Slumber of the Fae

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Slumber of the Fae Page 4

by J. D Reo

  I currently have my ass snuggled into Ogden’s leather couch while I watch Netflix and eat chocolate cereal like a bum, waiting for him to come back.

  Today I head home. Well not really home, I don’t have one of those, not anymore. But today I’ll ask Shepard to take me back to my stuff. I’ll figure shit out and get out of their hair.

  When my bowl is empty, I pause my show and head to the kitchen. I give my bowl and spoon a quick rinse and I’m loading them into the dish washer when the front door opens.

  “Hey man, Shep is on his way here and he’s on a fucking war path.” A strange voice calls into the apartment and I spin towards the door.

  The man that comes around the corner has porcelain skin, he’s tall with pitch black cropped hair. It's shaved close to the sides but longer on top, his skin is dripping with tattoos from his ears down in every area it shows.

  It’s his eyes that snare mine though, their ice blue and absolutely striking. The kind that sucks you in and beg you to get lost in them.

  “Well hello to you gorgeous.” His smile is all charm and playboy.

  “You must be Sam; now I see what Ogden has been going on about.” He says as he steps closer his eyes scouring every inch of my body like a caress.

  “He’s not here right now, but I will tell him you stopped by.” I square my shoulders and run my eyes over him again, unwilling to be his prey.

  “That is, I could, if I knew your name.” I tell him.

  “I’m Callum, but he knows me, no worries baby girl.” He says with a dirty smirk painting his face.

  “Okay, what’s this about Shepard being on a war path? I was hoping to talk to him today, but I don’t want to get in his way if he is in the middle of something.”

  I move passed Callum careful not to touch him because I have a weakness for tattoos and cockiness that has proven to be more trouble than it’s worth. I head back to the sofa and start to fold up the blanket I had been using as a distraction.

  “Well, I guess since you’re sort of involved it won’t hurt to let you in on it a little bit.” Callum says, he runs his hand over the countertop of the kitchen, and I can’t help but follow the movements with my eyes as he makes his way to the barstool at the breakfast bar.

  It’s too easy to picture those tattooed fingers running over skin the way they run over the wood surface. So easy to picture them biting into curves in the heat of the moment.

  “He had to head back to the Saint building after your little hero act. But when he got there the building was empty. They up and moved everything, other prisoners included. Which means thanks to you Shepard missed his chance to save her.” He clicks his tongue like I’m a bad girl.

  “Save who? I never once saw another fae there, never even heard any one mention them until they were bringing in Shepard.” I search my brain for any memory where they mention having anyone else but come up blank.

  “I wouldn’t have left anyone else in my situation if I even thought for a second anyone else was being forced there. But I swear there wasn’t anyone else there.” I tell him desperately.

  “Well, I’m not mad at you baby girl, no need to convince me. But Shep on the other hand,” Callum moves over to me circling around me like prey in a trap.

  He runs his fingers over my shoulders first, then he traces my collar bone.

  At his touch, my stomach drops and swoops, but not in a bad way. Almost like its taking flight. My eyes close for just a second as the sensation spreads through me, making me feel as light as air. It’s just as intense as the first time Shepard touched me. But it’s completely different all at the same time.

  His smell washes over me a mix of sandalwood and apple spice making my mouth water. I can almost taste it on my tongue.

  “Shepard’s, full of hell fire, and because of you he missed his chance to save his mom. He won’t be in what I’d call a chatty mood when he finds you.” He licks his lips as his fingers start to tail down the skin my tank top leaves exposed just above my breasts.

  My nipples harden and I grit my teeth.

  My body is never on par with my mood. She’s a greedy bitch.

  “Get your hands off me Callum.” I tell him as goose bumps break out over my skin, my tone carries no bite.

  He moves his hands lower over my shirt ever so slowly until his fingertips reach the small patch of skin peeking through between my top and my jeans.

  My feet might as well be cemented to the floor because their fucking useless and I can’t convince them to move even an inch right now.

  “Are you sure you want that?” He asks as he leans in causing his breath to mingle with mine. The apple pie scent so much stronger now. His hands move to my hips. Warm and strong, his fingers grip me tight and bite in. I internally groan and work to keep a bored expression on my face, even as my core heats and my panties flood.

  “Step back Callum.” I snap out but it’s so weak and we both know it.

  Testing me he leans forward closing the small distance in-between us. When his lips touch mine, they part slightly allowing him access. He moves in instantly. Our tongues dance, the kiss is hungry and desperate like a need. He tastes like apples and man, a delicious combination that makes my toes curl.

  Something in my gut pulls me closer, telling me this was inevitable. I grip onto the back of his hair, moaning when he slides his tongue across my canine causing it to bleed the tiniest amount and his magic to rush through me.

