Dual Sword God Box Set

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Dual Sword God Box Set Page 12

by Shadows Finger

  It was a scene of utter chaos and destruction in its purest form. The trees snapped as boulders broke to pieces, the disturbed lake water flowed into deep craters and crevices formed by the myriads of collisions. If one looked closely though, there were a few figures standing on top of distant trees observing an area of what used to belong to a beautiful lake.


  As collisions echoed, a squad of gigantic water dragons surrounded the figure of a man each 'showering' highly concentrated shots of water pillars towards the tiny being daring to confront them head-on. Strangely though, the man seemed to have no fear as he charged straight through the water shots. With a flash of his body, a scarlet-golden remnant shade lingered at each place his form passed, followed by the collapse of any water dragon within his path leaving behind craters formed by their previous water shots.

  Feng Yu and Fu Ling have been battling for well over half a stick of incense of time. Standing on top of her Three-Headed Water Dragon, Fu Ling frowned as she glanced towards the half-burnt incense stick in her aunt's hand.

  "To think he would be capable of breaking my 8 Tier water dragons like they were nothing. Even with all of my essence energy, it will be bad if this situation keeps up. It seems that I will have to use that Technique to gain the edge once more," She complained as she bit her lips and motioned her fingers towards Feng Yu.

  Noticing her sudden action, Feng Yu smiled, while maintaining a curious glance, "Hmm... finally giving up her current technique. I wonder what kind of charm she will use this time."

  Soon the characters (水土) were drawn, and instantly the energies of heaven and earth went into turmoil once again. Clusters of earthen and water essence gathered around the seals as both charm crystals superimposed replacing the written characters.

  "Shuǐtǔ Charm: Mud Dragon Come Forth!" With a loud shout, Fu Ling pushed a large quantity of her essence energy into the charm-crystal which then instantly reacted, blanketing the area with an earthen light.

  Swiiiiiiii! Rumble!

  The sound of the earth trembling could be heard even in the vast distance, as clusters upon clusters of rocks folded together along with large quantities of water. Soon, the form of a dragon became visible, with a muddy texture and tough looking scales that seemed to be made of uncrushed rocks. It looked towards Feng Yu instantly releasing an oppressive aura as it roared to demonstrate its prestige.


  The energy from its roar sent the powers in the area into disorder, as if viewing the Mud Dragon's prestige with disdain, the bloodline within Feng Yu's body instantly acted, dispersing the oppressive aura with its own.

  Following the loud cry of a phoenix, the power of sacred fire gathered within the surroundings instantly turning up the heat evaporating most of the water essences in the area. The Mud Dragon that was made up of half water half earth soon retracted its roar gazing onto Feng Yu with a more serious and fearful look.

  While feeling a bit surprised, Feng Yu smiled and looked at Fu Ling who was getting short of breath. "Miss Fu! While your Mud Dragon is quite a powerful being at the peak of 8th Tier, it appears that it will not be enough to beat me due to your loss of essence energy."

  Not feeling wholly convinced, Fu Ling retorted, "We'll see about that! Mud Dragon Attack!" She motioned her finger as she sent the attack command using up more of her essence power.


  The Mud Dragon roared as it charged towards Feng Yu in an indomitable fashion. Breaking through the earth as it agilely traversed the distance, Feng Yu saw the charging dragon. A stern look appeared on Feng Yu's formerly calm face.

  "While she may be running out of essence energy, my bloodline prestige will not be lasting any longer than the remaining time… I need to end this fight quickly." He pondered as he revolved the once more transforming into a streak of scarlet-golden lightning.


  As the thunderous roar echoed, Feng Yu instantly appeared in front of the Mud Dragon with his right palm stretched out as blazing scarlet-golden flames dancing flowed around it.

  "Blazing Mantis Palm Arts: Third Stance - Blazing Palm Wave!" With a loud shout, he pushed his essence energy to the max as he aimed to eliminate the dragon in one strike. A blast of sacred-fire essence shot from his palm instantly enclosing the Mud Dragon's form along with its surroundings.

