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Cherished Page 26

by Kelly Elliott

  I slowly lifted my head and smiled when her stunningly beautiful green eyes met mine.

  “The baby?” she whispered.

  “She’s perfect. I got to see her,” I said. My smile grew bigger.

  “You did?” she gasped. “That is so not fair!” She went to move and grimaced. “Oh god…I’m so sore everywhere.” She lifted each arm and then wiggled her toes. “I feel sore, but…I’m not in a whole lot of pain.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, you were so incredibly lucky, baby. You didn’t break anything. You’re just battered and bruised.”

  I watched as a tear rolled down her beautiful face. I reached up and wiped it away.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you. I should have turned around or waited for you to get there before I met him. I just…I just never imagined Trey would ever hurt me…but…” She began to cry harder.

  I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “Shh…baby, it’s okay. Please don’t be upset. You need to relax and try not to get stressed out, okay? Just take a deep breath and blow it out. You couldn’t have known he would do something like that.”

  She quickly wiped away her tears.

  I reached for a Kleenex and wiped her nose. “I’m practicing. Ari said I’m going to have to wipe a lot of runny noses,” I said with a wink.

  She let out a giggle and shook her head. “Where am I?”

  “Brackenridge, but I think they said you could go home tomorrow if you felt good and got some fluids in you.”

  “Tomorrow? Oh, I want to go home now, Scott. Can’t I go home now?” she said in that cute whiny voice that drove me mad with love.

  There was a small knock on the door, and it slowly opened. I turned to see Azurdee and Lark both walking in.

  “How are you feeling, honey?” Azurdee asked with a smile.

  “I’m okay…just really sore,” Jessie said.

  Azurdee walked to the other side of the bed and took Jessie’s other hand. I glanced up at Lark and shook my head, letting Lark know Jessie didn’t know about Trey yet.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, Jessie,” Lark said.

  Jessie flashed that smile of hers at him, and I knew what was about to come.

  “So, now, are you going to tell us what you do? Because I would love to know how in the hell you caught up to us like that. How did you know where we were?”

  Lark shrugged his shoulders. “I just needed the license plate number, and after one phone call to a friend at the Department of Public Safety to check the traffic cameras, bam, there ya go.”

  “I’m never going to get it out of you, am I?” Jessie asked.

  I peeked over at Azurdee, who was looking at Lark.

  “Nope. Nothing really to tell,” Lark said as he quickly looked at Azurdee and then back at Jessie before he turned and sat down.

  “We just wanted to make sure you were okay before Lark and I took off. We left all our stuff back in Mason,” Azurdee said as she pushed a piece of Jessie’s hair behind her ear.

  Jessie tried to sit up, but she stopped when she realized how sore she really was. “Oh no. I’m so sorry y’all have to drive back to Mason and then turn around and come back to Austin.”

  “No big deal, honey. It just gives me more time to grill Mr. Tight Lips here,” Azurdee said as she gestured toward Lark.

  Jessie let out a small laugh and then looked back at me. Her smile faded a bit as she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Is Trey okay? Did they arrest him?” she asked.

  I looked up at Azurdee and then quickly back at Jessie. “Baby, um…Trey died in the car accident. He broke his neck and died instantly,” I said.

  I watched the tears build in her eyes before she closed them.

  “So stupid. Oh my god. If I had just waited for you, none of this would have happened, and…and…maybe you could have just talked him into leaving, and he would…” Jessie began crying.

  Azurdee said, “No, Jessica, this is not your fault. You had no idea that Trey would do something like this. You can’t sit here and play what-if. It doesn’t do anybody any good. What happened, happened. There is nothing you can do about it.”

  Jessie looked at me, and my heart broke at the hurt I saw in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry that I didn’t listen to you, Scott. I’m so sorry I didn’t just wait for you.”

  She began sobbing, so I crawled onto the bed and took her in my arms. I saw Azurdee wipe a tear away from Jessie’s face. I closed my eyes and just held the woman I loved more than the air I breathed.

