Touched by Moonlight

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Touched by Moonlight Page 24

by Bonnie Vanak

  Grew up together.

  “Good-bye Kallan,” I whispered.

  An anguished scream ripped from Kallan’s throat as the blue-white power slammed into him. Kallan exploded into a shower of dark ash, swept away by the wind.

  I ran over to Grayson, who stared sightlessly at the sky.

  And I wept, for he was gone as well.

  Chapter 32

  I do not remember much after, only Nicolas gently lifting me into his arms before unconsciousness claimed me.

  The sleep was deep, dreamless. The erotic dreams I had once shared with Grayson were no more.

  When I finally awoke, the soothing scent of roses, cedar and Grayson filled my nostrils.

  Grayson? I struggled to wake up, though fearing reality, for if the delicious scent of my lover meant he only lived in my dreams, I did not want to awaken.

  Raising myself up on one elbow, I blinked and focused. The bed beneath me felt soft as lamb’s wool, the sheets pure cotton. Above me stretched a canopy of roses intertwined on a white trellis, with trees stretching their branches over the roses. The enormous bed was open to the air, built on a cedar platform, and a gentle breeze stirred the petals lying on the platform.

  Grayson lay to my right, one arm thrown above his head, his eyes closed. Fast asleep or dead?

  To my tremendous relief, I saw his bare chest rise and fall. He was alive!

  Curling up next to him, I hugged my lover tight. He did not wake up but sighed in his sleep.

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  I glanced around and saw Nicolas sitting in a chair at the platform’s edge. He put down the book he’d been reading and went to my side, feeling my forehead.

  Sitting up, I waved away his hand. “I’m fine. But Grayson… I thought he was dead.”

  Did my powers heal him? I had enormous magick, and it had drained out of me during the fight with Kallan.

  “I couldn’t have healed him while I was unconscious,” I told Nicolas.

  He gave a mysterious smile, and crooked a finger. A wolf emerged from the shadows and then transformed into Stephan. Both my lovers sat on the bed’s edge next to me.

  “You didn’t heal him, Sienna.” Stephan lifted my hand to his mouth and brushed a kiss against my knuckles. “We did, thanks to you sharing your powers. We used your magick of healing to bring him back.”

  “Grayson told you your magick was used for good,” Nicolas added.

  The one thing I had feared sacrificing and giving to anyone else to control had cured Grayson of his horrible wounds. Joy rippled through me. I felt lighter than I had in years, and yet in a way, more powerful as well. Because at last I was able to let go of the past, and the burden of knowing I had enough magick to level a city.

  When you have that kind of power, no matter how noble your intentions, you can easily become corrupt and slip over to the darker side of life. You may not lose your life, but you can lose your soul.

  They both hugged me and I laughed, feeling free for the first time in many years. “He’s really dead? My brother?”

  They both nodded.

  A relieved sigh fled me. “Good.”

  Nicolas ran a hand down my naked shoulder, his gaze turning heated.

  “You, my dear Sienna, are enough to tempt a celibate man,” he murmured.

  “A celibate man who enjoys tying up his lovers?” I joked with Nick.

  A twinkle ignited his dark gaze. “You should rest in order to regain your full capacity. And for what I plan to do with you in the basement.”

  Shivers of delightful anticipation raced down my spine.

  “And for what I plan to do with you in the forest.” Stephan grinned and waggled his eyebrows.

  “And for what I plan to do with you in the bedroom.”

  That deep, beloved voice. I turned and saw Grayson’s aquamarine gaze holding mine, filled with tenderness, and love.

  Such love.

  I hugged him tight, showering his face with kisses. Joy filled my heart, utter happiness. Grayson was alive.

  He had sacrificed himself to save me. Never had anyone else done so much for me.

  My other two lovers gathered close around him, love shining in their gazes as well as they studied me.

  “Sienna, you saved me. You saved us.” Grayson sat up, the sheet spilling to his waist, the scars and nicks on his torso and chest showing the price he’d paid for defending me and his pack. He took my face between his hands and kissed me with such tenderness and passion, I felt it in my bones.

