Underland, #1

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Underland, #1 Page 16

by Rebecca Goodwin

  “Hey now.” Hadden stepped forward, drawing me closer to him, and music started. It was a lively tune like a cross between a waltz and a polka echoed in the chamber. “After the celebration, it’s my night with Alicia, if she’ll have me.”

  My pulse raced with anticipation.

  “Of course.” I had thought of little else than being with Hadden. Or Chaz or Rob. With them, I felt whole, complete. I opened my mouth to tell him how much I’d missed him and the others when his warm fingers brushed my shoulder and scrambled my brain. “Um... what?”

  “Do you accept all three of us as your lover, your consort, your beloved?”

  “You make it sound like we’re getting married or something.” Not that I was adverse but it was too soon. I was still getting to know them. Plus I was only twenty... I had the world to explore and get my degree... even though I’d no idea what I wanted to major. I was still figuring myself out.

  He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the knuckles. “No, not marriage until you’re ready. For now, do you still accept us as your court?”

  Marriage? Was this a hint at what he wanted? What all three of them wanted with me? Excitement and wonder swirled inside me. Married to three handsome men who were unique and amazing in their own way once we got to know each other even better? Heck yeah!

  “Yes,” I breathed without hesitation. My body, soul, and heart had missed all three of them. I’d gone these weeks with feeling as part of me had shriveled and was dying. Here, in one of my guy’s arms, I felt at home, at peace. Like all the empty, broken pieces of myself had mended and made me whole again.

  “Good, let’s eat cause I’ve not had anything sweet since you left.” Hadden pulled me toward the back of the chamber.

  Before my eyes, a table popped into view complete with a cream-colored linen cloth and pastries, pies, cakes and other treats I couldn’t identify. I took a bite of a sugar-coated pastry with a cherry-like filling that tasted of strawberries and lemons more than cherries. Still, it melted on my tongue and I sighed in pleasure.

  Hours later, after everyone ate their full and our feet hurt from dancing most of the night, the guards scattered outside.

  Grams blew me a kiss from the doorway. “Come and see me in a few days once you’re settled.”

  “Wait,” I hurried toward her. “You’re not staying?”

  “No, I’ve my own castle across the river. The white queen’s ancestral home.” She smiled, patting my hand as she clasped it in hers. “Since you vanquished the queen of hearts, I thought it fitting that this castle belongs to you and your descendants. When I die—”

  “Don’t talk like that.” I stifled a shiver that snaked down my spine and my gut clenched.

  “I won’t live forever, dear.” She dropped my hand and her brow furrowed. “And when I do, I hope you’ll give the castle to someone worthy... maybe your cousin...Annabelle.”

  Right. As my kin, she was related to the white queen as well as me. “Sure, Grams. But you’d better stay alive and healthy for years.” I wanted her to be around for whenever I did decide to have children.

  She nodded, looking past me to Hadden. “Enjoy your evening, Alicia.” Then she linked her arms with two of the guards and sashayed out of the chamber.

  “So good to see you again,” Rob said. He cupped my cheek and gave me a soft kiss that left me breathless in its wake. “The three of us have picked nights to be with you but when you’re ready, we’d each love to share you for some of the time.”

  My face heated so hotly I worried I would burst into flames.

  “And don’t forget my offer just to watch if you want to ease into multiple partners at once.” Chaz gave me a crooked grin that had my pulse racing. “But for now, Hadden has you all to himself.” Chaz disappeared, then wrapped his arms around me from behind, whispering in my ear, “Lucky devil.”

  “Cha—” But he vanished again, leaving me alone with Hadden.

  “Ready to pick out which bedchamber you’d like us to have?” He waggled his eyebrows. “And I’ll put up magical wards to keep the pesky cat out of our room if we get too carried away.”

  I laughed and held out my hand to Hadden. Suddenly, I felt powerful, alive, and happy. We checked out the bedrooms which varied from a massive crimson bedroom that smelled like the old queen. “Let’s change this to a guest room after we burn everything in it,” I said.

  The next room was a sapphire blue and made me think of Rob. Other chamber was black with hints of amber and reminded me of Chaz’s eyes in his panther form. Another room was bright yellow, definitely another guest room.

