Thoughts from the Rock

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Thoughts from the Rock Page 10

by UW Rock County

  Immediately, William began to put on his armor. Lok watched to see if he could see the creature in the air, or where it was going. He saw flames looking as if they were headed straight toward them. He too prepared for an eminent attack. Lok took out his bow. In his tribe, no one carried arrows in a quiver on their back. They have clips of arrows that attached straight onto the bow when it was not in use, so they don’t get in the way. While in combat, the arrows can be attached to a band which an archer always has wrapped around his arm or leg. Lok preferred to put his on his leg.

  In the time it took you to read about Lok’s funky arrows, the dragon had already reached the cave. Before they even saw it coming, it landed on the edge of the tiny plateau just outside. It landed with such force, that the two men could feel the cave shake. Lok and William could both hear it inhaling deeply. William hid behind a ridge to protect himself. However, Lok had never seen a living dragon before- he did not know that they exhaled fire. He just stood there with his bow in hand, ready to attack with his bow and arrow.

  Quickly, William jumped at his friend, and tackling him to the ground behind a large boulder. Both men were safe from the flames, but the heat did burn them still.

  Immediately after the flames stopped, Lok poked out from behind the rock and fired two consecutive arrows at the beast. It recoiled. William charged at it with its sword, and began slashing at it while Lok shot at the creature with pebbles from the ground, via his sling shot. This caused the dragon to fly away.

  William and Lok went outside, to see if they could see where the beast had gone. They could not. They could see a little by that point, for it was twilight. But the dragon seemed to disappear. They didn’t look behind them, and see the Shu Pa perching above the cave’s mouth. It stretched out its long neck, over William. It lunges at him, and before he knows what is happening, the wyvern sank its long, sharp teeth down around his head, and rips off his… helmet. It sure is a good thing that William was wearing armor.

  The Shu Pa began to fly away, but Lok had the stone which had the twine attached to it, and he threw it at his enemy. It looped around the Shu Pa’s leg , and Lok intended to pull at it and cause the creature to lose balance and stumble to the ground. However, when Lok pulled at the rope with all his might, the beast wasn’t even phased. Instead, it kept going, and tugged on Lok, taking him into the air with it. As soon as he started to move, he was too high up to let go. All of Lok’s weight was enough to throw the dragon off balance for a mere second, but then it recovered. It also started kicking, trying to get Lok off of its leg.

  Lok held on tight, and he slowly and carefully started to climb. From the top of its leg, Lok was able to hold onto the creature’s right wing, and use it to push it onto its back. The Shu Pa tried to stop by flapping its wings really fast, and swerving, turning, and leaning in the air. From his distance, William saw the wyvern flying like a mute baby bat on hallucinogenics.

  When Lok got on the back of the monster, he strattles it, and began stabbing it with his shiv. The dragon did whatever it can to get rid of him; nosediving, flying loops rolls, but Lok held on too tight. When it tried to fly a summersault, Lok was finally loosed. He fell forward, and took hold of the beast’s neck. It got disoriented, and began to rapidly fall out of the sky.

  Chapter 7

  As the Shu Pa fell, it flailed about, it tried to stead itself and return to a normal pattern of flight, but, unfortunately, that was very hard to do upside down.

  It crashed into the side of the same mountain where the battle began. It hit it right where the entrance to the cave was. In fact, Lok was thrown inside it. He tumbled, skidded and rolled until he stopped abruptly from hitting a wall.

  The dragon began to slide down the side of the mountain. It had caused a landslide! And falling rocks and dirt started piling up in front of the cave. Lok had to run to get out before he was trapped in there for good. He ran out quickly, and jumped onto the dragon. At some point, he lost his shiv, so he got out his bow. All of his arrows were broken except three. As he stood on the belly of the beast, he struggled to keep his balance. It was even harder still to try to aim the bow, even at such a short distance.

  The Shu Pa extended its neck and snapped its jaws at Lok. He dodged to avoid the attack, but nearly fell off. He regained balance just in time to be lunged at again. This time, Lok did not dodge the attack. He saw the Shu Pa begin to close its mouth around him. But then, he fired his arrow, straight down the beast’s throat. It threw its head back, and hit the ground hard. Finally, they had reached the bottom, and stopped.

  William unburied himself from under the pile of fallen earth and rock. His armor was dented and pieces were missing. Already without a helmet, now he was missing a gauntlet, and armor for his left leg up to his knee. When he was fully recovered- with his sward clenched tightly- he ran at the wyvern. With his left arm’s armor so mangled and bent, he couldn’t even move it. He began to thrust his entire body repetitively at the wyvern so he could slash it with his weapon.

