Paranormal Academy

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Paranormal Academy Page 54

by Limited Edition Box Set


  "I thought I wasn't allowed to date?" At least, that's what he told me on our first day here. Apparently, he doesn't want to see me with guys if we go to the same classes and stuff. It's ridiculous if you ask me. I should be able to date who I want when I want to. It's not like we have royal blood or any crap like that.

  "If it's to help us find the spell, it's fine," he said.

  "...I expect your essays to be well thought out and emailed to me by next Tuesday..." Miss Feathertop's voice interrupts.

  I groan. Another essay? The woman loves setting them, but their subjects are always so dull. I look up at the board to find out what I'm supposed to be writing about. I should have been paying attention, but Ryan's ridiculous notions about how to catch a vampire made me miss it.

  Another groan slipped from me. Faerie etiquette. This is stupid. We don't need to learn this stuff. It's not like we live in the age before technology. If I find myself in a situation I don't know anything about. I'll just get my phone out and go online. Problem solved.

  Most of Grimalkin has caught up with that. Miss Feathertop just seems to be the exception and stuck in the dark ages, despite the fact she's not that much older than us. Late twenties at the most. It makes it even harder for us to take her seriously.

  "Where am I even going to find a vampire?" I ask him. Despite the fact I know they're around, I don't know exactly where they hang out.

  "Maybe it's time to take a night class," he suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  Despite it all, I have to admit that I'm a little intrigued. There's a couple of the night classes that do interest me, but I've never signed up because it cut into my other study time. Maybe this is just the excuse I need to take one.

  "Alright. Fine. I'll do it."

  "Good." I can hear the smile in Ryan's voice.

  "But if we fail, you owe me. Big time."

  "But not if we succeed?"

  "Well, if you're right, I'll be able to turn into a cat. I won't care." It's true too. If I'm able to do that kind of magic, he won't owe me a thing.

  "Good to know," he mutters, but I know he's pleased to have won me over.


  "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I ask my best friend.

  Mona laughs. "No, thank you."


  "I'm not even signed up," she points out.

  "I'm sure they'll let you try it..."

  "Do you really think it's a good idea to subject more people to my sudden lack of magic?"

  Hmm. She may have a point there. Before she came here, she says she was a talented witch. But all that seems to have changed. I do remember her doing an impressive spell on the first day here, but since, she hadn't seemed to have managed.

  "There might not be much magic." In fact, I don't expect there to be any. Not in the first lesson. And certainly not in a class about the history of inter-species politics. It may sound like a boring topic, but it's something that's always interested me. I don't want to go into politics, though there are vampires and witches that form part of the government along with humans, but I do want to understand it.

  "I'd rather stay here." She gestures towards the huge pile of books on her desk, no doubt more of her research into fixing the problem with her magic.

  "Suit yourself. I'd better get going. Don't want to be late to my first lesson," I say cheerily.

  "Have fun," she replies. "Let me know when you're on your way back, and I'll grab some food for you."

  "Thanks." I beam at her. She cooks excellent food, even without magic. I'll gladly take her up on that offer.

  "Go catch yourself a vampire," she teases.

  My blood runs cold. What has Ryan told her? I don't think the two of them are close, but they do seem to be moving towards being friends.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Oh, just that there's going to be more of them around. Maybe the options will be better than between the warlocks." A smirk lifts her lips.

  Ah. She's just being a wingwoman. That's okay with me.

  "I'll keep you updated on the options," I promise.

  "You'd better."

  I wave goodbye to her as I let the door close behind me. Time to get going to my new lecture. I'm excited about it. As far as I know, it can even count towards my final grade, so that's a plus. If I see it through to the end, anyway. I'm sure Ryan will say I can stop once I've found him his vampire. I'll have to make my decision based on how the course goes. I might find it far too interesting to stop.

