The Booty Guard: A BBW Mountain Man Romance (Babes of Biggal Mountain Book 5)

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The Booty Guard: A BBW Mountain Man Romance (Babes of Biggal Mountain Book 5) Page 14

by Elaria Ride

  “Get the fuck out,” Luke snarls, his chest pressed right up against Colt’s. “Or so help me God, I will throw you off the fucking roof!”



  No one likes the exes of their romantic partners.

  But I really fucking hate this guy.

  I grab Colt by the shoulders and march him towards the door, my mind working so fast I don’t even realize I need to question him about the threat.

  Luckily, someone else is on his game. “The baby cop outside the door can keep watch,” says Rod, covering the phone speaker with his hand.

  I almost snigger at his usage of baby cop — but fuck, that’s accurate.

  “Poor kid was pretty useless with keeping this pendejo from punching in the door code,” Rod adds, rolling his eyes, “but he’ll keep him occupied until Schmidt shows.”

  I give him a gruff “thanks” before pushing Colt through the door. A younger recruit stands just feet away, pretending very hard to be minding his own business.

  “Oi!” I call, grabbing his attention. “Your only job now is to wait with this jagweed until backup gets here. Capisce?”

  The kid gives me a fervent nod and reaches for his taser gun. I know he’s only doing it as a precaution, but Colt stiffens at the sight of it. Good. He’s probably worried about soiling those pretty jeans of his.

  When another member of PMS darts up the hallway a second later, I feel confident enough leaving this asshole to his own devices. Rod is off the phone when I return to the kitchen. Mariah is nowhere in sight.

  “Hey, thanks for your help,” I say, clapping Rod on the shoulder. “That guy…” I trail off, shaking my head. “What d'you call him? Pendejo?”

  Rod chuckles, gesturing to the envelope with his chin. “Yeah. And if I’d known he’d get inside, we would’ve tased him on sight. Jackass is pretty quick. He slipped up without us even noticing, and by the time we did notice, he was already all over the touchpad. That goddamn door just swings on open when it’s unlocked, too.”

  I wave him off. “Nah, this isn’t your fault. This whole case is…” I toss my hand in the air. For the first time, I vocalize something that’s been bubbling beneath the surface since that damn pig’s head showed up in her dressing room. “There’s something off here, you know? I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s like everything is just conveniently terrible.”

  Rod mulls this over. “I see what you mean. It’s like the stars have aligned to make us look as incompetent as possible.”

  “Yeah.” My eyes zero in on the envelope. “You’re not kidding.”

  “Oh, and speaking of,” Rod mutters darkly. He gives me an appraising look before he takes two steps and closes the door.

  Then turns to me with a sigh. “All right, Carter… I gotta be real. I don’t give two shits that you came from Mariah’s room wearing wrinkled clothes from yesterday, but that’s something Earl — and Russ — would freak the fuck out over.”

  A silence falls between us as ice fills my veins. Fuck. I knew bolting out of her room was a terrible idea.

  “The… I was taking a shower,” I lie, pointing to the half-assed alibi of my wet hair. “That’s why I was in there. The shower in the other room is broken!”

  Rod pauses thoughtfully, crossing his arms over this chest. “Sure thing, Jefe. So if I went into your room and checked the sheets right this second, they’d be slept in. And if I checked the shower, it would be broken. Right?”

  There’s another beat.

  Rod arches an eyebrow and moves towards the guest room. He makes it about two steps before I groan, stopping him.

  “All right,” I admit, running a hand down my face. “Fine. You got me. Just… it won’t happen again. It was a one-time thing, and—”

  Rod turns around to face me, rolling his eyes. “Like I said,” he repeats firmly, “I don’t give a shit what two consenting adults do in their free time. We’ve got surveillance covered, so I don’t see any need to mention this. To anyone. Cool?”

  I nod, my heart still hammering in my chest. Fuck, that was close…

  “Oh, and Carter?” Rod calls, as I turn into my actual room to change clothes.


  “Please don’t treat me like a fucking idiot,” he adds, idly scrolling through his phone. “An untrained monkey could see the way you look at her. Lying will get you nowhere — especially with a cop.”

