Restored (Real Men Crave Curves Book 4)

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Restored (Real Men Crave Curves Book 4) Page 1

by Mandy Morgan


  An Alpha & BBW Romance

  (Real Men Crave Curves #4)

  Mandy Morgan

  Copyright © 2019 by Mandy Morgan. All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

  This publication contains sexually explicit material. All characters are 18 years or older and all sex is consensual.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six


  More Books

  About the Author


  An Older Alpha and Younger Curvy Girl Romance


  I've felt broken since I lost my parents on my 18th birthday. Two years have come and gone, and I still feel alone and adrift most of the time.

  Strange as it sounds, the only place I feel totally safe and whole is at work. But that has nothing to do with my sexy, tattooed, and older boss, right?


  I fix things. It's what I do. I make my living as a mechanic and run my repair shop like a well-oiled machine.

  But lately, my deliciously curvy receptionist has been making my job much harder. Jessica is young, vulnerable, and sassy.

  And after defending her against a perverted client, I decide it's time to make my move. I'm about to make her mine, forever and for always...

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  Chapter One


  Growing up in a tiny town like Jefferson had been tough. Trying to make it here as an adult was even tougher, especially since I was doing it all on my own.

  I lost my parents two years ago, on the day I turned eighteen. Not exactly what I’d call the best birthday present. The cops caught the drunk driver that had run them off the road, but that didn’t bring them back.

  My folks had left me the mobile home and the little piece of land it sat on, so at least I didn’t have to worry about being homeless.

  But I couldn’t buy groceries or pay the bills with a property deed, which meant I’d have to find a way to support myself, and say goodbye to my dreams of going to art school in Atlanta.

  Of course, poor towns in Georgia like this one didn’t offer much in the way of employment opportunities, even to those of us with high school diplomas.

  But I’d gotten lucky by finding a job pretty soon after being thrust out into the world of working adults, thanks to a kind neighbor pointing me in the right direction.

  Hanson’s Repair Shop wasn’t exactly the kind of place I would have picked to work, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, and it was right down the road from home.

  And my receptionist job came with a pretty serious bonus – the view was amazing. In my opinion, watching Adam Hanson work on cars was just about the best form of entertainment Jefferson had to offer.

  My boss was six-foot-three, covered with muscles and tattoos, and the perfect picture of bad boy sex appeal. He was also fifteen years older than me and more than a little intimidating to be around.

  Adam didn’t try to be scary. At least, I didn’t think he did. He was just an imposing mountain of a man, and he wasn’t one to mince words or hide what was on his mind.

  Maybe that was why I felt so safe around Adam. I know it’s why I made sure to make it into work on time each morning. I’d seen him yell at a couple of his mechanics before and it wasn’t pretty.

  Not that I had a whole lot going on that would make me miss work or come in late. I was almost painfully shy and lived alone. Most of my nights involved Hulu, a microwave dinner, and plenty of “me time.”

  In fact, I was early most days, which is why I happened to be sitting at my desk working on payroll when Adam came slamming into the front office this morning.

  “That son of a bitch better watch it!”

  I jumped a mile and looked around. I didn’t see anyone but the two of us. “Who the hell are you talking about? And why are you yelling so early in the morning, for God’s sake?”

  I hadn’t meant to come across so sassy, but Adam had scared me when he came barging into the room, and my mouth can have a mind of its own sometimes.

  My boss turned to look at me and I gasped at how hard his eyes were. I’d never seen him like this before and my heart began to pound with the first real fear I’d ever felt around Adam.

  He opened his mouth, and for a moment, I thought he was going to turn his anger on me. I didn’t know what had caused it, but I did know I wouldn’t be able to handle it, and would probably run like a frightened child if Adam unleashed his fury on me.

  “That asshole Duke Turner thinks he can say and do whatever he wants, just because he owns half the town.”

  I blinked and held my breath, not sure where this was going. I didn’t know much about Duke, other than he was a notorious womanizer, and that he flirted shamelessly with me when he brought one of his vehicles in to be repaired.

  “You’re right,” I said in a soothing voice. “He is an asshole.”

  That seemed to cut through Adam’s cloud of anger and he laughed. When he spoke again, his voice went from a flinty growl to his normal deep rumble, and I breathed an internal sigh of relief.

  “Didn’t mean to spook you,” he mumbled. “I better get his truck pulled in and up on a lift. He’s wanting it down before the end of the day.”

  I watched in confused wonder as Adam tucked his hands into the pockets of his well-worn, snug-fitting blue jeans and headed back out the front door.

  I knew I should be worried about what had set him off so quickly, and possibly even be afraid that he could turn that rage of his on me at some point.

  But the truth was, all his outburst had done was send a bolt of excitement through me and make me feel even more safe around my hulk of an employer.

