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Re-Think Page 3

by Natalie Hunter

  He made her walk closer to the men, parading her body in front of them, just to test that they really had accepted their place in all of this, and wouldn't try to touch her, no matter how badly their leering faces and poker-stiff cocks showed that they wanted to. But their instinct to fall in line was winning over their instinct to fuck, or perhaps it was just self-preservation. Perhaps they just knew what would happen to them if they made the man with the army and the big metal weapon-suit angry. Either way, it was fucking hot watching the platinum blonde android tease them, knowing that as soon as he said the word, he could have that pretty mouth wrapped around his dick, or could be fucking her, her cunt or her ass, whatever he wanted.

  But he decided that he would show them something a little different. He wouldn't have Lena bend over and passively let him fuck her, like the other women here. He'd show them what a woman was like when she really, really wanted it. When she wasn't taking a man because it was what she was there for, in their little society, what gave her value, but when she wanted that man's cock inside her like nothing else, because fucking him - specifically him - was what she craved.

  He looked away from the men - not in shame, but because he wanted them to know that having them there watching was inconsequential to him, that he was going to be focused on enjoying what he was about to have Lena do, and not on how they reacted. He'd already won their allegiance, and this was just how he wanted to cement his dominance over everybody in this unusual clan. He beckoned Lena over to him, and kissed her, running his hands over her naked body, squeezing handfuls of her firm, fleshy ass, and pulling her as close as he could, so she could feel how turned on he was.

  "Ride my cock while they watch," he told her gruffly in her ear.

  She didn't need any further encouragement. Being admired by a room full of horny humans had incensed her, even more than watching her android counterparts going to town on all of those women - a performance which still had not abated. She pushed him gently to the floor of the stage, which certainly wasn't clean, but neither of them cared. She hurriedly unfastened his jeans, and as he lay there, doing nothing at all, just because he could, she straddled him and pressed the head of his cock into her, before sliding down and taking him as deeply as she could, letting out a long cry of satisfaction as she finally felt him inside her.

  Whether she understood that he wanted the men to see how badly his women wanted him, how he could have them use his body to get themselves off if he wanted to, rather than having to claim them whether they were into it or not, he couldn't say - it could have just been that she really was this fiercely eager to come on his cock in front of this human audience - but she fucked him ferociously, her fingers clawing at his chest through his shirt as she drove herself up and down, riding him frantically.

  Closing his eyes, he concentrated on just how good she felt, on how good the whole scenario felt - the sound of the wild human women being fucked relentlessly by his androids, the ragged, heavy breathing of all the men who couldn't have what he was having, the feel of Lena's perfect, tight pussy clenching around his dick as she started to come, crying out theatrically, to show the humans just how he satisfied her.

  It was all so much stimulation for his senses that he failed to notice the one sound he really should have noticed. The sound of his communicator, still inside his mecha, bleeping out for his attention.

  Chapter 6

  It almost reminded him of his first time, back in Sanctuary, with Sophie. Not a pleasant memory at all, but truly the beginning of everything important that had ever happened to him. Then, too, he'd had a girl riding his cock, and had been unable to hold back from blowing his load even when unexpected people had stormed into the room. True, there was no door this time, because he'd already broken it down with his mecha, but just like back then, one of the unexpected arrivals was none other than Madeleine the preacher.

  Medeleine's mecha was heard before it was seen, and the sound caused everybody in the assembly hall to pause what they were doing in alarm. Everybody except Curtis and Lena, who were too absorbed in enjoying her fourth orgasm, and the imminent arrival of his first. Perhaps they were just the two people most desensitized to the sound of giant mechas crashing around, but the machine was already in the hall, standing next to Curtis' vacant one, before he let out an unbridled groan of release, and with Lena panting on top of him, his cock still inside her, looked to see what was going on.

