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Cherished Page 3

by Kelly Elliott

  “Amanda! Hey, it’s Jessie.”

  “Jessie! Thank God! Scott’s…insane…mistake…Chelsea…Bryce.”

  “Wait—what are you saying, Amanda? I have a terrible connection. I’m only getting every other word. Can you hear me?”

  “Yes! You…come…quickly…he’s…bad.”

  “Okay…sweetie, I can’t understand you, but listen, I hope you can hear me. I’m fine. I’m going to stay here for about three weeks. Please let my dad and brothers know that I’m okay…Scott, too, I guess…if he even cares.”

  “No! Please…Scott…he…talk…right away.”

  “Ugh…Amanda, this connection is driving me nuts. I’ll give you a call in about a week or so. Tell Gunner I’m praying for Gramps. Bye, sweetie!”


  I hung up the phone. There was no sense in trying to piece together the conversation. I glanced up at the clock to see it was eight thirty.

  Oh shit! Trey!

  Right as I made it back to my cabana, I saw Trey walking up with the biggest smile on his face.

  “Are you ready to see the sights of Ambergris Caye?”

  Seeing him instantly made me feel better. All thoughts of Scott were pushed aside as I looked into the most beautiful green eyes I’d ever seen.

  I nodded and smiled. “Yep, let’s do this!”

  Trey held out his arm, and I took it as we made our way into town. Only about one minute into our walk, and I was already laughing my ass off.

  Oh yeah…Trey is just what the doctor ordered for me to forget about Scott.

  “Sir, believe me, I understand your frustration. But if Ms. Rhodes is not a missing person and you don’t have a warrant, there is no way I can look at the security cameras to see what airplane she got on. Do you know how many cameras we have? Or how long that would even take?” the Austin-Bergstrom security manager said.

  I nodded. “I understand. I’m just desperate. I need to find her before I lose my mind.”

  “I wish I could be of more help to you, sir. Do you share a credit card with her? She might have charged the ticket.”

  I shook my head. “No, she only has one credit card, and it’s in her name, so I can’t check it. Thank you so much for your help. Have a good day.”

  As I walked out of the airport, my cell started ringing. I didn’t even want to answer it. When Brad had called me yesterday and told me he’d brought Jessie to the airport, my heart had broken all over again. I couldn’t believe she had been mad enough to get on a plane and leave.

  I pulled the phone out of my pocket to see that it was Amanda calling.

  “Amanda! Have you heard from her?”

  “Yes! Oh my god, she just called me, Scott! I could hear her, but she said she was only getting every other word of what I was saying. I tried telling her that it wasn’t you and that it was Bryce, but I don’t think she got any of it.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest. “Did she say where she was?”

  Please, God…please let me find her.

  Amanda paused for the longest time, and I already knew the answer before she started talking again.

  “No. I’m so sorry, Scott. The number didn’t show up either. She only said she was okay and would be staying about three weeks.”

  “Three weeks!” I stopped and had to lean over. I. Can’t. Breathe.

  “Scott? Scott, are you okay? Scott…please say something,” Amanda pleaded.

  “I can’t talk right now. If she calls again, please try to find out where she is.”

  “Of course I will, Scott. Don’t worry. When she comes back, she’ll find out the truth, and it won’t be long before she’s back in your arms.”

  I tried to talk, but nothing would come out. I just hit End to disconnect the call. I walked back to my truck and slowly crawled in. My legs were like iron. My chest hurt, and it felt like someone was sitting on it.

  Three weeks? Jessie, please don’t do this to me. I need you.

  I sat at Gunner’s kitchen table and watched Ellie moving around while she made homemade marinara sauce. Every now and then, she would look at me and smile.

  I couldn’t go home. It had been a week since Jessie left, and I’d only been home once. I had asked Bryce and Jeff to get rid of my bed. I was going to buy a new one. There was no way I’d ever sleep in that bed…or let Jessie sleep in it. That is, if she ever comes back. I’d noticed that Doc had put the vet clinic back up for sale. Jessie had left a message for him, saying that she was no longer interested in buying the practice.

