Cherishing His Forever

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Cherishing His Forever Page 12

by LeAnn Ashers

  “Alright, I am going to go tell my mom,” I say. “She should be home before too long.” The guys walk over and congratulate us before they start dragging Katherine toward the back of the house, where they came from.

  “Love you,” Chase yells and all but runs out of the house, and I follow him, waving at them one last time.

  We reach the house and Mom is already home, sitting on the couch.

  “Hi, we got you something.” We put the flowers on the coffee table in front of her. She looks surprised as she scoots forward to take the pics off the note card.

  She glances at it and then at my stomach. “You’re pregnant,” she whispers and I nod.

  She walks over and hugs me. “I am so happy!” She sniffs and then she hugs Chase. She smiles at both of us so happily. “Hunter, you’re going to be a big brother!” She takes him from us and dances with him, and he giggles.

  I love this. I love moments like this. Family means so much to me because I never had it. Now that I’ve had a taste of it, it’s amazing.

  Chase kisses the side of my head as we watch my mother spend time with Hunter. The little moments are what mean the most.

  Chapter 16


  The Next Day

  * * *

  Katherine told us she’s having a barbecue in celebration of our pregnancy. I bet the second we left she was planning it. She loves any excuse to get everyone together.

  When we pull up outside the house, my mother is in the back with Hunter. She and Katherine are really close. I am glad she has that.

  Mom comes out and holds Hunter, and he plays with her hair. That’s one of his favorite things to do. He will lie in bed with me playing with the ends of my hair. It’s so cute.

  We walk around the house, and the party is in full swing. I spot River sitting with Lani, who is rubbing her very pregnant belly. She is due any day now.

  Katherine is at the food table, moving things around, and Mom takes off toward her. Trey is talking to a bunch of guys wearing cuts. I recognize a few of them from the Devils, but the others are from another club in Katherine’s town: the Grim Sinners.

  Alex and Ben are at the grill with a man around their age who’s wearing a Grim Sinners cut.

  Chase touches my back. “I am going to go help the dads at the grill.”

  I walk over to River and hug her. “I have missed you. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good, just adjusting to my new place.” Her smile spreads as she looks down at my stomach. “Congrats are in order, I do believe?”

  “Looks like you’re going to be an aunt again.”

  “I can’t wait.” She smiles and looks over her shoulder at a man who’s leaning against a wall staring at her. I look more closely at his cut, and he’s a Grim Sinner.


  “How are you feeling, Lani ?” I resist the urge to touch her stomach. I remember all too well how she is feeling right now.

  She lets out a deep breath. “Tired, hurting, and my back is killing me.”

  Oh yeah, how I do remember that.

  I guess I am going to get reacquainted quickly since I am pregnant again, but I won’t be alone. I will have Chase.

  “What is that on your finger!” River screams, turning everyone’s attention to us. She grabs my left hand and studies my engagement ring.

  “WHAT!” Katherine and Mom say at the same time, all but running over. They look at my left hand and they scream again. I just love their dramatics.

  “Why didn’t you tell me!” Katherine asks me, still yelling.

  “Me being pregnant kind of took over my and Chase’s brains. We were going to announce it today.”

  Chase comes over and takes my hands, kissing them. Katherine and Mom sigh, and I try not laugh at how much they’re alike in some ways.

  “Well, it’s announced.”

  Chase laughs and runs his hand down my arm. One by one everyone comes over to congratulate us on the engagement and baby.

  Hunter is still with my mom. She is sitting in the grass with him, playing with his toy trucks.

  I wish that she’d actually had the chance to be a mother. She would have been an amazing one. But she did what she could to protect us, and for that she will forever have my respect.

  It would be easy to be mad at her, saying she should have toughed it out, protected us, and gotten out, but those are just words—unless you’ve lived it, you will not fully understand.

  Her parents were abusive; then she got into a worse situation. That was her normal. She was stuck, and she wasn’t going to allow us to live the life she did.

