Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 36

by Tricia Andersen

  The flight gave Rico time to think. Was this the life he wanted? Or had he let the life he really wanted slip through his fingers? He knew the answer to those questions. But it was too late to make the right decision for his future. It was time for a change. He elbowed Mark to wake him up as the plane descended.

  Once they checked into their hotel, they headed to the gym that Max had arranged to practice in for the week. It would be an all-day training session, with flocks of people shuffling in and out to watch them. Maybe if Rico was lucky, one of those people would be who he was looking for. After an hour taking turns rolling with the rest of the guys, his luck came walking in.

  A small, bald, rotund man waddled up to a group from the arena. By the reaction of the well-dressed group, they weren’t excited to see him. Rico knew why. Paul ran a low level MMA fan blog and was frequently nosing around in the wrong places for a juicy tidbit to share with his followers. He rubbed on the last nerve of fighters and promoters alike. He was just what Rico needed.

  Rico crossed the mat to retrieve his water bottle, waving to the men watching. If I get close enough…

  “Hey, Rico!” Paul shouted eagerly.

  Rico offered up a customary eye roll. He couldn’t show his cards quite yet. “Yeah, Paul. What do you want?”

  “Got anything you want to share on my blog before your fight?”

  Rico paused. “Yeah. I just might. Meet me in my hotel’s bar at seven tonight. I’m staying at the one just down the street from the arena. We’ll talk.”

  “That’s great.” Paul’s arms waved in excitement. He clearly believed he had just gotten the break of the year. “Seven. Got it. I’ll be there.”

  “See you then.” Rico dropped his bottle on the bench then returned to spar some more.

  That night, he showered as quickly as possible then raced down to the bar to meet Paul. As he sank into the booth in the far corner, he struggled with himself over ordering a beer. He needed to stay sober the entire week he was here. When the waitress sashayed over, he begrudgingly ordered a ginger ale.

  He smiled as he watched Paul hustle between patrons and tables, his face bright red as he huffed and puffed. Rico smirked as he offered the man a seat so they could begin.

  The interview took over an hour. When they were finished talking, Paul scuttled, wide-eyed, from the lounge, making a beeline for his own room. Rico chuckled as he slowly stood and stretched. He had never seen the large man move so fast. His plan had worked just as he hoped.

  As he strode into the lobby, he heard his name called. He turned to find Max, Mark, and Dan approaching.

  “Where’ve you been, Rico?” Max questioned.

  “Doing an interview.”

  “I thought we did interviews together.”

  “Do we have to do everything together? When did we become Siamese twins?” Rico snapped before he spun on his toe and stormed to his room, leaving the other three men in stunned silence. Did he want to lash out at his best friends? No. But all hell was going to break loose in the morning when the video he had just recorded went viral. He needed to prepare for the onslaught.

  As he had predicted, he was woken up the next morning by a fist pounding on the door. He took a deep breath and opened it. Max’s eyes were near murderous as he clenched his tablet in his hand.

  “Why didn’t you talk to me?” Max demanded. “Do you know what it was like, learning it on the internet? I thought we were brothers.”

  Rico sighed. “Max…”

  “Just tell me that it’s not true. Tell me you’re not retiring after this fight.”

  Rico rubbed his jaw silently. “I am.”

  “Why would you throw your career away like that?”

  “It was just as I said on the video. Sometimes, there are things worth sacrificing for. Unfortunately, I’m too late.”


  “Of course, Avery.”

  “Are you hoping to get her back this way?”

  Rico laughed hopelessly. “I tried e-mailing her. I tried texting her. She never answered me back. No, she’s long gone. We’re over. I’m moving back to Chicago as soon as we get back. I going to turn in my notice on my apartment and quit my job when we get back. I need out of Minneapolis.”

  “Away from us. Away from your family. Are you fighting in Chicago? Are you going back to boxing?”

  “No. Just getting a normal job. Trying to move on.”

  Max shook his head sadly.

