Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 43

by Tricia Andersen

  “Sorry, Miss. Mark here is the biggest, kindest, most gentle guy in this ER. He’s known as the resident teddy bear. If a couple of us hadn’t actually seen him fight we would have thought he made the whole MMA thing up,” Tom explained. He paused. “You did tell her you fight, didn’t you?”

  “Thankfully yes,” Mark answered. He was hoping Tom saying he was gentle scored points with Lexi. By her soft sigh Mark guessed it did.

  “Come on, Bud. Let’s clear up your eyes.”

  Mark laid back on the gurney. Fingers pried one of his eyelids open and cool liquid drenched his eyeball. He exhaled as the burning sensation subsided. His vision returned, even though everything was still blurry. He smiled as he felt a small hand hold his. His other lid was pulled up and doused with solution also. A cool, soapy rag gently scrubbed his raw skin. He sighed with relief as everything came into focus, and a huge grin spread across his face when he looked up at Lexi. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, teddy bear.”

  After a few quick instructions, Mark was given his discharge papers. He chuckled as he took Lexi’s hand in his and they strode through the emergency department. She looked at him puzzled. “What is it?”

  “I rattled those same discharge instructions off to two different people last night.”

  She laughed with him as she led him to the parking lot. He didn’t have to ask which one was hers. The tiny, cherry red car had to be it. He cringed a little at the thought of having to crawl back inside of it but squeezed inside without a complaint.

  Mark directed Lexi to the diner where the team usually ate. After they ordered, Lexi took a sip of her water. “I bet you see a lot of crazy things at the ER.”

  “You have no idea. Stabbings, gunshot wounds. Sometimes it’s crazy, sometimes just heartbreaking.”

  “What made you decide emergency medicine?”

  “I wanted to help people. My first specialty was sports medicine. After a few rotations in the ER, I switched.” He cocked a grin at her. “How’d you become an author?”

  Lexi’s cheeks turned a rosy pink. “I started my book in college. It took years to write. A friend dared me to submit it. The big publishers turned it down. Every agent I talked to laughed at me. My final try was an e-book publisher. They scooped it up immediately. It took a while. I didn’t think it would sell. But before I knew it the book was on the best sellers list. Now I’m writing three more books in the series and they’re talking a movie deal.”

  Mark beamed at her. He couldn’t believe how proud he was of her. “Wow! That’s amazing.”

  Lexi shrugged casually. She straightened as the waitress set their meals in from of them.

  They ate and talked. Once Mark paid the bill, Lexi slipped her fingers between his and led him to her car.

  The trip to Mark’s townhouse was over too quickly for his liking. As Lexi pulled up to the curb, she turned to him. “What about your truck?”

  “I’ll call Rico in the morning. He can take me to it.”

  “Are you sure? I could take you.”

  “How can I say no to that?”

  Lexi blushed. She leaned across the car and kissed his cheek. Mark turned his head, pressing his lips against hers. He heard her gasp and then sigh deeply. He laughed, his voice deep. “See? Sneaky.”

  “Uh…huh,” she murmured.

  Mark pecked her on the cheek before twisting out of car. He waved to her as she drove away and his heart raced. Despite the ache in his eyes and on his face, he had never felt better in his life.

  Chapter Four

  Mark brushed the feather duster over the end table, snatching up the MMA magazines as he flicked the feathers across the wood. He got up early to clean. Then he cleaned again. Never in his life did he want to impress a woman so badly. A doorbell broke him from his thoughts. Panicking, Mark tossed the feather duster in his gym bag and zipped it closed. Taking a deep breath he pulled the front door open.

  Lexi stood on the top step, her blonde curls framing her face. Perched on her hip was Logan who had his tiny face buried in her shoulder. She smiled at Mark. “I have a tag-a-long today. This is Logan.”

  “Hello, Logan. I’m happy to have a tag-a-long. Why don’t you both come inside while I grab my shoes?” Mark pushed the door farther open and motioned them in. Lexi stepped inside as she flashed him a brilliant smile. She suddenly froze in her tracks, her eyes opening wide and locked on Kinnick. The dog’s tail whipped excitedly back and forth at the sight of company.

