Lawfully Admired
Page 3
“I hate to bother you so early – “
“Miss Miller? What brings you out this way?” Pastor Smith interrupted as he entered the main entryway. “We usually only see you on Sundays and you’ve been missing the last few weeks. Sunday is several days hence. Not that you aren’t welcome in our home, it’s just a pleasant surprise. What might we help you with?”
“Well,” Melissa said bravely, taking a deep breath. “I thought I might enquire to see if word has arrived of Rangers in the area? I believe I met one today.”
“Oh?” Trudy and Pastor Smith gave each other a knowing glance. “Why yes, there is supposed to be help headed this way and a few men have begun to arrive into town. They are staying at the Maypearl Ranch until they get their bearings. Has something happened that we need to be made aware of? I know that there’s been sightings of John Wesley Hardin in the area. He’s extremely dangerous with a bounty on his head. You haven’t seen him, have you? There’s a poster up near the mercantile.”
“Oh no! Nothing like that,” she countered in surprise, clutching her reticule. “Nothing, has happened other than I may be interested in a bit of news or gossip. It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything uplifting and I should desperately like something positive for a change.”
“Well, it’s funny that you should mention it,” Pastor Smith’s deep soothing voice made Melissa feel less nervous. “We’ve tried to make the best matches possible, dabbling in a bit of romance, the Missus and I. She’s arranged for a few of the ladies in town to correspond with our brethren out East near the Sabine River. One Ranger, however, did not seem to fit any of the personalities or needs that were required. Instead he said he felt there was a need for him to be here in his mind. So, an extra set of hands, at the ranch or among our parishioners would be most welcomed as well. I believe that every path is laid by a higher power, so I invited the man to town myself.”
“Mr. Ashton?”
“How did you know?”
“I didn’t,” she whispered, “I guessed.”
“Have you met Mr. Ashton?”
“Yes, he came by yesterday for a haircut and shave.”
“That’s all,” Melissa blustered, blushing as she remembered the way he kissed her on the cheek.
“That’s all, eh?” Pastor Smith said with a knowing smile. “Would you like his letter then since no one has claimed it?”
“If you please,” she breathed, feeling herself flush. Pulling at her collar nervously, she waited for him to retrieve it. Pastor Smith said not another word, simply giving her the envelope. Thankfully, neither commented on her shaking outstretched hand.
“I appreciate the letter,” she thanked them both. “I will see you Sunday for services.” Trudy held open the door silently as Melissa departed. She raised her hand in a wave and saw their wide smiles.
“I’d come sooner than Sunday,” Pastor Smith called out, “But that tremor in your hands? It has me thinking I might grow a beard. Relax, Miss Miller. It’s in God’s hands.”
Blushing, Melissa saw Trudy Smith elbow the pastor in the stomach just before shutting the door to their home. She wasn’t sure she agreed with his statement. The last time she put things into Gods hands, she’d been abandoned. She stuffed the letter in her reticule and went about her business walking down the lane towards the barbershop.
Melissa darted into the barber shop and put herself to work cleaning the already spotless small building. She was nervous to open the letter, yet curious to see if it would reveal anything about the handsome stranger. Her reticule containing the letter hung on a nail on the very far side of the shop, practically glowing in her mind’s eye. Sighing at her silliness, she found herself opening the thin worn out cloth purse and pulling the envelope free.
Tearing it open, she gasped in dismay as the bell above her door rang, indicating someone had just entered.
“Hello?” Melissa heard a voice call out; unfortunately it was not Gideon again. “Just a moment and I will be right with you” she returned, stuffing the envelope in the pocket of her skirt.
“May I help you?” she asked, coming around the corner and stopping in her tracks. It was the handsome man she had spotted naked over at the funeral home with Mrs. Buchannan! Blushing furiously, she stared at the floor to avoid the shameful curiosity that burned in her belly.
“Well, I am new in town and looking for a bit of work,” he asked politely, his blue eyes burning from his face. The man had an intense look to him that was quite intimidating.