  She is so strong. She has fought her way out of the shell she was living in, and look at her now. Happy.

  I look up from studying her to see a handsome older man, the one who was talking to Ben and Alex earlier, looking at my mom.


  I walk over to him casually and stand next to him. “Jessica.” I hold out my hand, and he looks at me then at my mother. “Yeah, we do look a bit alike.”

  When he laughs, he flashes white teeth and laugh lines appear around his face. My guess he is around forty to forty-five years old. He has tattoos all up and down his arms and a beard. He is a handsome guy, that’s for sure.

  “I’m Maverick.”

  “Nice to meet you.” His eyes go straight back to Mom; then he catches me staring at him.

  “Is that your sister?” he asks me.

  I laugh. “She is my mom, actually. She had me when she was really young.”

  “Is she single?”

  I want her to get out there and meet someone who will worship the ground she walks on; she needs that happiness.

  “Yes, she is.”

  He nods, folding his arms across his chest as he continues to watch her. The look on his face is almost protective.

  I leave him be and go to Chase, who is standing by himself. “What was that about?” he asks.

  “I think he’s interested in my mom.” Now Mom is sneaking glances at him, blushing. Chase and I share a secret smile.

  “He’s a really great guy,” Chase says. “He’s badass, but he would be good to her if they both wanted to be together.”

  Hmm, that makes me feel better, and I hope that he asks her out.

  Katherine yells to everyone that the food is ready and to come dig in, and we all make our way to the table. I walk over to my mom and take Hunter from her, placing him in his high chair. One of the guys must have brought it out.

  We all gather around the tables. My mom sits next to me, and Maverick sits beside her. I suck in my lips and look at him from the corner of my eye. River is doing the same thing.

  “Maverick,” he says in a deep voice.

  Is it wrong to be excited for her? I want her to experience all the good things life has to offer.

  “Isabella, Bell for short.”

  I hide my grin and feed Hunter a bite of food. Chase is sitting across from me, trying not to look at them. It’s official: we are nosey people. We pretend we are concentrating on our food, but in reality we just want to see what they’re talking about.

  Someone gasps dramatically behind me, and I look around to see Lani holding her stomach. Her pants are drenched. Trey and Vinny run to her. “Baby, what is it?”

  “My water just broke, I think.”

  The guys look down at her pants, and they both pale instantly. “We have to get you to the hospital, but we don’t have your bags or anything,” Trey tells her.

  “We can grab her bags and meet you at the hospital. I volunteer.” Chase has a key to their house.

  Katherine and Ben hurry after them. “Alex, we will clean up and put everything inside the house.”

  “Thank you.” He runs after them.

  Mom, River, and I take the food inside the house and cover it; then we wash all the dishes. The guys are putting away the table and chairs.

  “Mom, so Maverick was nice,” I say.

  She blushes. “He really was. It was nice tal
king to him.”

  “Would you ever consider going out on a date with someone?”

  She stops washing the bowl, thinking. “I think I would. I am just not sure how you do all of that.”

  We finish cleaning in silence. I know she is deep in her thoughts, but her being open to the idea is huge.

  We finish inside and lock up. Chase is holding Hunter and talking to Maverick.

  “Bye, Mom,” River says as she walks to her car, heading home. She will visit Lani tomorrow after she has the baby.

  I know I can’t wait to see her.

  An idea forms in my head as we approach Chase and Maverick. “Oh no, Mom, how will you get home?”

  Maverick steps up. “I can take her home, if you don’t mind riding on the back of my bike?” He grins at Mom.

  She looks at me and then at Chase, who nods. She finally smiles at Maverick. “That’s fine, thank you.”

  He looks surprised for a second. “It’s my pleasure, darlin’.” He puts his hand on her back, leading her to his bike.

  Chase chuckles as I watch them go. “You’re so bad.”

  I shrug. “Just doing my job.”

  He rolls his eyes and shifts Hunter higher on his side. Hunter’s eyes are closed, his head nodding as he falls asleep.