  “I would do it all again, for all of you.” I gestured to all three of them. “But you’re the ones who rescued me.”

  They exchanged glances. Then Grayson spoke up. “We want you here, with us, as our mate. This will always be your home. We love you, but we will not hold you down or force you to stay. It’s your choice.”

  I looked back and forth at all three of my wolf lovers. Wolf and Fae, I silently corrected myself. The bed felt warm and comfortable beneath me.

  This was home. I would finally settle and make a commitment to them and this life. No more running.

  “I love you. All of you. I will claim you as my mates.” As I said the words, I knew I wanted this with my whole heart.

  Grayson cupped my cheek. “Your wish is our command. We have only two requests of you.”

  “Your real name,” Nicolas said.

  “And stop using hair dye. I bet your real hair is lovely,” Stephan added.

  I smiled at them. “My Fae name is Fionna Dariel. As for my hair…”

  Magick coursed through my fingers, the power strengthening me. I swept a hand over my long hair and lifted a lock.

  It was silky and white-blonde. The three of them looked delighted.

  Impish Stephan lifted the sheet and peered at my groin. “Does the carpet match the drapes now? Oh, yeah, it does!”

  I groaned as he laughed.

  It felt odd to be myself, an ordinary Fionn Fae, the magick finally ceasing its incessant clamor for release. “I guess all that magick now is gone. Not that I’ll miss it.”

  All three of them glanced at each other. “Not exactly,” Grayson said slowly. “You’re different, Sieann. I knew it from the day the garden burst into bloom after we made love and you shared your magick with me. When you share your magick, it comes back to you.”

  Hard to believe. I gave him a doubting look.

  “Try it,” Stephan urged.

  Stretching out my hand, I pointed at a nearby fallen log. “I command you to grow.”

  “Command?” Nicolas asked, arching his brows.

  “Very bossy. I like it,” Grayson decided.

  Wonder filled me as the fallen log suddenly sprouted a twist of branches, with tiny green leaves bursting forth on the ends. I released more magick and rain gently fell on the tree.

  “Wow.” I flexed my hand. “I still have it. Will it always remain with me? I don’t know if I want to keep all this much power.”

  “You can, or you can keep sharing with us.” Stephan offered.

  “The choice is yours,” Grayson added.

  Nicolas cupped my cheek. “Yes, it’s yours. We only ask you remain here to love us, Sienna. Love us all and keep us whole. You are our strength, power or no power.”

  It sounded like a perfect solution. My family had died in greed because they desired all my power for themselves. My three boys did not want my power.

  They wanted me. Wanted me to love. Wanted me to make my own choices in life.

  “I want you. All of you. I need us to declare our love for each other.” I took a deep breath. “And then consummate our love.”

  “You’re so beautiful, Sienna.” Nicolas’ voice was deep, husky. I needed to hear this from him, need affirmation he wanted me as much as I want him.

  Wanted to be my mate, in body and soul, as well.

  I held his hand, my Nicolas, who has been through hell and purged the fires of his past. “Nicolas, will you be my mate?”

  A rough nod and
then he kissed me, his mouth moving over mine, his tongue deep inside. Fisting a hand in my long hair as if he never wished to let go. Nicolas, who bravely defended me at the campground, who fought Fae magick with wolf power and sheer courage.

  He did let go and sat back, watching me as Stephan approached. My sweet Stephan, who so willingly gave his trust to me because his alpha wanted him to. Now he came to me a little shy and hesitant. As if he realizes how important this is to both of us.

  “Stephan, will you be mine? Trust I will be here for you as much as you will be for me?”

  I don’t have time to take his hand, for he sweeps me into his arms in a kiss that takes my breath away. If Nicolas was pure passion, Stephan is fire, a spark that ignited and keeps burning. No matter what you throw at that spark, I sense it will never die.

  Finally it is Grayson’s turn. There is a hollow throbbing in my body of sweet anticipation for all my boys, but Grayson was the first. He made love to me in my dreams and he centered me when I thought I would go mad.

  Grayson, who is Fionn as I am, who shares with me an eternal bond of power and blood. He is the one taking my hand, kissing it and then staring into my eyes as if drowning in my very soul.

