Sweet Nectar (Ellison Brothers)

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Sweet Nectar (Ellison Brothers) Page 7

by Vera Roberts

I almost drop my towel when I see a stunning sight before me: the bed is completely made and my clothing is laid out on the bed spread.

  I immediately look around for cameras to see if I was spied on. My mind goes a mile a minute:

  Did they watch us?

  Did they hear us?

  How did they know I was here?

  Who else could possibly know about me?

  I quickly remember the family I’m dealing with: The Ellisons. They don’t have to justify anything to anyone.

  I quickly get dressed and put my hair up into a loose ponytail. I put on some makeup and try to look as natural as possible. I don’t know if I’m going to meet the parents but I’m not entirely sure I won’t be.

  I’m nervous but I’m actually looking forward to the meeting. I will be able to clear my name and discuss sexual abuse allegations and the #metoo movement I’m so passionate about. If I explain to both Starr and Thomas my goal was not to take down any of the Ellisons but to shed a light on a story that I truly believed, I’m hoping all will settle.

  I make my way downstairs and am floored by the sleek interior design of the home. It’s definitely old money. Porcelain, imported marble and rugs, and numerous expensive artifacts decorate each room. The estate is massive with ceiling to floor windows in every room.

  As I wander throughout the home, I wonder how much money does this home actually cost. It’s clear the entire family is wealthy, and it’s not a rumor the Ellisons are billionaires. They are certified.

  Rumors have surrounded the family for years but no one knows how much of it is true and how much of it is just hogwash. The scandal that rocked the world – Thomas’s affair – did nothing to quell the rumors. It’s always been a question how much of that affair was actually true.

  I wonder how they will react towards me now that I’m in their home? I doubt they’ll welcome me with open arms but I do wonder how long it’ll be before I duck because something went flying over my head.

  “You actually brought the woman here who tried to ruin our family?” A voice is not quite a yell, but it’s not soft and quiet. “And you fucked her here? Boy, have you lost your goddamn mind?”

  I recognize that voice full of snark, charisma, and Kanye-esque rants anywhere. It’s Thomas Ellison. He’s a fixture in public service and his records of accomplishments makes his enemies give him props.

  He’s also a polarizing figure. He is adamant in not supporting kneeling for the flag, yet he’s the first person a black family calls whenever their loved one was gunned down by the cops.

  Despite being a loud mouth on T.V., Thomas’s records of accomplishments are nothing to sneeze at. His clients have received over two hundred million dollars in settlements because as much of an asshole Thomas is on T.V., he’s an even bigger one in the courtroom. People don’t know whether to love him or punch him.

  Hiding behind a door, I make my way towards the room where it’s full of commotion and hear various voices murmur. The entire family is here. Fuck.

  “You wanted to meet her,” Soul calmly replies as if someone asked him what time it was, “she’s here.”

  “You’re unbelievable,” I recognize Savior’s voice. He’s calm but I’m sure he’s anything but. “Truly unbelievable, Soul.”

  “Why is anyone surprised?” Soul counters. “You knew I was with her. All of you. Don’t act like you weren’t watching my every move.” A pause. “Hers too.”

  My heart stops as the realization hits. The family spied on me. Soul knew and didn’t even bother to share that information with me. I don’t know if he was trying to protect me or he simply didn’t want me to know.

  “Soul, she’s the press. You know how we feel about them.” Thomas calmly replies. The anger is gone and it’s replaced with charm and grace. “The press can’t be trusted.”

  “Which type of press are we referring to?” Soul asks. “The ones that don’t placate and humor you, Father.” The way Soul says father indicates a child who can’t stand his parent, but is still respectful as he can be.

  “I know about Ariana and her type. She wants to get in with the family so she can destroy the family. That’s all.” Thomas replies.

  “Please keep that same energy with your numerous girlfriends and a couple of not-quite white children.” Soul sharply replies.

  “Don’t test me, boy.” Thomas quickly replies. “You need to stay away from her!”

