Jock Blocked: An Enemies to Lovers Sports Romance

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Jock Blocked: An Enemies to Lovers Sports Romance Page 11

by Shae Sullivan

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? There’s no way I’m doing my work now.”

  “You have to.”

  “I can’t focus on anything but you.”

  “How about we make a deal?”

  “Depends on what the deal is.”

  Trina drops her hand to my lap. “I’ll take care of you if you promise to finish your packet as soon as we’re done.”

  I look at Trina with wide eyes. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying, maybe it’s time I live out my fantasy.”

  Without waiting for my agreement, Trina pushes her chair back and crawls under the table. I glance at the door. These rooms don’t lock, but we do have the place for another hour and a half. Trina is a well-trusted tutor. No one expects her to do something as scandalous as give a blowjob during a session.

  “Trina, are you sure about this?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  Trina’s fingers brush the front of my pants once again. My cock twitches at her touch, and my jeans still stand between us.

  I sit up as Trina starts to pull my pants down.

  “He’s ready for me.”

  “I’m always ready for you.”

  “I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.”

  I moan as Trina envelopes me in her lips. How she could think I wouldn’t enjoy this, I have no idea. Trina is amazing at giving head. I knew this when we were together on Thursday, but today confirms it.

  I reach under the table and take her hair. I guide her down on my cock and adjust her speed. She uses her tongue exactly the way she’s supposed to. Trina’s hands cup my balls.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re good at that.”

  “Sit back and enjoy yourself, Carter.”

  I do lean back, but it’s because the pleasure is almost too much for me to handle. I push Trina away just slightly. I’m not ready to finish just yet.

  Trina giggles. “Too much for you, Carter?”

  “Dammit, Trina, what are you doing to me?”

  I can make out the grin in her voice when she says, “Exactly what you want me to do.”

  Trina’s lips wrap around my head again. Her bobbing is too much for me to take.

  “Trina, I’m gonna cum, baby…”

  “Give it to me. I want to swallow all your warm cum.”

  I grab the back of her head and hold her on my cock as my cum shoots down her throat. When I’m finished, Trina crawls out from under the table, licking her lips.

  “Holy shit, I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “Neither can I. It was as hot as I expected.”

  I lean forward and kiss her. “Next time, I get to be the one who pleases you.”

  “I’d like that. Now, it’s time to get to work. Remember our agreement?”

  I do feel more relaxed now. I manage to get through the rest of the packet with only a few make out breaks. I think Trina enjoys them as much as I do.

  When we leave the library, I kiss her again. I have a few things to take care of before our date tonight.

  “I’ll see you at five?”

  Trina nods. “I’ll meet you at your apartment.”


  We kiss once more before going our separate ways. What happened in the library feels surreal, but it definitely happened.

  And it’s going to be even better later tonight.

  Chapter 17


  I’ve never been on a double date before so I was a bit nervous when Jamie suggested it.

  I shift in my seat. It’s Friday night and we’re at the same restaurant Carter took me to on our first date just over a week ago. There’s another band performing. This one isn’t as good as the one from last time, but they still have great energy.

  Jamie and I are seated next to each other on one side of the table while Carter and Devin are on the other side.

  Devin is the guy Jamie met at the football party. I take a moment to stare at him while he’s engrossed in something Jamie is saying. When I first saw him, I assumed he was a freshman. Jamie assures me he’s actually a junior and he’s twenty-one. He looks wicked young to me, but I guess that’s good for him.

  Thing is, Jamie’s relationships never last very long. She’s the kind of person who gets bored easily. I don’t like getting to know her boyfriends or girlfriends because I know they won’t be around forever. The way Jamie is kind of distant with Devin lets me know he’s on his way out.

  I’m pretty sure she only suggested the double date to get to know Carter. I would’ve been happy to have it just the three of us, but Jamie said that might be awkward.

  It’s just as awkward with Devin here hanging on to every word Jamie says. Poor guy. I hope he finds someone new after Jamie breaks his heart in a few days.

  “Can I get you another round of drinks?” Our waiter asks.

  “Yeah, that’d be great.”

  “So, two beers, a lemonade, and a water?”

  “Actually, can I get a seltzer instead of beer this time?”

  The waiter nods. “Coming right up.”

  Jamie and Devin are having a couple drinks, but Carter and I opted to not bother. It’s more common for both of us to be sober than not. Jamie doesn’t like to party, but she does keep a few drinks in our fridge, and sometimes we’ll crack open a bottle of wine. Devin seems to be the biggest partier of all of us. I think he was a little disappointed we ended up at a restaurant instead of the football party tonight, but he’s mesmerized by Jamie enough to forgive the lameness.

  “You didn’t like the beer?” Devin asks.

  “It was fine, just a little heavy. I want something lighter and refreshing.”

  “Makes sense.”

  We’ve already ordered two large pizzas, but it’s busy tonight and our waiter let us know it might be a bit of a wait. I’m fine with it. I like spending time with Carter, even if Devin’s presence is a little weird.

