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Underland, #1

Page 12

by Rebecca Goodwin

  “Fool! I have his heart,” the queen of hearts spat. “I control him.”

  “Then why does fear lace your voice?” I called out over my shoulder. “Chaz, let Rob go. Help me fight her and free you all.” I glanced around for anything I could use as a weapon if this didn’t work. Only the queen’s throne, the chandelier holding my grandmother, and guards filled the space. It was all so regal and yet barbaric. This world didn’t have elections or voting. They lived with a tyrant because of her birth and murdering her sister. “Together, we can make Underland better like it was with the white queen. Be part of my court as my champion.”

  Chaz roared, his mouth opening wide and Rob sliding to the floor. I grasped Rob’s arm and hauled him toward me.

  “No!” the queen shouted. “Guards stop her!”

  Rob’s blood coated my palms but his eyes fluttered open.

  “Y-you’re alive,” he said, cupping my cheek.

  My tears dropped into his blond hair. “Yes, thanks to you.” Though I didn’t know how much longer any of us would still be alive. The queen’s guards rushed forward.

  Rob’s body seized up, and I cried out, clasping him closer to me. He shifted into his small, white rabbit form. Blood still seeped from the back of his neck, coating his fur in crimson.

  “Back off!” I hissed at the guards and they paused, staring at me then the queen.

  “Let her try and save him, she’s nearly out of time anyway.” She cleared her throat. “But stay circled around her so she doesn’t try to escape and when the sands run out, rip her to pieces.”

  I dared not look at the hourglass. Every second counted. I had to save Rob. I tore off the edge of my shirt, then wrapped the strip around his neck bandana-style.

  As though in thanks, he rose up on his back legs and pressed a blood-stained paw to my mouth.

  Then a guard snatched him up out of my reach.

  “No, wait.” I reached for him despite the guards’ wicked thorns holding me. Wincing from the pain, I sucked on my lip and the copper taint of blood tanged across my tongue. Had I bitten down too hard? Then the image of Rob placing his bloody fingers against my lips struck me and the taste of the wildness of a rolling forest. Suddenly, the guards around me grew in size. Even the chandelier and my grandmother overhead became huge like the size of a boulder. Panic wrapped around my chest. What was happening?

  Was this the queen’s doing?

  I spun to her but she was the size of a giant and her face turned purple.

  Then I slipped in between the onyx grooves of the tile. Wait, what? I was small?

  My body shrank. One moment, I was the height I’d been since I was sixteen, and the next, I had to climb out of the grout onto what looked like an onyx cliff.

  “Don’t let her get away!” the queen’s voice boomed but I made out her words clear enough.

  How was this possible? Rob had mentioned mushrooms making someone grow in size. But I wasn’t a giant, I was the size of a bug. Around me, the guards clomped their feet. Each footfall crashing like thunder and making me jump each time.

  I dashed forward, past the guards. My breaths turning into pants. All too soon, my side burned, and I had barely weaved past the stomping feet of the guards. This wasn’t going to help me win this game and get my grandmother with me being so small. It would take me all day just to cross the chamber much less figure out how to get up to the chandelier.

  And why had I shrunk? I hadn’t eaten any mushrooms or drank anything—Rob’s blood. When he touched my lips, he left some of his blood and I’d tasted it a split-second before I changed. Now, if I could do the reverse, then I could return to my normal size.

  They were both shifters, so was that the reason for my change? If Rob’s blood made me small, then it stood to reason that Chaz’s would return me to normal. I had to try. Time was running out. What would it hurt to see if my theory was correct? All I had to lose was everything.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A huge foot came for me and I dodged the heavy step, rolling away. But the whoosh of the impact of the guard’s giant step knocked me into the grout between the onyx tiles. My heart hammered as I scrambled between the tiles to avoid another stomp and not get squished. Panic seizing my lungs making the air burn with every inhale. I had to reach Chaz. Had to get back to my real size. The black sands of the hourglass would run out any minute then the game would be over. My grandmother and I would be at the mercy of the queen’s whims more than we already were. I was on my own but I wasn’t going to give up. Not while I was still alive.