  But instead of pushing back like any sane man would when blood is introduced, he pulls me tighter. His hands find my ass hauling me tighter against him.

  “Should I wait or come back? I mean I’m not sure on the protocol when it’s my house and all.” Ogden’s sweet voice breaks the moment with the hard bite in his tone.

  Closing my eyes, I groan and step back and hang my head. What the fuck was I thinking?

  What the fuck did I just see? I came here in such a blind fucking rage ready to tear this chick apart for what she has cost me.

  That is until I watched my brother swallow her fate damn tongue.

  I have no claims to the girl. Hell, I don’t even want them. But the sight of someone else touching her makes my heart race, my stomach revolt, and my head pound.

  With a deep breath I grit my teeth and push past Ogden and head to his computer room not waiting for him to follow, slamming the door behind me, hopefully not in Ogden’s face I begin to pace.

  How the fuck can Callum do this to me? I mean sure I never told him she was mine. Mostly because she isn’t. But still, how can he just, do that? I can’t even throw him through a fucking fall for it because I never told him to stay away from her.

  With a huff I drop into the black sofa that’s pushed up against the wall.

  Callum and I have been in foster care together since we were nine. He has always had my back. Even if he didn’t know I didn’t want him to touch Samara he should still understand that she’s the enemy and it would piss me off.

  That’s the real reason I’m mad. It has nothing to do with seeing his hands on her ass or watching her pant for him like a bitch in heat.

  Ogden walks in, shutting the door softly behind him.

  “You okay?” He asks stopping just in front of me.

  “They can do whatever the fuck they want. Why would I give a damn?” I growl out a bit too harshly, my anger lashing out at him simply because he is there and an easy target.

  Ogden blinks a couple times a little bit of hurt pinching his face before he turns and takes a seat at his computer.

  “I was referring to your mother actually. But yeah, that was… something to walk into.”

  I watch as he powers on his computer, he works hard to cover up his emotions, but I see the pain in his face every time I show interest in anyone. It fucking kills me.

  “It’s not like I’ve ever known her." I say referring to my mom now.

  "She ran out on my old man just after I was born. Gone without a trace. Then when my old man died the state couldn’t tr
ack her down. She’s not winning any mother of the year awards. It just would have been nice to get some questions answered. To have met her. Maybe if I could save her, she would stick around long enough to talk to me.” I tell him, wishing my hair wasn't up in a top knot so I could run hand through it like I always do when I'm anxious.

  “I get it Shep. I’ll find her again.” He promises, typing furiously at his computer.

  Ogden Rivers really is one of a kind. He wasn’t raised awake; he studied his ass off reading every book he could get his hands on. Always hungering to learn more about anything and everything that he could get his hands on.

  His family was trash at its finest, he is nothing like any of them. Ogden started following the fates religiously when he read enough from old books that he couldn’t deny their existence anymore.

  Callum and I went to school with him, we always had his back when people tried to give him shit for always having his nose in a book. Eventually he asked why we never gave him shit during his research into the fates and we just told him the truth.

  Not only are they very real, very vengeful bastards but they are in fact responsible for everyone in existence. A few nights later his magic was awoken.

  I’ll always remember that night. We were about sixteen and I guess he shifted on accident in front of his parents. His dad was abusive as is but that was the first and only time, he ever raised a gun to his son. I found Ogden bleeding on our back porch; his wound already healed most the way over thanks to his wolf healing. Lucky for him the bullet went straight through. The guy is absolutely amazing and tuff as hell.

  I have to admit he is really handsome too. I love the way his brows crinkle when he focuses like this. And the way the dimple in his cheek pops too, it’s something no one can help but love.

  I’ve never actually questioned my sexuality. I’ve always just liked woman. Sure, I’ve always been able to admit to myself when a guy is good looking, but I’ve never actually given any consideration on whether or not I could date a man. I know I have no interest in taking it up the ass, but would I ever actually consider giving it a real shot with a man?

  Watching Ogden work so hard to fix my problems and make me happy I can’t say that answers a straight no. He’s more than I deserve I know that much for sure.

  A timid knock at the door catches my attention and the door opens right after. Samara steps in slow like she is waiting for a bomb to go off. Which isn't far from accurate given my mood.

  Her lips are kiss swollen and her cheeks are still a bit flushed, a look I’ve already pictured giving her a million times already, but it wasn’t my lips or teeth teasing her plump mouth it was Callum and the visual reminder has the fire in my belly reigniting full force.

  “I was thinking, maybe I’ve overstayed my welcome.” She says while she picks at her fingernails.

  “Can you take me home Shepard? I’d really like to get out of your guy’s way.” I love the way my name caresses her lips. I fucking hate that I love it.

