Obsessed with His Bride

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Obsessed with His Bride Page 18

by Hamel, B. B.

  “Not now,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Let me.” I knelt down in front of him and slowly undid the buttons. He winced as I helped him get the jacket and the shirt off, tossing both on the floor. “You’re going through suits like candy.”

  He laughed and winced. “Yeah, well, fortunately I can afford more. And I like buying them. Justifies some purchases.”

  I smiled but didn’t say anything as he slowly took the bandage off. I frowned at the wound, touched it with my fingers, and got a wet towel. I cleaned it off as gently as I could and looked up into his eyes.

  “Stitches aren’t broken,” I said.

  “Good.” He seemed relieved. “I didn’t feel like getting them done again. I think Chen would kill me himself.”

  I smiled a little and opened the cabinet under the sink. I found new bandages and some tape, and put a new covering in place. He let out a breath as I wiped the blood from a shallow cut on his head and he frowned.

  “Didn’t realize that happened,” he said. “Must’ve been when the car crashed.”

  I stood back from him and crossed my arms. His eyes flicked to my chest and I was suddenly very aware of the low-cut tank top I had on. “What happened?” I asked.

  He told me from the beginning, starting with when they were in the cars at the bottom of the hill, all the way through the chase. I listened to every word, hanging on it like a lifeline, and when he finished, I let out a little grunt. “Okay,” I said. “That’s, uh…”

  “More than you wanted to know, I guess.”

  “I knew you did things like that,” I said, looking away, staring at the fluffy white towel hanging over the rack on the wall. “I mean, of course you do, I saw it with my own eyes. But that…”

  “It was a good hit,” he said.

  I stepped back from him, a jolt of disgust racing through me. “I don’t know how you can say that.”

  He snorted. “Easy. It was.”


  He pushed himself to his feet. He winced then smiled at me. I took another step away, my heart racing. His body was covered in tattoos, sweat, and muscles, and I had the sudden, insane urge to kiss him. Instead, I stayed where I was, watching him warily.

  “You watched them try to kill me twice,” he said, his voice low, and he laughed. “And you’re shocked when I hit them back harder. Aida, this is the sort of man I am. I kill those that cross me.”

  “I know. I know that. It’s just… how many men died today?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Six. Maybe seven. Could be more, I’m not sure. Could be Vlas was the only one that got away.”

  “And they were important?”

  “To the Russians, yes. Half of Vlas’s captains died out there today, and all of his best fighters.” He chuckled to himself and shook his head. “All because of the fucking cartel.”

  I stared at him for a long moment and felt the heat rise into my cheeks. “Good,” I whispered.

  He stared at me then laughed. He laughed deep and loud, and stepped toward me. I stepped back, running up against the wall, but he didn’t stop coming. He stooped down and grabbed my hair tight, hard in his fist, pulled my head back. I gasped as he kissed my neck and palmed my ass, pulling it against him. I felt his bare chest against my breasts and I couldn’t help but let out a little moan.

  “So now you’re okay with violence?” he said. “All because they were important.”

  “I just… I hate them, okay? I hate them for trying to hurt you. I hate them for doing this to you.”

  “You’re conflicted,” he said.

  “I hate violence just as much. I hate myself for liking what you are. I hate you for making me like it.”

  He kissed my throat then bit my lip. “Tell me how much you like it.”

  “I like that you’re strong. I like… I like that you take what you want.” I gasped as he pulled my hair and slid a hand down the front of my shorts.

  I moaned as his fingers began to roll around my pussy. He spread my lips and teased me before finding my clit.

  “I like… I like that you’re strong. That you don’t take shit. That you hit back and hurt people that try to hurt… hurt you.” I moaned and he pulled my hair again, making me gasp, as he worked my clit faster with his fingers.

  “Tell me more,” he growled.