  “So, Devin, what’s your major?” I ask.

  “Computer sciences. You?”


  “Nice. The sciences are where it’s at.”

  Jamie sighs. “There are other, just as good, majors.”

  “Yeah, but it’s harder to get a job with a liberal arts major.”

  I bite my lip. That is not the right thing to say to Jamie. She’s a history major with plans to work at museums. That’s why she’s heading to Florida after graduation. She already has an internship lined up at a museum down there. She also works in our school’s archives and our Connecticut History Museum. No one really goes there, but it’s still good experience.

  “Maybe.” That’s all Jamie says in response. I appreciate her not fighting with Devin during our double date. However, I think his end might come sooner than expected.

  Carter meets my eyes. I shrug an apology and he smiles, taking a sip of his water.

  For a few minutes, we turn our attention to the band. Last week, they had more of an alt-rock vibe. Today’s band is very upbeat and poppy. I don’t mind it, but I did like the mellow music last week better.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” Jamie announces, standing up. “Trin, can you show me where it is?”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Sure.”

  Jamie and I head inside the restaurant to where the very obvious restroom signs are.

  “Sorry, I needed a break.”

  “Why’d you bring Devin? You clearly don’t like him. What about the girl from your dance elective or that guy you work with?”

  “Dead ends. Devin was my only option. He’s not that bad.”

  I laugh. “You’re breaking up with him on the way home.”

  “Oh, absolutely. That was the third time just today he has looked down on my major. I can’t be with someone like that.”

  “Poor guy.”

  “I probably shouldn’t have brought him. But, he adds a little extra protection from awkwardness. I didn’t think he’d be causing awkwardness, too.

  “It’s okay. What do you think of Carter?”

  “I love him, Trin! You two are really cute together. Don’t think I haven’t caught the googly eyes you’re sending each other.”

  I blush. “We are not!”

  “Are too. You keep meeting each other’s eyes and grinning. It’s adorable. I think Carter will be really good for you.”

  Jamie turns to check herself in the mirror so she doesn’t catch my sudden frown. I turn it around quickly, not wanting to bring down the mood of dinner.

  “Yeah, Carter is great,” I say.

  “He is. I hope the pizza is as good as you promised, too. I’m starving.”

  I laugh. “It is. You’re going to love it and want to come here every day, I promise.”

  “I trust you. Let’s get back out there.”

  When we get back to the table, our pizzas have arrived. Jamie and I sit down and each take a slice of each pizza. We got the same eggplant one I had with Carter and a meat lovers this time.

  I take a bite of the meat lovers first, since I’ve never had it before. I moan as the greasy, delicious meat touches my tongue.

  “Dammit, Carter, you’re ruining my life,” I say.

  He laughs. “I’m happy to do it.”

  “Seriously. Mine too,” Jamie says. “How did you find this place?”

  “I was trying to get off campus and away from everyone for a bit. I was just driving and ended up here. I come here a lot now. Not a lot of people from our school come this far.”

  “They’re missing out.”

  There are good pizza places on campus, but nothing compares to the New York style slices we’re eating right now. I love pizza that I have to fold in half to eat, and that’s exactly what this is.

  “You have a little…” Carter says, pointing to my chin.

  I giggle. “Oops. Can’t take me anywhere, I guess.”

  “Here, let me get it.”

  Carter leans forward and wipes my chin with a napkin. Our eyes meet, and he ends up planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

  My heart flutters. It’s an innocent gesture, but it still means so much. I had boyfriends in high school, but none long term. I never felt the connection with anyone. The random guys I’ve made out with since starting college, or the couple hookups, haven’t been anything compared to how I feel with Carter.

  That terrifies me. I’m not ready to lose my heart to a guy who is preparing to leave.

  “That was disgustingly adorable,” Jamie says. “I hate you guys.”

  Devin sits up straighter. “I’d do it if you got stuff all over you.”

  “I’m a clean eater.”

  Devin cringes. I feel kind of bad for the guy. Jamie invited him here. Then again, he did insult her major three times today. That’s not okay.

  “So, Jamie,” Carter says, thankfully changing the subject. “Trina tells me you’re off to Florida after graduation. What are you going for?”

  “I’m going to the University of Florida for a master’s in museum studies. I have an internship lined up at Florida’s Natural History Museum starting in June, so I’m moving there right away.”

  “Wow. How’d you decide on Florida?”

  Jamie shrugs. “Honestly, I applied to every museum internship for next summer that I could find. I wanted to get my applications in early to give myself a leg-up. The one in Florida is the only paid internship that offered me the job, so it was natural I’d pick it. I applied early admission to the University of Florida and got my acceptance. Now, it’s just a matter of finishing up here.”

  “That’s impressive,” Carter says. “You’ve got everything figured out.”

  Jamie laughs. “Maybe not everything, but my career path is pretty clear.”

  “I wish I was graduating soon,” Devin says. “You guys are so lucky.”

  “I don’t know, you should enjoy your junior year. Things get a bit crazy once you’re a senior. Applying to jobs and grad school. Harder classes. It’s a lot to handle.”