  I better watch out, or I’ll end up falling for him, and that can never happen. Not if I want to keep my job and my nice, quiet life…


  Dammit! I should never have let that dickhead Duke get under my skin like that. I couldn’t stand seeing the fear in Jessica’s eyes when I came barging into the office.

  She was the sweetest thing I’d ever known and I’d wanted her from the moment she’d walked into my shop looking for a job two years ago.

  And it didn’t hurt that she had curves that went on for days, long honey blonde hair, and big brown eyes that made me want to grab her up in my arms every time I saw her.

  But she’d been too young and vulnerable. She’d just lost her parents and I didn’t want to push her too far. I could have had her many times over since then, if I’d have been satisfied with a one-time thing, which I wouldn’t be.

  I wanted Jessica to want me as much as I wanted her. And I wanted only good things for her – to help her and make her life better, not just have her warm my bed for one night.

  So, I’d played it cool and worked hard to just be the best boss I could be and support her as she healed from her loss.

  But lately, I’d been noticing her noticing me, and I couldn’t deny how much I enjoyed the feeling of her eyes on me as I worked on cars or made my way around the shop.

  The truth was, I’d
come to think of Jessica as mine, and that was what had set me off. Duke Turner had made the mistake of thinking Jessica was just some easy lay he could talk about anyway he wanted to around me.

  He’d pulled into the parking lot right behind me this morning. The man was a cocky asshole, but he had more money than anyone else in this pissant town, which meant I couldn’t afford to turn him away.

  Duke collected vehicles the way other folks collected coins, and working on his cars and trucks was one of the main things that kept the lights on around here.

  Problem was, he also liked to collect women, and he’d been drooling over Jessica since her first week on the job. But up until this morning, he’d kept it to leering looks and little flirty comments.

  I’d watched him park his F350 at the edge of the lot and saunter over to me, wearing that slimy smile of his, and I had to stop myself from knocking his ass in the dirt right then and there, before he’d even opened his damn mouth.

  “Morning, Duke,” I’d said with a sigh. “What brings you in today?”

  “I need a tune-up on my truck,” Duke had replied, tilting his head back at the F350. “And a nice, long look at that plump little piece of ass in the office.”

  I felt my hackles go up instantly and my hands curled into fists. “Alright, we can do the tune-up for you, no problem. When do you need it back?”

  Duke looked around the almost empty parking lot and turned back to me with a cocked eyebrow. “I want it done today, and by the looks of it, you shouldn’t have any issue with that.”

  I felt a powerful urge to bury my fist in Duke’s face, but I knew I needed his business, so I swallowed his petty insult and gave him a hard smile instead. “You got it. I’ll have it ready for you by five o’clock.”

  I held out a hand for the keys, but Duke wasn’t done toying with me yet. He just put his hands in his pants pockets and rocked back and forth on the heels of his expensive snake-skin boots.

  “Oh, I think I’ll head on into the office and give the keys to Jessica. Hell, maybe I’ll give her something else, while I’m at it.”

  In that moment, I wanted to kill him. Every fiber of my being is dedicated to keeping Jessica as sweet and innocent as she is right now. I’ll protect her until my last breath, especially from scumbags like this one.

  I take two quick steps toward Duke, until we’re just inches apart, and I look him square in the eyes. “I’m going to give you one warning, Turner, and only one. If I hear you talking like that about her again, all the money in the world won’t save you. Got it?”

  My breath is coming hard and fast, and I can feel my blood boiling in my veins. It’s taking every ounce of self-control to keep my hands to myself. I don’t want to lose the lion’s share of my income or go to jail over this creep, but I know I’d do both if I have to. Jessica is worth it.

  Duke’s eyes widened and he took a step back. “Just have my truck done by five, Hanson,” he snapped and tossed me the keys. “Don’t make me wait, you hear?”

  I’d watched him whip out his phone to call for a ride and made sure he was gone before I’d headed into the office and scared Jessica with my seething anger.

  And I’d been a damn fool to do it. I’d been making some headway with her, and now I’d have to start again with winning her over.

  The time for waiting is done, I thought to myself as I pulled Duke’s truck into the shop. And the time for claiming what’s mine has begun…

  Chapter Two


  I watched Adam bang around the shop all day, working on Duke’s truck, and slamming tools down much harder than usual.

  Normally, I loved to watch my boss work, especially when it was hot outside and he took off his shirt. His biceps would bulge and glisten with sweat as he moved, and I enjoyed the hell out of the private show.

  I never saw any harm in watching Adam like that. I was sure he had no idea I was doing it. And I was able to keep him at a distance, which is where I liked all men to be.

  I’d had a rough time with the opposite sex in high school. The guys there either bullied me about being plump or tried to grab my ass as I made my way through the hallways.