  “And what are you are going to do about it?” Soul replies. “Cut me out of your will? Disown me? I’m a billionaire on my own; the fuck I need your money for?”

  “Enough.” A voice, I’m assuming is Ocean’s, speaks. “Bickering about this is getting us nowhere. She’s here and we need to trust she has good intentions this time. Clearly, Soul is with her for reasons only he knows and we have to respect that no matter how uncomfortable it makes us.”

  “And wow, the Asshole Senator takes no vacations, does he?” Soul chimes in. “You can do all of that politicking with your constituents but I’m your brother. You ain’t gotta talk like I have no damn sense.”

  “A woman who tried to destroy you, you brought to our parents’ home and fucked her, Soul.” Ocean calmly replies in the same tone as their father, “I will talk to you like you ain’t got any damn sense.”

  “I want to meet her first.” Starr Ellison finally chimes in. She’s dignity and grace. She’s sweetness with the first bite until the poison hits after the second swallow. “I want to have a private meeting with her. I can read people well and I’ll be able to know if she’s true to her word. I want to know what her intentions are with my son.”

  “It’s obvious what they are,” Thomas replies, “she wants to destroy him and he’s going to let her.”

  “Destroy, destroy, destroy. All of the words in the damn dictionary and that’s the one word you all seem to love as if you just discovered it like it’s some new hot sauce.” Soul’s voice is exasperated and for the first time, I understand why he stays as far from California as possible. He loves his family, but even their dramatics get to him. “The only person who can destroy me is me.”

  “You clearly have learned nothing about what they were trying to do during my campaign.” Ocean pauses for a brief moment. “And what they’re still trying to do right now.”

  “You’re the loudest, Soul,” Savior reminds his brother, “and you’re the biggest target.”

  At first I wanted to interject and tell Savior he’s wrong. Soul, by far, is not the loudest Ellison. He keeps to himself and barely participates in any politicking. I soon realize what Savior means: Ocean and Savior have fallen into line. Soul never has and he’ll never will.

  I heard enough. It’s clear I’m not wanted here before I can even make my case. I don’t know why I thought if I explained everything to everyone, that would soothe everything over.

  I quickly go back upstairs and gather my overnight bag. I go unnoticed through the front door and never look back.

  Chapter Five

  I should’ve known I wasn’t going to get far with a twelve foot tall gate in front of me.

  The only way out is through the gate, which can only be opened via code. I don’t know why I didn’t consider that a possibility since Soul entered a code when we arrived last night. I’m assuming the same would happen to also leave.

  I’m stuck.

  Climbing over is no die because there’s no way I could reach anything to help me escape. I guess I’ll have to wait here until I can manage to make my way out and leave forever. No place in staying somewhere I’m not wanted.

  Now I know why I stayed with Jared for as long as I did. I already knew what the score was. I didn’t have to wonder if I would ever get a chilly reception from his parents because I never met them. Together four years and engaged, yet I never met his parents. I should’ve known.

  I resign to the fact I won’t be able to leave unless someone opens the gate. Who knows how long I’ll be here?

  Of course I would be involved with someone w
ho’s family hates me. I rest my head on my arms and shake my head at my stupidity. Jared was problematic and had a host of issues on his own, but I knew where I stood with him at any given time.

  With Soul...I don’t know. It’s clear he’s loyal to his family and I know how close he is with them. Despite that acrimonious relationship Soul has with his father, he still respects him. I don’t have to wonder if Thomas will influence Soul to abandon our relationship.

  Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, it does. I manage to look up just briefly and see Starr Ellison on a golf cart riding towards me. Great.

  Starr is grace and class, sweetness with a touch of sour. The epitome of grace and class with everything sass dripped in diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. She’s wearing a blue ensemble with long sleeves and matching slacks. On her feet are high heels. On her wrists are expensive bracelets. She flaunts her wealth and doesn’t really care who has an issue with it.

  I make eye contact with her and I’m unnerved she has a smile on her face. She’s the last person I thought would be smiling at my demise but I have to remember this is the Ellison family. What I think about them may not even be true.

