Secrets Bound By Sand

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Secrets Bound By Sand Page 3

by T. A. White

  "They asked if you were Tatum Allegra Winters," Thora said waspishly.

  Tate's mouth clicked shut.

  "Yes, I've already interviewed many of those who were present," he said with a dark smile. "I'll add that isn't a name you've made us aware of before now."

  Tate's gaze shifted to Ryu. Maybe not Thora, but Ryu had certainly known it. She was a little surprised he hadn’t shared it with the commander of the dragon-ridden.

  "I didn't know until recently," she lied.

  Thora made a hmm sound, his expression impenetrable.

  "If you know what happened, why am I repeating it?"

  "Because I told you to," Thora snapped.

  She sighed but didn't argue. "I denied being Tate. They attacked anyways. I was dying, and then somehow I was here."

  "No memory of what happened in between?" Ryu asked.

  Tate shook her head. None.

  "Did I/we hurt anyone?" she asked, her stomach clenching. That might explain their anger.

  Ryu shook his head. "Just the creature who attacked you."

  "Which the dragon partially ate," Thora interjected.

  Tate's face went pale and she touched her stomach as it suddenly roiled. "I think I'm going to be sick."

  Night chuffed in amusement as Tate bent at the waist.

  "Not funny, Night."

  I disagree. Your expression right now is hilarious. He dodged her swipe.

  She straightened when it became clear the contents of her stomach weren't going anywhere. "She really ate that thing?"

  Ryu nodded.

  "There is sentient creature in my stomach," Tate said, feeling close to tears. She needed a scalding hot bath and then a steel wire brush for her insides.

  "Stop being so dramatic," Thora said on a sigh.

  "Easy for you to say. Your dragon didn't eat something that could talk."

  He fixed her with a dour gaze. "My dear, I've lived through my dragon eating humans, Silva, and Kairi. There are much worse things than gobbling down one of the Creators' pet monsters." His gaze met Night's. "No offense meant, Sir Night."

  None taken. I am what I am, Night said.

  Thora's revelation was enough to shake Tate out of her own misery. She glanced at Ryu in question. He inclined his head.

  "There is a reason Thora no longer gives his dragon the freedom of form," Ryu said gravely.

  That was terrible. She knew his dragon had issues—but this? What must it be like to share your body, mind and soul with a being like that? How had he handled knowing he could never fully trust himself or the creature inside?

  "You don't remember anything after shifting into the dragon?" Thora asked, bringing them back to the matter at hand.

  "I don't remember transforming," Tate corrected. "All I remember is—" Dying. "Thinking I was dying."

  She couldn't very well tell them she thought she was dead or inches from it when Ilith seized control.

  "The trauma of the shift might have caused her to black out," Ryu said. "There is documentation to support that. The dragon may have reacted as if its life was in danger."

  "That doesn't explain why it stole the Jewel of Aurius, or the Emperor's crown," Thora said.

  "Ilith likes pretty things." The more sparkly the better.

  Both men gave her identical looks of disbelief. She shrugged her shoulders at them. It was true.

  Thora sighed and rubbed his forehead. "That's all we need. The dragon adding the treasury of the Aurelian empire to her horde."

  Ryu's lips twitched. "It would make for a good security measure against thieves."

  Tate raised her head and gave him a questioning look.

  "Dragons are a touch possessive of their hordes," he explained. "Few are willing to mess with something once it’s been claimed by a dragon. There are many stories detailing the lengths a dragon will go to take back its treasure, whatever its form."

  Tate studied him for a long moment. Someone had once told her Ryu considered his human informants part of his horde. She had to wonder if he was speaking from personal experience and if so, what exactly he'd done when his horde was threatened. Judging by the carefully blank expressions on his and Thora's faces, there was story there somewhere, one she probably didn't have time to pry out of them.

  "How bad is the trouble I'm in?" Tate asked, feeling resigned.