  “Yeah, but at least you’re almost out of here.”


  We continue to talk until the pizza is gone and the band is performing their last song of the evening.

  “I should get going,” Carter says. “I’ve got a game tomorrow.”

  “And I’m going to said game!”

  “I still can’t believe it. If I didn’t have a competition, I’d be going too. Next time.”

  “If there is a next time,” Carter says.

  “We’ll see how I feel after this one.”

  Everyone laughs. Carter and I stand and put on our jackets. The heaters around the patio make it nice and warm despite it being November.

  “Thanks for coming out tonight,” I say to Devin and Jamie. “It was fun.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  Jamie pulls me in for a hug and whispers I shouldn’t get used to Devin. I laugh but cover it up quickly with a cough.

  Since Jamie rode with Devin and I rode with Carter, we go our separate ways. Once in the car, I sigh and lean back.

  “What’s wrong?” Carter asks.


  “You seem kind of sad.”

  “I’m just thinking about Jamie heading to Florida. I’m only applying to grad schools up here, as you know, so we’re going our separate ways next year. I’m sad to see her go.”

  Carter takes my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. “You’ll stay in touch, though. You and Jamie are close. I know you’ll work it out.”

  I glance at him but his eyes are on the road. Is he thinking about more than just Jamie and me? Does Carter think he and I can work it out, even if we end up long distance?

  I’m falling hard for Carter. It’s so silly, but after his midterm today, he called me and told me he thinks he did really well. Just that simple gesture made me incredibly happy. I want to share all my good news with him, too.

  This relationship has an end date, though. It may not be as soon as Jamie and Devin’s but come May, I don’t see how we can carry on. Carter will be going off to training camp for whatever NFL team scoops him up. I’ll be hopefully working an internship and preparing for grad school. Our lives are heading in different directions.

  “It’s going to be okay, Trina,” Carter says, noticing my mood is still down. “Don’t worry so much about the future. We have right now.”

  I smile and kiss his cheek. “You’re right. Now is pretty great.”


  The rest of the drive home, I try to do as Carter says, but it’s difficult. Sure, right now is amazing, but how am I supposed to enjoy it when I know the feeling is fleeting?

  Maybe this relationship was a mistake. I thought I could handle it, but now I’m not so sure.

  I don’t ever want it to end, and that scares me.

  Chapter 18


  The locker room is pretty gross. The football team shares it with every other sport at our school, and the school doesn’t do a great job of cleaning it. I try to hold my breath most of the time I spend in here.

  I prefer to be out on the field, anyway. Most of the time, I end up out there before the game just clearing my head. I sit out in the tunnel or even on the bench. Today, I have to stay in because we’ve been losing, and it’s my job to get team morale up.

  “You know, this is your fault,” one of the younger players, Nick, says.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “We started losing as soon as you got a girlfriend.”

  I laugh. “We started losing before I started dating Trina.”

  “Oh. Really?”

  “Yeah. Like two games, actually.”

  “Damn. I wanted to blame her.”

  “It’s not her fault. We’re a good team. We just need to do a little better.”

  “Great pep talk, captain.”

  “Sorry. I’m trying. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just say we’ll win today.”

  “We will. We
’ve been doing great at practice all week. This team is a good match for us, but I think we’ll be good. We can win this one.”

  Nick claps my back. “That’s a much better pep talk.”

  He gets up from the bench and is replaced by Dennis.

  “How are you holding up? You didn’t show up at the party last night.”

  “I went out with Trina and a friend of hers.”

  “Nice. I’m glad that’s going well.”

  “It is. I really like her.”

  Dennis grins. “I knew from the beginning you’d fall hard for her.”

  “I have. She’s amazing. We get along well and always have something to talk about. I love being with her.”

  “Damn. Just make sure you’re not losing sight of what’s important.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know I’m fully supportive of relationships and I’ve always hated your stance against them. We can have both football and love. It’s possible. However, I don’t want you to get distracted. We’re in this season now and it’s important that we do well.”

  I roll my eyes. “I haven’t forgotten how important this season is.”

  “I don’t think you have. I’m just saying, the further you fall for this girl, the more danger there is of you getting distracted.”

  “Dammit, Dennis, do you know me at all?”

  Dennis holds up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, I’m just saying.”

  “Don’t just say. I know what I’m doing. You really think I wouldn’t consider the risk before jumping into a relationship?”

  “You’re right. You’re the least likely to get lost in love. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Trina knows that the team is my number one priority, just like school is hers right now. We have an understanding. That’s why we work.”

  “Okay, okay. I get it. I’m an idiot.”

  I’m about to agree again when Coach walks into the locker room.

  “Carter, my office.”

  All the other guys make “oooh” sounds like I’m getting in trouble. Please. As if I would get into trouble. The team knows how straight-laced I am. I bet Coach is calling me in to talk strategy for the game today. We need a win or we’ll fall apart the rest of the season. Losing streaks breed losing.


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