Never Trust a Pirate

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Never Trust a Pirate Page 2

by Honey Dover

  Jenny’s eyes, black as the ocean at night, were the first thing she saw. Jenny raised an eyebrow and clucked her tongue in admonition. “Keep them closed,” she said.

  Susanna wanted to protest – Jenny seemed to have grown even more lovely, and the thought of looking away from her made Susanna’s heart twist in her chest – but she bit her lip and closed her eyes. Again she felt the soft swift press of Jenny’s mouth to her own. This time though, Susanna held still and kept her eyes shut, and after a moment she was rewarded by the return of the kiss. A little longer, this one, though still gone too soon.

  Jenny teased her with more short-lived kisses: a third one, a fourth, and a fifth. Susanna felt a moan beginning to build deep in her throat, and her lips parted, seemingly of their own volition. Such a strong reaction took her by surprise; Jenny had barely even touched her, and already Susanna wanted more with an intensity that removed any considerations of chastity she might still have held. Susanna tried to force Jenny into a longer kiss, but Jenny continued to deny her, granting Susanna the press of her lips only for mere seconds at a time.

  Finally her frustration burst out. “Stop this!” Susanna commanded. “If you’re going to kiss me, then kiss me. But no more of this teasing. I can’t stand it.”

  “Oh?” Jenny said. She didn’t seem at all cowed by Susanna’s outburst; if anything, she was amused by it. “If it’s a real kiss you want, then it’s a real kiss you’ll get.” She shifted her hold on Susanna’s chin so that she instead gripped her firmly by the back of the head, and crushed her lips over Susanna’s. Susanna gasped in shock, and Jenny took advantage of her open mouth to slip her tongue inside.

  It was strange to have someone else’s tongue in her mouth. It was wet and slimy and too large, and Susanna would have pulled away if she could have, but Jenny’s other arm had come around her, pinning her arms to her sides, and Susanna’s struggles were futile. Jenny was much stronger than she was; there was nothing Susanna could do to stop this indignity. Jenny licked deeper into her mouth, her tongue exploring at first before beginning to rhythmically thrust in and out. Susanna couldn’t shout, but she whimpered, and even that small sound was muffled by Jenny’s mouth. Jenny tasted of spices: nutmeg and clove and black pepper. It wasn’t unpleasant, Susanna had to admit. In fact, the longer that she was forced to endure the kiss, the more she began to realize that there was a great deal about it that wasn’t unpleasant.

  Jenny’s mouth on hers made it hard to breathe, but that sense of being stretched, of being filled, was seductive. Susanna’s body reacted despite her mind’s furious orders at it to stay cool and unmoved. Her skin prickled like there was heat lightning dancing over her, and her nipples hardened. Between her legs, her most intimate place began to grow warm, the heat spreading through her body as the kiss went on and on. Susanna stopped fighting and lay placid in Jenny’s arms, allowing her mouth to be plundered.

  Jenny’s hold on her arms and head relaxed slightly as Susanna submitted, and when she made no attempt to escape, Jenny broke the kiss. Susanna sighed regretfully, and Jenny chuckled. “Decided you liked it after all, did you?” She didn’t wait for a response, but kissed her again, just as thoroughly. This time Susanna eagerly kissed her back, glad to let Jenny claim her.

  They kissed until Susanna was panting, aware of the flush of desire hot on her cheeks. Her body felt tense and restless, hungry for something that she couldn’t put a name to. Jenny had kissed more than her lips; she had moved on to Susanna’s throat and ears and shoulders, kissing what felt like every bit of skin uncovered by Susanna’s nightgown. But wonderful as that was, it wasn’t enough. Susanna didn’t know what she needed, but the lack of distracted her and dulled the pleasure she’d felt at first. Finally she couldn’t stand that strange, wordless yearning, and she pulled away in despair. “Is this all there is to kissing? It’s irritating, and not at all nice!”

  Jenny raked her gaze over Susanna with a roguish air. “You look nice enough to me. Lips all swollen, cheeks pink as a slapped ass, hair like you’ve been in a hurricane.... I’d gamble that isn’t irritation you’re feeling.”

  Susanna shook back her hair, ashamed at being described in such coarse terms, and crossed her arms. “Then what is it?”

  Jenny only smirked. “You’ll learn soon enough. It’s time to teach you the next type of kiss.”