  “Sienna, I love you with all my heart and my soul. I want to grow old with you, make you happy. Your smile fills my tomorrows and your laughter fills my heart. Will you be mine?”

  I kiss him, taking his face into my hands and letting him feel all the love in my heart for him and his betas. I kiss him as if we will never part, as if this kiss will follow us through to eternity when our last breaths on earth have ceased and our eyes forever closed.

  Tears clogged my throat with the emotion of our moment, but I swallowed past them. This is the time for consummating our bond together, myself and my three wolves.

  Then Stephan swept me up into his arms as Grayson shrugged into a pair of sweatpants.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as Stephan jogged out of the forest.

  “You’ll see.”

  We headed into the house. Grayson’s bedroom. Of course, the alpha. We would make our union official here.

  “Be right back,” Grayson murmured, and vanished.

  Stephan pulled down the comforter and tossed aside the pillows as Nicolas rummaged in a nightstand drawer for something.

  He withdrew a tube of lube and grinned. “Knew Grayson would have an extra large tube for those cold, lonely nights with his fist.”

  Laughter bubbled up inside me. I felt so wonderful. I was alive and with the three most important men in the world to me.

  Not men. Wolves.

  I had no idea what awaited me, but as I sat on the bed, I knew it would be memorable.

  I knew it would be special when Grayson entered the bedroom carrying four pink velvet ropes.

  “Tie me up?” I asked.

  “That’s my job,” Nicolas said, stepping forward. “Get undressed and lie on the bed.”

  I gave a doubtful look at the restraints. “Pink really isn’t my color. I’m more of a flaming powers of hell kind of gal.”

  The alpha raised his brows and looked at Nicolas. “Got any in red?”

  “Second drawer to the left,” Nicolas murmured.

  As Grayson left, Stephan rolled his eyes and sat on the bed, his arm around my shoulders. “Is there anything you don’t have in your bedroom, Nick?”

  He considered. “Your dick in a box.”

  “That’s it,” Stephan growled playfully. “You’re going down.”

  He picked up a pillow and smacked his brother with it. I rolled out of the way, laughing, and watched them attack each other with the feather pillows.

  Until the alpha walked into the bedroom.

  Grayson held up the ropes. “I’m ready if you two will quit. Unless you wish me to do this with Sienna alone?”

  Immediately they stopped. Now it was all seriousness.

  Swinging one of the ropes, Grayson looked at me. “I do believe we are overdressed for the occasion.”

  I didn’t need any further instruction. I stripped and put my hands on my hips. “Will this do?”

  Three sets of hungry male eyes upon me. Three sets of eyes that adored me, worshipped me, loved me.

  I felt like a queen before her subjects.

  Closing my eyes, I let all my senses flare. I smelled the earthy and spicy scent of my wolves, heard the quiet flicker of candles, and tasted the wild pleasure to come.

  My eyes open to regard Grayson, still standing quietly with the ropes in hand. Still dressed.

  Pointing to his sweats, I smiled. “Aren’t you a little overdressed for the occasion?”

  He cleared his throat, as Nicolas and Stephan kept staring at me. “Pardon, Sienna. You’re just so damn beautiful, I forgot myself. I’ve dreamed of this for a long time. Hard to believe this is happening.”

  “It won’t happen soon enough if you don’t get naked,” Nicolas growled, unzipping his jeans.

  When all three stood before me nude, I gave them an appreciative look. Three strong wolves, all different, all gorgeous and sexy.

  All mine.

  I climbed into the bed and lay on my back. Grayson handed Nicolas one set of ropes.

  “Do your worst,” I told them.

  The impish smile he flashed warned me his worst would be quite good.

  Grayson bound my wrists with rope and tied them to the bedposts, while Nicolas did the same to my ankles. I was outstretched, limbs spread wide open, my sex exposed.

  The alpha stood before me at the bed’s foot, muscles gleaming. Sensual anticipation filled me as he remained motionless, allowing me to look my fill.

  I studied the bristles shadowing his jaw, muscles rippling beneath his flawless skin, the hard curve of his shoulder, the muscled contour of his long limbs.