  “Doggie!” Logan squealed.

  “No, Logan,” Lexi said firmly.

  “Lexi, it’s okay.” Mark breezed past her and kneeled next to Kinnick. He rubbed the pit bull’s head affectionately. “You are seriously never going to find a sweeter dog. Go ahead. Set Logan down. I’ll stay right here with both of them.”

  Reluctantly, Lexi set Logan on the floor. The little boy raced to the dog and threw his little arms around Kinnick. Kinnick licked a sloppy, wet kiss across Logan’s face and snuggled the boy for all he was worth.

  Mark winked. “Now, Mama too. Unless you don’t like dogs period. Then I would understand. I myself am not a cat person.”

  “I like dogs,” Lexi defended.

  “Then come here.”

  Lexi cautiously stepped closer to the three and slowly stretched her hand out. Kinnick sniffed it. Then he bathed it with his tongue and nudged it to pet him. A small laugh escaped Lexi’s lips as she petted the dog. She sunk to her knees to join the rest in playing with Kinnick. Mark watched her as she curled her legs and sundress beneath her. Seeing her happy made him happier than he had felt in a long time. His gaze wandered over to Logan and he smiled. The boy looked just like his mother and was so full of joy and life. He suddenly wanted a family. He had always put his career and MMA first. Maybe it was time for a change.

  The rumble in his stomach tore Mark from his thoughts. “I don’t know about the two of you but I am starving. Why don’t we go get my truck then I’ll get you some breakfast.”

  Lexi grinned. “Sounds great.”

  Mark sat on the couch to tug his tennis shoes on and lace them, and then he stood and helped Lexi to her feet. Scooping Logan into his arm, he took Lexi’s hand in his. Kinnick stood and took Mark’s place on the couch and they all walked out, tugging the door closed behind them.

  He stopped on the top step as he caught sight of the black SUV waiting for them. He turned as he heard Lexi laugh. “I borrowed my Dad’s car,” she explained. “I know how uncomfortable you were in my little car.”

  Mark pressed a kiss to her cheek, waiting for her to pull away. Were they even really dating? He grinned as he heard her sigh. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  Lexi beamed. “You’re welcome.”

  Mark set Logan in his car seat and secured him as Lexi slipped behind the wheel. With a happy sigh, he climbed into the spacious passenger seat.

  Mark quizzed Lexi about her life as she wove through the busy Sunday morning Minneapolis traffic, careful to stay away from her ex-husband and their marriage. She told him about growing up in Minneapolis with her parents and brother and sister, how she always loved to write, and how she won a couple of writing awards in college. He didn’t expect her to quiz him back but he was more than happy to share. He told her about how he grew up in the same kind of family but instead of being the youngest like her, he was the oldest with a younger brother and sister. He told her about playing football in high school and then going to medical school. Before he could tell her about college Lexi was pulling into the lot where Mark had parked his truck.

  Mark’s voice caught in his throat when he saw the vehicle. Every window and mirror was shattered. The hood and doors were bashed in. Faintly the words “you’re dead” were etched in the paint with a key. Before Lexi could stop the SUV, Mark hopped out and ran for the truck.

  “What the? This is a good neighborhood. How could this have happened?”

  Mark ran his fingers through his thick, dark hair in disbelief as he
slowly inspected the damage. Glancing at Lexi, he saw her standing close to the SUV, her bright blue eyes wide and her skin ghostly pale. Even from a distance he could see her trembling. He stepped around the truck toward her. “Lexi, are you all right?”

  She shook her head. “I have to go.”

  She scurried around the SUV and hopped into the driver’s side. Before Mark could reach her she sped out of the lot and disappeared down the street. Mark stared dumbfounded in the direction she went. Lexi had just taken off and left him with a truck he was sure wasn’t drivable. Calling a tow truck to take his vehicle to the body shop was first on his agenda. But how would he get a rental? Or better yet, get home? She had just abandoned him.

  Mark took a good long look at his truck. One thing was certain, the suspect list for the vandalism had shrunk considerably. Like to one man―Lexi’s ex-husband. Mark hissed under his breath. “You don’t scare me in the least, you bastard,” he muttered.