  Please just call me, Jessie.

  Fuck! If she would just call me…

  Ellie sat down and reached for my hands. The moment I felt her hands touch mine, I jerked.

  Ellie jumped and let out a giggle. “Holy hell, Scott, you scared the shit out of me.”

  I smiled at her. She was so sweet. I kept noticing how she would place her hand on her stomach. Gunner was beyond happy that Gramps was okay and home and that Ellie was having a pretty easy pregnancy so far. She’d hardly had any morning sickness. My smile slowly faded as I thought of Jessie and how much I wanted to have children with her.

  “Ells…I miss her so much. I have such a bad feeling, and I can’t shake it. What if she meets someone else? What if she doesn’t believe me when I tell her it wasn’t me? Oh god…what if I never see her again? I want to marry her and have children with her. I don’t want anyone else, Ellie. I only want her.”

  I couldn’t believe what a pussy I’d been during the last week, so I wasn’t surprised when I started crying again. My whole world felt like someone had just ripped it apart.

  “Scott, I know you’re worried about her and things seem like they are really bad right now, but in her mind, she thinks she saw you and Chelsea having sex. That probably really upset her beyond belief. She just needs time…that’s all. Just be patient, and wait for her, sweets. She’s going to come back, Scott, because I know how much she loves you.”

  I shook my head. “If she thinks I cheated, Ellie…she’s not going to forgive me. I know her, and the last time I walked away from her for Chelsea, it devastated her.”

  I looked up when I saw the back door of the kitchen open. Gunner walked in with Jeff, and they both gave me that look. Everyone was feeling sorry for me, and I wasn’t helping anyone by sitting here and moping.

  “Hey, dude. How are you doing?” Jeff asked as he reached out and shook my hand.

  “I feel like someone keeps punching me in the gut.” I let out a small laugh.

  “Ari made your favorite dessert—apple pie. She’s bringing it over tonight for dinner.” Jeff gave me a weak smile.

  Everyone was going to come over to Gunner and Ells’s place for dinner to celebrate Gramps being okay. Even Josh, Heather, and the twins would be here. Everyone would be here.

  Except for Jessie.

  I smiled and tried to look as happy as I could even though I was slowly dying inside. I was supposed to head to Kentucky to look at a horse today, but I’d called and told them I would have to come in a few weeks. There was no way I was leaving and missing Jessie if she decided to come back early.

  Gunner walked up to me. “You need to take a ride. Get some fresh air, Scott. You look like shit.”

  “Gunner!” Ellie said as she punched him on the arm.

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Leave it to you to keep it real, Gunner.” I stood up and smiled. “I think a ride is exactly what I need—open space to clear my thoughts. You need me to check on anything while I’m out?”

  Gunner looked over toward Jeff.

  “You know, the south pasture fence line hasn’t been checked on in a few days. Would you mind?” Jeff asked.

  “Done!” I said as I hit Jeff on the back.

  I made my way out and down to Gunner and Ellie’s barn. When I stepped inside, six horses all turned and looked at me, each pleading with me to pick them.

  I smiled as I made my way to Rose. “Hey, beautiful. You ready to go for a run, girl? Just
you and me…and the open sky.”

  She started bobbing her head up and down, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Once I had her saddled up and out of the barn, she was practically begging to run. We walked a little ways until I came to an open pasture. All it took was one squeeze of my legs, and she was off in a full run. The feel of her running under me with the wind in my hair was exactly what I needed.

  I wasn’t sure how long I’d let Rose run, but she ended up stopping on her own. I jumped off and walked her up to the river to let her get a drink. I sat on the bank of the river while Rose patiently stood by and waited.

  I fell back and looked up at the blue sky. I let out a scream, and I was pretty sure I sounded like a girl, but I didn’t care. I needed to get it out. It was either that or beat Bryce’s ass. I couldn’t even think of looking at Chelsea. I hated her more than ever now.

