord George

  arrest and trial of (i), (ii)

  calls for calm (i)

  petitions to Parliament (i)

  prison reform work (i)

  protest at St. George’s Field (i), (ii)

  Gordon Riots (i), (ii), (iii)

  Gower, Sir Erasmus (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Granville, William (i)

  Grasse, Comte François Joseph Paul de (i)

  Grattan, Henry

  calls for Irish independence (i), (ii)

  on the Catholic Relief Acts (i)

  disagreement with Henry Flood (i)

  free trade amendment (i)

  opposition to a Dublin police force (i)

  support for parliamentary reform (i)

  Graves, Thomas (i)

  Great Britain

  First Anglo-Mysore War (i)

  Second Anglo-Mysore War (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Third Anglo-Mysore War (i), (ii), (iii)

  abolitionist movement (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  American colonies that remained loyal to (i)

  American fears of a British planned slave rebellion (i), (ii)

  anti-Catholic sentiments (i), (ii)

  British diplomatic delegation to China (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  British outpost in Malaysia (i)

  British-protected refugees on Sullivan’s Island (i), (ii)

  Carnatic Wars (i), (ii)

  counter-revolutionary reimagining (i)

  crime rates, increases in (i), (ii)

  enmity with France (i)

  fear of French conspiracies (i), (ii)

  fears of Catholic rebellion in Ireland (i)

  former slaves in, post-war (i), (ii)

  historical fears of invasion (i)

  interests in the Caribbean (i), (ii), (iii)

  joint Franco-Spanish invasion of (i)

  Native Americans in (i)

  plans to exploit the unrest in the Spanish empire (i)

  post-war relocation of former slaves (i), (ii)

  proposed union with Ireland (i)

  public opinion of the American War (i), (ii)

  reaction to the League of Armed Neutrality (i), (ii)

  refugees in (i), (ii)

  relations with Russia (i)

  relations with Spain (i)

  relations with the German states (i), (ii), (iii)

  shift to authoritarianism (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  smuggling trade (i)

  stance on Russian annexation of Crimea (i)

  strengthened position of, post-revolution (i)

  tea trade (i), (ii)

  use of German mercenaries (i)

  war with the Dutch (i), (ii)

  see also army, British; British Empire; criminal justice system; India; Ireland; navy, British; trade

  Gustav III

  absolutism of (i)

  assassination of (i)

  declaration of war on Russia (i)

  expansionist aims of (i), (ii)

  threat of an independent America (i)

  Haidar Ali

  death of (i)

  invasion of Carnatic (i)

  military prowess of (i)

  precarious position of the EIC (i)

  William Ayers in the service of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  see also Kingdom of Mysore

  Hamilton, Alexander (i)

  Hanway, Jonas (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Harris, James (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Hartley, David (i)

  Hastings, Marion (i)

  Hastings, Warren

  alliances with native states (i)

  attempts at trade with Tibet (i)

  concerns over the role of (i), (ii), (iii)

  dealings with the Nawabs of Oudh (i)

  disputes with George Macartney (i)

  financial demands on native states (i), (ii), (iii)

  governorship of Bengal (i)

  legal system under (i), (ii)

  orientalist strategies (i), (ii), (iii)

  personal wealth (i)

  rebellion of Benares (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  revenue reforms (i), (ii), (iii)

  shortage of soldiers (i)

  strategies in Vietnam (i)

  trial of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Hatton, John (i)

  Hickey, William (i)

  highwaymen (i), (ii)

  Hillborough, Wills Hill, Earl of (i), (ii)

  Hindoostanee Coffee House (i), (ii)

  Howard, John (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hunter, John (i)


  autonomy of (i)

  as Muslim kingdom (i), (ii)

  relations with the British (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  war with the Kingdom of Mysore (i)


  American merchants in (i)

  the British as another ruling class in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  British atrocities in (i)

  British territories in (i), (ii)

  Calcutta (i)

  Carnatic Wars (i), (ii)

  European mercenaries in the armies of (i)

  First Anglo-Maratha War (i), (ii)

  Hindu-Muslim relations (i)

  hybrid Anglo-Indian law system (i)

  impact of the American War on (i)

  India–China–Britain triangle opium trade (i), (ii)

  the journey to (i), (ii)

  power struggles in, post-Mughal era (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  state of Oudh (i)

  threat of French invasion (i), (ii)

  see also East India Company (EIC); Fay, Eliza; Hyderabad; Kingdom of Mysore; Maratha Empire; Mughal Empire


  armed troops for the defence of (i)

  attacks on Irish nationals during the Gordon Riots (i), (ii), (iii)

  Battle of the Diamond (i)

  birth of the nation of (i)

  British fear of Irish Catholicism (i)

  Bunker’s Hill Defenders (i), (ii)

  calls for legislative independence (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  calls for parliamentary reform, post-independence (i)

  calls for repeal of the Penal Laws (i)

