Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 19

by Tricia Andersen

  Finally, Chloe broke free, gently patting him against the chest. “Sweetheart, we’re going to be late.”

  “So? Rico won’t mind. And I’m not excited about dinner with Phoebe. That girl gives me the creeps.”

  “But we told them we’d be there. Let’s just go, eat quick, and then come home for more kisses as dessert,” she suggested.

  “Hmmm…Your kisses for dessert? There’s no way I can say no now.” Max took her hand in his and led her out the front door, locking it behind them. He escorted her to the car and helped her inside.

  The steakhouse was packed from wall to wall. Max scanned the crowd for Rico and Phoebe. At this rate, they would never eat tonight. The wait had to be at least three hours. Rico and Max had to be at Hard Drive by six o’clock in the morning to leave for Chicago. Eating at eleven wouldn’t work.

  He breathed a high sigh of relief as he found the other couple already seated in a high-back, red, patent leather booth. The wood table and trim were stained a deep, chocolate brown. Max threaded his fingers through Chloe’s and led them through the crowd.

  “I was beginning to think you stood us up,” Rico greeted. Phoebe was tucked close to his side, clinging to his arm with both of hers. Her blonde locks bobbed against her breasts.

  “Just running late.” Max nudged Chloe into the booth then slid in beside her. They each ordered an iced tea before turning their attention back to Rico and Phoebe.

  Max noticed Phoebe’s subtle seduction before the drinks arrived. Her blue eyes locked on his as she grazed her fingers along Rico’s jaw. The couples had barely ordered their dinner before she was clinging to him like a choking vine, her lips and hands wandering where they shouldn’t in a public restaurant.

  Every few moments, she would turn and stare at Max for a moment. Was she hoping for a reaction from him? Did she think he would be jealous? He gazed down at Chloe by his side. How could he be jealous of Phoebe when he was with such a beautiful girl?

  Chloe glanced up at him, unease evident in her eyes. She too was uncomfortable with the lewd public display of affection. Did she catch Phoebe’s glares at Max, also? She laced her fingers in his and snuggled a little closer.

  Rico and Phoebe barely took a break from each other to eat when the food arrived. There was a little talk between the men about the competition until Phoebe broke in between them. All of what she had to say was directed to Max, not her boyfriend. She never said a word to Chloe. In fact, the most Chloe got from Phoebe was a snarl.

  Max tugged Chloe even closer to him to defend her from the blonde’s wrath. At the first opportunity, Max paid the bill and excused himself and Chloe, wishing the other couple good night. They couldn’t get out of the steakhouse fast enough.

  Together, they walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. “That was awkward,” Chloe laughed.

  “You can say that again,” Max agreed. He stopped and pulled her to him. “Do you remember the last time we dressed up and went out for dinner?”

  “Yes. It didn’t end well. Why?”

  “I was wondering what would happen this time if I tried to kiss you.”

  “Guess you’ll just have to try and find out.”

  Max dipped his head low, brushing her lips apart with his. He heard her sigh as she tilted, allowing him to go deeper. He parted sooner than he wanted. They didn’t need to duplicate what they had just witnessed in the restaurant.

  Chloe smiled dreamily at him. “Ready to go home?”

  “Oh, yeah. Let’s go.” Max wrapped his arm around her waist as he led her to the car.

  Max held Chloe’s hand in his as he drove home, only letting go to shift gears. He helped her from her seat and gave her his arm to escort her into the house. Once he shut then front door he turned to her. “Do you want to watch a movie?”

  “Absolutely. I’m going to change into my pajamas and make some popcorn.”

  “Sounds great. I can’t wait to get out of this tie. When is your mom coming home?”

  “I don’t think she is. I think she’s out with Al all night. Go ahead and lock it.”

  “Yes, mi’ lady.”

  He watched Chloe disappear up the stairs before he turned and locked the door. He ascended the steps to his room, shedding his clothes the moment he shut the door. He tugged on a T-shirt and his favorite pair of pajama pants. He opened the door to the scent of popcorn coming from below.

