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Reeves Page 15

by Serena Valentine

  “Tracy Johnson is not right about everything,” Reeves said. “I’ve got an idea.” He stood up. “Let’s get up off this step, organize a fun game of freeze tag with about a hundred kids, and then afterward we’ll find the person with the temporary housing keys.”

  Chapter 21

  “Excuse me?”

  Rebecca and Simps turned to see an adult they had never seen in Hidden Secret before.

  “Hi, I’m here to check out the sidekick of, uh, Reeves?” The man ruffled through some papers. “Could you tell me where he’s at?”

  “Someone already came,” Simps looked at Rebecca. “Right?”

  “What? I’m the only one that’s sent.” The man flashed his badge. “Murphy Day.”

  “Well,” Rebecca smiled widely at the new stranger. Maybe this was the second chance Reeves needed? “I’ll take you straight to Reeves.” She ran out to the middle of the street and shouted for him. Reeves and Seraphina appeared almost instantly, both smiling away like their lives weren’t falling apart.

  “Reeves?” Murphy held out a piece of paper. “I’m here to test for your sidekick.”

  “This is the real guy,” Rebecca couldn’t help but shout from beside him.

  Reeves laughed. Tracy had tried to play him. “I was hacked by someone and any email you received was not from me.” Would the right people be any more lenient than the fake Mister Delgado? “Is there any way I could get this cancelled?”

  “Hacked?” Murphy sighed. “Great, not another hacking. We are going to have to create a new tutorial on computer safety. Did you at least change your password?”

  “Oh, I did,” Reeves nodded.

  “Good. A dismissal will take three days,” The man groaned. "All this travel for nothing. Anything else?” He looked through his papers. “You are on probation for not following additional standards for High Paladin? No problem, I can handle that. Let’s go ahead and get this taken care of since I don’t have any sidekick business to do. Once we know you’re in proper physical condition, I’ll take you off probation.”

  “Reeves helps people all the time,” Rebecca spoke up hearing the positive news. Reeves and Seraphina had been right, things did work out. “He's kept every resident here happy and safe since he's been here. He’s the best.”

  “Oh? Nice to know.” The man casually placed three checks on a piece of paper next to ‘gets along with residents’ and ‘witness testament outstanding’ and ‘cares about people’. "Sounds like a good Paladin so far."

  “Can me and Marcus stay in Hidden Secret then?” Rebecca asked. “They tried to get us kicked out.”

  “Hm.” Murphy Day smiled. “Probably, little girl, but that order won’t work at the speed of light. You’ll have to go for a little while.” He bent down to look at her. “Just think of it as a two-week vacation instead, okay?”

  Reeves beamed. Finally, back to business. Everything will be back to normal soon. Once he was back in action, it'd be hard for Tracy to interfere with his life anymore.

  “Just hang on a minute and we’ll run some small standard physical tests.” The man yawned and filled in some papers.

  Rebecca stood beside Reeves along with Seraphina. Everyone was so thrilled about the situation that a new kid no one had ever seen in Hidden Secret crept up behind Reeves. The new kid bent down enough to be directly above Reeves’ elbow.

  “Okay, we’ll do some quick push-ups, sit-ups, running and some dashing.” Murphy replied. “Let’s go ahead and start with running.”

  “Running is easy.” In just a few minutes, he would be off of probation.


  “Ow!” The new kid cried as the impact knocked him backwards and down to the ground.

  Reeves looked behind him in shock and saw the new kid. He had been getting ready to run, and had of course bent his elbow back to run for the best speed, but he knocked a poor resident straight in the nose. He turned around. “Are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn't see you.”

  The child cried and grabbed his nose that had been bleeding. There would not have to be as much acting considering how hard he had been hurt. “That’s what you said last week when you kicked Betty and the week before that when you hit Johnny in the eye!”

  “What?” Reeves was confused. “I’ve never done such things.”

  “I’m from Cambria.” The kid sniffled as the man in charge of Reeves’ career helped him out. “That’s it. I didn’t trust them, but I see it now! You’re a cruel man and you smack kids!”