  Catholic Relief Act (i), (ii)

  Catholic Relief Bills (i)

  the Catholic’s increased economic power (i)

  creation of a police force in Dublin (i)

  Declaration of Rights (i), (ii)

  disaffected sectors of society (i)

  disenfranchised Catholic majority (i)

  Dissenters (i), (ii)

  Dungannon convention (i)r />
  emigration to America (i)

  executive power increases (i)

  fears of French invasion (i), (ii)

  independence movement in (i), (ii)

  Nappach Fleet (i)

  national identity, post-independence (i), (ii)

  oppositional Irish national identity (i)

  Orange Order (i)

  parallels with America (i), (ii)

  Peep O’Day Boys (i)

  potential for independence (i)

  proposed union with Britain (i)

  Radical Patriots (i), (ii)

  rebellion of 1798 by the United Irishmen (i)

  revised post-independence relationship to Britain (i)

  sectarian violence, 1780s (i), (ii)

  support for American independence (i), (ii)

  trade boycott of British goods (i)

  trade with America (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  see also Protestant Ascendancy; Society of United Irishmen

  Irish Defenders (i), (ii)

  Irish Patriot Party (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Irish Volunteer Movement

  aim of an independent Ireland (i)

  calls for “Free Trade” (i)

  calls for further parliamentary reform (i)

  calls for legislative independence (i), (ii)

  Catholic support for (i), (ii), (iii)

  decline in the power of (i)

  Dungannon convention (i)

  emergence of (i)

  formalization of (i)

  as inspiration for the Association movement (i)

  politicization of (i), (ii)

  reformers hopes for (i)

  stance on Catholic Relief (i)

  as a threat to parliamentary authority (i)

  unifying potential of (i)

  use of the Ulster Volunteers to police sectarian violence (i)


  Livorno (i)

  stance on the American War (i)

  Venice (i)

  Jackson, William (i), (ii)


  Maroons in (i)

  Nelson’s recuperation in (i)

  rumoured French invasion of (i), (ii)

  sugar wealth of (i)

  the Zong affair (i)

  Jefferson, Thomas

  admiration for Richard Price (i)

  on Dunmore’s Proclamation (i)

  friendship with Filippo Mazzei (i)

  on penal transportation (i), (ii)

  Jeremiah, Thomas (i), (ii), (iii)

  John the Painter (i), (ii), (iii)

  Johnson, Samuel (i)

  Johnstone, George (i), (ii)

  Jones, John Paul (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Jones, William (i), (ii)

  Joseph II (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Kalb, Johannes de, Baron (i), (ii)

  Kemble, Stephen (i), (ii), (iii)

  Keogh, Captain (i)

  Keppel, Augustus,1st Viscount Keppel (i), (ii)

  Khan, Sardar Ali (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  King, Boston

  belief in the Sierra Leone colony (i), (ii)

  in Britain (i)

  defection to the British (i)

  early life in America (i), (ii), (iii)

  in New York (i), (ii)

  re-enslavement of in New Jersey (i)

  religious calling (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  relocation to Nova Scotia (i), (ii)

  return of refugees under the Treaty of Paris (i)

  in revolutionary Charleston (i), (ii), (iii)

  in the Sierra Leone Colony (i), (ii)

  visit from John Clarkson (i), (ii)

  work with the British forces (i)

  Kingdom of Mysore

  First Anglo-Mysore War (i)

  Second Anglo-Mysore War (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Third Anglo-Mysore War (i), (ii), (iii)

  alliance with France (i)

  American support for (i), (ii)

  anti-British image of (i)

  appeal to the Ottomans and French for help (i), (ii), (iii)

  British prisoners of war in (i), (ii)

  Christian community in Mangalore (i), (ii)

  European mercenaries in (i), (ii)

  European military advisers (i)

  fiscal-military centralization strategies (i), (ii)

  imperialist expansionist aims of (i), (ii)

  independence of (i)

  invasion of the Kingdom of Travancore (i), (ii)

  the Kodava Hindus (i), (ii)

  modernisation programme (i)

  naval capacity (i)

  persecution of Christians (i), (ii)

  Treaty of Mangalore (i), (ii)

  war with Marathas (i), (ii)

  war with the British 1779 (i), (ii)

  see also Haidar Ali; Tipu Sultan

  la Motte, François Henri de

  espionage of (i), (ii), (iii)

  execution of (i), (ii), (iii)

  Landaeta, Ventrua (i)

  Laurens, Henry (i)

  Lawrie, James (i), (ii), (iii)

  League of Armed Neutrality

  American reaction to (i)

  British reaction to (i), (ii)

  formation of (i), (ii)

  French reaction to (i)

  impact on neutral shipping (i)

  the Netherlands in (i)

  and Russian aims for Crimea (i)