“I am sorry, but I have no work for you here,” she apologized, looking away from his stare. “Maybe there is work at the funeral home?” Melissa nearly kicked herself in embarrassment. Why would you say that, you ninny? She thought, mortified.
“Well, yes. There is work for me there but only when someone passes away. In the meantime? I’m in desperate need of a shave, and short on funds,” he said quite bluntly. “I am Jeremiah Ellington and new to town. If there is anything I might do in exchange for some company and a hot shave? I’d be much appreciative.”
“Welcome to town, Mr. Ellington. I’m afraid that I don’t have any money to pay you nor really any work…wait!” she thought, stopping in her tracks. “Can you do some carpentry?”
“A fair amount. It’s not really my skill-set but I’m game for whatever you might need to have repaired,” he hedged, feeling his chin. “What can I do?”
“Well, I’ve a mind to secure the chair just a bit better to the floor. There is a wobble from where it’s come loose. The blades will need sharpening, more than what the strop can do. Can you use a stone to sharpen the razors? Also, I’d throw in a haircut if you can make the pump a might easier for me to use? Right now, it takes quite a bit of force to get the water to come out.”
“Absolutely! If you can show me some tools, I will have it taken care of in no time for you. Miss?”
“Miller. Melissa Miller,” she said with a smile, extending her hand towards him like she had seen other men do. His grin at her extended hand made him look a bit less intimidating, putting her at ease.
“Miss Miller? It’s nice to make your acquaintance. Shall we?” he gestured, looking quite content at the prospect of earning a free shave and haircut. While Melissa could use the money, she could honestly use help on her growing to-do list. She found herself chatting quite contentedly with the stranger after some time. It was extremely awkward to be talking to someone she’d viewed only recently quite disrobed! Turns out that the Mr. Ellington had quite set his cap on Mrs. Buchannan marrying him in the near future. This caused Melissa to laugh at the idea of it.
“She’s quite lost without her husband. I believe she still holds hope that he will return soon. Other women moved on and remarried after a time, but not her. She’s hopelessly devoted to him.”
“Has she heard from him or had word?”
“None that any of us in town have heard. Gossip can run rampant here, much to Pastor Smith’s chagrin. ‘A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret’,” she quoted.
“Very good! That is one of Pastor Smith’s better sermons. I hate being the discussion amongst town, yet that lesson is never fully taught it seems”
“No, but then again? We are all flawed.”
“Yes, Mr. Ellington. We are,” she agreed with an easy smile, and took back the small crate that held her father’s tools. “I believe I owe you a shave?”
“But no haircut yet, I will return to have a second look at the pump. Miss Ava will be looking for me shortly and I’ve a need to court my pretty young lady,” he said with a wink.
“May I give a piece of advice?”
“It’d be much appreciated, if you did so.”
“I remember Ava Buchannan over the years has been quite stubborn in receiving aide and quite alone. Perhaps it would go best for you, Mr. Ellington, if you were just as stubborn as she was. I know that when she married h
er now-missing husband, she was quite swept off her feet,” she started, sighing wistfully at the memory.
“Mr. Buchannan was a force of nature with a warm mannerism that made everyone feel happy. She might need more of the same treatment to get through that thick wall she has built up around herself. Ava used to smile a lot; it was like looking at the sun. Since the war? She’s grown quite cold towards others.” Melissa found herself saying aloud, finishing on a bitter note. Realizing it, she blushed. “Now, I find that I need to revisit Proverbs once again myself.”
“Your words are safe with me, Miss Miller,” Mr. Ellington laughed at the admission.
“I appreciate the kindness. Now, if you’ll sit in the chair? Let’s get you cleaned up for your task ahead. It will be no small feat if you win over Ava Buchannan!” she challenged.
Melissa finished up quickly and found herself telling Mr. Ellington about her visit with Mr. Ashton. She planned on opening the letter and pouring over it when she had a moment to herself again. Unfortunately for her, there were no words of encouragement from him since they didn’t know each other. But for Melissa, she was able to share what she knew of Ava’s history since she had grown up not far behind her in town.
Washing up, she quickly followed Mr. Ellington to the doorway as he politely kissed her knuckles in appreciation. It was a grand gesture that made her feel almost feminine. It was nothing to set her heart aflutter, like Gideon Ashton had done, but she felt special just the same.