  Finally, we came to a room of purples and emerald that stole my breath. There was a jade-colored velvet couch across from the bed next to a long, vertical window. Royal violet curtains hung from either side of the window frame and around a canopy bed that looked bigger than Grams’ guest room. Even bright colored vines dotted with periwinkle flowers curled underneath the crown molding and brought a freshness to the room I couldn’t explain. “This one.”

  “Excellent taste.” Hadden bowed, then took off his dark plum-colored jacket. “Give me a minute to set the magic in place.”

  My heart fluttered at the thought of being with him. Yet, in this chamber that appeared out of a medieval catalog of a royal bedroom, I felt like a queen. I had three gorgeous men who wanted me and I wanted them too. Time to show Hadden just how much.

  Closing the space between us, I pressed my body against his hard chest. Even though he’d hugged and danced with me since I’d returned, he hadn’t held me sensually. I snuggled against him, his hard muscles fitting against my soft curves. His heart thumped against my cheek, giving me comfort. He was all mine and I his, well, at least until Rob and Chaz’s turn. That thought had my breasts growing hot and heavy.

  I sighed in Hadden’s arms, breathing in his scent of honeyed tea and the icing from one of the pastries and maleness that excited me even further.

  He kissed my forehead. “You know, you belong here, right?” Without further explaining, I knew he meant in his arms and not just Underland.

  “Yes, and you’re stuck with me.” I accented the words by tapping my finger against his chest with each one.

  “Goddess Alicia, I’m falling for you hard.”

  His words expanded my heart to nearly bursting. No way would I ever go back to my life before. This felt like my real life, not the world I’d struggled through for the last two months. Though neither he nor I spoke the words, I felt the love blooming between us. It was scary yet mesmerizing.

  He dipped down and kissed me, taking away my fears. Lust and desire building in every core of my being. When he brushed his fingers along the waistline of my pants, my breath hitched. My body aching, wanting his touch everywhere, deeper.

  I slid my palms up his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his flesh. In a flash, our clothes were gone. The sudden cool air against my skin made me shiver and I snuggled closer to his warmth.

  “You move fast.” I laughed.

  “Sorry,” he gave me a sly grin. “But magic has its advantages and I couldn’t wait. Next time, I’ll undress you slowly.” His voice was laced with desire and stirred mine even more. Then his kisses traced along my jawline. He kissed the hollow of my throat before lowering to my breasts. I mewled in pleasure as he suckled me until my eyes rolled in the back of my head. My knees buckled, and he carried me to the bed. The mattress felt as if I lay on puffy clouds. I sank down onto the satin sheets.

  Deep in my core, an ache started. A throbbing in my sex that spread heat and wetness, preparing for him. And he was massive. His erection standing tall and proud. I licked my lips, raising up on my elbows to sit up and taste him.

  “Not tonight, princess,” he chided but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Next time, you can do with me whatever you wish.”

  He went to my other breast, giving it the same attention as the first. His hand dipped between my legs, stroking a fire there that had me squirming and archin
g my back for more. I gripped his sex in my hand, his pre-cum juices surging my desire even more. I so wanted to taste him, but Hadden leaned back and flicked my nipples with one hand and I came off the mattress in a gasp as desire burst through me.

  “Take me, Hadden. Oh god, I can’t stand this anymore.” My whole body tingled like I would explode into a thousand shards of pleasure.

  He kissed me, and I moaned as he took his hand away. The ache throbbed so hard in my sex that I wanted to scream. Then he leaned down, pushing my thighs apart, exposing me. His tongue licked between my folds, and I gasped as my climax spread from my sex to my core.

  “Hadden!” I gasped, not able to think of anything else but me and him and the way he made me feel.

  When my orgasm slowed and my legs stopped shaking, he eased back and circled my clit with his thumb, pushing me toward another orgasm. With a whimper of satisfaction yet yearning, I collapsed back onto the bed. He lifted my hips, pressing deep into me, filling me completely. I shook as my climax shuddered through me. My sex clenching him hard. He thrust into me slowly, easing nearly out to the tip, then, penetrating so deep in me that I lost where he ended and I began.