  Rico continued, “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you. I couldn’t let you talk me out of it. It’s going to kill me to leave you, Chloe, Mark, and Dan. You’re my family. But I need to jump start my life again.”

  Max was silent for a few moments. “I understand. I’m still ticked off, but I get it. I’m going to miss having you around. Aside from Chloe, you’re my best friend.”

  “You’re mine.”

  “So, are you ready to go spar? Let’s make this a week you’ll remember for a lifetime. And let’s send you off with a win.”

  Rico smiled. “Sounds great. Let me go change.” He motioned Max into the room, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Nine

  Avery trudged up the walk to the house. She hated getting out of bed. She hated moving. But lying curled up under the covers didn’t make life go on. Going to work and school did. She still didn’t have to like it.

  It seemed like she thought of Rico every single second of the day. The littlest thing reminded her of him. Being at the coffee shop was pure torture. They had spent so much time there together that there wasn’t one inch of the place that didn’t echo his sexy smile. Cups of ice reminded her of the skate rink and their first kiss.

  The teddy bear he had won for her at the carnival had nearly found a new home in the trash, but she couldn’t part with it. The fuzzy toy was a treasure from the time they had been in love. She just couldn’t shake him, and it was tearing her apart.

  She wasn’t mad at him any longer. He had only been doing what he had been advised to do. She had never asked if he was a mixed martial artist. He had just never volunteered the information.

  However, he was Rico Choate. In the articles she had forced herself to read about him, she had learned two primary things—he loved MMA over anything else, and he seemed to have a new girlfriend every week. He had to have moved on to another woman. She must be yesterday’s news to him.

  She huffed as she reached the front porch. Lindsay was no help. Ever since the attack in the bar parking lot, she came home each day to find him on his laptop, searching for the littlest information on Rico. He wasn’t being her over-protective, big brother. He was acting more like a deranged fan, soaking up every stat. It tore her apart to catch glimpses of Rico dressed in his MMA shorts and sporting his gloves.

  Avery nearly growled when she found Lindsay in his usual spot on the sofa with his computer on his lap. The lump caught in her throat as she noticed the slack-jawed look on his face.

  She sat next to him then set her purse on the floor. She caught his gaze and signed. What is it?

  Lindsay didn’t answer her. He just picked up the laptop and handed it over. She whimpered as she read the blazing headline.

  Rico Choate Retires From MMA.

  Her heart raced as a video began to play automatically. The room it had been shot in was too dark for her to make out what his lips said. She looked up to her brother, puzzled.

  Lindsay began to translate. I thought my first true love would always be mixed martial arts. But sometimes, someone comes along that puts life, puts love, in perspective. Someone worth fighting for, someone worth sacrificing for, someone you just cannot live without.

  I was too stupid to see it when I had it. I made the wrong choice. Now, I will live with the consequences. I have lost the love of my life, and with that, I have lost my love for fighting. I want to thank my brothers, my team, and my fans for all your love and support. It has meant the world to me. But it is time to move on.

  Avery shook her head vehemently
. I’ll talk to him as soon as he gets back. I will not let him quit.

  Lindsay’s face grew grim. He’s leaving for Chicago as soon as he returns. He’s moving there. For good. At least that’s what he said on the video.

  Tears filled her eyes. No, he can’t. He can’t leave.

  He took the laptop from her, grasping her hands and holding them for a long moment. Then, he signed. Avery, you need to finally put your pride aside. The man is crazy in love with you. You will never find someone who loves you as much as he does. And I know you love him too.

  You’re a Marine. You fought in Afghanistan. You’re proud that you served your country. Yet you have holed yourself in your bedroom for the past few weeks, sobbing from a broken heart. Before this, I can’t remember the last time I saw you cry. It has been years. Rico is not that celebrity who hurt you in Germany. He is a loving man who needs you. And you need him.

  Avery bit her lip to keep it from trembling as her thoughts raced. What could she do? Lindsay was right. But she wouldn’t be able talk to Rico here in Minneapolis, and she wouldn’t be able to find him in Chicago…

  She flew to her feet. I need you to drive me someplace.