  It quickly snapped its jaws at him, snatching him by the arm. He dropped the sword as he was flung far into the distance. While this was happening, Lok ran, he went straight through the sharp plants which cut him all along the way. The Shu Pa rose high into the air and went quickly toward him. It picked him up with its talons. The beast carried him straight into the air, all the way into the forest. It dropped him from a height as high as the mountains. It followed him, breathing its scorching fire breath at him. It did burn Lok’s skin, though just a little. However, some of the trees were caught in it a little worse, and that part of the forest began to wither in flames matching the redness of the light in the horizon.

  When the Shu Pa landed in front of Lok, it moved at him. It walked slowly, for it seemed like the type of beast that was unable to walk quickly on the ground. It inhaled deeply, readying its fire breath again. Lok shot it with his last two arrows. It screeched so loud, it scared away all the birds from the nearby trees. It even made Lok feel dizzy.

  When it snapped at Lok again, he did a summersault, and rolled forward, going straight under the beast. He was much faster and more agile than it, but its large, strong tail took him by surprise, and hit him, throwing him straight into the firy forest where he was stopped by a very solid tree. Lok was surrounded by flames to all sides, and the dragon in front of him. He was weak all over, and bewildered from the impact.

  Chapter 8

  The Shu Pa came through the flames, Lok with nothing left to fight with but a sling shot.

  Lok was backed against a tree. Branches were falling down in front of him, some almost on him, because they had been burned through. Lok, however, was unable to move. The Shu Pa charged and lunged at him. He dodged, and barely missed being flattened between it and the tree.

  Amazingly, the tree snapped and fell just on top of the dragon’s back, pinning it to the ground. Unfortunately, a large branch from the same tree fell over Lok, pinning him by the leg. As he struggled to get free, the Shu Pa struggled to clench him in its jaws. It was close, but mere inches away. As it squirmed abut, it slowly loosened itself from the trap, getting closer and closer to Lok. Yet, as Lok struggled, he felt that he was no closer to becoming unstuck.

  When finally the monster loosed itself, it took three steps nearer to Lok, and lunged at him. Lok was able to avoid being snatched yet again. This time, he held onto one of the Shu Pa’s horns, and wouldn’t let go. Because he was pinned, and he held on so tight, the Shu Pa couldn’t move either, until the Shu Pa moved so with such force that it loosed Lok once and for all. The Shu Pa fell back, right into a tree. This one too fell on it, this time pinning it for good. Lok was able to get away while the beast lay snagged under a trap of its own devices.

  Lok returned to his tribe, bruised, burned, broken boned, bleeding, and imbued with a sense of pride, a smile on his face, and accomplishment. Finally he would be able to feel at home in his tribe.

  “Lok,” said Chief Elder Vhu, “What h
ave you done?”


  “I have specifically warned you NOT to trifle with the dragon, and what have you done?”

  “But I killed it!”

  “That may be so, but look at the price.”

  Lok looked behind him and saw the forest, shaded with clouds, yet illuminated by the fires in the distance.

  “Lok Maka… for your folly, I hereby exile you from this tribe. You are no longer welcome here.”

  Lok stood shocked. “Surely you can’t do this…” he turned to some of the other tribesmen around “He can’t do this, right?”

  They turned and walked away.

  “Lok!” said Vhu sternly, “They turn their backs on you, just as you must now do. Leave this land at once.”

  Reluctantly, Lok walked slowly into the woods as it began to rain.

  The (Actual) End

  “the great things in life”

  by Cory Winters

  Willis was a teenager who had always been the center of attention, usually in the wrong way. He stood 4’5 inches tall, had jet black hair and piercing green eyes that change color in unison with his mood. He was rather skinny for a 14 year old and had a life full of pain, suffering and misfortune. All caused by his elder brother and father because of his small frame, and feminine face. Although he lived during the hard times of the Great Depression, he never hated life. All he had to keep him afloat during these times was a caring step mother, and an adoring younger half-brother. Sometimes you will find that the smaller things in life are what make it such a beautiful thing.

  Willis was woken up by a kick. He thought he was dreaming and closed his eyes again. After another kick, he sprang up in a vain attempt to attack his assaulter. He was immediately slammed back on to his floor.

  “What the hell Cyrus?” He blurted while trying to shield his eyes from the relentless sun that pierced through the tethered blinds of his bedroom.

  “It’s time to eat, you furry-browed four-eyed freak!” Cyrus shouted before he generously hands out a few more punches and kicks.

  One of the kicks nailed Willis in the stomach and left him breathless and unable to stand up for a few moments. Willis squirmed in pain as he formed a puddle of tears beneath himself. Once he regained his breath and was able to stand, he picked his blanket up from the floor and folded it. He put the blanket away and grabs his glasses. Painfully, he waddles into the kitchen.

  “Dad! Cyrus hit m-”

  “Boy! You are late for breakfast again! How many times have I told you to go to bed earlier?”

  “But dad, Cyrus-

  *A sound cracked through the tense air, resembling the sound of a whip breaking the sound barrier, followed by a loud thud*

  “Don’t interrupt me when I am speaking to you, you ungrateful, filthy heathen!