  He slipped his cell from his pocket and scrolled through his contacts. His thumb stopped when it reached Dan’s, and he sighed heavily. Since they trained early yesterday, Dan had taken the long drive back to Cedar Rapids to see his family. He wouldn’t be home until later. Mark then flipped through the rest of the names until he reached Max. Just before he hit send he stopped and sighed again. Max and Chloe were in New Ulm for Max’s nephew, Tyson’s, birthday. That left only one person. Mark shuffled once more through the contacts and hit send.

  “What?” a sleepy voice on the other end barked.

  “Good morning to you too, Rico.”

  “It’s early.”

  “It’s eleven o’clock in the morning. Are you still in bed?”

  “Where else would I be?”

  “Up. Enjoying life.”

  “Nope. In bed. Enjoying my wife.”

  Mark face palmed himself. Walked right into that one. “Whatever.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Someone destroyed my truck. Lexi took me to get it and she disappeared. I’m stranded.”

  There was silence on the other end. “Where are you?”

  “Off 494. That high end development next to the lake. Near that ribs place you like so much.”

  “I know exactly where you are. Give me twenty minutes. Avery and I are getting dressed now.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. Hold tight. We’re on our way. See you in a few.”

  Mark ended the call. Instead of stowing his phone in his pocket he pressed the phone app to take photos of the damage for insurance. He leaned against the bumper and huffed. His relationship with Lexi, if he could even call it that, was way too short. He didn’t even have her number.

  At this point he needed to talk to someone while he waited. Someone who would listen, someone who would always be there for him. He dialed his cell again.

  “Dude, what’s up?” Dan questioned. “Thought you were on a breakfast date with Lexi.”

  “I’m supposed to be. What are you doing?”

  “Having a breakfast date with your parents and mine. We’re having brunch. What do you mean supposed to? What happened?”

  “Someone bashed my truck in. I’m pretty sure it was her ex. And then she took off and left me here.”

  “Is it drivable?”

  “With four slashed tires? No. I’m pretty sure it’s totaled.”

  “Mark, I’m sorry. Now I wish I hadn’t gone home.”

  “No worries. Rico and Avery are on their way. He’ll be able to tell me if the insurance company is going to total it. He has a freakish knowledge of cars.”

  “I’ll leave after brunch and get on the road so I can take you to work. And I’ll pick you up in the morning too so you can get a rental.”

  “You’d have to take time off work in the morning to do that.”

  “So? My co-workers will deal with it. I’m the head of the department anyway. I can decide when I need to be off and I need to be tomorrow.”

  Mark exhaled slowly. He was so grateful for his best friend. He didn’t know what he’d do without Dan. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  “Speaking of not mentioning things, can you not tell Mom and Dad about the truck? They’ll freak.”

  “Sure thing. See you later.”

  “Yep, see you tonight.”

  Mark ended the call and slumped against the bumper of the truck. He looked up in time to see Rico’s Jeep speed into the lot. Rico slowed to a stop behind Mark’s truck, his mouth gaping at the damage. He slowly slid out of the vehicle as Avery popped out of the passenger side.

  “What the hell?” Rico demanded.

  “Lexi’s ex, I’m guessing,” Mark admitted.

  Mark glanced over to Avery to see her fingers fly as she read the etching in the truck’s paint. Avery usually used her voice instead of sign language and then read people’s lips for a response. She only fell back to instinctively signing when she was caught off guard. You’re dead? That’s a little scary.

  Mark shook his head in objection. “He’s a bully. I’m not worried, Ave.”

  “Maybe you should be, Mark. I didn’t realize you and Lexi were even together,” Rico interjected.

  Mark looked up at Rico. Normally his friend had a half-cocked, devious smile on his lips. Mark had never seen Rico this serious, not even before a fight. He noticed Rico translating his words for Avery. “I don’t even know if we are. I went to her book signing then waited for her in the alley. I scared her when she came out and she pepper sprayed me. Then she took me to the hospital to get treated and I took her for a burger. I was supposed to take her and her son for breakfast this morning but when she saw this, she turned as white as a ghost and took off.”