  "Oh, Madeleine's here... I... I guess I should probably get dressed," Lena said, suddenly embarrassed. She had always seemed just slightly intimidated by Maddy, for some reason, and now, even though she'd just been coming furiously in front of a room full of people, she'd come over a little shy, slipping delicately off of Curtis and meekly grabbing her clothes.

  Curtis didn't really care about Madeleine seeing him like this, but at the same time, he knew her presence meant something was wrong, or at the very least something had changed in the plan, and he probably didn't want to deal with that with his cock out like one of these naked caveman guys. He hurriedly put himself away, and got to his feet on the stage, smoothing down his hair, ruffled up by Lena's clasping fingers.

  "Madeleine, guys, what's going on?" he asked, speaking both to Maddy inside her mecha and the five android soldiers who'd accompanied her in. He realized a moment later, when he spoke, that one of them was Sarge.

  "There's a problem getting across the ditch around Brightvale," his friend, the tall security android said, "it's probably best that Madeleine explains - can we take it from the fact you're out of your mecha that it's safe for her to open hers up to speak without using the, er, loud thing?"

  So Maddy's team had also reacted unfavorably to the speakers on the mechas. He hoped Lena was taking notes.

  "Yeah, yeah, there are no Aerquan left," he said, dashing down the stairs from the stage and moving swiftly across the hall to Maddy.

  Her mecha crouched, and with a hydraulic sound, the cockpit opened up, to reveal the redheaded woman inside.

  "The Aerquan did something - it must have been some kind of final defense they used when the town was under attack. I don't know how we didn't notice it, but somehow, they brought down a dam on the river close to the city, and that ditch we climbed in and out of to reach Brightvale is now full of water."

  Curtis frowned. This was going to be a problem for their mechas.

  "So, what have you done, have you had the hybrids you rescued swim across with some of your androids?"

  He'd never really thought about whether androids could swim before, but they were certainly fine in water - Pinky spent ages in the jacuzzi bath in her hotel suite most days.

  Maddy shook her head, and he could tell from her expression that there was more bad news to come.

  "The water can't be crossed. I don't know whether they did it with pipes, or, maybe just had some barrels of whatever it is in the ditch, ready for this trap to be sprung, but there's some kind of corrosive in the water that means it isn't safe - not for android skin, either. As it stands, nobody can swim across, and our vehicles are all on the other side."

  "Fuck... those vindictive bastards. What was even the point of it? What's the point in trapping us in their city, they're all dead, it's not like they get anything out of doing it! Sore fuckin' losers..."

  "Well... that's not quite the extent of it. We can assume that if they took these measures as soon as the city came under attack, they'll also have notified the Aerquan in the next closest settlement. We should probably work under the assumption that they are on their way."

  "Well, I guess we'll just have another battle on our hands then. The last lot fell like dominoes - we should have no problem taking out more of them, especially if they're in an unfamiliar city and we can see 'em coming."

  "Yeah... but... we'll run out of power, if it's not soon... I don't think this city, where there were no androids here, really has the facilities for charging up the army of us that is in here - in fact, I don't even see any signs that the Aerquan used electr
icity at all, at least, not the way we do," Lena said, nervously, dressed now, and making her way over from the stage. She spoke as if afraid Curtis - or perhaps Maddy - might shoot the messenger.

  "Fuck. OK, I need to speak to Osiris, get some estimates on how long we have, and which direction they'll be most likely to attack from. She knows what few details we have on the other Aerquan cities, even though her drones haven't been out that far yet."

  He grabbed his communicator out of the cockpit of his mecha, and was about to use it to find the green haired recon expert, but first realized he wasn't exactly looking like strong, reliable leader material in front of the humans anymore.

  "Uh, people, show's over now, I think we all know where we stand, right? So, what I need you to do now, is take this group of men with you, and go and get all of the other people -the kids and the pregnant women, anyone who's sick, just, well, anyone who's not here. Round them up and bring them in here so we'll all be ready to leave. We are just finalizing some of the arrangements for our departure, but we need everybody set to go as soon as that's wrapped up."