  My grandmother was counting on me. As were Chaz and Rob and Hadden. My breath hitched. My court like I was royalty? The trueness of them washed over me bringing a sense of peace.

  A shadow fell over me, and my heart stopped. Then a heavy paw fell down over me, the claws raking across the tile and earsplitting like a screeching banshee. Fear drilled an icy cave in my chest. Then the rumbling purr of Chaz’s panther form comforted me. Did he know the tiny moving image was me? I didn’t have time to speculate.

  I grabbed a hair on his paw that was the size of a pine tree and bit down on his flesh but only got a mouthful of fur. I tried again with the same result. Damn. I needed something sharp to prick his skin.

  “Chaz, I need your blood,” I shouted. But he didn’t move or appear to notice me. I cupped my hands around my mouth to amplify my voice and yelled as loud as I could. “I need your blood!”

  I dropped my hands, it was useless. I was too tiny for him to perceive me even with his cat-like hearing.

  Something sharp, something that would cut. I glanced around, then my gaze swung to his claws. If I could get him to scratch himself then that would work. But how? I couldn’t bite him enough for him to feel it. I climbed up his paw using his fur that was shorter here and more like thick, tall grass. If I kicked and dragged my feet hard enough, maybe I could make him itchy or tickle him.

  I took a breath to steady myself as the floor suddenly looked miles away. Then I raced in a short circle on his paw, praying that he’d feel me. My heart hammering in my chest. I pushed aside the cramp in my side that now wrapped around my middle.

  Then his massive paw smashed down in front of me. From the impact, I flew through the air. My scream ripped out of me. I crashed against his tail, the breath knocked out of me in a whoosh. Had it worked? I couldn’t tell from here but it didn’t matter. I was too far and exhausted to run back to his front paw.

  I balanced on the edge of his tail and tried again. Racing up and down and dragging my shoes across his flesh. His fur like tree trunks around me.

  Then the shadow of his mouth came at me. Oh god, he was going to eat me! Terror slammed into my chest. My entire body shaking.

  I dove forward, clasping his flesh as best I could. His teeth chewing on his tail. An icy hand clutched my heart as he kept biting and moved straight toward me. I dodged to the left, grasping one of the black hairs to keep my balance and swung myself up behind his roving teeth. I let out a shaky breath as he moved his muzzle away.

  Then I spotted a drop of crimson on his flesh.

  Yes! But the tail twitched, shifting from side to side making me tumble down. Shit! No! My hands slipped along his hair. I was going to be flung and this time, I had no idea how far. I had stay on him or I’d never make it back in time. Dread and panic clashing into me. I gritted my teeth and hung on. Sweat beaded my brow. My stomach lurched from being tossed back and forth like I was on a really bad amusement park ride. My body perspired all over as I tried to stay locked onto his fur. I couldn’t let go or I’d be thrown and everything I’d worked so hard for would be gone. Nausea plowed through my gut mingling with fear that I was going to lose everything. I’d never be able to live with myself if I failed and Grams, Chaz, Rob, Hadden and I were stuck here forever at the whims of a lunatic queen.

  Finally, Chaz’s tail slowed to a twitch. I let go of the hair. Still dizzy, I zigzagged toward the spot of blood I’d seen. But where was it? His fur was like a massive,
thick forest. Damn, damn, damn. I circled around twice and couldn’t find it. Doubt clawed deep into my heart and I squeezed my eyes shut a moment against the threat of tears. I could do this. In my mind, I imagined Chaz’s panther form including his tail. Puzzles, geometry and all that stuff I excelled at. So just needed to remember where I had been on his tail in relation to where I was now when he broke his skin.

  I opened my eyes, marching forward. But there was no sign of any blood. My legs shook and bile rose into my throat at the thought of failing. Failing my grandmother, Rob, Hadden, and Chaz.

  Okay, okay, the bite has to be here somewhere. Concentrate. I pulled up the image of Chaz’s tail again and where I believed the spot might be. Then I charged forward. After several turns when I nearly fell off the tail. I spotted a crust of red in the distance. My breaths sped up. How much time was left? Would this even work?