  Thora pinched the bridge of his nose. "It helps that a dozen witnesses saw the creature attack you. Certain allowances will be made for your dragon and the fact no one beyond the creature was hurt."

  A cautious hope she might survive this debacle took hold.

  There was a slight knock at the door and then a man wearing the livery of the Emperor entered, his face grave. "His Imperial Majesty."

  Thora and Ryu shared a long look before facing the doorway. Tate stayed where she was, not sure quite what to do with herself. No one had gotten around to instructing her in how to greet an Emperor while dressed only in a thin jacket to preserve her modesty.

  This wasn’t exactly how she had pictured their next meeting going. Although, she guessed she should have, since her few encounters with the Emperor had been unorthodox in the extreme.

  Both Thora and Ryu began to execute deep bows, stopping when the Emperor waved them away before they could do much more than bend their heads.

  "I think we're a little past such things, don't you?" the Emperor asked dryly. "It's just us anyway, and Lucas's loyalty is unquestionable."

  Thora straightened with a grimace.

  Tate remained where she was, trying not to attract attention, a pointless endeavor, given the claw marks Ilith had left on every inch of the room.

  The Emperor snorted as he took in the damage. "I've managed to calm the council. I told them the dragon sensed a threat to our treasury and acted in protection of it. They bought the story for now, but it might be better to get her out of sight for a while."

  Thora let out a heavy exhale, looking put out. "I agree. Giving things time to die down and be forgotten would be best for everyone."

  "I assume you have something in mind, Thaddeus," Ryu said.

  The Emperor inclined his head. "I do. The Silva have requested Tate's presence for a mediation. It seems their children were amongst those taken for the Order and guardians’ experiments. The Silva are calling in a blood debt unless they receive recompense."

  Thora and Ryu looked grim at the news. It was a bad situation and everyone knew the stakes if Tate failed. The Silva were powerful both politically and physically, and their society was based upon personal pride. If they felt they'd been insulted, they might very well start a war, especially when the people who'd been hurt were the very ones they most wanted to protect.

  "That could have far-reaching consequences," Ryu observed.

  The Emperor nodded. "Yes, cousin. We've rooted out many of the separatists in the Black Order and the guardians, but their movement is still gaining traction. My actions have not endeared me to them. If the Silva go through with their blood debt, it could weaken the empire and leave us vulnerable to both internal and external attacks."

  There was a long moment of silence as they processed the Emperor’s statement.

  "Congratulations, you’re getting your first real mission,” the Emperor said, addressing Tate for the first time. “Both the guardians and the Silva have asked you to mediate. It seems you're the only person either one trusts. I wasn’t going to appoint you, given the high stakes of the situation, but your recent antics have made me revisit that decision."

  She met his eyes as she frowned in thought. The last time she'd been called into a mediation, she’d only been a witness. Given the end result, she wouldn’t call that mediation an unqualified success.

  “What about the Black Order?” Tate asked.

  The Emperor’s glance was wry. “No one is acceptable in their eyes. At least no one I would trust to keep the situation from deteriorating further.”

  "She's not ready to go out on her own," Thora pointed out.
r />   The Emperor waved his words away. "Send someone you trust with her as witness." He cast a sly look at Ryu. "I'm sure my cousin would be only too happy to provide his expertise."

  Ryu bowed his head, a glint of humor in his eyes. He glanced at Thora. "It would be the easiest solution. Get her out of the city until the furor dies down. It would also give us a chance to work on her control as a dragon, in a place where possible damage would be considerably lessened."

  Tate didn't know much about the Silva's territory but the few things she'd heard led her to believe it was vast and largely unpopulated. If she lost control of Ilith there, she would cause less destruction to people and buildings than if she did the same here.

  Thora still looked dissatisfied at the proposal. Tate wasn't sure how she felt about it either.

  Aurelia had become her home. She knew people here and had started putting down roots. She didn't want to leave on a long journey just as she was starting to get comfortable.