  Lindsay frowned at her. Where?

  Take me to Hard Drive. I need to find Chloe Thomas.

  Lindsay nodded as he stood. He dug in his pocket for his keys as they rushed from the house to his truck. Avery wrung her fingers together as he sped through the streets until the gym appeared on the side of the road. The windows were dark. Crap. Am I too late? She wondered to herself.

  She hopped from the passenger side and ran for the door, tugging it open. With a relieved sigh, she stepped inside and met Chloe’s shocked gaze. Chloe set her gigantic duffle bag on the floor before she spoke. “Avery. What are you doing here? I am sorry. I can’t talk. I need to catch a plane.”

  Avery smiled. I know. I want to go with you. I need to talk to Rico.

  Chloe’s face grew uneasy. “I don’t think that is a good idea. You would be a huge distraction. Rico has had enough trouble concentrating on his training as it is since you left him.”

  I know. I’m sorry. I should never have walked away. But I can’t let him leave. I love him.

  Chloe stared at her for a long, hard moment then smiled. “All right. Do you have clothes?”

  Avery felt her face flush hot in embarrassment. No. I didn’t think of it. I guess I’ll buy clothes when I get there.

  “Or you can borrow some of mine. We’re about the same size. But we need to go now.”

  Let me tell Lindsay goodbye. He’s right outside.

  “Sounds good.”

  Avery dashed back outside as Chloe locked the glass door. She shot her brother a hopeful glance as she pecked him on the cheek then climbed into Chloe’s car. As she settled into the passenger seat, Chloe dropped something into her lap. “You will want to change into that before we get to Florida.”

  Avery lifted the black T-shirt up to examine it. Her eyes misted with proud tears as she laid it across her legs and let her fingers trace over the letters on the back. Choate. Chloe was definitely right. She would be wearing this before they left Minneapolis.

  Avery hurried to purchase her ticket while Chloe checked in her bags. The two women rushed through airport security. Avery just managed to change her shirt as the airport called for their flight. She tugged her jacket back on before she dropped into her seat a few rows behind Chloe.

  The butterflies let loose in Avery’s stomach as she stared out the airplane window. Would Rico take her back? She was the reason his career was over. Could his love have turned to hate over ending his dream? Nervously, she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans as she sighed.

  When the flight landed in Dallas, Avery met up with Chloe so that they could sprint to their connecting flight. Her heart sank in her chest as she read the screen that updated the flights. Their plane to Miami had been delayed. Mechanical issues. Chloe scowled as she stalked off to find the airline’s counter.

  When she returned, her face was grim. They are getting a new plane. It will be a bit. We are going to cut it close.

  Avery nodded as she heaved a heavy sigh. The delay, at least, gave Avery time to shop for a few things. She would feel more comfortable in her own clothes, rather than borrowing Chloe’s. It was her stubborn pride at work again. She shoved the items into the backpack she had also purchased then slung it over her shoulder.

  As Chloe predicted, the plane arrived as the lower card fights began. The two women grabbed their luggage and jumped into the first cab they found, pleading with the driver to hurry to the arena.

  Arriving, Avery trailed Chloe as they weaved through the darkened corridors. She stopped as Chloe ducked into a locker room. Her fingers brushed the all-access pass that hung from the black lanyard around her neck. She smiled softly at the picture of Rico. With any luck, they would find him before his fight.

  Avery glanced up at a tug on her arm. Chloe motioned for her to follow. The two women jogged among the other fighters. Avery watched Chloe dip around the corner into the entrance tunnel.

  Avery stopped to find Max, Mark, and Dan waiting, each of them looking dumbfounded at her presence. She shook it off when her eyes laid on Rico striding proudly to the mouth of the tunnel. In the distance, she could see the chain link cage waiting for him. Avery ran past them and grabbed Rico’s shirt to get his attention.