  “I like that you fuck me,” I said. “I like that you fuck me and aren’t gentle. I like that you’re hard, and it turns you on when I’m rough. I like that you… oh, fuck… oh my god…” I gasped as he bit my lip and kept working my clit faster, faster. “I like that you don’t stop… don’t stop… oh my god… I like that you don’t stop when you’re hurting. I like that you… fuck. I like that you fucking protect me.”

  He growled and kept moving his fingers, pleasure flashing through my body. I grabbed at his chest, my fingers digging into his skin. I tried to kiss him but he pulled me back by the hair, pinning me to the wall, fingers working my clit faster, faster, and I began to pant and moan, rolling my hips along his hand. I groaned, losing my mind, losing myself.

  “I like that you’re hard,” I moaned. “I like that you take me. I like that you make me… make me harder… oh, my fucking god.”

  I arched my back and he grunted in my ear as his fingers made me come. I came hard and he kept working my clit, sending the orgasm through my skin like fire. I gasped and threw myself at him, kissing him hard, sucking his tongue, biting his lip back. He grunted and finished me off, then slid his hand back out from my shorts and stepped back. I leaned against the wall, flushed and panting, sweat dripping down my skin.

  “And I like that you come so easily,” he said, a smile on his lips. “I like how badly you want me, and yet you keep trying to pretend like you’re above all this shit. But at the end of the day, little Aida, you’re dripping wet and ready to suck my cock. You’re just as violent as I am, but you don’t even realize it.”

  I glared at him, hated him, wanted to get away from him.

  And I knew he was right.

  As much as it drove me wild, I was a hypocrite and I knew it.

  One second, I was disgusted by him and everything he stood for.

  And the next, he was taking his shirt off and I was melting for him, coming on his fingers, panting his name.

  I wanted it. God, I hated myself, but I wanted it. I needed him to be hard and violent, to be the killer I know he is. As much as that scared me, when it came down to the truth, I was enamored with a monster and I couldn’t help myself.

  “Maybe it’s just time to accept it,” he said, turning away. “Get yourself together, little Aida. I’m going to cook you dinner to celebrate.”

  I shook my head, wanted to say something in return, wanted to show him that I was better than all this.

  But I was silent as he left me alone in the bathroom, my panties soaked through, my legs trembling and head buzzing from the orgasm he just gave me.

  I didn’t know what kind of person I wanted to be.

  All I knew was that when Dante was around, I felt good. I felt really, really good. I felt more alive than I ever had before, and I thought that if he never left, I’d always be on that high.

  I pushed myself from the wall, walked to the sink, and took a deep breath. I fixed my hair in the mirror then went downstairs and into my room. I changed my panties, tossing the ruined, soaked pair in the laundry, then walked down into the kitchen.

  I found Dante with an apron on, a knife in his hand, chopping garlic. He grinned at me.

  “Pasta?” he asked. “Wine?”

  “Yes, please.” I walked over, sat down, and watched my monster cook.



  I filled Aida with wine and pasta. She leaned back in her chair and smiled at me, glowing with contentment. I’d gotten her off already, and I knew I’d do it again soon. The food, the wine, it was just a prelude to what I really wanted, what I really was going to take. Her body
, her skin, that was everything I wanted, and every time I saw her, it raged through me like a wildfire.

  Sitting there, feeling calm for the first time in days, I realized something. It hit me and I let out a breath, feeling foolish for not realizing it before.

  “What’s wrong?” Aida asked.

  I tilted my head and smiled. “You can read me really well.”

  “You just seemed so content for a second there and now you’re looking all pissed again.”

  I laughed. “I was just thinking about you.”

  “And that makes you angry?” She pouted. “Rough.”

  “No, I mean, I was thinking about you and Vlas. About why I’m so desperate to kill him. I think I might not be so intent on ending that fuck if it weren’t for you.”

  She bit her lip. “What do you mean?”

  “Vlas has a thing for you right now. He thinks he can use you against me, and he’s going to take any opportunity to hurt you that he can. Even if I cripple him, wipe out his leadership, rip apart his business, he’ll still be out there, he’ll still be thinking of ways to get to you.”