  "Very well," Thora said. "I'm also sending Jacob with you. I think getting out of the city would do him some good."

  No one mentioned how poorly the other dragon-ridden was doing. His captivity and torture at the hands of the Order earlier that year had taken a toll on him. He was adjusting, but slowly.

  I'll go as well. Night blinked at her from his spot on the floor, his paws crossed in front of him.

  "You can't. You still have to prepare for your hearing, and you haven't found a magister yet." Tate wasn't going to let this unfortunate set of circumstances derail his application. Now, more than ever, it was important he be recognized as sentient.

  She didn’t bother using his children as an excuse to leave him behind. Pax and Willa were pretty self-sufficient. They had a woman who looked after them during the day and acted as a tutor. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d watched over them for a few nights.

  "You're in luck. The magister Lisa Spangler decided to take your case after all." The Emperor gave Night a probing glance. "It seems your friend made quite the impression. I'm sure she can get an extension while she prepares her arguments."

  Tate cocked her head and frowned. Lisa had been quite clear about her opinion of Night during their meeting. Tate found it hard to believe she’d had such an abrupt change of heart.

  Her gaze fell to Night. "Did something happen with Ilith?"

  He licked a paw. Nothing comes to mind.

  Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

  "It's settled then," the Emperor said before she could ask any more questions, effectively closing the subject. When an Emperor decided something, it was generally best to listen. "I'll leave the details to you."

  The Emperor began to take his leave as Ryu and Thora bowed at the waist in acknowledgement. Thaddeus hesitated before giving Tate an expectant look. She blinked back at him.

  "My crown, please," he said patiently.

  Tate startled, before reaching down and snagging it from the pile of treasure she still sat on.

  Her smile was stiff as she held it out to him. "Of course. Sorry about that."

  He took the crown with an amused quirk to his lips. "Try to keep it from happening again."

  Tate flushed.

  He turned and left the room, sucking the tension and energy out with him. His guard followed, but not before shooting an amused look in Tate's direction.

  As soon as they were gone, Tate collapsed back onto the pile of jewels, relief making her slightly lightheaded.

  "That turned out better than I could have possibly expected," Thora stated, voicing Tate's thoughts.

  "We're lucky he finds her dragon and this entire situation amusing," Ryu observed.

  Thora snorted at that understatement. "And that he's been looking for a reason to put the separatists in their place."

  Ryu acknowledged Thora's words with a small nod.

  Tate wiggled further into the jewels. The idea of the Emperor taking an interest in her didn’t sit well. As the most powerful person in the empire, he could be a powerful ally—or a dangerous enemy. Getting on his bad side would make things difficult for Tate down the road. Considering her propensity for trouble, she couldn't rule out that possibility.

  "I'll begin making the arrangements for our trip," Ryu said.

  Thora nodded. "The sooner you leave the better. If possible, I'd like you gone by tonight. I don't want to give any of the bloodthirsty savages on his council time to change their minds."

  "I can be packed by then, but travel arrangements will be much more difficult," Tate said.

  Ryu's smug grin made her want to swallow her words.

  "Don't worry about that. I have some connections who might be willing to help us out," he said.

  She stared at him for a beat. There was only one person she knew who would be available at his beck and call. Jost.

  "You've got to be kidding me," Tate said, rubbing her forehead.

  "I'm not."

  "Jost's crew hate me."

  "Not all of them."

  No, just a good number of them. One of the reasons she ended up in Aurelia was because certain individuals on his crew had decided she was a witch and would bring them bad luck.

  "He's gotten rid of the troublemakers. Only the most loyal to him are still on the crew; the rest are brand new," Ryu said. "Besides, if anyone offends, you can always turn into a dragon and eat them."

  The look she gave him was unamused. "You're not nearly as funny as you think you are."

  This time his smile was real, transforming his rugged features into something warm and approachable.