  After the offensive way Jenny had spoken to her, Susanna wanted to tell her no, that she should go away or else behave more appropriately for her station. Of course, Susanna knew that if she did that she’d never learn what Jenny had to teach. She raised her chin and tried to look imperious. “What other type of kiss? You’re lying. I could have you punished for that.”

  “I ain’t lying.” Jenny put her hand on Susanna’s breast, cupping it through the nightgown and lifting it slightly so that its weight rested on her palm. The nightgown was pulled tight across the curve of the breast, and the nipple poked against the fabric like a hard little pebble. Jenny swept her thumb over it, and Susanna was shocked at the sharp and sudden burst of pleasure she felt. She gasped, arching her back involuntarily. Jenny cocked her head. “Look at you. You sure are in need of my next kiss.” She paused for emphasis, and let a wicked amount of sarcasm color her next word. “Miss.” She ducked her head and put her lips over Susanna’s nipple. It was even better than being kissed on the mouth, and Susanna moaned, trying to press more of her breast into Jenny’s mouth. Jenny licked hard at her nipple; Susanna could feel the weave of the linen fabric as it dragged over that sensitive skin. It drew another moan out of her, and Jenny pulled away just long enough to say, “Best not be too loud. We don’t want anyone coming to see what you’re doing in here, do we?”

  “No, no, of course not,” Susanna said. She’d intended to whisper, but somehow she seemed to have lost control of her voice; it jumped into a higher pitch on the last word, and she had to take a shaky breath before she could force it back down. “Keep doing that. I’ll be good, I promise.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about that. I can see what a good little girl you are.” Jenny pursed her lips and blew on the wet patch of the nightgown, and Susanna bit her lips to keep quiet as that stream of cold air hit her nipple. “All sweet and innocent, and just ripe for the picking.”

  Jenny turned her attention to Susanna’s other breast, sucking its nipple into her mouth and rolling her tongue around it. Susanna willingly surrendered herself to the sensation of having her nipple surrounded by Jenny’s hot, wet mouth, but before she could grow used to it, Jenny pulled off and flicked her tongue against the very tip of the nipple. Susanna shuddered, but then Jenny again began to kiss her breast. She alternated like that, one moment sucking on Susanna’s breasts, gently fitting the nipples into the warm wet cavern of her mouth, and the next drawing back to tease the nipples with lips and tongue. Even as she used her mouth skillfully on one breast, she would fondle the other with her hand, rolling the nipple between her fingers, sometimes even pinching it to make Susanna flinch.

  Susanna’s nipples had been hard even before Jenny began to kiss them, but they responded to this new attention by growing even more sensitive. Soon they were aching points of need, and the secret place between her legs ached in time with them, connected by irresistible lines of pleasure. Susanna squirmed in her chair under Jenny’s handling, but no matter how incredible these new kisses felt, they only increased her irritation. She balled her hands into fists, arched her back, licked her lips, but the sense of restless tension wouldn’t leave her. Her body seemed to be heading toward some climax, spiraling up and up, and Susanna didn’t know what would happen when it finally reached its peak. All she did know was that she wanted it, desperately; every moment of this itching and craving was a torment to her.

  Jenny slowly opened her eyes, her charcoal-black lashes sweeping over her cheekbones, and glanced up at Susanna. She drew back slightly and licked at her lips, wet and swollen from her efforts, then grinned at the frustrated sound Susanna made. “Are my kisses st
ill irritating you? Well, I can fix that. There’s a third type of kiss I could teach you.”

  Susanna couldn’t imagine where else she could be kissed; of course, a little while ago she hadn’t known that one could kiss a breast, or that it would be so very nice if one did. “Go ahead,” she said, trying to sound commanding though it was woefully obvious that Jenny was in control of whatever was to happen next. “Show me your next kiss.”

  Jenny gave her an ironic curtsey; she didn’t lower her gaze, as a servant would have, but kept those bewitching black eyes on Susanna’s face. “As you like. But you’ll need to move if you want it. This sort of kiss is meant to happen in a bed.”

  Susanna hesitated. This kiss sounded terribly improper. On the other hand, Jenny was only a girl; what was the worst she could do? Susanna knew that women could lose their chastity to men, but she’d never heard of such a thing happening between two women. She stood; Jenny’s smile deepened in triumph. It was a bit lopsided, higher on one side than the other, and it gave her a charming rakish quality. Even as Susanna’s heart beat faster in anticipation, she couldn’t help but smile back.