  “Jessie, baby, please come home to me. I’m hurting so bad without you. I can hardly breathe with you being gone. I love you, baby. Please…”

  I lay there for a few good minutes, just staring up at the blue sky, willing Jessie to come back to me. As I prayed for her to come back to me, I fought the sick feeling in my stomach that I hadn’t been able to shake for the last week.

  I had the strangest feeling that I was losing her…and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

  I couldn’t pull my eyes from the sky. It was so blue and beautiful, and it just held my gaze. I closed my eyes, and then I quickly opened them. Every time I closed my eyes, I would either hear Scott or see his smile.

  I felt something cold dripping on my stomach, and I sat up quickly. Trey was holding a beer over me, laughing.

  “Damn you! That’s cold, you ass!” I said as I swatted at his leg.

  He jumped and laughed. He sat down next to me and let out a long sigh. I glanced over and watched him take a drink of his beer. I smiled and shook my head. Trey and I had spent practically every waking moment together, touring the island. We had taken a hike yesterday, and I’d ended up throwing up twice. The guide had said that I was probably just not used to the salt air. I’d been feeling like the flu was coming on for the last two days.

  Trey bumped my shoulder and smiled at me.

  Shit! There goes that damn dizzy feeling in my stomach. I wasn’t even sure why Trey was having such an effect on me. I was clearly only interested in a friendship, but I was slowly starting to think that he was hoping for more from me. Last night, he’d leaned down to kiss me good-bye, but I’d turned away.

  “You look amazing in that bathing suit. Have I told you that?” he asked with a wink.

  I let out a giggle. “Yes. Yes, you have, Trey—about four times now.”

  “Can’t blame a guy, Jessie. You’ve got two really good things going for you.”

  I took a drink of my beer. “Oh yeah? What are they?”

  “Well, for one, you’re from Texas. And the other one is that you have an amazing fucking body.”

  I felt the blush move up my cheeks, and I actually had a moment of need between my legs. Oh god. Jessie, what’s wrong with you? Friends. Trey is only a friend.

  I quickly turned away before he could read my eyes. I looked out toward the water. “Well, thank you so much for that compliment. So, what are the plans for this evening?”

  He fell back onto his elbows, and when I glanced at him, our eyes met. His eyes were full of lust. At least to me, they looked like that. I slowly turned away again and downed my beer.

  “Well, my love, I actually think you need some rest. We’ve been going and blowing way too much with all the hikes and tours, and it’s taking a toll on you.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right. I’m so tired, and honestly, I don’t feel very well. I thought lying out here in the sun would make me feel better, but it kind of makes it worse.”

  Trey sat up and peeked over at me. “Maybe you should go in and take a nap. I’ll take care of all of this.”

  Oh man, a nap sounds like heaven right about now. I’d been having such a hard time sleeping. I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making a mistake by staying away for so long, but I just brushed it off as wanting to see Scott.

  “You know what? A nap sounds like a great idea. Will you make sure I’m up in time for dinner?” I asked with a wink.

  Trey smiled as he stood up and held out his hand. “You better believe I will.”

  As he helped me up, I started to feel dizzy, but I didn’t say anything. Just as I was about to turn and make my way to the cabana, I felt like I was going to faint.

  “Um…Trey…I don’t feel right…”

  The next thing I knew, Trey was carrying me in through the door and laying me down on the bed.

  He ran to the sink and wet a washcloth. He came back and placed it on my forehead. “Jesus, babe, you’re burning up. Maybe I should call a doctor?”

  “No. No, I just need rest. Please…just let me rest.”

  “Jess, maybe I shouldn’t leave you alone.”

  “No, really, it’s okay. Just go clean up and come back in a few hours. I promise, I’ll be fine.”

  Trey stood and shook his head. “Damn stubborn girl. Alright, but don’t get up. Just rest. Do you hear me?”

  I smiled. “Yes, dad.”

  It didn’t take long before I was drifting off to sleep and was dreaming.

  I was walking up to the river, and I saw a man standing there. He was holding something in his hand. The closer I got, the more the image became clear. Someone was next to him. It was a young child. I called out for them, and as the man turned around, I sucked in a breath of air.