  He slipped a movie in the DVD player then settled on the couch. He grinned as Chloe plopped down next to him in a T-shirt and fuzzy pajama pants. She set the bowl of popcorn in his lap then wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Hmm.” He kissed her softly. “I like this better than dinner. I put that movie in that you just bought.”

  “I bought that for you.”

  “And I’m excited to watch it.”

  “I’m sure you are.”

  He click the remote and set it beside him. “Shush. It’s starting.”

  Chloe gave him a dirty look before laying her head on his chest. He brushed the strands of hair from her face then reached for a couple kernels of popcorn. Holding her in his arms was better than anything.

  As the movie played he felt her breathing slow. Then he heard her snore. He nudged the quilt on the back of the sofa over her then turned back to the movie. His eyes grew heavy. He wasn’t sure when the movie ended. The next thing he knew the sun was just lighting the living room and Chloe was stirring in his arms.

  He gently shifted her out of his arms then laid her back down. He tiptoed up the steps. His heart felt like a lead weight in his chest. He didn’t want to leave Chloe. Not even for a day. He tugged his shirt over his head then shrugged the pants from his legs. He pulled out a clean T-shirt and a pair of jeans from his dresser. Once he was dressed again, he tossed his Hard Drive polo in the duffle bag and zipped it closed. Then, he hoisted the strap of the bag over his shoulder and shuffled down the staircase.

  Liz stood at the stove cooking breakfast, leaning on her cane as she scrambled eggs. He suddenly realized it had been days since he had seen her. Had she just got in from her night with Al? “Can I make you breakfast, Max?” she offered.

  “I’m running late, Liz. But thanks anyway.”

  She hobbled to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I understand. Have a safe trip, sweetheart.”

  Max fought the look of confusion from his face. Had Liz just used a term of endearment with him? He turned toward Chloe leaning against the back of couch. He expected her in her pajamas to tell him goodbye. Instead. she was fully dressed, the keys to his car dangling in her hand.

  “What are you doing, Chloe?” he asked.

  “Taking you to Hard Drive, so I can spend more time with you.”

  “You’ll have to pick me up tomorrow.”

  “I know. I want to.”

  “All right. Let’s go.” He held the door for her to pass through then followed her. As they reached the vehicle, he held his hand out for the keys. With a mischievous grin, she unlocked the driver’s door and slipped inside. Then, she reached across to pop the lock on the passenger side for him. With a chuckle, he tossed his bag inside and settled into his seat.

  He was a little nervous with Chloe driving his Mustang. He had saved for years for his first car. He had spent months with his Dad restoring it. Did she even know how to drive a stick? As she merged into traffic on the interstate with a calm, content smile on her face, he relaxed a bit. “What are you doing while I’m gone?”

  “Well, I was going to just stay at home and read. But yesterday, Tami called. I didn’t even know she had my number. Anyway, I guess Tyson is dying to spend his birthday money. He wants to go to the Mall of America to the Lego store then he wants to ride the rides in the amusement park. He told Tami that since shopping is for girls that Uncle Max wouldn’t want to go, but maybe Aunt Chloe might. I couldn’t believe he called me Aunt Chloe. I couldn’t say no to that. So your mom, Tami, Jenny, and Tyson are picking me up for a day at the mall.”

  “Oh. Sou
nds like fun.” Max frowned a bit.

  “I won’t go if you don’t want me to.”

  “It’s not that. Where did Ty get the idea I wouldn’t want to go shopping with him? I love doing everything with him. I was there when he was born.”

  Chloe smiled as she patted him on the knee. “I’ll straighten him out. You know he adores you.”

  “My dad and I are the only men in his life. His dad took off before he was born. I try to be there whenever he needs me. It was hard to move to Minneapolis away from him.”

  He heard her sigh. He looked at her, finding her watching him with stars in her eyes. “You’re pretty incredible, Max.”

  “So are you, Chloe.”