  My head’s still spinning three hours later.

  We’re sitting in the black SUV, making the familiar trek to Matthews Mountain. It’s Aunt Grace’s birthday, so we’re heading up to celebrate — but even if we weren’t, I gather we’d need a break from her apartment right about now. We still have no idea how Colt knew the padlock code. The slimy motherfucker wiggled out of an obstruction charge, too, by claiming he’d “been a lucky guesser.” I don’t believe a word of that. It’s a 10-digit code, and he jabbed each number in too fast for even Rod to stop him.

  Whatever. My jaw sets in a firm line just thinking about it. I really fucking hate that guy. Mariah’s hand comes to caress mine, ripping me from my thoughts.

  “Earth to Luke,” she says, her voice soft. “What are you so worried about? I’m the one getting the threats.”

  I give a dark chuckle, my eyes still focused on the road.

  “Honestly,” I admit with a wince, “it’s been a long time since I thought of us as separate people.” I clear my throat, unsure of how to interpret her silence. “Is that weird?”

  She releases a relieved little laugh. “No,” she says a moment later. “I just... I felt the same way. Like we’re, you know. Together.” Her voice drops to a whisper on the last word, like she’s said something scandalous.

  Fuck, she’s adorable. I shake my head. “Well,” I start with a sigh, “I’ve never had an actual girlfriend. Never cared to. Never tried.”

  “I figured.” Mariah’s voice is small, her cheeks pink. “Your uh, lady friends don’t seem the types to stick around. I wish I could say the same about my history, but—“

  I laugh, cutting her off. “No. I don’t care about any of that.” I turn the wheel down the gravel road. “As I mentioned, I’m also not exactly... inexperienced. So it doesn’t bother me that you’ve had some fun. I don’t really even care if you felt like you needed to. I know this industry is pretty fucked-up, and it’s hard for curvy women to—“

  “—I’m not sure what you’re implying,” she snaps, turning away. “But if you’re asking me about the USB drive, I’d appreciate you not beating around the bush.”

  I grip the wheel harder as my mind returns to this morning. Questioning Colt down at the station got us absolutely nowhere. He’d maintained his story, too. There hadn’t been enough evidence to hold him, not that I think he’s bright enough to pull this off, anyway. The envelope hadn’t even contained a threat this time. Just a USB drive, allegedly loaded up with some type of photo evidence. The whole thing will need to be processed before I see any of it.

  In the meantime, though, I’ve upset her. Which wasn’t what I wanted to do.

  “Mariah… I don’t care either way,” I say honestly, my eyes returning to the road. “That’s the point I was trying to make: it doesn’t matter. You were probably single when it happened, and—”

  She huffs. “Me being single has nothing to do with it, Luke, because what you might find on there only hurt me. Just… let’s change the subject. Ok?” Mariah flushes again and stares at her hands.

  I heave a frustrated sigh. “I’m sorry — this isn’t how I wanted this to go at all. I didn’t even mean to bring it up. All I was trying to do was preface officially asking you out by explaining that I’m probably shit at it because I’ve never done it before.”

  There’s a beat.

  “Yeah?” she asks weakly, a moment later.

  I’m surprised to see that her eyes are glassy with unshed tears.

  “Yeah.” I reach for her hand and press a kiss to her knuckles. I clear my throat. “So. Mar
iah Matthews. Will you be my secret girlfriend?” I grimace, my eyes returning to the road. “Because as much as I’d love to show you off, I’m pretty sure that dating someone you’re sworn to protect is right up there on the list of Worst Ideas Ever. Right after canned cheeseburgers.”

  “And lawn darts,” she agrees, her voice breathless.

  “That doesn’t sound like an answer,” I taunt in a singsong voice. For some reason, I’m desperate for her to be officially mine... even though we both know how insane this sounds.

  “Yes,” she says a second later. Her voice shakes, just a little. “I will be your secret girlfriend, Luke Carter.”

  It’s a good thing she reaches for another cord thingie in her purse and plugs in her phone, because I’m probably grinning too widely to form words.



  When we arrive at Matthews Mountain again, there’s an imperceptible shift in the cool night air. I hoist our bags over my shoulders as we head inside, and it’s like the lights beckon me in. Like everything seems less intimidating.