  Starr gets out of the golf cart and walks over to me, sitting beside me. She looks straight ahead behind Gucci sunglasses and just loudly sighs. She’s probably wondering how in the hell she’s going to spin the story that I was kicked out of her home.

  “The first time I met Thomas’s family, they hated me. From the moment I stepped foot inside his mother’s home. She was a haughty big thing – frazzled hair, makeup all types of wrong shades, and looked like a damn wildebeest. And there was I: long, silky blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure.

  “And Natalie hated me. Oh, dear lord, she hated me. She pretended to like me at first but her true feelings came out. Little snickers and comments here and there. She hated I stood up for women’s rights, though she would’ve benefitted just as much as any other woman. She hated I was protesting against injustices towards people of color, though they had black servants.

  “Nothing I did, she liked. If I turned left, she said I should’ve turned right. If she had an issue on how I was raising my boys, I heard about it. She kept telling me I needed to be a wife to Thomas and a mother to my boys, and not be in the streets. I told her I could both and she would have to deal.

  “Even in her old age, she’s nearing 90 now, she still gets on my case. Every summer when we have a trip to Vermont, she always makes sure I’m served dead last at supper. My boys aren’t fools, though. They also vow not to eat until I’m served and well, no one is waiting that long to eat lobster and capers.” She chuckles and I grin.

  She finally turns towards me. “Now, if you still want to leave, I’ll let you out with no questions asked. But if you want to pursue whatever is going on with Soul, you need to get used to the family dynamic. There’s a lot of love between my boys and their father. There’s also a lot of animosity. You did write a scathing article about Soul, regardless of what was said to you. As a journalist, you should’ve done the proper research.”

  I have a feeling that article will forever be my scarlet letter. “I know that now,” I defend, “but at the time, I took her word. When a woman claims rape, I don’t think, ‘Well, let’s hear his side.’ Same goes for sexual harassment. A man will always deny any wrongdoing, no matter the charges. At the time, she told me a convincing story and I took her at her word. I know better now to do research, Mrs. Ellison.”

  “Starr,” she corrects me with a loving smile, “as long as you learn and take it to heart, I don’t see the issue. But it’s going to take Ocean and Savior a bit more time. Savior knows how the media loves the twist things and Ocean knows firsthand. They’re not going to be so willing to become buddy-buddy with you until they know for sure you can be trusted. It’s not just Soul they’re concerned with; it’s also their lives.”

  I didn’t think about how Soul’s association with me would indirectly impact his brothers. Now I feel even guiltier for assuming everything was truly okay between us. I also wonder why Soul was willing to take such a huge risk being with me knowing how much of an issue it’ll cause with his family.

  “And your husband?” I ask. “I overhead what he said about me. He’s not my biggest fan.”

  “Honestly,” Starr begins, “Thomas isn’t a fan of anyone who’s not an Ellison.” She stands up and dusts off her slacks. She holds out her hand and I grab it before she pulls me into a big hug. “Are you better now?”

  I nod. “I am. I’m not sure if I want to go back inside, though.”

  “Understandable. Just remember you don’t have to be strong all of the time. Sometimes, it’s better to walk away to avoid a mess than to stick around and try to clean it up.” She smiles again. “Why don’t you wait inside the guest house and I’ll have Soul come over. You two have to talk about where you want to go from here. It does get easier being a part of the family, even if you do struggle.”

  Old habits die hard. Starr also came from old money, and I don’t doubt the combination of her and Thomas made an infallible union. It also came with its own share of headaches and bullshit. “You speak from experience.” I add.

  “I speak,” Starr flashes her brilliant smile, “from knowledge and wisdom.”

  THE GUEST HOME WAS the size of a modest two bedroom, two bathroom house.

  It’s not as luxurious as the main home, but it’s not residing at the Motel 6. The home is a cottage and it’s clear that was the intention of whoever designed it.