  Chloe parked in front of Hard Drive a few spots from the van Jack had rented for the trip. They wandered to the others packing the vehicle with their things. He pulled her to him and gently kissed her. “I better let you get to your day of fun with Tyson and the girls.”

  “Yeah. Please stay safe.”

  “I will. I’ll call you tonight after the fight.”

  “All right. I love you, Max.”

  “I love you too.”

  He kissed her one last time, feeling his heart rip apart as his fingertips grazed the last of her skin when she pulled away. He didn’t move until the Mustang disappeared from sight. Then, he tossed his bag into the van a little harder than needed to emphasize his heartbreak.

  “Gonna survive without her?” Rico asked as he leaned against the side.

  “We’ll see,” Max muttered.

  “Hey. About last night. I’m sorry about the scene at the steakhouse.”

  “Don’t apologize. You’re in love.”

  “That’s the thing.” Rico took a deep breath and let it go slowly. “When you left, she stopped. She wouldn’t even let me touch her. I broke things off with her. It’s obvious I’m not the man she wants. She wants you. And I’m afraid she won’t stop until she gets you.”

  “She won’t get me. I love Chloe. That won’t change. But I’m sorry about your break up.”

  “No biggie. There are other girls out there.”

  The thirty-hour trip to and from Chicago were the thirty longest hours of Max’s life. The van barely stopped in front of Hard Drive before Max threw the door open. He had never been so glad to be home in his life.

  The trip had been extremely successful. When Rico’s fight was up, it had been him and Max alone in an arena of screaming, cheering fans. Being so close to the battle made Max hurt. He missed it. Deep inside his soul, he wanted another chance at a belt. He wanted it so much he could taste it. It burned in his veins.

  He shook his head to dispel the thought. He might be the same age as Rico in years, but his body had been through more. Was he past his peak? And he’d already had one devastating injury. Could he afford another? Not really. It would be best to settle for coaching a champion than taking the risk of becoming one.

  With Max shouting instructions from the sidelines, Rico won his bout. He was one step closer to the championship.

  Now, they were home, and Max had just seen the most beautiful image in the world—Chloe waiting for him beside his car. He hopped out of the van, sprinted to her, and wrapped her tight in his embrace.

  “Hello to you too,” Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Max kissed her in response, a deep, warm one that left them both breathless. Chloe ran her tongue against her swollen bottom lip, drawing out a growl from his throat.

  “I have something for you,” she breathed.

  “What is it?”

  She pulled free from his embrace. She reached inside the Mustang before setting the teddy bear in his hands. “I missed being in your arms. We’re pretty much there anyway.”

  “So, my Sunday night plans are holding you?”

  “If you’d like.”

  Max tugged her back to him, holding her tight. “More than anything, baby. More than anything.”

  Chapter Ten

  The thunderous cheering was deafening. Chloe scanned the cavernous arena. Despite the fact the crowd was engulfed in darkness, she could tell the room was at least three stories high, a football field wide, and packed to capacity with MMA fans.

  The black was pierced with split-second shots of light from the flashes of camera phones. She turned back to the violent, metal beast she stood beside—the chain-link octagon waiting for tonight’s competitors to do battle. Five Hard Drive members were fighting tonight, including Mark in his debut match.

  She pulled her team jacket tighter around her then shot a glare at Max. “Is it always so loud?”

  “It isn’t too bad. There are worse arenas. This one is pretty quiet.”

  “Why am I here? Why does Jack want me to go to competitions?”

  “When we first started, I made a deal with Jack that I would travel, and you would stay home. With you being sick all the time, I was afraid of you having an episode away from home and needing hospitalization. Now that we know it’s CVS, and the medication is working—not to mention Jack promoted you to full trainer—he thinks you should start attending some of the competitions, starting with this one.”

  “Why this one?”

  Max pointed to the sign over the arena. “Hard Drive is one of the sponsors.”

  Chloe stared at it for a few moments then turned back to Max. She nodded to the camera that Max had left on the outer edge of the mat. “What’s that for?”