  Susanna’s bed was easily large enough for them both. It had a soft goose-down mattress and thin cotton sheets, ideal for the Caribbean’s warm nights. Lace nets hung down on all four sides to keep out mosquitoes and other insects; Susanna and Jenny crawled beneath them and let them drop back into place. The lace made a hazy shimmer about the bed, like being inside a cloud of moonlight. Susanna wasn’t sure what to do, so she laid down as she usually did. Jenny didn’t lie beside her, as a friend would do, but instead knelt over Susanna, her knees on either side of Susanna’s hips.

  Jenny’s eyes traveled slowly over her. “Yes,” Jenny sighed, “this is going to be a delight.” She stroked Susanna’s hair and bent down to kiss her deeply. Susanna felt as though she were melting into the pillow; she gave herself up easily to the taste and feel of Jenny’s mouth on her own, the still-new excitement of being kissed. Her head buzzed slightly, as it did sometimes when she drank too much wine. The things Jenny were doing to her were as intoxicating as any drink; her skin tingled, her belly fluttered, and laughter bubbled up and out of her. She simply felt so very, very good.

  Jenny’s kisses strayed away from Susanna’s mouth, moving down over her jaw and throat and collarbones. She returned to Susanna’s breasts and lavished attention on them, covering their sensitive flesh with kisses. She stroked the outer curves of the breasts with exploring fingertips; she nuzzled her face into the cleft between them; she played with the nipples with lips and tongue and even one careful nip of her teeth. Susanna writhed beneath her, then reached up and put her arms around Jenny’s shoulders to hold her close. “Oh, Jenny!” she said. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. You are wonderful!”

  Jenny laughed, a low, smoky laugh that seemed to know much more than she said. “I haven’t even shown you everything I can do yet.”

  She moved further down, pausing here and there to drop a kiss on some new part of Susanna’s body – over her ribs, next to her navel, on her left hip. Though the nightgown prevented Susanna from feeling the moisture on Jenny’s lips or the heat of her breath, each kiss still sent a shiver through her. But apparently none of these were the third type of kiss that Jenny had promised, because though they felt quite nice, Jenny lingered over none of them.

  Finally she kissed Susanna right at the juncture of her thighs. It was an intimate place, one where no one had ever touched Susanna before, much less put their mouth. She jerked with surprise and sat up. “Not there!”

  “And why not?” As if to prove her point, Jenny put another kiss in the same spot. A bolt of sheer lust shot through Susanna, like nothing she had ever felt before. Almost without meaning to, she let her legs fall apart. The place between them throbbed with want, and it felt wet and sensitive. Jenny kissed her there a third time, and Susanna’s reaction only grew; she squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth opening on a gasp. The place – her cunny, she knew it was called, though that was a dirty word – responded to the kisses even more strongly than her breasts had. Susanna let herself fall flat again on the bed, unable to protest Jenny’s indecencies any further.

  “That’s a good girl,” Jenny said. “Just lie back and let me do my thing.”

  Even with her eyes closed, Susanna could feel Jenny tugging up her nightgown, baring first her ankles, then her legs, and finally her hips and lower belly. The air was cool on her skin and goosebumps rose all up and down her body. Jenny smoothed her hands over Susanna’s thighs, then spread them apart and slid herself between them. Susanna tried to close her legs in embarrassment, but couldn’t manage it with Jenny kneeling there; all of her most private places were bared to Jenny’s gaze and there was nothing Susanna could do about it. Even her struggles to hide herself only ended with her legs wrapped around Jenny’s waist.

  Jenny patted her knee patronizingly. “Oh, I like this. You’re all wet and wanton for me.” She rubbed her hand across Susanna’s cunny and, to her shame, she was wet – she could tell how slippery her folds had grown by the ease with which Jenny’s hand moved across and between them. But despite her shame, she also felt desire; it felt surprisingly marvelous to have Jenny’s hand there, and Susanna couldn’t restrain a moan of loss when Jenny pulled it away.

  “I thought you wanted a kiss, not a handshake,” Jenny said mockingly.

  “Do anything you want,” Susanna said, feeling terribly, helplessly aroused. She was not behaving like a proper lady should; she had spread her legs for this strange woman – a poor woman, even! A servant! It was shameless and whorish behavior, but Susanna no longer cared. She only wanted Jenny to touch her again.