Seeing Ava Buchannan’s frowning face marching across the street, Melissa yanked her hand from Mr. Ellington’s quickly causing him to look startled.
“Miss Melissa,” Ava said abruptly with a nod, and then turned her stare towards Jeremiah Ellington. “Mr. Ellington? Your supper has been delivered to your quarters next door. I should think you’d like to eat while the food is still warm.” He gave Melissa a knowing look, and a lazy smile towards the irate Mrs. Buchannan who was practically tapping her toes in aggravation.
“My thanks, Ava.”
“Its Mrs. Buchannan,” Ava corrected and practically growled at him. This caused Melissa to step backwards at the heat pouring from Ava’s eyes, as she suddenly turned the upcoming tirade towards her now. “Would your sweet Pa approve of you having a man kiss your hand like that?”
Melissa flinched at the recent reminder of her father’s passing. Ava Buchannan’s words hurt as they hit close to home. Her father would have been surprised at the flirtation between Gideon and herself and appalled that Mr. Ellington had kissed her hand when he obviously was interested elsewhere. Polite or not! She dashed tears away at the scolding, feeling ashamed instantly.
“Now Ava….” Mr. Ellington began, trying to take some of the heat from Melissa, as Ava opened her mouth quickly to start spewing again.
“Don’t you ‘Now Ava’ me! It’s Mrs. Buchannan and you had best know that you can’t be canoodling around town with all the women like…like…” she stopped and took a deep breath. This caused Ava’s cheeks to puff up, matching her chest as she struggled to keep her composure. Melissa had never seen her wound up so!
“All the women? I think not,” Mr. Ellington questioned, a lazy grin on his face. “Like a single, unattached man perhaps?” That blasted man was goading Ava Buchannan! It was shocking to see her get so upset. Melissa covered her mouth with the back of her hand to keep herself from gasping. She was certain that if she let out any sound that the calm, cool, collected Mrs. Ava Buchannan would launch herself at her like a shrew!
“Precisely!” Ava snarled at Mr. Ellington. It might have been only the two of them in the street by the display they were putting on! Ava was now clenching and releasing her hands that were balled up beside her, while Mr. Ellington was smiling quite smugly.
“Then remedy it,” he said boldly. “I know a way to change a single man to a married one.” He crossed his arms over his chest arrogantly. Did he just propose to Mrs. Buchannan in front of her? That was hardly any sort of proposal that any girl dreamed of, but the invitation was there! Melissa was glad her hand was over her mouth because she was certain that she would catch flies at this point! Her jaw had dropped open in shock at the flagrant display between the two of them.
Mrs. Buchannan stood there staring at him, her cheeks flushed red. Stopping, she glared at Mr. Ellington and drew herself up. Smoothing her gown, she was obviously trying to regain her composure. “I suggest you eat quickly and get back to your quarters again, Mr. Ellington. One of the vaqueros from Maypearl Ranch is being brought in, so your teachings will begin soon enough.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied with a churlish grin towards her. He turned and bowed towards her yet again. “Miss Miller, thank you for my shave in lieu of payment. It was a pleasure to repair the chair and sharpen the blades in exchange. If you need anything, please feel free to ask. I could use a haircut sooner rather than later.”
Melissa saw the flush of color darken Ava’s cheeks and assumed it was embarrassment. Or at least, she hoped it was! How dare the upright Ava Buchannan scold her and use her father’s recent passing? That was putting salt in an open wound! She barely knew the man, yet would judge her?
“It was my pleasure, Mr. Ellington. My beloved Pa used to do the repairs for me while he could. I’m sure that he would be pleased knowing that a kind, Christian soul was able to help out and not assume the worst,” Melissa said calmly, wiping tears from her eyes at the thought of her father. “He always believed in giving a man -or a woman- the benefit of the doubt. It’s a wonderful trait to learn and should be taught to others,” she finished coldly and hoped that Ava picked up on her words and the double meaning.