  At the edge of the sore, I knelt down. My stomach heaved at the thought of ingesting blood. Rob’s had been an accident. But at least it hadn’t taken much to transform. I swiped a finger across the wound, then sucked on my finger. A strange tugging sensation hit my middle and I doubled over.

  Oh fuck, what if I was wrong and his blood was poison? Or what if it made me a werepanther too, like a two-centimeter one?

  I fell to my side, my body twitching so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. Then my bones and flesh stretched and stretched. Yes, it’s working! Soon, I was the height I’d been before and leapt off Chaz’s tail before I hurt him. Fire burned inside my flesh all over. Something was wrong. My bones popped and shuddered. I gasped out a scream. I crashed to the floor as my body hot and heavy. Then the guards shrunk. Along with everyone else. The entire throne room shifted into a doll-size chamber. I banged my head against the ceiling. Blinking, I stared in wonder as I crouched low to fit.

  “Off with her head!” Her voice tiny like someone revved up her pitch to a chipmunk shrill. The only reason I knew she shouted was her face was redder than the painted hearts on her dress.

  Next to her, the black sands trickled faster. Only a few were left now and I’d lose. I jerked around to the chandelier cage and my grandmother.

  Grasping it with both hands, I yanked at the thorny branches. They snagged across my palms and stung a bit but it was no worse than splinters and I could deal with a little pain to get Grams out of here. I ripped off the first layer of branches, then the next. My breaths panting. I dared not look back at the hourglass.

  The last layer of thorns fell away and my grandmother stepped out onto my palm. Tears splashed down my face. Below the guards and queen scrambled to keep from getting soaked. Elation and joy careened through me. I couldn’t stop smiling. I’d done it. I’d freed my grandmother.

  Carefully, I set her down, then scrubbed a hand over my face. “I’ve completed your game, now let us go.”

  The queen glared up at me. “You’ve lost!”

  “No, I released my grandmother in time.” I clenched my fist and tipped my chin to the hourglass. The last cluster of sand spilled into the bottom. “Now let me and my friends go.”

  “And I have two cards left to play.” She smirked. “Hadden, return her to her normal size... and kill her.”

  His black eyes turned to me. An icy hand gripped my throat and squeezed as I stared into emotionless eyes that narrowed in hatred. My body itching, growing hot and tight all over. No, I was shrinking! I fell on my knees. I had to end this. Stop the queen. I reached my hand out to pick her up and shake some sense into her but pain hit my middle like I was being ripped apart. My scream shook the queen’s chamber.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “No, I freed my grandmother before the sands ran out,” my voice as weak like the rest of me. I couldn’t stop shaking as my body returned to its normal size. Damn, being a giant would’ve helped tremendously.

  With a laugh, the queen straightened, glaring down at me. “See? You’ve not won. I still have the wizard at my disposal.”

  Fear shoved my heart into an ice cave. What would she make Hadden do? Kill us? Turn back time and prevent me from winning the game? There had to be a way to stop her. If only I could do the same and change the rules to suit my agenda. Time. Rob’s watch. Did the timepiece have power in this place like the hearts the queen controlled? It was worth a chance. But I had no idea where the watch was.

  “Fine.” I stood and forced my shoulders back like I didn’t have a care in the world rather than the fact my knees were knocking and my insides twisting. “But since I have Rob,” I cleared my throat, “the white rabbit as a member of my court, then I demand all of his possessions.”

  She waved a hand out to Rob’s unconscious, bleeding form. Beside him, Chaz paced around him as though he was worried or guarding. His black and red tail twitching. “All that he has is yours.”

  “Good.” I nodded. “Then give me his watch.”

  Her mouth worked but nothing came out for several moments, then her brows furrowed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. The pocket watch that Rob had inherited from his ancestors.” I smiled and dipped into a curtsey just to mock her and nearly fell on my face. God, switching sizes was worse than running a marathon. How was I going to do this when I could barely remain standing? Ignoring my fears, I focused on my men. “So, since you agree—”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Fine but you have to find the timepiece on our own.”