  "You keep telling yourself all the lies you need," he said. "We both know you want me."

  She snorted but didn't argue. His ego was big enough as it was.

  She sighed. She thought when she'd left the Marauder, she'd never have to set foot on a ship again. Turns out she was wrong. Damn it.


  Exhaustion dragged at Tate as she finally approached the Hill, as residents of the city affectionately called the long climb that bridged the Upper and Lower parts of Aurelia. It was the dividing line separating the nobility and those of affluence from the working class. The further up the Hill your residence, the greater your status.

  Of course, Tate had chosen to settle between the two with a foot in each world. It meant an exhausting climb every day no matter which part of the city she visited, but it came with breathtaking views even Ilith agreed were worth it.

  Tate pushed back the oversized sleeves of her shirt and adjusted the too-large pants which were held up by the length of rope tied around her waist. The clothes had come courtesy of Ryu and carried his scent with them. It was pleasant and masculine, wrapping around her to tease and tempt.

  Ilith snoozed at the small of Tate's back. The dragon's dreams tickled Tate's conscious, but never fully materialized. They were a low persistent buzz in the back of her mind, constant and comforting.

  Night padded at her side, the vistas of the Lower and the harbor to their right and charming houses on their left. Every door they passed was a different color, bright and cheery with long sets of stairs leading up to them. Tate loved the personality in each one. The houses were similar yet managed to be unique in their own way.

  Tate and Night's house was midway down the hill, a three-story row house, as expectation defying as its residents. It fit her unique band of misfits. Even though she'd only lived there for a few months, she couldn't imagine herself living anywhere else.

  Her pace slowed as she caught sight of two figures clad in the long robes of the guardians waiting for her on the steps leading up to her home.

  I'll wait inside. Night bounded up their front lawn, abandoning her before she could object.

  A fearful squeak came from one of the men as the bearcat scaled the side of their home, leaving yet more marks in the wood siding to join the many others as proof this was his favored method of entering the house.

  "Traitor," Tate muttered as he disappeared inside
a cracked window.

  She focused on the two men standing between her and her sanctuary. "Grand Master Keel, to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?"

  The grand master of the guardians wore the same robes as his companion, with the exception of black ribbon sewn into the cuffs of both sleeves. Unlike the few times Tate had seen him, during this visit Keel lacked the length of gold fabric he usually wore draped around his neck indicating his rank as grand master.

  He was in his middle years, yet had silver strands threading through his hair. The unmasking of a traitorous cult in his own ranks—one intent on wiping clean any who weren't fully human—had aged him, adding years to his features. He wore it well, appearing wise, yet stern. Fair, but strict.

  He seemed like the sort of man meant to lead a religious order, someone you could respect and look up to.

  Too bad it was only a facade. He might be considerably less arrogant and obnoxious than the first time she'd met him, but Tate still wasn't sure she trusted him—or if she ever would.

  "I hear you're going to Silvain to act in the Emperor's stead as mediator and wondered if I could impose on you."

  Tate arched an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Word travels fast."

  Especially considering the sensitive nature of her task. As far as she knew, only she, Thora and Ryu were privy to her mission.

  He inclined his head at her unvoiced question. "There are still some who look favorably upon my sect despite our recent blunders. They were so kind as to keep me informed, when they heard of my interest in the matter."

  "Let me guess, you're here to ask me to reconsider," Tate said dryly.

  While she'd managed to forge a tentative truce with Keel based partly on the leverage she had over him and his own guilt regarding his complicity in raising a crazed Savior, she knew the guardians held a marked dislike for the dragon-ridden. They viewed them as a threat against the memory of their precious Saviors.

  Never mind she was one of those Saviors—a fact known only to a very select few.

  She doubted the few opportunities he'd given her to study some of the Saviors’ records were enough to change generations of doctrine.

  "On the contrary, I advocated for the Emperor to send you," Keel responded.


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