“Yes, Miss Miller, that it is. I’m certain that others will learn from your shining example,” Mr. Ellington agreed, his blue eyes practically sparkling with laughter at Melissa. For a moment, she felt like she might have crossed the line, but it was good to see Ava get her comeuppance. Several seconds seemed to drag by before Ava spoke again.
“Miss Miller, will you be bringing a dish to the church social?” she asked curtly, changing the subject.
“Of course. I shall be bringing a Washington pie,” Melissa answered politely. The pie was simply a jam cake that was easily prepared and transported. It would keep if she made it the night before and only taste better once the jam had time to soak into the sponge cake. It had been a favorite of her father’s and her mother used to make it often for them.
“That sounds lovely,” Ava replied absently, watching Mr. Ellington like a hawk.
“And you, Mrs. Buchannan? What shall you be bringing?”
“I wish I was baking a lovely cake, but instead I shall be bringing something that stores easily. An old recipe of Peter’s late mother. Pickled eggs,” Ava concurred proudly.
Disgusting! Melissa thought. Mr. Buchannan’s mother had been an older woman that believed in putting vinegar in everything she baked. It had been comical to avoid the dishes they had brought to church socials and it seemed that the habit would remain the same. There would be no pickled eggs for her!
“Something sour and tart, I see?” Mr. Ellington chimed in with a bold wink towards Mrs. Buchannan, who rose to the bait.
“Yes, when you put all the lovely eggs I have in an acidic mixture? It turns them and gives them a different flavor.”
“Flavorful,” Mrs. Buchannan bit out. “Some people just can’t handle the strength or the flavor.” The two shared an intimate look that surprised even Melissa, who quickly interrupted since she felt like a third wheel.
“I’m certain that they are delicious, Mrs. Buchannan.”
“And I’m certain that some men crave it like the air they breathe,” Mr. Ellington whispered boldly to Mrs. Buchannan. The two were lost in each other’s eyes in a private battle as Melissa looked on, blushing at the intensity between them. She felt like a voyeur as she saw the upright Mrs. Buchannan say something to Mr. Ellington, causing him to throw back his head in laughter. Oh yes, the two were def
initely interested in each other! They walked off together arm in arm, leaving Melissa standing alone again.
Left behind yet again, she thought to herself sadly, and stepped in the shop. It was getting to be late in the day and she’d had about enough for the afternoon. It had been a slow morning, followed by an intriguing display. Singing to herself, she wiped down the counters. Stacking carefully the shaving bowls, she hung the bristle brushes so they would dry and secured the lid on the talcum powder tin. Hanging the cloths and towels on the line in the back room, she heard the bell at the door.
“Just a moment,” Melissa called out. “I am actually clos-“ she began and stopped at the sight. Gideon Ashton was standing alone inside of the barbershop with a fistful of scraggly looking bluebonnets. An earnest smile on his face, he held aloft the wilting flowers towards her.
“I brought you some flowers,” he began, “but I think I should have put them in a vase or something.”
“They are perfect,” Melissa replied, stunned at the gesture. “What are you doing here?” She grabbed a mug from one of the shelves that she had just stacked her bowls on. Filling it with water, she accepted the wildflowers and placed them in the water on the small counter. “Thank you.”
“I thought that I might walk you home?”
“You don’t have to do that,” she began, then stopped. “Actually, I think I would like that very much.” She hadn’t had a moment to read his letter yet, but here he was again on her door. Perhaps Pastor Smith’s words were true. Everyone had a path and maybe Gideon Ashton was being placed on hers?
“I would like the company very much. I believe I am finished here for the day,” she offered, grabbing her worn bonnet. Looking in the small mirror that hung on the wall, she tucked her dark hair into the yellow bonnet and tied it under her chin. Plucking one of the bluebonnets off, she tucked it in the ribbon brim of her bonnet. “There!”
“You look lovely,” Gideon murmured with a warm smile. “And the flower looks pretty too.” He held aloft his arm politely and waited for her. Melissa couldn’t help her wide smile as she realized that this must be what it felt like to have someone courting you. Placing her hand on his arm, she silently wished she had worn gloves like ladies were supposed to.