  Seeing the situation, Fu Ling smiled as she motioned her fingers once more, "It's not that easy, Mud Dragon Assault: Earthen Wave!"

  A bright light shone within the Mud Dragons eyes as it opened its jaws wide collecting all the power formed from its summoning and breathed out a massive wave of earth water essence energy. The two forces collided creating an enormous explosion that blanketed the entire lake region.



  While coughing a mouthful of blood, Feng Yu's body was instantly tossed backward due to the force of the explosion. However, with a twirl of his body, he spun around to position himself as he launched his , flickering and appearing on top of a distant tree within the region. He crouched forward while tightly gripping the tree branch to keep his figure together as his body was currently covered with a few severe wounds.

  After a few moments, the smoke within the region began to clear and the central lake, or rather, the place of their battle, soon became clear to view once more. Spanning more than 200 meters was a massive crater that had a depth of 20 feet. All previous surrounding trees and life forms were now non-existent, as a dark and oppressive atmosphere filled the area.

  Carefully observing the aftereffects of the battle, Aunty Shuan felt surprised, "To think that this child could battle Ling'er to this extent. Such a powerful bloodline! How could power such as this be from that place? Could he possibly be fro--?" While lost in her thought, she was suddenly interrupted as her vision fell onto that of Fu Ling's form.


  Instantly, she vanished from her position and appeared in front of Fu Ling who was collapsed on the floor exhausted from overuse of essence energy. As she reached out to pick her up, her hand was held by Fu Ling who slowly lifted herself back up as she stared at Feng Yu far away on the distant tree.

  A steady light gleamed in her tired eyes "Daoist Feng! Our battle is just beginning; let us consider this bought as a draw. Next time, we will... we will conclude, our... b…a...t...t...l...e...!" As she finished her statement, she fainted, finally losing all forms of consciousness.


  Gently lifting Fu Ling and placing her on top of her shoulders, Aunty Shuan looked at Feng Yu with an interested expression.

  "Very Good young man. You are the first to have battled my family's young mistress to this state. I hope you will live up to her expectations and not die an early death. Here! Keep this token with you it is the emblem of our clan. If someday, you happen to see someone from our clan, it will aid you." She said as she turned around to leave with the females.

  "Feng Yu thanks madam for her graciousness!" Feng Yu said as he cupped his hands politely while bearing his injuries. He then slowly made his way into the distance, away from the battlefield. However, as he was leaving, a voice soon reached his ears directly traveling to the depths of his mind.

  "There will be a talent meet four years from now held at the center of the great Golden Dragon Empire. If you wish to conclude the battle between you and sister Ling'er, strive your best as she is guaranteed to be there with an entirely different league of strength. Hehe, later then Boy!"

  Feng Yu Looked behind him, there was no one in sight as everyone had long since vanished. Feng Yu looked towards the sky and pondered.

  "I would have lost completely if she had a bit more essence energy. It seemed that she was only capable of using a small amount of those charms prestige due to the severe lack of energy. Today's battle was a valuable lesson against those who have mastered pure weapon arts. Now, I will dedicate my remaining time in Tydol Mountain Range to grasping the founda
tion of the sword and increasing my cultivation," Feng Yu gripped his fist firmly as he looked into the distance.

  "We will meet again Miss Fu..." With his whisper trailing off with the wind; he flashed and vanished leaving a remnant shade that faded along with daytime transitioning to the afternoon.

  Chapter 20


  The Way of the Sword

  The morning sun rose once again, bringing with it a warm light that brightly shone upon the earth marking the beginning of a new day. Suddenly, a wisp of scarlet-golden colored light from an obscure area seeped through the sparse mountain ranges flowing throughout the morning mist.

  A young man was seated in a crossed-legged position at its origin. He had a muscular physique built on top of a slender form, and, due to his tall and straight body, he gave off an aura full of heroic spirit.