  It seemed to me like all men were either cruel or sex-crazed. I wasn’t interested in getting mixed up with any of the men that Jefferson had to offer.

  Until I’d come to work with Adam. I started to see that there were some decent men out there, even if they were quite a bit older than me. Or at least, I thought that’s what I was seeing.

  But after his angry outburst earlier, I didn’t know what to think anymore. Better to keep my head down and stay single, is what I figured.

  Adam hadn’t come into the office at all after his first appearance this morning, and I was just beginning to wonder if he was ignoring me on purpose and why, when he walked in about half an hour before closing time.

  For a few seconds, he just stood there and stared at me, and a bolt of fear shot through me. Was he about to fire me? He looked so serious, I could only imagine the worst.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked in a quiet voice.

  “I don’t feel good about how I behaved earlier and I want to make it up to you. I’m taking you to dinner.”

  I can feel my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “You’re taking me to dinner?”

  I’d never seen Adam outside of work, and he’d never shown any interest in taking me out, so he’d really thrown me for a loop with this. Maybe he really was going to fire me, and this was his way of doing it as softly as he could.

  “You should go ahead and head home. I’m going to stay and take care of Duke when he gets here at five. And then I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  I knew that Adam knew where I lived. Jefferson was a small town, and he was my boss, after all. But I’d never thought about him actually coming to my place.

  I’m nervous as hell about this whole thing, and I know I should keep things professional with Adam, and the best way to do that was just say no.

  “I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” I said hesitantly. “But there’s really no need. I know that things happen and I’m not upset about earlier.”

  Adam pierced me with his bright blue eyes. “Leave Duke’s invoice on the desk and be ready to be picked up at seven, Jessica.”

  And with that, he turned and headed back out into the shop, leaving me with trembling hands and a racing heart. I just didn’t know if it was from fear, excitement, or both.


  Just being in the same room with Jessica makes me want to grab her up and devour her sweet little mouth with mine.

  But I know she’s young and more inexperienced than the other women I’d been with. And I don’t want to scare her off. I was hoping that getting her away from the workplace might help.

  She looked surprised that I asked her to dinner. I did my best to play it cool and make it seem like no big deal. And to be honest, one of my biggest concerns was getting her out of the office before Duke returned.

  He sauntered in right at five o’clock, wearing what I’m sure he thought was his most charming smile. I had to hide one of my own when he saw me and did a double-take.

  “Expecting someone else, Turner?”

  “I was hoping to see that juicy piece of tail, now that you mention it.”

  My vision went red in an instant. “What did I tell you about talking like that?”

  Duke just laughed and waved me off. “Is my truck ready or not? I’ve got plans for the night and they’re much better than listening to you run your mouth.”

  “It’s ready,” I said in a cold voice. “And I’ll be happy to give it to you. Once you tell me you’re going to leave Jessica alone.”

  “Why should I do that? I own this town, and you know it Hanson. I can do anything I damn well please, and that includes your thick-ass receptionist.”

  Before I could stop myself, I was across the room and had Duke’s shirt in my hands. I shook him like a rag doll and reveled in the sound of his teeth chattering to
gether from the force.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think you own, Turner,” I grated out between clenched teeth. “But I know for damn certain that you don’t run this shop or anyone in it.”

  Duke’s eyes were wide and there were tears leaking out of the corners. I’d actually managed to make the asshole cry. I couldn’t help from laughing out loud at that.

  He deserved that and more, as far as I was concerned, and it also showed me just what kind of guy he was – he was all talk and swagger, but no substance.

  “You need to pay your bill, take your truck, and get the hell out of here. And you better pray I never see you around here again. Got it?”

  Duke nodded and I released my hold on his shirt. He took a moment or two to smooth out the wrinkles before he pulled out his wallet and handed over one of his many credit cards.

  I processed his payment, shoved his receipt and keys into his still shaking hands, and tilted my chin at the door. Duke got the message and left, shooting a few nervous glances behind him as he went.

  I watched in satisfaction as Duke scurried to his truck and peeled out of the parking lot. Hopefully, that would be the last I’d hear from that weasel for a good long while.

  With that bit of business handled, I made my way around the shop and office to make sure everything was locked up. I couldn’t help but whistle a happy tune as I headed out to my own truck and hopped in. I was eager to get home to shower and change.

  And why shouldn’t I be in a good mood? I had a date with a curvy angel that night, after all…

  Chapter Three


  I might not be the picture of innocence, but I wasn’t what I would consider experienced with men. I’d had a couple of flings since my folks passed away, when the loneliness just got too great to bear, but that was about it.

  That might explain why I kept dropping things as I got ready for my dinner with Adam. Or why I couldn’t stop thinking about how he looked without a shirt on, even though I had to admit to myself that I was scared to death by the thought of being alone with him.


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