Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 50

by Tricia Andersen

  Before she could answer, he took the phone from her. He glanced at the screen then put it to his ear. “Listen, you son of a bitch. If you call her one more time, I will come find you. I promise you.”

  Lexi watched as she waited for a response. Her stomach churned. This was the first time Derek and Mark faced off with each other. What would be said? She could only imagine World War Three. Instead Mark huffed as he set the cell on the arm of the sofa next to her.

  “Coward hung up,” he mumbled. He plopped down on the couch and tugged her onto his lap. “Lexi, please don’t answer his calls.”

  “But then he’ll show up,” she protested. “He’ll find me.”

  “Not without me. Not anymore.”

  “You can’t quit your job to be with me all the time.”

  “Watch me.”

  Lexi looked up into his blue eyes. There was no doubt by his intense stare that he was telling the truth. She sighed. “It probably won’t matter much longer anyway.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged. “It’s nothing. It’s just that…I have a book signing at the mall Friday night. A really big one.”

  “And you’re afraid he’ll show up.”

  “I know he will.”

  “Well, I’ll be there. He’ll have to go through me. And I’ll have Max, Rico and Dan there, too.”

  “Just not Chloe and Avery. Please.”

  Mark frowned at her. “Why not? I thought you were friends with them.”

  Lexi took a deep breath and blew it out. Her belly flopped in response. “Derek threatened them too. He’ll hurt them unless I end things with you and go back to him.”

  Mark’s face hardened. “You’re kidding me?”


  He nudged her from his lap. “We’ve got to go. Can you wake Logan up? Has he napped long enough?”

  “Yes. Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Derek has gone too far. I need to warn Max and Rico. And we need to plan. This needs to end.”

  Lexi nodded silently. Before she could cross the living room to wake up her son, Mark scooped him up in his arms. The sleepy boy snuggled close to Mark.

  Lexi picked up her purse and turned to the door, but she was quickly tugged back into a strong embrace. She laid her head against Mark’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I’m scared,” Mark admitted. “This guy is dangerous. And unpredictable.”

  She offered him a gentle smile. “But you’re right. If we increase the numbers, we can beat him.”

  He let go a laugh. “Glad you agree. Let’s head over to Chloe and Max’s. I’ll text the others to meet us there.”

  Lexi shooed Kinnick to his kennel as Mark walked to the truck still cradling Logan in his arms. She locked the door and ran to the vehicle. Logan was already secured in his car seat, peering at his mom with sleepy eyes. Mark’s fingers were flying over the screen of his phone.

  “Are we all good?” Lexi questioned.

  Mark tapped the screen emphatically with his thumb. “Yep. Max and Chloe are home. Avery, Rico and Dan are on their way. Let’s head over there.”

  He shifted the truck into drive and took her hand. The rest of the ride was silent. Lexi watched her boyfriend instead of the scenery that flew past them. He seemed tense, and she couldn’t blame him if he was. Max wasn’t too favorable about the stress Derek put on their relationship. He didn’t want to see Mark hurt. Heaven knows how he was reacting that his own wife was in danger now too.

  She studied the two story house as Mark pulled up to the curb. It wasn’t unusual. It looked just like the others along the street. Still, it made Lexi nervous. In the drive, Max’s vintage sports car and Chloe’s Beetle sat quietly. In front of Mark’s truck was a Jeep and another truck. Mark hopped out of the driver’s seat and crossed around to the passenger side. Opening the door, he helped Lexi out. Then he reached in for Logan.

  “Mark, I awake,” Logan protested.

  “I see that, big guy. Let me help you down. It’s a big jump.”

  He gave his hand to the child to help him down and Logan gave a dramatic leap, making Lexi smile. Once Logan hit the ground, he kept his hand wrapped tightly around Mark’s. Together the three of them walked to the door.

  Rico held it open as their feet hit the top step. “Hope you have a good reason to disrupt my day,” he joked. “I’m an important man, you know. I have important things.”

  “Unfortunately, I do,” Mark answered solemnly.

  Lexi heard Rico mutter “Oh” as they passed. The usual smart-aleck grin he wore suddenly disappeared. Lexi sighed as she took the empty spot next to Avery on the couch.

  “What’s up, Mark?” Max questioned.