  After exhaling a mouthful of Essence energy, Feng Yu's aura soon retracted, making his whole body very comfortable.

  "Whew, I'm finally at the peak of 7 Tier Body Training realm. To think it would have taken me less than a week of training with the gathering array. Now, let's take a quick look" While smiling satisfied, Feng Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead. He then began to inspect his body by sending a wisp of his consciousness within his inner body's core. Inside his body, his bones were utterly transparent as if transformed into the purest crystals with bright golden streaks, and his internal organs were more than half suffused with a golden hue.

  "Perfected Bone Refinement and almost Half Perfected Organ Strengthening. The 'Nirvana Flame Cultivation Technique' truly is one of a kind to make my organs comparable to that of a peak 8 Tier while at the peak of 7 Tier. Ha! If I were to fight you again Fu Ling, I wonder if you would be able to force me to inspire my bloodline. Hmm, I shouldn't be too arrogant. It would be hell if she were to manage a fusion with three of those strange seals," While thinking about his previous encounter, Feng Yu quickly cleared his strayed thoughts and took out 'Black Lightning' from his storage ring.

  "Partner! It looks like I may have the means to repair you after all." Feng Yu smiled as he recalled all of the information, he had browsed through during his cultivation session for the past week. Within his sea of consciousness, an old manual hovered. It glowed with a sharp aura that seemed to permeate his entire being slowly changing his nature to that of a sword.

  If one looked at the side of his aura pulse, they would notice a very small sword. It was transparent in color and roughly the size of about 1.5 inches. Streams of sword qi flowed from the manual towards this translucent sword and there will be a small improvement regarding the size and color of the sword.

  "My Sword Seed is growing slowly just from the Aura of this Ancient Sword Manual, but the quickest way to make it mature is to practice and comprehend the Way of the Sword. The Manual states that to become a master of the sword, one must first understand the sword. One must know more than just the techniques and become capable of wielding the sword as if it was an extension of oneself. This state is known as 'Man and Sword Becomes One.' In that state, one would be considered to have taken the primary path of a sword cultivator. The further one progresses, the taller their sword seed will grow and a sword seed with the height of 10 inches could only be achieved by those who have achieved 'One with Sword.'" Feng Yu pondered as he looked at looked at the situation within his inner consciousness.

  "If I want to repair 'Black Lightning,' then I have two methods. One is forging, which would require comprehensive knowledge of blacksmithing skills. The other would be to assimilate with the sword, making it my Primary Life Weapon. Hmm, fine then. Based on the techniques of the Manual, I can make two swords as my Life Weapons. Since it is so, I may as well make you my first life weapon. Even if your materials aren't the best, I can always find better metals to help you upgrade at a later time." After thinking carefully for a bit, Feng Yu finally made his decision. He bit his finger and dropped a bit of blood on the sword, following which, he drew a few seals with his lightning essence channeling his power towards his sword.


  Crackle! Crackle!

  Suddenly, the pieces of black lightning started to hover in the air as sparks of lightning began to dance on top of their surface.

  Swish! Swish! Swish!

  After a couple of seconds, all of the pieces soon transformed into a beam of light and flew into Feng Yu's sea of consciousness resting themselves below the sword seed that was slowly growing. The pieces then began to connect themselves as a small stream of sword qi flowed from the seed towards the sword resting below it.

  "Now time to start practicing these set of sword forms," After seeing the situation of his sword, Feng Yu felt satisfied. He began to review the stances of the manual.

  "The Sword can be divided into three main stances: Attack Stance, Défense Stance, and Control Stance. These can further be broken down into simple styles such as Sword Unsheathe, Sword Advance, Sword Slash, Sword Plunge, Sword Deflect, Sword Guard, Sword Shed, Sword Fade, Sword False Edge and many more. Attack Stance pursues extreme offensive power with speed. Défense Stance pursues the act of parrying with balance, and, finally, the Control Stance pursues the epitome of elusive movement with unpredictable techniques. A true swordsman doesn't pursue one aspect but aims at balancing all three stances. Ha! So exciting to try new things. Let’s begin…" With that said Feng Yu looked around the environment for a bit and soon found a flat wooden stick at the corner of some shrubbery beside a tall tree.