  Once she finally stopped crying, I gently laid her back down and kissed her lips. I whispered, “I love you, Jessie. I love you so much.”

  She looked into my eyes, and I had to catch my breath.

  “Scott,” she whispered, “I love you so much, and I don’t deserve your love after the stupid shit I’ve done.”

  I laughed and kissed her nose. “Get some rest, baby. I’m going to walk Lark and Azurdee out.”

  I got up as I looked over at Lark and winked.

  Azurdee gave Jessie a hug and kissed her on the cheek. “Call me if you need anything. I’m just a couple of hours away.”

  Jessie smiled. “Okay, will do. Thank you so much, Azurdee, for coming to visit and for all the yummy food. The baby is going to miss your French toast.”

  Lark laughed. “Shit, I already miss it!”

  I walked Lark and Azurdee outside. I shook Lark’s hand, and then I hugged and kissed Azurdee.

  “Lark, I don’t even know how to thank you, dude,” I said.

  “I’m just glad that we were able to catch up to them and that Jessie is okay. That wreck scared the shit out of me. It’s a miracle that she’s just sore and didn’t get hurt.”

  I nodded my head and looked at Azurdee. “She’s going to miss you.”

  She grinned. “I’ll come visit more often. The coffee shop just keeps me so busy, but I want to help with the baby’s room and the wedding,” she said with a wink.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “You’re sure that y’all got a ride home tomorrow?” Lark asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yep. My parents are already in Austin. They were on their way to the hospital earlier, so they should be here any minute.”

  “Alright. I’ll be out of town for a bit, but you know how to get a hold of me if you need me, right?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I know. Thanks, Lark, for everything. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Later, dude.”

  I watched as Lark and Azurdee walked into the parking garage. I smiled, wondering how the two of them were going to get along by themselves during the drive back to Mason. Lark would never admit it, but I knew he liked Azurdee.

  I turned and headed back into the hospital. When I walked into Jessie’s room, she was sleeping peacefully. I quietly sat down and watched her sleep as I said a silent prayer, thanking God that Jessie and the baby were okay. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes as I thought about Trey. I thought about his family and how devastated they would be about his death.

  Senseless…it was all just so senseless.

  I felt myself drifting off into sleep. Images of Jessie standing before me with her hands on her swollen belly filled my body with a warm sensation.

  I will always love, cherish, and protect them both until the day I die. Always.

  I watched as Alex walked up ahead of me and stopped every five minutes to bend down and look at either an ant or a flower. I smiled, thinking how she was about to become a big sister to Colt. The moment I’d found out I was having a son, I’d wanted to shout for joy.

  Alex watched a butterfly as she sat down on the ground and laughed. My heart couldn’t be filled with any more love right now. I looked over toward the garden and saw a very pregnant Ellie with Grams. Ellie took to country life like she had grown up on a ranch her whole life.

  It was May seventh, and Ellie was four days past her due date. I knew she was miserable as hell in this heat. She glanced over and smiled a
t Alex, and then our eyes met. My heart melted every time this girl looked at me with that smile. I would never get tired of seeing her look at me with so much love.

  Alex squealed as Brian, Ellie’s father, came walking up to her. He bent down, picked her up, and spun her around. I noticed Ellie as she watched her father playing with our daughter.

  Brian had been battling lung cancer, and things finally seemed to be going well with him. His health was improving more and more every day, and Jeff, Ellie, and Sharon were well on their way to healing completely. Brian had retired from his position of CEO of his company, and he’d bought a little house in Mason. At first, Ellie had felt upset about it since her mother and Philip had just moved here. She had been terrified that her mother would slip into old habits, but when Sharon and Philip got married on Valentine’s Day, that had put all of Ellie’s fears to rest.

  Then, of course, there was the fact that Brian had met Carol here in town, and they had gone out on a few dates. That had helped to put Ellie’s mind at ease even more. Brian was being careful though as he didn’t want to fall in love with someone, knowing what his situation was, but Carol was a sweetheart, and she loved Alex, Luke, and Grace.