  “Alicia,” he breathed out, sweat coating across his forehead, “you feel so damn good.” His pace increased.

  “You too.” Was all I could manage as my lust rocketed out of control. I gritted my teeth and thrust him off me. Before he could question, I sat down on his erection, lifting my hips and falling back down. He grabbed my ass, helping me up and down on his cock. I leaned forward and he took the invitation to suck on my breasts.

  “I’m going to cum,” I shouted.

  “Yes, yes, cum for me Alicia.” His British-sounding accent thick and I came quick and hard.

  I sat up again, balancing on top of him with my hands pressed on his chest. I’d gotten mine and wanted to pleasure him to his orgasm too. He plunged faster, harder, deeper inside me. My sex slick and throbbing. I bent down and kissed him. Our bodies smacking together. Euphoria riding me. I leaned back, placing my hands on his thighs while my breasts giggled against his palms. His face scrunched up, then he went utterly still. Our breaths mingling with the scent of our sex. I leaned down, resting my chest against his and my forehead against his.

  “Wow,” I whispered, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

  “Exactly my thoughts.” He shifted until he was spooning me, his arm wrapped around my waist.

  Morning came too quickly and I groaned. Hadden was already awake and wearing his trousers but no shirt. His body was lithe and tone.

  “Good, you’re awake, come and see the view.” He leaned against the open window.

  I snagged off the bedsheet, tucking it around myself since my clothes were no longer in sight. Leave it to a magician to have banished them forever. Maybe I’d get one of the fancy high-collar dresses made for me. Like the one the white queen had that was garnished with lace.

  “And here I thought you’d bring me breakfast in bed,” I pouted.

  “Of course, but the tea is still brewing. Look at what accepting your destiny has reaped.”

  His words gave me pause and I hesitated before joining him at the window. “What is—?”

  All around the garden, courtyard and graveyard were pristine white roses. The red buds laying on the ground like ruby jewels.

  Chaz burst into the room followed by Rob. “Did you see?”

  “It’s across the whole kingdom,” Rob added. “Even the hedges.”

  “But I thought the white roses hadn’t bloomed since the white queen died.” I sank down onto the edge of the bed.

  “You are correct.” Hadden joined me on my left side while Rob took my right. Chaz shimmed onto the bed and behind me. I relished their warmth and presence.

  “But now Underland has its queen back and a princess. Our world is rejoicing with us that you’ve returned and have your court.” Hadden said.

  “Help me make this place better than even the during the white queen’s reign.” I looked at them in turn, my heart full and happy.

  “We will princess,” they said in unison.

  “Now both of you out,” Hadden waved his fingers at the other two. “My time with Alicia is not done until sunset, and I plan to show her again how much I’ve missed her.”

  Chaz grumbled as he left. Rob gave me sad, puppy dog eyes as he closed the door behind them. I longed to kiss him and grab Chaz into a hug, never letting either of them go. But now was my time with Hadden. Damn, having three men fawning after me gave me delicious goosebumps and upped my self-esteem about three miles.

  “I thought you said you warded the room,” I asked Hadden.

  “That was before you wore me out last night.”

  My cheeks heated but when he brushed a hand up my arm. Tingles spread through me and ignited my desire again. Here I was, the luckiest woman in two worlds. Not because I owned a castle or was a princess, but because I had three amazing men who wanted to be with me and make me happy. I vowed every day, I would show each of them how much they meant to me. How much we all fit like perfect pieces of a puzzle together.

  About the Author

  Rebecca Goodwin loves fairytales and romance, combining the two into reverse harems that excite and tantalize.

  She lives in Vermont with her three dogs and two cats along with a husband who inspires her love stories.

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Did you love Underland? Then you should read Fairest by Rebecca Goodwin!

  Blanca gave her best friend support when her grandmother died. But Blanca slipped into another world where seven hunky guys need help baking for orphaned kids.

  Soon, Blanca realizes she's in a different world. Will she leave behind everything she's ever known for love and happiness with her multiple suitors?

  Or will her evil stepmother hunt her down and crush her hopes?

  Note: FAIREST is based in the same world as the Underland series and features crossovers with characters in this world.

  Also by Rebecca Goodwin







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