  The corridors are almost empty at this time. It's not quite late enough for people to start going out for the night, and it's too late for class, meaning there's no one around. I like it this way. I know some people think the academy looks creepy at this time, but not me. There's a sense of calm over the place that can't be rivalled. It makes me feel at peace and less like I'm here because I don't know what I want to do with my life.

  I take a left after checking I'm going the right way on my map of campus. I've not been here long enough to know my way around completely without it yet. I'm sure the older students love watching the newbies like me finding our way around. No doubt I will once I'm in my second year. That's how these things usually work.

  I push open the door and step into a dark room that almost looks like a cave. It's not what I expect, but that's mostly because I didn't think it would be so cliche.

  "Miss Chambers?" A man who looks no older than me is stood at the front of the room. Is he the teacher? That can't be possible.

  "Yes?" I squeak.

  "Excellent, I'd heard we had a witch joining us." A hush fell over the room at his words. Great. I'm the odd one out here and am never going to be able to forget it. Just what I want.

  "Yes," I say lamely.

  "If you'd like to take a seat next to Mr Smith, class is about to start." He points to one of the only empty chairs in the room, which appears to be right next to one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. Not in a conventional way either. He looks as if he's been punched in the face at least once, and his hair is that artful kind of scruffy that only some people can pull off. But whatever it is about him, something calls to me.

  I bustle over and drop my bag to the floor, trying to cover up my nerves. I hope I look okay. The last thing I want is for him to take a disliking to me because I'm not well presented.

  "Hi," I say, my breath catching in my throat and making it sound kind of sexy. But not in the way I want it to. More in the trying-to-be-sexy-and-ruining-it way.

  "Hi, I'm Heath." He holds out his hand, and I take it, giving it the firm shake I'm sure he was after.


  "Nice to meet you."

  "You too." I still feel flustered. Like he's having some kind of effect on me I wasn't prepared for.

  "So you're a witch?" he asks as I slide into my seat, bringing us closer together than I anticipate.

  "Mmmhmm. And I take it you're a vampire?" I ask. Maybe that's rude of me. I don't really know the etiquette when it comes to these kinds of introductions.

  "Born and bred." He grins, which sadly doesn't reveal the teeth I secretly hoped to see. I've never met a vampire before, and I'm eager to find out what one is like. He seems relatively normal so far, but that doesn't mean much. Even Ryan seems normal when you first meet him, and I know my twin isn't.

  "Vampires can be born?" I squeak. Oops. I probably shouldn't ask things like that.

  He chuckles. "Sometimes. It depends if our sires are born or bitten. If they were born human and then turned, they can't have kids. My parents are the born variety though, so here I am."

  My mouth falls open. How didn't I know this? Oh, right, yes. Vampire secrecy to keep them safe from the hunters. Though considering some of them work for the government, I'm not entirely sure how that's possible. It's not a very secretive place to be. Maybe that's something I'll learn about in this class.

  "Alright, we're ready to begin," the boyish teacher announces. "I'm Professor Phi
llips, and before you ask, yes, I'm old enough to teach. I'm actually four hundred and eleven but was turned into a vampire when I was nineteen."

  Ah, so I'm right. He does look about my age, despite not being.

  "It's not normally polite to ask a vampire's age, but I'm telling you, so there are no miscommunications about whether or not I'm qualified to teach. I assure you that I am and have a lot of experience in the subject."

  Good to know. I like it when teachers are upfront with their students. I feel like it gives us the respect we deserve as learners. Just because we're part of the class, doesn't mean we're inferior. Just that we haven't finished learning yet.

  "I'm sure you're here because you're interested to know how the current political situation came to pass. If you're not, then I suggest you have a little rethink about your goals and what you want to achieve. I won't be handholding. If you can't keep up, then this might not be the class for you."