  There, hopefully that sounded like I know what I'm doing.

  The men and women were shambling to their feet, and the android soldiers were standing up and dressing with a professional demeanor, as if the wild orgy had never happened, and they had orders to carry out.

  He turned away and tried to ignore them, despite the fact Maddy was watching the humans with a lively curiosity, and he really wanted to tell her all about what had happened here. He had Aerquan bullshit to deal with, first.

  Chapter 7

  Osiris was, it turned out, in the now ruined portion of the city with the androids who had assaulted it, fulfilling their next objective of looking around what was left of the Aerquan quarter of Brightvale for any interesting salvage. They were also tasked with recovering the mother chips from any androids who had fallen in the assault, so that they could be implanted into new android bodies when they returned to Newtown - but there had only been one such case. All of the other injuries sustained by the androids were fixable, without the more resource-heavy process of making a whole new body.

  "So, you weren't aware of the situation with the water, either?" Curtis asked her.

  "Of course not! I'd have called you straight away if I'd known anything was wrong - we haven't checked in because everything was going to plan on our end so far."

  Curtis felt bad for saying it in a way she'd understood as an accusation. Really he'd just been worried he'd missed numerous calls from concerned androids on his communicator while he'd been ignoring it on the stage. He was already feeling like an idiot for missing Maddy's, but at least with her, he didn't have to keep up the whole 'competent leader' thing. She knew he was flying by the seat of his pants.

  "No problem, I was just checking you hadn't run into any difficulties. So, that's where we stand, from what you know about the other Aerquan locations they may have alerted, how long do you think we have before we come under attack again? And, also, do you happen to have a drone with you that you could send back to Newtown, to send pictures of the ditch from above to the androids who stayed behind? Maybe if they could get a good look at it and get here fast they could, I don't know, design something to bridge it?"

  He knew the second question was a stupid one - if Osiris did have a drone that could do that to hand, she'd have been using it already today, depleting its battery, and the distance between Brightvale and Newtown was already at the very limits of what her drones could handle when fully charged. Plus, all of the bigger usable vehicles in Newtown had been used to travel here, so it would be very difficult for any of the androids there to bring anything large that could bridge the ditch, even if those remaining at the university could come up with something to use. But he was clutching at straws, trying to prove to Osiris that he was at least thinking about what a solution might be, while secretly hoping what he said might trigger her to calculate a better solution.

  "To answer your first question, the closest Aerquan settlement is another 300 miles from here, but we don't know how fast they can travel. We are seeing all kinds of odd ruins of machines and architecture here, and we don't know what any of it does - whether some of it is stuff they use for transport, or whether they just fly to places themselves, like you reported them doing at Sanctuary. All the time my drones were watching Brightvale we never saw any Aerquan leaving the city, so we're none the wiser as to that. Still though, whatever speed they can travel at, they probably know they're up against androids, and that the only way to defeat us is to wait - to keep us under siege, stay out of range of us, and wait for us to run out of power. If I had to guess at their strategy, I'd say they'll approach, but stay a few clicks away."

  "But then, they could still destroy our cars, and leave us with no way back to our charge point, or to Newtown, even if we can get over the moat somehow."

  "Yes. So we need to act as fast as we can to solve the ditch issue so we can at least have some androids defending our fleet of vehicles. As for your other question, no, I can't send a drone back to Newtown, and even if I could, it would take too long to be of any help. My drones are fast, but it'd still take more time than we have for anybody in Newtown to put together a solution and get here with it. I can take pictures of the ditch from above and we can send them back to the university using the communication system in your mecha, but still, the time thing really rules out them being able to get here and rescue us. Of course, the Aerquan may also be banking on us calling on the remaining androids in Newtown to come out to us here, so they can trap them too and potentially destroy the city while there are few people left to defend it."