  “Jack wants pictures for the website. He’s up in a luxury box somewhere. He figures if you and I are down here, we might as well get a few shots.” He picked up the camera. Without warning, he pointed toward Chloe. Before she could raise her hands to block her face, the flash blinded her.

  “Hey!” she protested. She heard Max’s laughter as she tried to rub the spots from her eyes. “I probably broke Jack’s camera with that picture,” she pouted.

  “Any picture of you would make this camera priceless.”

  Chloe playfully slugged him in the shoulder. He grabbed her hand, drawing her to him and kissing her slow and deep. She could hear the hoots and hollers of those around them, cheering them on. As the kiss broke, they laughed at their temporarily forgotten audience.

  The night was fantastic. Hard Drive had an incredible showing. Mark won his fight. He was bruised, beaten, and glowing. Next up was Rico’s fight for the belt in Las Vegas.

  They all decided to go celebrate. Chloe cringed as Phoebe joined them all in the locker room, planting a passionate kiss on Rico’s lips. Seemed they were back together again. Chloe excused herself to run outside to the car to get her purse.

  Clutching it in her hand, she locked the door of the Mustang. She jumped, startled at the sound of male voices behind her.

  “Wow. What do you know? It’s Chloe Davis,” a tall, thin, blond man said, as he sauntered toward her. He was flanked on either side by two others the same height and build as he. And he made Chloe quake in fear. After all these years, he and what he did to her on prom night still filled her nightmares.

  “What do you want, Leo?” she fought out through her clenched throat.

  He hovered over her as he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “Just wanted to know how my Chloe is doing? I haven’t seen you since…when? Night of senior prom?”

  The thought made Chloe shudder. Her stomach lurched violently as her cyclic vomiting went to war with her medication. “Please, Leo. Leave me alone.”

  “Why? Are you hoping one of these MMA guys will pick you up, sweetheart? You aren’t worth it. Come with me and my friends, and we’ll show you a good time. Like prom night. Remember?”

  Chloe felt herself nearing the point of no return as Leo slithered closer. Then she screamed as he was suddenly slammed against the car next to her. She glanced over into the murderous blue eyes of her savior as Max balled Leo’s shirt in his fists.

  “Dude,” Leo protested. “What the…”

  “I know who you are, and I know what you did. And I’m going to kill you slowly fo
r it,” Max seethed.

  Suddenly, Mark and Rico peeled Max off Leo, using all the strength between them to hold him off. Max wrenched free, only to be recaptured.

  “Listen, man. I don’t understand what’s wrong with you.”

  “Senior prom. I know what you did to her after her senior prom. I’m gonna beat you until you beg for mercy. Then, I’m going to end your life painfully.”

  Leo’s face turned ghostly pale as Max wrestled free one more time. But he stopped dead in his tracks at Chloe’s touch. “Max, he’s not worth it. It’s history. Please, let’s just go home.”

  “Are you all right?” he growled.

  “Yes. You’re here with me. I’m fine.”

  Max slowly strode until he was toe to toe with Leo. “Understand this. I belong to her. She belongs to me. Get close enough to breathe on her, and it will be the last breath you take.”

  Chloe laced her fingers in his as he spun on his toe. She wrapped her other arm around the one holding hers as he stormed off, leading her away.

  The incident in the parking lot killed the mood for the rest of the night. They gathered their things from the locker room. Max ordered her to wait outside the arena with Mark as he retrieved the car. No doubt Leo and his goons were long gone. Max had put the fear of God in them. Regardless, no one would attempt to bother her with Mark around.

  The ride home was tense. Max clenched the steering wheel violently as he steered through the streets. His knuckles turned white from the pressure. Chloe knotted her fingers together as she bit her lip nervously. She had never seen him so angry before. She had never seen anyone that angry before.

  Max stormed through the front door with a slam. Chloe followed quietly, sitting on the couch while setting her purse on the floor. Then, the tears started to trickle down her cheeks.

  She felt the sofa cushions shift then a pair of strong, sculpted arms wrap around her. They lifted her up and deposited her on a pair of firm legs. She was crushed against a wall of man, a man who shook as he held her.


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