  I gulp, suddenly a lot more nervous than before. This does interest me, and a little part of me worries that I won't be able to keep up like he says. Being thrown from this class won't help Ryan's goal, but it also won't help my ego. I love learning. Grimalkin is perfect for me for just that reason. There's such a range of courses and if I want to stay beyond the four years most people do, then I can. The flexibility is one of the reasons this is where I chose.

  The lesson continues with me being very over-aware of how close Heath is to me. If I was interested in dating for more than just my brother's ends, then I might pluck up the courage to ask him out. But now I'm faced with the reality of finding a vampire, I can't say I'm too keen on the idea of using him for my own ends.

  Maybe I just need to be honest about it and tell him I'm helping my brother search for a family spell that may or may not exist. Wow. I sound crazy, even to myself. I guess there's nothing to do about that though. I agreed to Ryan's stupid plan, now I need to see it through.

  "Does anyone know why vampires and witches came out of hiding in the first place?" Professor Phillips asks.

  Wait…how didn't I know that? It's an important part of all our histories and yet I'm completely oblivious to what caused it in the first place.

  A girl to my left shot her hand up in the air.

  "Miss Perkins?" the professor asks.

  "It was a deal with various governments to stop the persecution of innocent supernaturals," Miss Perkins answers, a smug satisfaction through her voice.

  Oh no. She's one of those. There's one in every class, and usually, it's me. I can already tell she's going to become my nemesis. No one shows me up in class. Absolutely no one. It doesn't matter that she's not stealing answers from me. I know it in my blood.

  Heath chuckles next to me. "I can tell she's annoying you," he murmurs.

  "You can tell nothing of the sort," I protest. "She's only said one thing."

  "You sat up straighter and started to scowl. That's all I need to know she's getting under your skin. Don't worry, she gets under mine too."

  "How come?" I ask, feeling like we're sharing some dirty secret that no one else knows.

  "My parents expect me to marry her."

  I feel weird. As if his words hurt me in some way. Which makes no sense. I barely know him, and he barely knows me.

  "Do you not want to?" I ask.

  "She's not my type."

  Oh. That means I'm not his type either. Not that it stops me from asking. "What is your type?"

  "O-negative." He's unable to stop the grin spreading over his face. A joke. Right. I can deal with a joke.

  "No, really, what's your type?"

  "Right now? A pink haired witch who seems to like to have all the answers."

  Oh. Well, that's interesting. And confusing. How do I even respond to that?

  "And what do you do to people who seem to be your type?" I ask, more nervous than I've been in a long time.

  "Normally, I use my wicked vampire powers to seduce them, take them back to my lair, and drain them dry."

  The laugh which escapes me is louder than I intend and brings everyone's attention to me.

  "Is something the matter, Miss Chambers?" Professor Phillips asks.

  "No, I'm sorry."

  "Then can I ask what is so funny about being burned at the stake?"

  Oh. Erm. Not good timing on my part there. I can try and blame Heath, but I doubt he's going to go for it.

  "I'm sorry. I have a tag at the back of my neck that tickles." It's the only possible explanation I have to explain my weird outburst.

  The professor gives the two of us a knowing look as if he knows there's more to it than that.

  "Next time, come to class dressed in a way that will help you learn," he warns me.

  "Yes, sir," I promise, even as Heath is trying to stifle his laugh beside me.

  The lesson continues around us, with Miss Perky-Perkins answering more questions than everyone else combined. I need to swot up on next week's lesson so I can outdo her. Just the thought of going through so many books and learning new stuff has me giddy already.

  "You owe me at least dinner for that," I mutter darkly to Heath.

  "Dinner I can do. How about Friday?"

  Huh. Turns out, it's easier to get a date with a vampire than I thought.

  "Done." Though I know I'm going to worry about it all week. Despite the current situation, I think I like him. But I need to be careful not to ruin whatever academic partnership we need.

  "It better be somewhere nice," I add.

  "I'll make sure of it."