  “Gunner, how are you today?” Brian asked as he held Alex in his arms while she hugged him around his neck.

  “I’m doing good. Did you talk to my dad about that horse?” I asked.

  He nodded his head and laughed. “I sure did. Looks like I’m going to be taking some roping lessons from your old man. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted this ranch to be run by family and only family.”

  I let out a laugh. My father and Brian had really hit it off, and they had become good friends over the last few months.

  I thought back to the other night in the barn up by Grams and Gramps’s house. Just me, my father, Gramps, Drake, Brian, Jeff, Josh, and Greg had all been sitting there—drinking while talking about cows and horses and the women who made up our world. It had been like a dream come true. Even Jeff had seemed to be so happy and content. It had been months since we’d had any drama, and I was planning on keeping it that way.


  I glanced over toward Ellie, who was standing next to the garden gate with her hand on her stomach. I slowly walked up to her, and leaning down, I gently kissed her on the lips.

  “You look so beautiful, do you know that?” I asked with a wink.

  She smiled and then grimaced.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Then, I saw Grams walking up to Brian and Alex. She put her hand on Brian’s arm and said something to him that caused him to look up at Ellie in a panicked way.

  I slowly turned and looked at my breathtakingly gorgeous wife. “Ells?”

  She smiled. “My water just broke.”

  I shouted out, “Yes! Finally!”

  I took her arm and looked back at Grams and Brian. “Do we all know what to do?” I asked.

  Brian let out a laugh. “My god, Gunner. Just get her suitcase and take her to the hospital. Emma and I clearly know our roles.”

  “Daddy?” Alex called out.

  I stopped and turned back to look at her. She was staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

  Damn. She is going to break a lot of hearts.

  “Hey, Little Bear, Mommy is going to have your little brother, Colt. Bandpa is going to get Grammy, okay?”

  When she nodded, her little pigtails moved back and forth, and my heart swelled up with so much love.

  I looked at Brian, and before I could even say it, he said, “I’ll call your parents right after I call Sharon.”

  Grams laughed as she walked by me. She had her cell phone in her hand and was texting Gramps. “I’m going to warn Garrett not to share the story of the last time Ellie went into labor.” She threw her head back and laughed.

  Ellie giggled and peeked up at me. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “You gave them the cell phones and showed them how to text.”

  After I helped Ellie into my truck, I turned and gave Alex a kiss good-bye. “I love you. Be a good girl for Grammy and Bandpa, okay, pumpkin?”

  She nodded her head and reached out for me. She grabbed around my neck so tightly that I almost found it hard to breathe for a second. The hold this little girl had on my heart sometimes scared the shit out of me.

  She pulled back and said, “Ice cream?”

  I laughed and looked at Brian. “Good luck!”

  When I ran around the front of the truck, I looked over and could tell Ellie was having a contraction. I jumped in and looked at her. “Deep breaths in and—”

  “Gunner! That shit doesn’t work. Just get me to the hospital, so they can give me an epidural, and we can get this kicker out of me.”

  I smiled as I started the truck and made my way down the driveway.

  I knew better than to talk to Ellie, so I just stayed quiet until we got to the hospital. Her contractions were getting closer together. By the time they got Ellie into her room, I thought she was going to pull her hair out and then go after mine.

  “Where is Pete?” Ellie asked the nurse.

  “Dr. Johnson will be in at any moment, Mrs. Mathews.”

  “Gunner, Ellie, how are y’all?” Pete asked as he walked in. He shook my hand and then turned to look at Ellie. “Ellie, how are you feeling?”

  Ellie shot him the dirtiest look. “I’m in pain—a lot of pain. I want an epidural—like yesterday.”

  Pete laughed as he began to examine Ellie, and then he quickly looked over at me.

  “Ugh!” Ellie called out as she grabbed on to the sheets and threw her head back.

  I knew by the look in Pete’s eyes that Ellie wasn’t going to get an epidural.