  He thought of Sky, holed up in her hotel suite. If everybody else left, even with Mercy to protect her, there wouldn't be much chance of her surviving an organized Aerquan assault.

  "Yeah, that was kinda just a shot in the dark, I didn't think it'd work. Fuck. OK, so, the priority is getting some of our androids across the water to defend the cars. Any thoughts on that?"

  He turned as he said this into his communicator, making meaningful eye contact with both Maddy and Lena to make sure they were listening - he wanted them thinking on this, too, along with Sarge and the other guys Maddy had brought in with her. He pressed the button that put the device on loudspeaker, so they could hear what Osiris' ideas were, too.

  "There's probably a way we can make a very rough way of getting across out of whatever materials we can find here. If the water is as corrosive as Maddy's team reports, then I wouldn't have thought we should be trying to float across on rafts, so maybe we need to try to make some kind of walkway out of old metal or whatever."

  "Your mechas should be strong enough to bend and carry metal bars or pipes - if we can find anything like that we can probably lay them across the ditch and the most agile androids will be able to run across them. You probably wouldn't be able to get the humans or the hybrids doing that - it'd be difficult and scary - but it'd be a way to get some androids out to the cars," Lena said, raising a hand as she spoke, as if apologizing for suggesting what was actually a very viable solution.

  "OK, yes! Let's do that, it won't solve all of our problems but at least we can defend the fleet while we think of a way to get the refugees and our mecha suits out. If we can get some of the androids in and out, we also have options for sending some back to the charge point in the cars..." Maddy said, but she trailed off at the end, sounding like she had just realized the same thing Curtis had.

  "We need to protect the charge points too, don't we? We can hope the Aerquan don't know what they are or what charge points look like, but if they're around, and they see those things being used by crowds of cars and androids, then they'll destroy them as soon as they get a chance," he said.

  "Yup," Maddy said.

  "Right, so, we send say, one hundred androids over the ditch by having them tightrope walk across on pipes or whatever else we can pull down that is long enough to reach across, and then we send fifty of those to mo
ve on to the nearest charge point. Of those, twenty-five should come back and swap out with twenty five more once they're charged, and the other twenty-five should stay and protect the charge point - something like that. We can't really have people defending the other charge point closer to Newtown this way - it gets too complicated and spreads our resources out too much, so we'll just have to hope none of the Aerquan figure out what that is, or are willing to get within 100 miles of Newtown anyway."

  "Well, we actually could have some people from Newtown go out to defend that one - it wouldn't take that many if they're heavily armed, given it'll be out in the open, and it won't really require them to do any special planning. We can have some people head out there straight away if we call them now," Maddy said.

  "Makes sense, although we don't really want them drawing attention to the charge point either. Maybe if we just send them out to patrol the area but not specifically hang around the place," Curtis said, and everyone who was listening murmured in assent.

  "Well, we don't really have time to lose. We should go out and start looking for some things we can tear down or carry or whatever to make some ways for the androids to get across. And you should be back in your mecha anyway - since we have no idea how soon Aerquan could start to appear around here," Maddy said.

  "Right," he replied, climbing back into his cockpit, his communicator still in one hand.

  He hadn't really even thought about his own safety with all of this going on. His nerves were on fire under the pressure of it all, but he was glad that the plan involved him and his mecha having something to physically do. Standing around trying to figure out this mess was just making him more anxious.

  There still wasn't any idea what they would do next, once they'd sent out the one hundred androids (a number he'd pulled out of his ass, but which, since neither Osiris, Lena, Sarge or any of Maddy's other four bodyguards had objected to it, seemed like it would be a suitable number for the plan to work). They had no way to get the refugees out yet, or their mechas (which he and Maddy couldn't leave without, given they would then be open to Aequan psychic attacks and without their own weapons and armor), but by doing this they could protect their only means of escape, and keep at least some of the androids charged up at any one time if the siege lasted beyond what juice they had left. It was a start.


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