  “Ok Steve. Whatever you say, it does not like I’ll ever have the chance to talk…”

  “Steve? I am your father, and as long as you are living under my roof, you will address me as dad! Since you like to act like an adult, you can find your own breakfast!” Steve shouted at Willis, who was lying face down on the kitchen floor, recovering from the blow his father had dealt.”

  “Sweetie, don’t you think that was a bit too m-”

  “Dammit Grace, another word from you and you’ll get the same thing! If you didn’t baby him so much he wouldn’t have such a hard time finding a job.”

  Willis didn’t bother picking himself up. He knew that his father would see it as an act of defiance and strike him again. Instead, he chose to lie there, forcing himself not to cry or whimper until his father and brother left. During these events, Cyrus sat at the table eating his food as if nothing happened. He even let out a faint giggle when his father struck Willis. After his father and Cyrus leave for work, Grace Scrambles to Willis’ side.

  “Wake up! Oh god, please wake up!” she screamed as she shook his seemingly lifeless body. She rolls his body over and sees his crimson-green eyes staring back at her.

  “Mother of Christ… I thought that mad man had killed you! Please don’t be upset with me honey. Tried to step in and defend you but he threatened to… Here, I made you a plate and stuck it in the oven before Steve and Cyrus woke up. Luckily I did too; Cyrus tried scarfing down all of the leftover food to make sure you didn’t eat… You have to grow big and strong so you can defend yourself from your brother and that pig of a father.

  Mentally and physically exhausted from the unjust beatings he had just received, Willis ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. He glared at his reflection in the mirror, and his eyes began to dart back and forth as if there was something he was searching for, but couldn’t find. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief that he hadn’t found what he was searching desperately for but couldn’t find.

  The door opened behind him and he braced himself for impact. Grace flung herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around him and nearly toppled him. Grace stood about 6’inches taller than Willis. She has blond hair, a face full of freckles and deep sapphire eyes that could win over any man. They stared blankly at each other’s reflection in the mirror and Graces’ face frowns in preparation of the tears that would apparently follow.

  “I’m sorry honey… I wish I could take you and Ethan and disappear.”

  “Yeah and we would get caught just like last time. The bruises on your back are probably starting to heal. Let’s not give him a reason to give you more. I don’t want you to relive that again… Besides, he has his entire gang of mobster buddies watching us after the last incident. We wouldn’t make it far if anywhere at all. We can’t do anything but endure until something comes up.”

  “Not just that honey… He threatened to hurt my sister and her fiancé’s children if we tried to run away again. This damn recession caused my bakery to sink under. I would move back with my parents down south but at their age, having three extra mouths to feed, especially during these dark depressing times would be far too much for them to handle.

  “Three mouths? Don’t worry about me… I’m not even your real child. If you ever get the chance to escape, take Ethan and run as fast as you can from this hellhole. You two would have a better chance without me.”

  “Enough of that nonsense honey. I would never leave either of my boys under this god forsaken roof. Now let’s go eat, I’m starving and I’m sure you and Ethan are too. No matter what your father said, I refuse to eat without both you and Ethan!”

  They both began crying. In just a few moments, Willis had a puddle of tears forming in his head. Some made a quick escape from his head to his forehead, trickling their way down his forehead and merging with his own tears, where they then began their journey to the floor. Through Willis’ tear obstructed vision; he saw a tiny head poking from behind the door. He wiped his eyes and glasses to see Ethan wearing only a diaper, smiling as if he were modeling the four teeth in his mouth. He ran up to them, pried his way in-between their legs and hugged them both at the knees. Ethan apparently mistook their stuttering sobs as laughter. After wiping their face, they proceeded into the kitchen to eat.

  Grace preheated the over to warm up their food. They waited patiently while listening to the radio. They over hear that Al Capone, an infamous mobster leader was being sent to serve the remainder of his 10 year sentence in Alcatraz.

  “Good, for him. He got exactly what he deserved,” Grace grunted. She outs on an oven mitt and grabs a plate of food from the oven. Her back is turned to Willis and Ethan, but it is quite apparent that she was loading up plates with food. She placed two plates on the table, one in front of her seat and another in front of Ethan’s and walked back to the stove. She turned around and shocked Willis.

  “Surprise! Happy birthday honey! You didn’t think I would forget about your big day did you?” Grace shouted enthusiastically.

  Willis’ eyes filled with tears again once he realized that he himself had forgotten that it was his birthday. Grace had made his favorite breakfast; bacon,
eggs, grits and pancakes all from scratch. She sat the plate in front of him and he blew out the single candle that had obviously been used before. Sometimes it is the smallest things in life that make it so beautiful.


  The authors of this work are the students of the UW-Rock County spring 2013 Intro to Creative Writing class. They enjoy writing and long walks on the beach.


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