  “Um…if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to use the restroom,” I said as I started to make my way out of the room.

  He quickly stood up in front of me and laughed. “Oh no.” He leaned in and said quietly, “You bastard, you are not leaving me alone to tell her.”

  “Damn it, come on, Pete. We’ve become good friends. Do a guy a favor. I’ve invited you to my house on numerous occasions. You know how strong these pregnant women are. She’s not going to take it out on you. It’s going to be me who will pay for this!” I whispered.

  “What in the hell are you two whispering about over there? I want this baby out! It feels like he’s coming out!” Ellie yelled.

  Pete grabbed me and pushed me over toward the nurse. “Get him ready.”

  I heard Pete talking to Ellie. “Ellie, honey, you’re at ten centimeters, and the baby is about to start crowning—”

  “What?” Ellie called out.

  “Uh…Dr. Johnson…” one of the nurses said.

  The other nurse was putting a gown on me. She smiled and nodded at me when she was done, and I turned back to hold Ellie’s hand.

  “Ellie—” Pete started to say.

  Ellie cut him off with another contraction.

  I’d never seen Pete move so fast, not even in our flag football games. The next thing I knew, he was telling Ellie to push, and she was squeezing the hell out of my hand.

  “Um…Ells, can you let up just a little bit, baby? It’s kind of hurting,” I said.

  She snapped her head over to me, and her eyes turned dark gray.

  Holy shit.

  “You. You did this to me. You want to know what hurts? Oh god!”

  Another contraction hit her as Pete told her to give him a good push.

  Ellie flopped back down and started shaking her head. “I can’t…I can’t do it anymore. I’m so tired, and it hurts so bad, Gunner. Just…just cut him out.”

  Pete chuckled, and I looked at him. He shrugged and smiled at me.

  He said, “Come on, Ellie. I see his head. Just a little bit more, honey, and then I promise, you can rest.”

  Ellie looked at me, and the tears rolling down her face about dropped me to the ground.

  “Gunner…” she whispered.

  “Oh, baby,
I know. Squeeze the hell out of my hand. Break it if you have to. Baby, just one more time. I know you can do it.”

  Ellie pushed two more times before the cries of our baby filled the room. The nurse took him, cleaned him up, and did a few things with him before she wrapped in a blanket, brought him over, and placed him in Ellie’s arms.

  “Meet your healthy eight-pound-two-ounces baby boy,” the nurse said.

  Ellie looked up at me as the tears flowed down cheeks, and she smiled. Her eyes lit up, and I couldn’t help it. I let the tears fall as I looked at how happy she was.

  I leaned down and kissed her. “Good job, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.”

  She laughed. “Thank you.” Then, she looked down at our baby boy. “Hey, big boy,” she whispered as she gently moved her index finger along his face.

  She glanced up at me and wiped a tear away from my cheek. I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm.

  “He’s beautiful,” I said. “Just like his mother and sister.”

  Ellie grinned so big and looked back down at him. “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you, Colt Hunter Mathews, my precious baby boy.”

  After Ellie and I spent some time alone with Colt, everyone started coming in. First, it was Jeff and Ari, then Heather and Josh, and then Scott and Jessie. I swore Jessie was getting bigger every time I saw her. She was due in July, and she looked beautiful.

  “Brad and Amanda are on their way, sweets,” Ari said.

  I smiled as I watched Ellie. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Colt.

  I leaned over and asked, “Are you hungry, baby?”

  She laughed. “Yes! I want a chopped beef sandwich and sweet tea.”

  I went to kiss her but stopped short of her lips as I smiled at her. “Are you happy, Mrs. Mathews?”

  The love in her eyes told me her answer even before she opened her mouth. “Drew, I can’t even begin to tell you how I’m feeling right now. I love you so much, and…I feel…” Her voice cracked, and she closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, she looked into my eyes like she was looking into my soul. “I’ve never been so happy in my life. Everything just feels so right. It all feels…perfect.” A single tear moved slowly down her face.


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