  Before Ogden can reply I speak up because I just know he is going to try and change her mind. But I can’t have her stay here. I can’t watch her be with Cal.

  Every time I look at her, I want to grip onto that wildfire hair, pin her to a wall and kiss her until I corrupt her just a bit more... And as much as I also don’t want to want that I sure the fuck can’t watch her do it with someone else. So, it’s time for the tiny witch to fuck off now.

  “Sure, you ready now?” I ask as I pull myself to my feet.

  She almost takes a step back but then plants herself in place like she’s trying to prove herself.

  “Yeah, um just one second.” She says as she pushes pass me to Ogden. What the fuck?

  Dropping into his lap like their old friends, she wraps her arms around his neck and snuggles in.

  His arms wrap around her in response, and they close their eyes and hold on tight for a second.

  Sam lets out a small gasp and Ogden’s eyes squeeze tighter shut as he pulls her in closer for just a second, and I can’t help but wonder if they feel that same powerful pulse I felt when Sam and I touched. But I shake the thought away instantly, I don’t know what that feeling was, but it was rare, unique, something special. I know not everyone gets to feel shit like that.

  “Thank you so much Ogden. You don’t know how much this has all meant to me, really.” She says before pulling back and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.

  Ogden’s eyes flash with warmth and the blush he usually reserves for me spreads across his face as jealousy burns through me twisting my insides raw.

  Whether I’m jealous over her or him I’m not quite sure. All I can be positive of is that I can’t wait for her to be gone so everything can go back to how it should be.

  Holding on tight to Shepard’s arm I soak in the feeling of molten lava seeping through me as I wait for the world to stop spinning.

  Shimmering is not better on a full stomach. The liar.

  As soon as I’m sure I can stand on my own two feet. I look around making sure he landed in the right spot. He said it can be tricky landing somewhere when he is relying on a map instead of memory.

  It couldn’t be that complicated though because sure as shit, here we are back in my tiny slice of hell. Or, my latest one at least.

  “Thanks for the lift.” I try to smile at him but can barely manage to turn up the corner of my lips.

  I miss Destin Burrows already. Something about it just felt like home even if I was only there for such a short time.

  I don’t wait for Shepard to respond before I start walking. I’m pissed that he didn’t even explain the situation or hear my side. I’m also sort of pissed at myself that I’ll actually miss the sexy, over emotional bastard.

  Walking down the familiar aisle I make a left when I get to the wall showing ‘Row 3’ on the side.

  “This isn’t a house.” Shepard’s deep voice says from way too close behind me. I knew he was there; his heart rate is a dead giveaway, but I still didn’t expect him to be so fucking close.

  “No shit Sherlock, you should go into detective work.” I tell him as I continue down the main paved aisle.

  “You said this address is where you had been staying.” I swear I can hear him roll his eyes at my attitude.

  I nod as he moves to my side.

  “I also said goodbye. Both things I meant but apparently only one of those statements you were listening too.” I snap.

  Here I thought he was in a hurry to ditch me, instead it looks like my stray is sticking. Fucking fantastic. Fates help me.

  “I might be pissed at you, but you don’t have to hide your address from me I’m not some psychopath who’s going to stalk you. I promise I’ll just drop you off and leave you alone.” He explains.

  When I get to all too familiar garage door, I stop walking and turn to face off against Shepard. I don’t hesitate to go chest to chest with him.

  Well, chest to upper stomach, the jerk really is ridiculously tall.

  “I don’t lie. Ever. It’s not who I am. I may have a loudmouth that gets ahead of my brain, and I cuss way too much. My blood lust has my mentality at borderline psychopathic levels, and I can’t stand talking when I wake up before I’ve had my coffee.” I stop and take a deep breath when I can practically feel steam coming out of my ears.

  “I’m a hot mess with not a hell of a lot of redeeming qualities. But I don’t lie. I was raised right for the short time in my life that I was actually raised, and you know what else?” I ask stabbing him in his stupid chest with my finger.

  “I would never leave any one in such a horrible place like S.T.F. there was no one else there! I know you haven’t known me long, but one would think that such a great detective as your self would have known that after I refused to leave you there even through your constant bitching and begging.” Taking another deep breath, I turn on my heel and pull my hide a key from where I have it wedged into the doors tracking and unlock my hefty pad lock.

  “I might
not be your biggest fan Shepard, and Fates know you’re not mine. But for some stupid as fuck reason, I do trust you.” I tell him while Lifting the door to my unit.

  I refuse to look back at him when the door to my storage unit comes to a stop. Air mattress and all of my clothes on full display. My single portable burner still sits by the outlet and my small portable t.v has the time bouncing around on the screen from entering sleep mode at some point and time after I got taken.

  Blinking back tears, I move into the small space I had called home for almost a year before the S.T.F took me from a block over.


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