  She crossed her arms. “So are you saying you got into a car accident all for me?”

  I laughed and shrugged, pushing my fork across the plate. Linguine with white wine sauce and shrimp rolled around, and although it was delicious, I couldn’t eat another bite. “Something like that. I’m just realizing that I won today, that I hit Vlas so hard that it’ll take years for the prick to recover, and I can’t enjoy a second of it.”

  “All because of me,” she said.

  “All because of him. I let him get into my head. You were just the method he used.”

  She frowned, lifted her wine glass, and took a long sip. I looked at her lips, her perfect pouty mouth, and could already taste her pussy.

  There was a knock at the door, pulling me from my thoughts. I frowned and stood.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” she asked.

  “No,” I said.

  I walked to the kitchen, opened the cabinet under the sink, and found the gun I had taped behind the garbage disposal. I checked the magazine, the slide, and held it behind my back as I walked to the door.

  “Stay,” I said to Aida.

  I pressed my eye against the peek hole and looked out. Standing on my stoop were four men, three enforcers wearing black, and Don Leone himself.

  The Don at my house twice now in a week. What a lucky fucking guy. I slipped my gun away and unlocked the door.

  The Don smiled at me. “Dante,” he said.

  “Don.” I bowed my head in respect. “Please, Don Leone. Come inside.”

  He nodded and stepped through the door. He wore his usual white shirt with a sweater vest over top of it. He walked on his cane, though part of me thought he didn’t really need it, just pretended to be an old man so people would underestimate him. The three enforcers that followed were part of his inner circle, his closest bodyguards. The first was a man named Dino, a tall thin guy with dark eyes and long, black hair pushed back in a messy wave. The next was Roberto, a shorter man, bald head shining. He grinned and nodded at me as he passed, following the Don.

  Tad brought up the rear. He was the oldest of the three, in his mid-fifties with graying hair. He was getting bigger in the middle, and looked like a high school gym coach with reddish skin and beady eyes, but I knew he was a killer, deep down on his heart. He’d been around the Leone family as long as he’d been alive, and he was one of the most trusted men in the whole organization.

  I shut the door behind them as they walked into my kitchen. I followed and saw Aida stand and clasp her hands in front of her respectfully at the sight of the Don.

  “Ah, no, not you too, Aida,” Don Leone said. “Everyone treats me like I’m something special. I enjoyed our time together, I don’t want you to start acting like I’m some kind of celebrity.”

  “Of course not, Don Leone,” she said.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I suppose there’s nothing to do about it now. Can’t put a secret away once it’s out in the world.”

  The three enforcers spread out. Dino lingered in the kitchen near the sink, leaning against the cabinet. Roberto walked into the living room, looking around like he was searching for bugs. And Tad stood off to the side, near the Don, his hands behind his back, his face neutral and empty of all emotion. He made me the most uneasy, since I never knew how to read him. The others were simple enough, but Tad was always a mystery to me.

  “I see I’m interrupting dinner,” Don Leone said to me. “Please, let us sit.”

  “Would you like anything?” I asked him. “Food, wine. Anything you want.”

  “No, no, please. Sit down. We have some things to discuss.” He frowned at Aida for a moment. “Does she know where things stand?”

  “She knows,” I confirmed. “I told her the details already.”

  He smiled. “Good. Then she can listen to this.”

  Aida shifted in her seat, clearly very uncomfortable. I was wary, on edge. I didn’t know what the Don wanted or how he felt about my hit. The fact that Tad, Roberto, and Dino had come along with him didn’t speak well of this visit. They could be here to end me and offer me as a sacrifice to make up for what I’d done. Or they could be here to promote me for all I knew.

  I kept myself on edge, ready in case of anything. I had to hope that my service to the Don wouldn’t be forgotten, and that he’d approve of my move. After all, he said I should go forward with my plans.