  He wouldn’t look at her fingers. He shrugged away and kept walking. She attempted to step in front of him. He sidestepped around her.

  Desperate, Avery wrapped her fingers tight in his T-shirt and refused to let go.

  Finally, Rico spun, glaring at her.

  She cowered at his stare.

  His fingers flew. I do not have time for this. I am a little busy.

  He stomped off toward the arena. Tears welled in Avery’s eyes as she watched him go. She didn’t know what she was doing. Her mouth opened. She knew nothing would come out. But she had to try.

  “I love you.”

  She cringed as everyone stopped and stared at her. Oh lord, what just came out? A squeak? Was there any sound? She thought frantically. Her tear-filled eyes met Rico’s sapphire blue ones as he spun on his toe and strode back to her. She gasped as he cupped her face in his hands and parted her lips with his. She couldn’t help herself. She melted into his kiss, weaving her fingers into his dark, thick hair.

  She searched his face as she tried to speak again. “Did you hear me?”

  He stared at her intently as he slowly nodded. Then he spoke. “Avery, if you love me, you have to love all of me. That includes the man who is about to go to war in that cage. Understand?”

  Avery stepped away with a small smile as she unzipped her jacket. His eyes roamed her T-shirt as she slipped the coat off. A smile graced his lips. “My shirt. You are wearing my shirt.”

  She nodded. The distance between them was quickly swallowed up again as he scooped her into his arms and kissed her some more, tangling her tongue with his. She held him tight, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. Her heart swelled with pride. He hadn’t even stepped into the octagon yet, but he was already a champion in her eyes.

  As they parted once more, she noticed his lips move. “Walk out with me?”

  She nodded enthusiastically.

  Taking her hand in his, he weaved his fingers between hers. He gently led her to the edge of the tunnel. She could feel the vibrations of the pounding music against her feet. Thousands of eyes watched her as she walked beside Rico Choate. The Rico Choate. She clung closer to him as she soaked it all in.

  Rico slowly let her hand go as they reached the officials. Avery watched him, wide-eyed, as he slipped his T-shirt off and handed it to her. He softly kissed her once more before he cocked his head behind her. She felt a large hand on her shoulder. She turned to find Mark motioning toward a place to sit beside the cage. Apparently, Chloe and Dan had already made their way back to the tunnel.

  Avery turned back to Rico, finding him n
odding to her encouragingly. She knew by the look in his eyes that he would be safe. She waved to him one last time before she followed Mark.

  She settled in her chair anxiously as Mark rummaged through the first aid kit. She glanced back to the cage door. As the officials checked over Rico, Max ran through a few last things. Rico gave him one final nod and then stepped inside. He prowled around the octagon like a Bengal tiger in a zoo enclosure.

  By the reaction of the crowd, his opponent had arrived.

  Avery gasped in alarm.

  The man was far bigger than Rico with large, defined muscles. Avery’s heart twisted in her chest. How was Rico supposed to beat someone like that? She watched as Max and Mark gave Rico a few last words through the octagon wall. Then, Max turned to her. “Do you want a closer look?”

  Up there by you?


  Avery’s eyes grew wide. Could she be that close to watch Rico get beat on? Could she sit back here and feel helpless? It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen bloodshed. She had seen plenty in Afghanistan. But none of those people were the man she loved.

  She took a deep breath and nodded as she stood. Yes. Absolutely.

  The officials checked Rico’s opponent just as they did with him. Rico started pacing again, hoping from one foot to the other. Avery’s heart raced. Her stomach knotted. If he wasn’t nervous, she was enough for both of them.

  She glanced down at the vibration in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and checked the text message. It was from Lindsay.

  I see you reached Rico.

  Her fingers flew across the screen.

  Can you see me?

  Yes. I watched you walk out with him.

  Lindsay, I’m scared for him. Do you see that guy?

  Yes, I do. Don’t be. You’re about to be amazed. Rico’s one of the best around. Besides, now he has something to fight for. She’s standing next to the octagon texting her brother instead of paying attention to his fight.


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