  “You know you love me.” I wink, fluffing my hair up.

  “I do love you, my angel.” He touches my cheek.

  We walk into the waiting room, which is filled with people. The Devils Souls are taking up the whole room. Alex is leaning against the wall beside Ben.

  “She wants you in the room with her.” A guy stands up, holding a baby. I know I have seen him before. At one point or another, I’ve seen almost every member, even though Braelyn is closer to them. I just made food. “I’m Techy, Lani’s brother.”

  “I’m Trey’s brother,” Chase says.

  A man who is an older version of Techy stands up. “I’m Lani’s dad.” Techy takes the hand of a woman who is holding another baby. I know right off the bat that they’re twins.

  “This is my wife, Alisha.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I tell her, smiling

  “Nice to meet you. This is Noah and Vanessa.”

  “This is Hunter.” I touch the back of his head. He is still so tired.

  I hear a commotion. An MC guy is rolling a playpen into the middle of the room. Techy takes Noah and lays him inside; then he takes Vanessa. Both of them are asleep. Techy looks at Chase. “Want to lay him inside? There’s room.” Chase looks at me and I shrug, leaving the decision to him. He lays Hunter down beside Vanessa.

  How stinking cute are all three of them?

  “Thank you.” I tell them.

  Techy waves his arm. “That’s what’s family is for.”

  “I am going to go back and see her,” I tell Chase, and Ben follows me, showing me the way. I push open the door.

  I set all the bags down on a chair. A woman I haven’t met is standing beside Katherine.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask Lani. She looks tired. “I’m almost all the way dilated.”

  Oh wow, it’s moving quickly for her.

  “Do you want me to go?”

  She shakes her head. “I want you to stay with me. I need my bestie.” She smiles at me, and then her face scrunches up as a contraction hits.

  Trey moves to her side, taking her hand. “This is the only time we are doing this, woman,” he threatens.

  Her eyes snap open and she looks at him. “Don’t you woman me, Trey!” she hisses and I try not to laugh, but Vinny full-out laughs at him.

  When you’re in labor, you shouldn’t be held responsible for what you say, because the pain is excruciating. But it’s so worth it once you hold that precious baby in your arms—then nothing else matters.

  Trey just smiles at Lani, not commenting. Good man. Katherine is amused too, but she just clears her throat and puts a cold cloth to Lani’s head.

  Lani has such an amazing support system. I am not sure how I would have made it if it weren’t for Chase being there with me. He made his way into my life and made it clear that I was his, and he showed me that he meant it over and over.

  “I really need to push,” she gasps and Vinny runs out of the room to get the doctor. Minutes later the doctor runs in and examines her. “You’re fully dilated. On the next contraction, I want you to push.”

  She nods and we all hold our breath, waiting. This is a magical moment. It’s hell but it’s the best kind of hell. I am honored I get to witness this and be a part of it.

  Katherine steps back and holds my hand as Lani’s guys move closer to her. Her mom walks over and joins us.

  Lani leans forward and grips her legs, and Vinny holds onto her back to give her support. My stomach twists in anticipation.

  She screams, pain written all over her face. I can see the anguish on Trey’s face at seeing her in pain like this. Vinny isn’t any better. “You’re doing so amazing, baby,” he whispers and kisses her forehead.

  An hour later, she pushes one last time, and the doctor puts the baby on her chest. Lani starts crying, overwhelmed.

  Katherine and I hug. My niece and her granddaughter. I can’t see Trey’s face, but Vinny’s eyes are filled with tears. He touches the baby’s hand as the nurses rub her body.

  The nurses take the baby, and Trey follows immediately. Vinny stays with Lani. “I am going to tell everyone,” I whisper to Katherine and to Lani’s mom. They both nod and scoot closer to look at the baby.

  I gently shut the door and grin as everyone in the waiting room scoots to the edge of their seat. Hunter is sitting up in the playpen, playing with Noah and Vanessa.

  “She is here!”