  Don Leone looked between us, a kind smile on his lips as he leaned his walking cane against the table and settled into his chair. He sighed with pleasure then leaned forward and placed his hands on the top of the table.

  “So,” he said. “Dante. You’ve certainly been busy today.”

  “Yes, Don Leone. It’s been a busy day.”

  He chuckled. “I suppose you’re wondering what I want to talk to you about.”

  “More wondering what you’re going to say about it.”

  Don Leone nodded. “The whole city is talking about your hit. You should hear what some of the soldiers are calling it.”

  I hesitated. “What are they saying?” I asked.

  “They call it the Dockyard Massacre.” He chuckled. “It wasn’t at the docks, but it was close enough. And it does sound rather nice.”

  “I’m not sure it’s something I’ll add to all my online social media profiles, sir.”

  “No, I suppose not.” He continued smiling and I glanced over my shoulder at the muscle still lingering behind us. “Tell me something, Dante. What was your goal with that move? Was it simply to sow chaos?”

  I shook my head. “No, Don. I wanted to kill Vlas. I wanted to show strength. I assumed that his deal with the Jalisco would not mean good things for us, and I wanted to make sure that did not happen.”

  “And how did you even know of that deal?” Don Leone asked. “I wasn’t aware that we had someone on the inside of the Jalisco.”

  “I have an informant,” I said. “A personal one.”

  The Don leaned back in his chair, clearly surprised. He glanced over at Roberto, who only grunted and glared at Dante.

  “You have an informant in one of the biggest cartels in the world, but you did not share that informant with me?”

  “I know how that seems, Don,” I said. “But it was necessary. That informant costs me a lot of money, and I couldn’t risk his identity leaking out. I decided to keep him private for the good of the family.”

  “And yet you didn’t use him for the family, Dante. You used him for yourself.”

  I glanced at Aida and I could see the anxiety on her face. This conversation wasn’t going well, and I could only guess at what she was thinking.

  “You know that was not my intention, Don. When Vlas tried to hit me, again and again, it was my duty to hit him back. I had to make the family look strong. Interrupting the deal with the Jalisco only helped the family in the end, since it’s one fewer connection the Russians

  “Perhaps,” Don Leone said. “And yet that seems like something I should have decided, not you.”

  I clenched my jaw. I wanted to argue, but I could tell from the Don’s posture that further outburst would not help. So I shut my mouth and waited a long moment while the Don stared at me and slowly shook his head.

  “I also have a contact within the Jalisco,” Don Leone said. “He is placed very high in the organization, and I have not leaned on him much over the years, though we have been very beneficial to each other. And I will tell you this, young Dante. That man is very angry.”

  I sat back in my chair. “I gave them fair warning.”

  “Perhaps you warned their underlings. But you did not warn the bosses, and they see that as a sign of disrespect.”

  “I told them I’d buy their product for more than they were getting from Vlas.”

  “And who authorized such a deal?”

  I hesitated then shook my head. “Nobody, Don.”

  “Nobody.” Don Leone leaned toward me, eyes hard, and I saw the man beneath the facade, the killer with a heart as cold as ice. A man didn’t become the head of a family like the Leone family without having steel in his chest.

  “Let me explain what you did,” he said, his voice low. “You interrupted a deal with a large, powerful cartel. You killed men during that deal. You offered them a new deal, one with far-reaching consequences. You pissed them off, and beyond that, you murdered a lot of men. You threatened an entire city, Dante, all because you couldn’t stand to lose.”

  “You’re damn right I can’t,” I growled at the Don. I saw Tad, Dino, and Roberto all shift toward me, Roberto reaching for something under his jacket, but the Don held up a hand to stop them without looking. “I wasn’t about to let Vlas keep trying to kill me without some revenge. I wasn’t going to let him take Aida from me and use her against the family. I will do anything for this family, Don Leone. I will gladly die if you tell me to, and you know that. I’ll burn this city down, if that’s what you ask. But I will not lose. I can’t stand for it.”


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