  There’s an outside shower and bathtub surrounded by bushes and air. The inside boasts of a main bedroom and guest room, with two additional bathrooms. A full kitchen and living room rounds out the home. The small backyard boasts of a fireplace and Adirondack chairs.

  I knew the family was wealthy but this is rather ridiculous. How can someone be so wealthy to have a huge mansion as their main home, and a smaller residence for guests? And I still haven’t taken a proper tour of the rest of the compound.

  I decided to remain standing, though I’m starving. I kinda wish I overhead the conversation after I ate at least something. It would’ve been easier to tell Thomas to fuck off after I had a full stomach.

  I open the refrigerator door and to my surprise, there’s no food. Just water and soft drinks. Great. I’m sure no one would mind if I have a bottle of water. I guess I could just get something to eat when I get home because we all know I probably won’t be coming back here any time soon.

  Or ever.

  A part of me wonders if this was how Soul felt when I wrote that article on him. The anger before someone talked him down. He could’ve blown up at me and called me every name in the book. Instead, he confronted me head-on when I was at my worst and we became...

  ...more than friends.

  My heart sighs as I think about the conundrum we’re in. We’re together but for how much longer? It’s clear I’m not wanted here so I doubt I’ll ever have family dinners with the in-laws. And Soul? He may be frustrated with his brothers and parents, but he’ll choose them over me any day of the week.

  Why am I wasting my time with Soul?

  The front door suddenly opens and I turn around to lock eyes with Soul. Whatever anger and heartbreak I had before, it dissipated once I looked into his eyes. The sultry look on his face returned and his full lips curved into a delicious smile.

  He’s dressed in a business suit with open collar. The open collar reveals enough of his tanned skin with a light dusting of hair across his chest. It’s not his usual attire of jeans, hoodie, and Timbs, yet it fits him so right.

  He’s casually chewing a piece of gum and I see his defined jaw work in slow motion like it did on me all last night. His blue eyes are staring right at me; alternating between cobalt and sky blue. His eyes are intense, but it’s all love, not anger.

  “I was wondering if you kept your invisibility cloak on.”

  I smile at the Harry Potter reference. “If only I had a flying car..

  Soul walks over to me and sweeps his lips over mine before I had a chance to protest. Not that I would’ve. His delectable lips sent shockwaves throughout my body. His wandering hands caressed and grabbed my ass, giving it a hard slap as he played with my tongue.

  I felt lost within him. I wanted to drown in his love. I wanted to be covered and loved until I couldn’t want anything else any more. I wanted him to have total and complete ownership of my body and soul and in exchange, I wanted his.

  The question mark lingered – would he let me?

  Soul pulled away, but only by reluctance. His blue eyes twinkled at me and I knew all was all right. “You good, shorty?”

  “I’m good.” I nod. My eyes slant as I pay attention to his mouth for the first time. “You wore your grill at breakfast?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He smiles at me and I shake my head. “Platinum and diamonds, baby. Nothing but.”

  “You’re really about that life twenty-four seven, huh?

  “Not a second less.” His voice is deep and raspy. “Parents know what the deal is. So do my bros. I’ve always been like this. I’m not some wigger who likes the culture but says nothing on the issues. This is me.”

  “That is you.” I smile before I pause. “I overheard the conversation with your family. That’s why I left.”

  “That’s what I figured.” He sighs through his nose. “You weren’t meant to hear any of that. Savior and Ocean aren’t too happy with themselves about it and would like to apologize to you personally.”

  “All is forgiven. I know they were looking out for their brother and it’s totally understandable.” I let out a soft breath. “Your father, though...”

  Soul shrugged and leaned against the bar beside me. He briefly looks up and folds his arms against his chest. “I love my father for what he’s done for the country. He’s helped out a lot of people, got many laws passed, and sacrificed a whole lot. I mean, a whole lot. He was at odds with his own parents and siblings for a long time until they finally came around. They still don’t like my mom because they think she’s lowkey encouraging my father. I can’t say that’s false. She’s always had his back, even if it meant she looked like a fool.”


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