  “She pepper sprayed you?” Avery questioned. “Are you sure this is a good relationship to get into? She sounds unstable.”

  Before Mark could say a word, Rico signed to Avery. Let it be, baby. Please.

  Mark watched the silent conversation between husband and wife. He didn’t have to ask why they were having it. Avery knew full well what it was like living with a victim of abuse. Rico had spent years being abused by his uncle after his parents died. Even this long after, there were days he struggled living with the memories. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “Rico, is my truck salvageable?” Mark interrupted.

  Rico slowly walked around the vehicle to survey the damage. He heaved a heavy sigh. “Sorry, man. I know quite a bit so I can tell you that the hood and panels are expensive to replace. They can’t fix them. It’s most likely totaled. Have you called the police?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Call them. Let’s get this towed to the body shop. Then Avery and I will take you to get something to eat.”

  Mark smiled at his friends. “Thank you.” He slipped his cell from his pocket to call the police. The three of them chatted as they waited the few minutes it took for the officers to arrive. Once a statement and photos were taken, a tow truck was called. Mark felt like an idiot when the police officer asked if he knew of anyone who would have done it. He had no idea what the name of Lexi’s ex-husband was.

  Whoever this guy was, he was a psychopath. How could someone as smart and beautiful as Lexi end up with someone like that? The idea baffled Mark.

  Once the flatbed tow truck drove away with Mark’s battered vehicle, Rico waved him over to the Jeep. Avery hopped in the backseat, giving Mark the extra room in the front. She silently watched the scenery around her and began to hum a melody. Mark couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. “Does she know what she’s humming? She can’t hear herself.”

  Rico glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled warmly. “It’s a lullaby from her childhood. She remembers the tune. She sings it when she’s by herself. I love it when she does.” Rico cracked a grin at Mark. “So what are you going to get next for a car?”

  “Another truck. They haven’t even totaled mine yet and I miss it.”

bsp; Rico motioned around him. “Can’t put the top down on a truck.”

  “You can keep your Jeep, superstar. I like the room. I’m way bigger than you are.”

  “Very true.” Rico got suddenly serious. “Mark, seriously. Be careful. This ex of Lexi’s has a screw loose. I know you could kick his ass. But the fact you choked out your last three opponents won’t matter to a bullet. You’re my brother. I care about you. Don’t get hurt. All right?”

  Mark stared at Rico as he kept his eyes on the road. MMA bad boy Rico Choate just admitted his feelings? Mark smiled back at him. “Of course I will.”

  “Trust me. No amount of telling you ‘she’s not worth it’ will matter. I fell so hard I took on an Army Ranger. If you’re in love, no one’s going to stop you.”

  “Yeah. But the fact I don’t have her phone number or address might.”

  Rico shot a glance out of the corner of his eye. “Ouch. Sorry, man.”

  Mark sighed as he stared out the windshield at the road ahead. He could feel his heart sink in his chest. “No worries. Just not meant to be, I guess.”


  The park was filled with children playing on the equipment. Parents perched on the benches surrounding the jungle gyms, slides, and swings. Lexi sat alone, her eyes trained on Logan as he laughed and chased two other boys. She lowered her head. Mark had to hate her for running from him when he needed her. Of all the guys she had dared to date, he was the last that she wanted Derek to get his hands on. She should have known being with Mark would be too good to be true.

  She glanced at the green trees and luscious grass around the park. Going home was not an option. Her parents wouldn’t understand, would just remind her of what a mistake being with Derek was. A small smile graced her lips as Logan stopped and waved to her. It wasn’t a total mistake. Without Derek she wouldn’t have Logan.

  “Did you think I was kidding?”

  Lexi’s spine straightened at the voice behind her. Electricity burned through her veins and she trembled. “Leave me alone, Derek. I got a restraining order, remember? I’ll call the police.”

  Derek slipped around the bench and settled beside her. His deep green eyes glared with a hatred reserved just for her. “How’s that working for you, sweetheart? I told you I will hurt anyone who comes near you. Did you think I was kidding?”


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