  “Reeves never hits kids!” Rebecca shouted. “This is a trick, a dirty trick,” she insisted as the judge of Reeves tried to clean the new kid’s nose.

  “Trick?” Murphy looked at the poor kid’s nose. “Looks like real blood to me.”

  “Mommy. It hurts. Help me.” The kid grabbed his nose again. “That’s it, we won’t buy ‘it’s an accident’ anymore. All of us that you hurt are going to come forward!”

  “Hurt? I never hurt anyone,” Reeves insisted. “I’ve never seen you before." He watched as his hands were brought behind him and being cuffed.

  “Well, I work out probations, suspensions and partners, but my specialty is the law.” Murphy held up his second badge. “I’m also a police officer. Stay right there, Reeves.”

  “You can’t do that!” Rebecca yelled, her voice in with a symphony of a bunch of other kids taking notice that the Champion was being arrested.

  “It’s okay, Rebecca.” Seraphina finally spoke. “Calm down. Getting overworked doesn’t help anyone.”

  “Seraphina is right.” Reeves continued to smile as he felt the handcuffs on him. Not an easy feat. He couldn't overreact, not with all the impressionable children everywhere. The kids continued to complain, giving testimonials, swearing on whatever they could, anything to get Reeves out of the situation.

  “Look kids, it looked like an accident,” Murphy said as he hung up his phone. “These allegations are serious though and an investigation has to be conducted as we speak.” He heard his phone ring back. “Yes? Okay.” He rubbed his chin awkwardly. “There are twenty kids in Cambria that have confessed you have physically hurt them in some way.”


  “Reeves would never!”

  “They’re lying!”

  “Reeves is awesome!”

  Reeves appreciated all the testimonies the residents gave. It was pleasant to hear he meant so much to them. However, the physical reality did not escape him. The testimonies coming from Cambria weren't good. They would count because they technically were within his jurisdiction. Even though he never did anything in Cambria, there was no way anyone would believe him.

  “Reeves would never do this,” Rebecca yelled for the fifth time until Seraphina put her hand on her shoulder.

  “Rebecca.” Seraphina bent down to her and gave her the most pleasant smile. “It’s going to be okay. Don’t get angry, anger is going to blind you. Reeves can take care of himself, but continually yelling at someone never solves problems. Let’s stop and concentrate instead of shouting. Okay?”

  Rebecca looked sadly at Seraphina. “Everything is turning rotten.” She had a mean look on her face. “Like a rotten Varmint. Everything is his fault.”

  “Yeah, Timmers is to blame,” Simps chimed in. The other kids started to agree.

  “Calm down.” Reeves tried to calm the children as well, but the kids were angry and terrified for him.

  “Blame isn’t going to help.” Seraphina tried to reason with the children. “No matter how bad things look, Reeves will be okay.”

  Finally, the children stopped shouting as much. Everyone watched as Marcus finally came over.

  “Marcus,” Rebecca shouted as she went to her Champion urgently.

  “Okay, well?” Murphy groaned as he heard the reports. “Yes, thirty-five kids in total.” He shook his head. "This'll be in courts awhile. I'm afraid," he rubbed his head. "You have to have a perfect record to be a Paladin."

  Reeves touched his wrists. “This isn'
t going to turn out well, is it?”

  “I don’t think I can take you off probation. You've now got cases against you. You can no longer be a Paladin,” Murphy admitted. “I’ll see you again in three months when the first cases get worked out. I’ll be in Cambria for another day until my plane arrives.” Everyone watched as he took off.

  “My sister.” Seraphina simply said as she looked at Reeves. “Sorry again?”

  “It’s not your fault.” Reeves smiled at her. “So, there are some rumors. So, I lost my job, it's not going to stop me.” He grinned at Marcus. “Hello Marcus.”

  Marcus held some papers in his hands uncomfortably. He moved back a few steps with Rebecca.

  “Marcus?” Reeves noticed the strange look on Marcus. “You trust me, don’t you?”

  “Oh, of course, Reeves, you've been here for a long time. You’ve always been excellent at taking care of everyone.” Marcus waved a paper. “The only thing is . . .” he sighed. “We can’t break the law. Hidden Secret is a safe community for a reason. If you are suspected of a crime, you cannot talk to the kids. In fact, they should not be any closer than fifty feet from you.”