  Then I remember she has four brothers.

  My confidence in being welcome fades pretty quickly when I see them gathered in the living room with their respective partners. I gulp and cast a sidelong glance at Mariah. Would I still be accepted here if they knew what we’d just agreed to — and while I’m on the clock, no less?

  Her brothers call over when they see us come through the door. Each offers me a jovial pat on the back as if nothing is amiss, but I don’t miss the weird look in Mark’s eye. Maybe I’m paranoid, but it feels like he just knows, somehow.

  It takes until after dinner for him to confirm my suspicions.

  “Hey,” Mark starts, striding up to help me with the dishes.

  I cock my head. “Hey.”

  He sighs, lifting a plate into the dishwasher. “Look, man, this is weird, but for some reason, I need to know.” He clears his throat, glancing over my left shoulder. “Are you and my sister…?” Mark trails off with a vague hand gesture, his face pulled in disgust.

  I suck in a breath that freezes on its way down my lungs. I don’t know what tipped him off, but suddenly, I’m defensive. My first instinct is to deny it — to pretend he’s full of shit. But then I really stare into Mark’s face. He doesn’t look… angry, at least. I opt for a different tactic.

  “Listen,” I allow, stealing a furtive glance around the room. Fortunately, everyone’s making too much noise to overhear us. “This wasn’t — I don’t want you to think I planned this. That we planned this. It’s… it’s not like I tried to—”

  Mark raises a hand. “Please. Spare me. I don’t need the details.” He turns away and grabs another plate. “I just kinda took a wild guess based on how she was staring at you. I hate it when I’m right, you know?”

  I give him a vacant nod. Yeah, I hate that, too.

  “Part of me wishes you hadn’t confirmed it,” he adds, reaching for the dish soap. “But between us telling you to be friendlier and the fact that you’ve always had the weird, flirty banter thing with her, I guess I’m not surprised. Anyway.”

  He squints at an overhead light and clears his throat. I lean back on my palms. This is gonna be good.

  “Without going into any detail,” he starts carefully, “I feel the need to ensure that you’re, um, being careful. Because I don’t know if you knew this, but I have firsthand proof that newborns ruin things like peace and quiet. And music tours.”

  I awkwardly shift in place, unsure of exactly how much he wants to know. “She’s… um. Handling that?”

  “Great!” Mark announces, with an enthusiastic clap on the shoulder. “This conversation never happened. Cool?”

  I smirk back. Cool.

  A couple of hours after dinner, Sabrina emerges from the kitchen balancing a cake with 80 candles. Everyone smiles and applauds for Aunt Grace as we gather around the table.

  I watch them from my corner with a soft smile. I know it’s not appropriate to pretend I’m part of their family… but damn, it’s getting harder to pretend I don’t want to be.

  Grace pulls me from my thoughts. “Get over here, Agent Carter!” she calls, beckoning me over. “It’s not every day I turn 80… and I’d like some eye candy while I do!” She finishes with an exaggerated wink. I chuckle as the Matthews siblings pretend to gag. Grace is a character, that’s for sure.

  I stride over and salute the family matriarch before settling into a seat beside Mariah. In all of my focus on the job, I don’t think twice about why that seat is empty… but I figure it out pretty soon. Granted, it doesn’t help that Mariah’s slightly drunk. The alcohol flows the second they walk in the door at this place. So maybe that has something to do with her hand inching along my thigh, even as she casually chats with Aunt Grace.

  Within seconds, I’m putty in her hands. Literally. I clear my throat, adjusting my posture, even as Mariah’s hand dances higher and higher towards my straining cock.


  I’m keenly aware of the fact that her brothers are around us, even if this is something she’s failed to notice. They’d definitely realize if I let out a moan… and, honestly, I just might. After the events of the day, I’m reaching my limit fast.

  “I’m going to bed,” I abruptly announce, probably louder than I need to. A dozen heads turn to me, each wearing a different expression. Luckily, Mark’s the only one with a knowing smirk.

  Mariah, for her part, just beams at me with an innocent smile. “I need to accompany you, I s'pose. As your client.”