  Everyone cheers. “I will let you guys know more details soon,” I tell them and Chase’s face is soft. I know that he is thinking about our baby. “Soon,” I mouth to him and he winks.

  My poor heart, this man.

  We get home around nine o’clock. I am exhausted and I know for sure Hunter is. There’s a motorcycle in front of the house, and I look at Chase. “Uh.” I point to the bike and he laughs.

  We walk inside and see Mom and Maverick watching a movie in the living room, eating popcorn.

  “Hi, how is Lani?” Mom asks, as if she sits around with this man every single day. She must feel comfortable around him.

  That makes me happy.

  “Sariah is doing great and Lani is doing amazing. She was trying to get some sleep when we left.”

  “Good, I am so happy that everything went okay.”

  Chase and I stare at both of them. Why does it feel like we are her parents right now? Maverick is smiling at us.

  I scratch my arm. Uhh…awkward. “Well, goodnight guys. I am going to bathe Hunter and put him to bed.”

  “Goodnight, honey,” Mom says.

  Chase and I walk up the stairs, glancing at them, and I laugh at how ridiculous we are being.

  While I start the bathwater, Chase picks out some pajamas. I sneak out of the room and try to peek over the railing.

  “What are you doing?”

  I jump and look at my mother, who has her throw blanket under her arm. “I…uhh…have to go bathe Hunter.” I take off and duck into his room, shutting the door.

  Chase is lying on the floor laughing, holding his stomach. “Oh my god, you just killed me, angel.” Hunter is on the floor beside him. Now I’m even more embarrassed about Mom catching me spying.

  “It’s not funny!” I hiss at him. I am mortified.

  He laughs even harder and I pick up Hunter. “Come on, sweetheart, your dad has lost his mind. Just wait, Chase, until we have a girl and she brings a guy over.”

  He stops laughing instantly. “Don’t say that.”

  “Oh yeah, you bet I am going to bring up this moment.” I wag my finger at him and he glares. I do hope that I am having a little girl. I want to see Chase squirm when she gets older.

  “My baby girl will be an independent woman, she won’t need or want a man,
” Chase throws out there, and I can’t help but laugh. “Honey, I hope you didn’t just jinx yourself.”

  His eyes widen. “Quit fucking with me.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. I set Hunter in his bath and sit on the edge of the tub. I purse my lips for Chase. “Come on, give me some sugar.”

  He huffs but comes over anyway and gives me a kiss.

  “Love you, baby.” I smile all sweetly.

  He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, love you too.”

  We bathe Hunter and lotion him up, and we put him in a fresh diaper and a warm onesie. We lay him in bed with his bottle and turn on the nightlight that clips to the side of the crib.

  He is getting so big, he will go to sleep by himself now. I still sometimes rock him to sleep when it’s nap time because I just want my cuddles.

  The second we close his door, Chase throws me over his shoulder and carries me to our room. I can’t resist rubbing his booty. He turns on the shower and sets me inside, right under the cold water.

  I shriek and step out, only for him to only push me back inside. I glare at him as I turn the hot water on. “No sex for you.” I take off my now-wet clothes and turn my back to him, letting the water flow down my body, teasing him.

  I can hear his sharp intake of breath as I drag my hands down my body. I wash my hair slowly and moan as I scratch my head.


  I hear movement as he takes his clothes off in a hurry. I feel his hands moving down my sides and resting on my hips. “You fucking slay me.” He pushes my hair to the side and kisses my neck.

  I don’t make a peep or a move; I just wash my body, completely ignoring him, and I know it’s going to make him completely crazy.

  One second I am rinsing off, and the next he is on his knees in front of me. My back hits the wall, and he lifts one leg, throwing it over his shoulder.

  I catch his shit-eating grin as he ducks his head, and I suck in a sharp breath as his tongue moves oh so slowly over my clit.

  “God, I love this pussy,” he moans and goes back to slowly licking, sucking, and driving me absolutely crazy. I dig my fingers into his hair and shiver, my legs tightening, making it harder for me to stand.


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