  All the children yelled and made noise all over again.

  “That can’t be true, Marcus,” Rebecca yelled. “Reeves?”

  “Now, now children, back up.” Marcus insisted. “I know it’s unfortunate, but if you break the law from now on, it’s Reeves who gets punished. You’d have to drive him out of Hidden Secret.” Marcus held onto Rebecca. “Our ride is here too.”

  "Can we still hang out with him?" Daryl whined.

  "Yeah, we're not kids." Amanda insisted. "Me. Daryl. Emily. Chuck. We're like adults, we’re older."

  "In this instance, you count too." Marcus said softly. He looked toward Reeves. “I’m afraid I have to go with Rebecca now. I’ll let Lost Secret know what is happening. Maybe they can help temporarily, so the kids aren’t all sent away.”

  “Marcus.” Reeves said in a low tone. “I understand, just tell them that I’m sorry.”

  “I know.” Marcus sighed. “Oh, if you are found guilty, they will have to kick you out for good. I’m sorry. Come along, Rebecca.”

  Rebecca’s eyes lingered on him for several seconds before going with Marcus.

  Reeves watched everyone solemnly walk away. When they were far enough away, he jumped back down. “Great. I hurt children now.”

  “Not officially, just a suspect,” Seraphina corrected him, but it didn’t sound much better. “None of the kids believe it.” She groaned. “Oh, Tracy.”

  “Timothy too,” Reeves added. “I never had all these problems until these two joined forces. Two villains against one Paladin-one former Paladin- is not easy.”

  “My sister.” Seraphina was about to tell him that she wasn’t a full villain, but she couldn’t say that. Not this time. “She wants to protect me.”

  “I lost my clothes, my food, my tower, my credit, I’m on probation and now? Now? I cannot even talk to the residents.” He tilted his head back. “I wish Mister Delgado had been real. I could have guarded another area, but still visited the home I grew up in."

  “Reeves, I am sorry.” Seraphina insisted. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”

  “No.” Reeves sighed. “I have to hope everything works out, but my hope is running thinner. Either way, I can never be a Champion again. Not until every case is taken care of. That will be a long time with thirty-five cases.” Tension could be sensed in his voice a mile away. His job was one thing, but taking away contact with his home? With the people he grew up with? He wouldn’t be able to joke, to laugh, to play, but most of all? He would not be able to help. When Daryl needed a scolding for chasing Amanda and Emily too much. When Amanda's glasses fell off when she climbed the trees. When-when “How can I help being fifty feet away? How can I even do something as basic as run? Do you know how big Hidden Secret even is?”

  Of course she did, she ran across it at least a hundred times. “I’m sorry again.” Seraphina groaned. “This is all my fault.” She was waiting to hear the familiar ‘it’s not’ but it didn’t come this time. Reeves was not happy at all. She hadn’t seen him so unhappy since their first few days of training. It took a lot to rile him up, and this had been too much. Reeves did not even smile as he stood next to her. She looked over at Reeves one more time. No, she couldn’t do it. Not anymore. “I won’t do this. I’ll go back to medication.”

  “No.” Reeves closed his eyes. “I won’t give in. Sorry I am quiet. I don't blame you. I just? I like everyone in Hidden Secret. They're like family, and now I can’t even be within fifty feet of them because I am being accused of . . .” He couldn’t even bear to open his eyes. Timothy could never have pulled that off alone.

  “REEVES?” SERAPHINA got up from her pushups to check up on him. For the last two hours, he hadn’t moved much at all. “You need to move.”

  “I have to exercise every three hours.” Reeves told her. “I’ve been so active I only need it once every three hours. I just loved it before."

  “I’ve got an idea.” Seraphina tried to cheer him up. “Let’s go for a run?”

  “Risk coming closer than fifty feet to kids? I won’t make them stay indoors just because I feel like running down their street.” Reeves reminded her. “I never thought there was anything worse than medication.” He sighed. “I guess there is.”