  There’s a murmur from around the table, but I ignore it. We act the picture of innocence as we rise from the table and provide everyone with a jovial good-night wave. As we head to the wood-paneled hallway leading to her room, I take extra care to rest my hand on the swell of her ass, right above her dress. With any luck, I’ll be seeing beneath that dress, sooner rather than later… even if we’ll need to be very, very quiet.

  “Are there cameras in your room?” I mutter conversationally as we open the door, locking it behind us.

  She smirks. “Do you want to find out?”

  I consider this. “Not much, no.”

  Mariah just heaves a theatrical sigh and saunters to her room. “That’s a pity. I’d love to critique your form.”

  I snort and follow her inside, casting a suspicious look around. I can’t imagine her being careless about this if there actually were someone watching.

  “Is that what you were doing this morning?” I quip as she turns on the light. “Critiquing my form?”

  But the look on Mariah’s face makes me shut my trap in an instant.

  “I want you to feel what you do to me,” she purrs, licking her lips.

  Oh. I swallow, not sure what she means, but in the next instant, she’s pushing my shoulders with the tips of her fingers until my knees hit the bed behind us. When she shucks her dress over her head, I start to understand, mostly because —

  “Where are your panties?” I rasp, as inch by inch of her skin is exposed. A black lace bra (my personal favorite) gives a lovely contrast to her creamy skin… but for once, she’s not wearing a matching set. Instead of answering, Mariah takes a clumsy step forward to unbutton my jeans.

  “I... have you been without panties this whole time?” I manage, even as her little fingers unzip me and remove my embarrassingly fast erection from my jeans. The thought makes my head spin... imagining her next to me in the car. Chatting with her family. Eating dinner. Drinking. All while she’s throbbing away. For me.

  With another wink, Mariah straddles me, one leg on each side. My shaking hand reaches up to unsnap her bra. We’ve had sex a few times, but part of me still can’t believe it. Part of me is just a horny teenager who feels like he’s hit the jackpot. A groan rips from my lips as her breasts come tumbling out... just as bouncy and perfect as I remember.

  “You get me so fucking wet,” she whispers with a wink, leaning down to my ear... but it’s not until I feel the soft pressure
of her pussy against my cock that I understand what she’s trying to do.

  “I needed to show you,” Mariah breathes, easing herself even closer. She reaches down and grabs my throbbing cock, holding me in place… then, in an instant, she finds a rhythm, pressing my hard ridge against her sopping center.

  “Luke,” she moans, her eyes growing unfocused.

  My jaw sets as my hands come up to grip her hips with an almost bruising pressure. I’ve never let a woman take control like this... never. Then again, reasons a voice in my head, maybe you’ve always been waiting to do it with her.

  I’m transfixed as she rubs herself against me, unable to look away. Hands down, this is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. Mariah Matthews is rising and lowering the full, wet lips of her pussy against my cock, her breath coming in heaving gasps. She’s sliding herself up and over, again and again, occasionally pressing me inside… but never allowing me the full satisfaction of her tight walls. I grit my teeth, immediately caught between pain and pleasure as she shows me.

  Fortunately, I’m not alone.

  Based on the way she’s panting, I can tell she’s already close. Mariah snaps open her eyes a second later and stares at me, her chest flushed with arousal. She hasn’t said a word, but I know what she needs.

  “That’s right, Princess,” I command, meeting her gaze. “Use my cock.”

  Then she freezes, her mouth half-open, her eyes unfocused, and lets out the most glorious, inflaming moan as the orgasm washes over her.

  “Fuck,” I growl, feeling her pulse against me. But it’s too much... it’s all too much.

  I’m going to come.

  She’s made me come, whether I like it or not.

  I’m scarcely aware of what I do next. All I know is that I need to feel her before I explode. With a moan, I lift her hips and sink her whole body down on my cock. I feel my head lolling back as the sides of her pussy grip me like hot velvet. A strangled cry of her name falls from my lips… because fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming so fucking hard. Releasing deep inside her, my cock twitching with a peak so intense it’s almost painful. And there’s Mariah, riding me through it… gently coaxing me, even as I fill her up.


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