  After quickly walking over and picking it up, he instantly assumed the basic attack stance for the sword, holding the flat wooden stick as a sword at his waist side while imagining it inside of a sheath.

  With his eyes closed, he began to sense and visualize the movement of the sword, unsheathing technique, carefully analyzing the amount of sword force that was gathered and unleashed. Suddenly, he moved…


  With a flash of light, the flat piece of wood transformed into a blur as it flashed across the base of the towering tree that required at least 3 to 4 men to wrap their arms around. Shortly afterward, the blur of the piece of wood reappeared back at Feng Yu’s waist side as if it was slowly sheathing itself.


  The towering tree that stood in the field soon fell to the floor, causing the earth to vibrate for a short period as the dust scattered through the misty air.

  Opening his eyes, Feng Yu looked at the massive stump in front of him that looked as if something with uneven edges had sliced it. He said, "Hmm, for a piece of wood it's not bad, but it seems I won't be able to fully grasp the essence of the techniques without a real sword, I'll wait a bit for my sword to repair itself before I continue practicing once more."

  Upon finishing his statement, Feng Yu quickly got back into a crossed-legged posture and focused his consciousness into his mind.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Another two weeks soon passed by in the blink of an eye, and the time remaining for the selections was now less than two weeks.

  Shing! Shing! Shing!


  Suddenly, three illusive beams of light flowed out in an arc throughout the mountain range. Following which, a succession of trees was soon felled in their wakes. Each of these tree stumps was cut in a fashion that one could only see created by the finest and sharpest of metals, leaving a clean, smooth surface.


  A figure appeared on top of a fallen tree, his red hair dancing in the wind along with his clothing. It was holding a black sword in his right hand that gave off an ominous glint. In front of him was a field of dense fallen trees, broken boulders, and scared hills.

  “Black Lightning is as sharp as ever. I even feel that it has exceeded its past sharpness. The Manual holds right, as it seems that only by infusing my insight into these foundational arts, could one genuinely master the basics of swo
rdsmanship. My Blurry Mantis Palms has now transformed into the Blurry Mantis Sword followed by my Blazing Sword Wave. Now, I only need to create a technique that can embody my Lightning Flash Steps movement skill as its essence. I believe that once I've managed to achieve that, I may be able to break through to the realm of 'One with Sword.” Thinking about his recent progress with the sword, Feng Yu felt proud as his current sword seed has now grown to a height of 8.9 inches with his cultivation at the initial stages of 8 Tier.

  "It's time I leave this place and head back home." Feng Yu said as he looked around reluctantly. After this period, he had begun to feel a sense of belonging to the mountain range.

  Soon, however, his vision turned sharp as his gaze fixed towards a particular location within the mountain range.

  "However, some matters need to be settled beforehand." He thought as a dense amount of killing intent radiated the area, and a sharp energy slowly gathered within the field.


  He vanished in a flash of light traversing 150 meters in an instant. Strangely enough, there was no sound of thunder after his use of the technique which was a sign of those who have reached the True Success Stage of the .

  Soon his form appeared in the distance as he made his way to the final confrontation of his training journey.

  Chapter 21


  The Battle Between Man and Beast 1

  The world was now covered in an ominous looking hue of pure dark red, and the atmosphere began to change as if warning the world of something nefarious. From an obvious glance one could see that the end of twilight, drew near…


  With a loud whistle tearing through the air, an arrow soared across the sky instantly traversing the distance of 800 meters from a faraway tree. It penetrated deeply into a large rock causing a massive explosion destroying not only the 10-meter boulder but all rocks and trees within the area of 15 meters around.


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