  “That’s it. I can’t do this to you anymore,” Seraphina gave up.

  “If you quit, you give in.” Reeves reminded her.

  “My happiness does not come first over someone else’s.” Seraphina said as she quickly ran out of the house.

  “Seraphina? Oh no.” Reeves got up and slowly started to run after her. He knew where she was going. His speed had been slower as he watched where he had been running. No closer than fifty feet to the children. Which meant most of the residents. A small part of Reeves didn’t want to go after her. Tracy and Timothy had double tag teamed him so much they had taken everything away. If she went back on, he would get it all back. Somehow, Tracy would be able to turn around the statements in one night, before any serious cases could be published into print.

  But a much larger part knew that he could not give into that. Seraphina was his future. If he had to lose his home, so be it, but he knew. She was his future.

  Chapter 22

  “Well, Seraphina.” Tracy grinned as she saw her sister come in. “Hi. Here for a friendly visit?”

  “Stop,” Seraphina warned Tracy. “Just stop everything against Reeves. You want me to stop this bet, then fix everything for him. Find a way to let him be a Champion Paladin again. Do that and I’ll give in.” She sighed. “You know, he said I could have up to half a cup of sugar without being killed.”

  “Not taking that risk.” Tracy growled. “Medication is the safest way. Timothy? Fetch her a pill.”

  Timothy laughed with delight as he presented it to Seraphina. “Finally came to your senses?”

  “You know, Timothy.” Seraphina looked at the pill. “In the past, I would tell you to basically go to hell. Right now, I guess all I can say is I’m disappointed in you.” She pointed at the pill. “When I get back on that, we’re probably going to be over.”

  Timothy grumbled. “Well, I have to accept that risk. I want my Seraphina Medina back.”

  “Your vision of her is not coming back.” Reeves showed up next to her. “Don’t take it.” He warned her as he looked at Timothy and Tracy. “I don’t care what you two do to me or my reputation. Even if I do end up leaving Hidden Secret, Seraphina will never be on medication unless it’s her choice.”

  “Reeves.” Seraphina groaned. “Don’t do this.”

  “Timothy and I can get everything back for you, including your spotless reputation and being able to play with the kids and take care of all the cute residents.” Tracy smiled at Reeves. “Not that I had anything to do with it, but I know people and I’m sure I can help too.”

  Timothy leaned toward Tracy. �
�Do I have to help?”

  Tracy shoved him in the shoulder. “Timothy. Do you want Seraphina back or Reeves to leave? Come on.”

  “You know what, Timothy?”

  Tracy and Timothy looked at Seraphina again.

  “I’ve lost my house, my money, my food supply, my dignity, and I even dragged Reeves down with me. It wasn’t until this moment though.” She looked at Timothy. “I see it. You really are a villain too.”

  “I don’t care what I am considered to be, I want my Seraphina!” Timothy whined like a child as he stomped his foot. “Don’t you get it? Look at you. Up and around and moving and playing all day, You’re not my Seraphina Medina! I don’t want anything to do with you!”

  Seraphina was speechless as she took a step back. “Timothy?”

  “Get on the medication, and I will be with you again.” Timothy urged her. “Now take the pill."

  Ooh, that jerk! Even Reeves smartened up and said it was her choice. He forced the issue at first, but he came to see the truth too. It was her choice, yet Timothy still couldn’t see it. He would force the choice upon her. “I’ve got six days.” Seraphina answered softly. “I’ve got six days to make up my mind. I don’t care what you two do.” She glared at Timothy. “I don’t care what you think of me. I’ll decide and no one else!”

  “Okay, fine.” Tracy glared back. “Then deal with Reeves being thought of as a lousy child abuser and being out of work for years. Really, have fun with your temporary housing. Oh, that’s right you only get a month, and he still isn’t going to be working. Gosh, just think? He can’t even go to the normal residents house anymore because he’s been kicked out of Hidden Secret with the little girl. Reeves will be sleeping on the ground, all alone, every night, the rest of his life.” She directed her attention back to Reeves. “Does that sound like fun? As long as you are a resident of Hidden Secret, you’ll never even get close enough to see those kids’ faces.”


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