  Russia’s plans for (i), (ii)

  and Russia’s power in Europe (i)

  status of American privateers (i)

  Vergennes’ involvement in the creation of (i), (ii)

  Ledyard, John (i)

  Lee, Arthur (i), (ii)

  Lee, William (i)

  Leinster, William FitzGerald, 2nd Duke of (i)

  Light, Francis (i), (ii)

  Locker, William (i), (ii), (iii)

  Lofthuus, Christian Jensen (i)

  Lovell, James (i)

  Loyalist Claims Commission (i)

  Ludham, Thomas (i)

  Macartney, Lord George

  in the Cape Colony (i)

  diplomatic career (i)

  diplomatic mission to China (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  duel with General Stuart (i)

  as envoy to the court of Catherine the Great of Russia (i)

  failed Chinese embassy of (i), (ii), (iii)

  as Governor of Madras (i), (ii), (iii)

  return journey (i)

  the ritual prostration dilemma (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Macaulay, Zachary (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

  Mahomet, Dean

  death of his father (i)

  early life (i)

  Hindoostanee Coffee House (i), (ii)

  life in Britain (i), (ii)

  life in Cork (i)

  military background (i)

  role in the suppression of Benares (i), (ii)

  Malaysia (i)

  Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Maratha Empire

  expansionist aims of (i), (ii)

  First Anglo-Maratha War (i)

  lost chance to expel the British (i), (ii)

  role in the Third Anglo-Mysore War (i)

  Tipu Sultan’s attempted alliance with (i)

  war with the East India Company (i)

  war with the Kingdom of Mysore (i), (ii), (iii)

  Marie-Antoinette (i)

  Matra, Mario (i)

  Mazzei, Filippo (i)

  Miranda, Francisco de (i)

  Morgan, Sir Henry (i)

  Morocco (i)

  Morris, Robert (i), (ii)

  Mughal Empire

  decline of (i), (ii), (iii)

  as multi-ethnic state (i)

  power struggles, post-Mughal era (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  precedent for fiscal-military centralization (i), (ii)

  Nagle, Jacob (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Nappach Fleet (i)

  Native Americans (i), (ii)

, British

  Aitken’s planned incendiary attacks on (i), (ii), (iii)

  Battle of the Saintes (i), (ii)

  Battle of Ushant (i), (ii)

  blockade of Gibraltar (i)

  British control of maritime trade (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  French espionage on (i), (ii)

  impressment (i)

  invasion of Nicaragua (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Johnstone’s mission to the Cape (i)

  living conditions in the Caribbean (i)

  naval battles with the French off India (i)

  as a profession (i)

  weakness of British fleet (i)

  West African Squadron (i)

  navy, French

  blockade of Gibraltar (i)

  in the Canary Islands (i)

  expansion of (i)

  interception of Johnstone’s mission to the Cape (i)

  naval battles with the British off India (i)

  overhaul of (i), (ii)

  raids on the British Hudson Bay Company (i)

  war against the British in the Caribbean (i)

  navy, Russian

  access to the Black Sea (i), (ii), (iii)

  American raids on Russian shipping (i), (ii)

  plot to burn the Russian fleet (i)

  navy, Spanish

  blockade of Gibraltar (i)

  overhaul of (i)

  navy, US

  American sailors held as criminals (i)

  dissolution of, post-war (i)

  Nawab of Bengal (i), (ii), (iii)

  Nelson, Horatio

  campaign in Nicaragua (i), (ii), (iii)

  in the Caribbean 1777 (i)

  death of (i)

  early naval career (i)

  the French war in the Caribbean (i)

  health of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  testimony at Edward Despard’s trial (i)

  as trade enforcer in the Caribbean (i)

  the Netherlands

  Cape Colony (i)

  declaration of war on Britain (i), (ii)

  Dutch Batavia (i), (ii)

  Dutch East India Company (VOC) (i), (ii)

  Dutch Indonesia (i)

  in the League of Armed Neutrality (i)

  territories in India (i)

  New Granada (modern Colombia) (i)

  Newgate Prison, London (i), (ii), (iii)

  Nicaragua (i)

  North, Frederick, Lord North

  and British defeats in India (i), (ii)

  “Conciliatory Resolution” (i)

  defeat of (i), (ii)

  suspension of habeas corpus (i)


  peasant protest movement (i)

  trade benefits during the American War (i)

  Nova Scotia, Canada

  indentured servant system (i)

  interracial violence (i)

  partial citizenship rights of freed slaves (i)

  resettlement of former slaves in (i), (ii), (iii)

  Sierra Leone Company’s recruitment in (i), (ii)

  Thomas Peters in (i)

  white opposition to the Sierra Leone settlement (i)

  Oglethorpe, James (i), (ii)

  Oliver, Andrew (i)


  Chinese demand for (i), (ii)


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