  A pulse jumped madly at his throat. He smelled of sex and long, dark nights spent tangled in passion.

  Nicolas had left, but returned bearing a tube. He poured some into the alpha’s outstretched palms. The scent of cherries filled the air as all three of my boys began rubbing me down, massaging my body.

  “Flavored massage oil,” Nicolas told me. He winked. “I can’t taste to taste it… on you.”

  Grayson began stroking my body in slow, sure caresses, rubbing oil onto my legs. Nicolas aided him, working the oil into my breasts and belly as Stephan sat behind me and kneaded my shoulders.

  Lightly Grayson stroked the oil into my skin. Nicolas’ oiled fingers circled my nipples, flicked over them. The ropes pulled as I squirmed in pleasure.

  Then Grayson knelt between my opened thighs. I was tied up, helpless, vulnerable and exposed to these three domineering males. The alpha’s gaze gleamed with appreciation as he studied my feminine center.

  He began kissing my belly, laving his tongue inside the intent of my navel. The sweep of his tongue felt like wet, rough velvet. Arousal filled me as Nicolas and Stephan continued their gentle massaging.

  Then Grayson settled between my thighs.

  “Relax,” he murmured. “Let go of all your fears and inhibitions. Trust me.”

  He parted my soaked folds, and then dipped his head. The first lick of his tongue between my slit made me arch and moan.

  But when Nicolas bent down and suckled my left nipple, I ground my hips into the mattress, pleasure spearing me.

  Stephan ceased kneading my shoulders and kissed his way down my neck to my right breast. His warm, wet mouth found my right nipple.

  I could barely breathe for the erotic dance all three created. Each seductive sweep over my skin had me writhing, helpless to resist the carnal pleasure. When Grayson swept his tongue over my clit, I cried out.

  Then he bit very lightly. I arched against my bonds, crying out with shocked pleasure.

  He suckled and licked, coaxing out the rich scent of my own salty arousal.

  Grayson slid a finger inside me, his blue gaze meeting mine. I squirmed, needing his mouth on me again.

  “Do you want more, Sienna
?” he asked in his deep voice. “We want to please you.”

  I squirmed some more. “I need you to fuck me.”

  A deep chuckle from Nicolas, who raised his head. “Not yet, sweetheart. We’re not through tasting you.”

  A growl from Stephan. “I’m going to lick you all over. I want to hear you scream our names.”

  He proceeded to do just that, his warm, wet tongue dancing over my skin as Grayson clasped my hips, lifted them and began kissing and licking my center.

  The ache between my legs intensified. I tossed my head, impatient for more.

  Suddenly a silk blindfold was tied over my eyes, preventing me from seeing.


  “You fiend,” I murmured.

  “Now you can’t tell which one of us is pleasuring you,” he murmured. “Focus on the pleasure, Sienna.”

  My breathing became so heavy, so frantic I could not hear the pounding of my racing heart.

  Emotion filled me as my body quivered with sexual arousal. This was the real me, the real Sienna, who was finally loved and accepted for all I am. No one could take this away from me.

  The smell of spice and males teased my nostrils as they continued to kiss and lick my body.

  Brought close to orgasm, I arched, the ropes preventing movement.

  “I need to touch you,” I panted.

  “Not yet.” Stephan, sounding more wolfish and growly than ever.

  A light nip on my nipple, chased with a soothing lick. Of course, Nicolas, my kinky wolf who likes dominating in bed.

  And then my ropes were untied and they turned me over. Three sets of hands began massaging the oil into my back, kneading my skin in light, circular strokes. They teased me, sliding fingers along the crevice of my bottom as I moaned.

  Two hands stroked my bottom. Soothing, masculine murmurs sounded as someone spread my cheeks open. Oiled fingers probed my anus.

  Stiffening, I felt a finger easing inside the passage.

  “What a sweet ass you have. Soft and plump,” Grayson said softly.

  “Make sure you coat the plug with lots of oil, Grayson,” Nicolas warned. “We don’t want to hurt our Sienna.”

  My bonds were untied, but they had left the blindfold on.

  “Get on your hands and knees, Sienna, and arch your ass up to the sky.”


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