  Jenny laughed at her enthusiasm, then finally bent and pressed her mouth to Susanna’s cunny. There was no nightgown between them now, and Susanna could feel every tiny detail of Jenny’s lips – and then she parted them, and her tongue swept across Susanna’s cunny. It was unimaginably wonderful, and Susanna’s hips jumped upward to press themselves more firmly to Jenny’s mouth. Jenny grabbed her hips to hold her down, but Susanna couldn’t seem to stay still; she tried to toss and turn, squirming under the unbearable, almost painful pleasure that was Jenny kissing her cunny. Thankfully Jenny was much stronger than her, and had no difficulty in holding her still enough to continue with the glorious assault upon her senses: her tongue lapped up the entire length of Susanna’s cunny again and again, chasing every last drop of the moisture her body had produced. Susanna shook and gasped, but Jenny only pressed her tongue even harder against Susanna’s folds, even sliding between them to enter Susanna. Susanna’s hands flew to her mouth; she had to bite the heel of her hand to prevent herself from screaming. She had never had anything there before, had certainly never had anything inside her, and the experience was overwhelming. It was splendid, literally breathtaking, and she realized that this was what she’d been yearning for; this was what she had needed to satisfy that empty, hungry feeling that had irritated her.

  Jenny ceased fucking her with her tongue and Susanna moaned as it was withdrawn. She wanted more of that sense of being filled, of being thrust into. Jenny put her lips to the little nub at the top of Susanna’s cunny and sucked; any sense of loss she had was instantly replaced with hot, shocking pleasure. Susanna’s back arched up off of the bed like a drawn bow, and even with her hand in her mouth she couldn’t entirely suppress a shout. Jenny continue to kiss that nub even as Susanna thrashed and keened, Jenny’s lips and tongue flicking and sucking until Susanna felt as though she were exploding. The whole world seemed to burst into bright white light, and Susanna was aware of nothing except for how her body fell in an incredible spiraling climax.

  Afterwards, she lay still, filled with a warm lassitude. She was vaguely aware of Jenny moving about on the bed, but it seemed to be far too much of an effort for Susanna to open her eyes or ask what she was doing. Whatever it was, it was surely fine. Everything was fine, in fact. Susanna felt content with the entire world. She yawne
d, wriggled into a slightly more comfortable position, and fell swiftly into a deep sleep.

  The next thing Susanna was aware of was her maid calling her name. Susanna muttered a groggy complaint and turned onto her side, throwing up an arm to keep the sunlight out of her eyes. The usual morning sounds slowly filtered into her consciousness: birds singing in the garden outside, the thump and voices of people moving about the house, and a peddler in the street outside shouting about fresh fruit for sale. There was a clink as the maid set her tea tray down onto Susanna’s nightstand. Slowly, reluctantly, Susanna sat up, and then realized that her nightgown was still lifted up over her hips, and her legs and cunny were completely exposed in the vivid sunlight spilling in through the open window. She hurriedly pushed the gown down into place, and then carefully glanced toward the maid to see if she’d noticed.

  She must have, but she said nothing about it; her eyes were humbly downcast and her face was expressionless. Her skin was too dark for Susanna to tell if she was blushing, and Susanna wished, for a brief moment, that she could hide her own blushes so easily. Instead all she could do was clear her throat and lift her chin, pretending that nothing unusual had happened.

  “Did Jenny leave already?” Susanna asked as the maid poured her tea into the cup and added the usual two lumps of sugar.

  “Jenny? Oh, you mean the girl from last night? I never learned her name. I believe she has, ma’am, yes.”

  That was probably for the best; if she had stayed, things might have gotten awkward. Still, Susanna wished they’d had just one more night together... as she was pondering that pleasant possibility, her eyes wandered past the maid and came to rest on her dressing table. Nothing was where it should be; the tabletop was covered in spilled cosmetics, lidless boxes, and open purses. Susanna sprang out of bed and dashed to the table, but a closer look only revealed that things were even worse than she’d first feared. This box, which had held her rings: empty. This one for bracelets: empty. This pouch, where she had carefully coiled a pearl necklace: empty. She checked beneath the drawer where she hid her little cache of coins, but they too were missing. She tore through her belongings, growing increasingly frantic, but every single thing of the least worth was gone, from her treasured diamond pendant all the way down to her old silk hair ribbons. She pawed through the empty boxes and inside-out purses once more, flinging them to the floor in her haste, and then stared in terrified realization at the barren tabletop. She even stole my hairbrush, Susanna thought.


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