  Hey, baby, we’ve been waiting for you to come back to us.

  I glanced down and looked at the beautiful little girl holding Scott’s hand. She had curly blonde hair, and her smile was exactly like Scott’s. I smiled as I looked back up at Scott, but he was starting to fade away. The little girl started calling out for him to stay, but he kept fading away. She pulled on my shirt, and I looked down at her to see a tear trailing down her face.

  Why did you leave him without talking to him first? You killed him. You killed him by leaving him all alone.

  My eyes instantly flew open. Holy fuck!

  I sat up quickly and instantly felt sick to my stomach again. I barely made it to the bathroom before I was puking. I sat on the cold floor and leaned up against the wall. I put my head on my knees, and I felt the sweat just pouring off of me.

  Oh my god. What in the hell kind of dream was that? What did I eat that’s making me so sick?

  I just sat there and thought about the dream I’d just had.

  Who was the little girl? Why did she tell me I killed Scott? What did she say? I should have talked to him first? What if…what if what I saw wasn’t really what happened? Maybe…

  Oh, Jesus H. Christ, Jessie. You saw Chelsea fucking Scott…in his bed. I closed my eyes and felt tears stinging them. I never actually saw Scott though…but I heard him call out after me.

  I hate that bitch more than the air I breathe. I hate Scott for doing this to me again. I started crying. Fuck, I’m so sick of crying. I just want to forget. I need to forget!

  I heard a knock on the door, and I figured it was Trey as I stood. I quickly rinsed out my mouth with mouthwash and then splashed water on my face.

  I headed toward the door and opened it. Trey was holding a huge bouquet of flowers.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked with that sweet smile of his.

  I smiled back. “So much better now that you’re here.”

  Trey’s smile faded for a brief moment as he took a step closer to me. I instantly felt the heat between us as he reached his hand up and placed it on the side of my face. It was nothing like when Scott touched me though. When Scott touched me, my whole body would shiver. But Trey’s touch…helped me to forget…even if just for a moment.

  “Jessie…you’re so beautiful.”

  I closed my eyes and
saw Scott. I snapped them open, and before I knew it, I was walking into Trey’s arms. He gently began kissing me, and he let out a small moan, which caused me to open my mouth to him. Our tongues began exploring each other as he brought me closer to him. He pulled slightly away from my lips.

  I whispered, “Trey…help me forget. Please help me forget him.”

  As he slammed his lips to mine, I felt his erection pushing into my stomach. I ran my hands up and into his hair. I gave it a hard tug, causing him to let out another moan. He slowly reached down and picked me up. He carried me over to my bed. As he gently laid me down on the bed, I started to panic.

  What in the hell am I doing? I need to stop this now.

  Trey moved his hand up my shirt. He slipped it under my bra and started playing with my nipple.

  Oh god…that feels so good, but fuck, my breasts hurt like a son of a bitch.

  I let out a moan as he moved his hand down. He started to unbutton my shorts.

  Stop this, Jessie. You don’t want to do this.


  The moment he slipped his fingers inside me, I almost came undone.

  He stopped kissing me. “My god, Jessie…you’re soaking wet, love. I just want to bury myself in you.”

  He started kissing me again, but this time, our kissing turned frantic. It was almost like if we stopped, we knew we wouldn’t start again. He quickly moved and started taking off my shorts and panties. He licked his lips as he looked at me. I quickly sat up and pulled off my shirt as he pushed my bra up and over my breasts.

  I need to forget…I just need to forget him.

  Trey slowly bent down and started kissing me again as he moved his hand and placed his fingers inside me.

  “Ah…” I cried out as I felt the pressure building inside me.

  “Jesus…I just want to fuck you.”

  I closed my eyes and held back the tears. That’s what we’d be doing—fucking, not making love. We’d be fucking the people who hurt us out of our heads for just a few brief moments.

  He started fucking me with his fingers as his thumb began its assault on my clit. It wasn’t going to take long now before I just fell apart.


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