  We both turn our attention back to the front of class. Despite our little chat, I am here because I want to learn. Kind of. Now I'm here, I want to learn is probably more accurate. Not many witches or warlocks take vampire heavy classes. I don't know why, other than timing, they really should.

  I find myself making far more notes than I intend to, easily losing myself in the topic at hand. I find it fascinating how we got to the situation we're in today. I'm sure most humans knew about our existence on some level even before we outed ourselves, but now it's common knowledge we exist. Though we still have several places that are devoted to purely supernaturals. Like Grimalkin Academy. I'd gone to a mixed school until eighteen, and now I'm here.

  Looking for a family spell that may or may not exist. Naturally. Hopefully, we weren't going to get killed for our trouble. Or worse, expelled.


  "So, how did it go?" Ryan asks from his position sprawled on my bed.

  I glance at my best friend, who is sitting nervously on the desk, shooting my brother very unsubtle looks. I'm not sure she realises just how obvious her crush on him is. Not that I'll ever point it out. I never expected to click with anyone at Grimalkin quite like I clicked with Mona when we first met. No way am I screwing that up by talking about how she much she likes my twin brother.

  Now, if they were going to do something about it...

  But no. Ryan is clueless, and I'm not going to be the one who tells him.

  "What are you even doing here?" I ask him. "This is a girl's flat." We might all get our own bedrooms, but the showers and kitchen are shared, meaning the mini-flats Grimalkin houses its students in are split into male and female. It's supposed to discourage any kind of casual physical relationship, though I'm not sure how well that works with eighteen to twenty-two-year-olds.

  "Mona let me in."

  "He kept ringing the doorbell," she admits sheepishly.

  I sigh. "And so you brought Cade too?" I threw a look at his best friend.

  Wow, I really should expand my circles. Hanging out with my bestie, my brother, and his best mate won't get me that far in life. At least I have a date with a vampire to sweeten the deal.

  "What can I say, I wanted to be amused."

  I want to stick my tongue out at him, but don't. That would be far too childish, and I'm better than that.

  "So, how did it go?" Ryan prompts again, pushing himself up so he's leaning back on his elbows.

ng, did you know that the person who first created the witch hunts was a warlock? My guess is that someone broke his heart, and that's what caused him to go a little crazy." I'm silently amused by sidestepping his question. We all know that isn't what he's asking about.

  Mona stifles a giggle, clearly finding it as funny as I am. Even Cade looks vaguely amused, which says something. That boy isn't known for his sense of humour. He doesn't need to be. He has the classic good looks that make all the witches swoon. It's a pain in the ass when we're just trying to go about our lives. I don't need my meals interrupting by fawning girls every few minutes.

  "I mean in finding a vampire," Ryan says with a sigh.

  "Oh, well I found plenty. The whole room was filled with them. Did you know they all wear guyliner and go around talking with a lisp because their teeth are out?" I can't help it, even if it is a bit mean to the vampires I've met. They seem like ordinary people in reality.

  Mona chokes on a laugh, clutching her stomach as if it's painful. She should let the laughter out, but I suspect she's too worried about how it'll look to Ryan. Maybe I do need to talk to her about it after all. Or perhaps I'll talk to Ryan and make him see what a catch she is. That sounds like a lot of fun.


  "Yes, brother? Are you finally taking an interest in my love life?"

  An odd growl came from Cade's direction. Hmm. Strange. And not what I expect.

  "Only when it's serving a purpose."

  "Wouldn't my love life always serve the purpose of making me happy?" I ask sweetly, setting down my bag next to Mona.

  "That's not what I mean, and you know it." He swings his legs around and puts them on the floor, suddenly looking a lot more serious now that he's sitting.

  I sigh. "Not that it's any of your business, but I have a date on Friday," I admit. "Now go away so I can talk to Mona about it."

  I give him my best pointed look, but Ryan being Ryan, I don't think he understands that it means he needs to disappear. There's girl talk to be had, especially as I haven't been on a date since getting to Grimalkin.


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