  “Fair enough.” But what would she do to hinder me? I spun and the throne chamber wobbled. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment. Focus, you can do this Alicia. I swallowed back the bile that shot up the back of my throat. Then opened my eyes and took a step forward.

  My grandmother waved at me. “Alicia,” she said. “She won’t have the watch out in the open. Somewhere hidden where even a rabbit couldn’t find—” Her words cut off suddenly.

  I glanced at the queen who gave me a smirk. Had she put a spell on my grandmother? I ran toward Grams, so excited to see her that her words of caution didn’t hamper the elation crashing through me. I’d done it, found my grandmother and freed her from a tyrant. I bounced on my toes. Happiness and joy spilling out of me and I wiped my eyes. I ran to her, hugging her so tight that I never wanted to let go. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

  “Alicia,” she lowered her voice to a harsh whisper, “you must not play another game with the queen, the risk is too great. Cut your losses and let’s get out of here: you and me.”

  What was she talking about? This wasn’t my grandmother. Something was off. She’d be the first one to stand up against bullying and injustice.

  “We can leave after Hadden, Rob, and Chaz are free.” Actually, I wanted everyone in this kingdom to have liberty and be able to pursue their own happiness. One step at a time. I had to free the men, then with their help, we could work on everyone else.

  “You have one hour to find the watch,” the queen interrupted us and turned the hourglass over again. “Otherwise, you and your heart stay here in Underland forever.”

  As if I didn’t have enough troubles. I nodded despite invisible iron bands wrapping around my middle and tightening. The queen could release Hadden any second to attack me.

  Okay. Focus. What I knew about the queen told me she’d want the watch close by but not so close that Rob, as her bailiff, would come across it easily. The timepiece couldn’t be here in the throne room or she would have had a more worried look with me able to rip this place apart when I was a giant. Couldn’t be in the maze as I was certain Rob would’ve searched their first. And the watch had been missing for at least a few years was my understanding. If I was a maniacal bitch, where would I have put the watch?

  And I wouldn’t want Rob to chance upon his pocket watch even accidentally. In the castle, no too easy. Not the maze either. Somewhere close by that could be watched but not too close that it—the place struck me like a lightning bolt.

  Of course, Rob had been nervous at the white queen’s grave and even said that it wa
s forbidden to go there. Before we’d completely uncovered her, she’d shown up with all her guards.

  I had to get out of here. So I raced to the doors, hoping to get a head start and get to the graveyard before she did something worse.

  “Stop her, Hadden!” the queen shouted.

  I flinched, but I met Hadden’s gaze, and he gave me a nod. He was giving me an advantage? My heart swelled for him and all the anger I’d had toward him and him keeping me from the queen to protect me vanished. Blood beaded across his brow as his hands slowly rose. His heart in the queen’s rib cage let out short bursts like he fought her control. Time to go.

  Holding my breath, I plowed through the doors to the queen’s shouts like a buzzing fly behind me. I charged through the courtyard, trampling grass and small rose bushes under my feet as I ran. At the stone fence around the gravesite, I climbed over. My breaths fast and hard. A blast hit my back. I yelped, turning to find Hadden with his hands outstretched out to me. Agony deepened the lines in his face like he was hesitating, fighting not to kill me. Part of me wanted back my new giantess power and slap the queen into whatever ocean was closest to here. But I wanted to show Hadden, Chaz, and Rob that I could play by the rules and not succumb to being a bully like their queen. That there was always a better way than hers.

  I stumbled closer to the white queen’s grave, my back stinging like I’d been whipped from Hadden’s magic.

  This had to be it. I snagged a couple of rocks that were like pebbles now and carefully sifted through them. Another lance of pain hit my shoulder this time and I winced, the stone tumbling from my hand with a thud. Sweat beaded my brow. Damn that attack was harder this time, the queen must be controlling him.

  I raked a hand across the gravesite, the rocks slowly sliding out of the way. The yellowed skeleton dressed in an antique-looking white lace dress and hollow eye sockets stared up at me. A shiver of unease trickled down my back and coiled in my belly. But I wasn’t going to give up. I had to be right about the watch. It had to be here. Just had to stall her.


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