  Mark glanced down at Logan on the other end of his arm. Before he could speak, Chloe stood. “Hey, Logan. I just bought some ice cream. Uncle Max can’t have it right now. Want to help me eat it?”

  “Sure!” Logan excitedly let go of Mark and followed her into the kitchen.

  Mark turned to the rest of them. “I got home to find Derek harassing Lexi again. But that’s not the only problem. He threatened to hurt Chloe and Avery too.”

  “He what?” Max demanded.

  “He said he’d hurt them unless she breaks up with me and goes back to him.”

  “That’s not happening. We’ll circle the wagons. The girls don’t go anywhere without us guys. That shouldn’t be hard since you girls are with us guys all the time anyway.”

  Lexi noticed Avery shoot a dirty look at Rico. He chuckled weakly. “Avery hates it when I tag along to the grocery store. She thinks I slow her down.”

  “Well, for the near future, I’m sorry, Avery, but he needs to go to keep you safe,” Max reminded.

  Avery replied with a quiet huff. Lexi took a deep breath. “I have a major book signing on Friday night at the mall,” she said weakly. “It’s a big deal. There’ll be a huge crowd.”

  “That puts a wrench in things,” Dan remarked. “A huge crowd plus watching these three girls? We’ll be spread thin.”

  “You’ve taught us to fight. Let us help,” Chloe protested from the doorway of the kitchen, her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Where’s Logan?” Max asked.

  “Inhaling a bowl of ice cream at the table. Why can’t we help?”

  Max stood and wove his way through the bodies sprawled all over the living room. He pulled her into his arms. “Because what happens if he overpowers you or Avery? We don’t want you hurt. I think the best idea is for you and me and Rico and Avery to drive down to New Ulm on Friday morning. You two can visit my family. You know they would love to see you. Rico and I will come back after the weigh-ins and book signing. Then we can spend the night and come back in plenty of time before the fights.”

  “I second that,” Rico piped up.

  “I don’t,” Chloe chimed in. “I don’t want to miss my friend’s signing.”

  “Me too,” Avery added.

  “If we take it to vote, you’ll lose,” Max reminded. “Even if Lexi sides with you, it’s four to three.”

  “Dan, you need to get a girlfriend,” Chloe grumbled.

  Dan laughed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Max wrapped Chloe tight in his arm. Lexi didn’t miss the glance that Chloe sent to Avery. She had a feeling this subject wasn’t over. All their heads turned as a voice piped out in the kitchen. “I’m done!”

  Lexi rose to her feet. “I better go clean him up.”

  Mark followed her. “I’ll help.”

  The others made room in the small living space for them to pass by. She felt Mark’s fingers brush her palm just before he took her hand in his. Even though the whole situation terrified her, she smiled. Derek could try his worst, but she had a feeling he had finally met his match.


  Chloe crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. Her eyes lowered to slits as she watched the tail lights of her husband’s car drive away from his parent’s house in New Ulm
and disappear around the corner. She heard Avery scuff the toe of her shoe on the cement.

  “Now what?” Avery questioned.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Chloe answered.

  Several moments passed in silence. Avery slapped Chloe’s arm with the back of her hand. “What did you say?”

  Chloe turned to her friend dumbfounded. A second later she smiled as she felt her cheeks warm. “Sorry about that. I said we’ll figure something out.”

  “Okay. Got it.”

  The two women made their way back to the house and stepped inside. The warm scent of baking apple pies greeted them. Chloe’s stomach grumbled in response. She and Avery wandered through the house to the kitchen to find Max’s mother rolling out dough on a cutting board.

  “Wow, that smells amazing,” Avery exclaimed.

  Max’s mom turned to them, swiping a floured-covered hand across her damp forehead. “Thank you. I’m glad you girls are here. I have a pie just about to come out of the oven. Have a seat and I’ll get you a slice.”

  Chloe and Avery settled in chairs as the timer beeped repeatedly. Once the pie was cut, Max’s mother set large pieces in front of them. They dug their forks in as she slipped another inside the oven and set the timer.

  “Where’s Jenny and Tammy?” Chloe questioned.

  “Mankato. They’re shopping. Jenny left her car. If you want, you girls could catch up with them. Jenny’s keys are hanging beside the door,” Max’s mom informed them.

  Chloe shot a look at Avery and sighed. The blonde was too engrossed in her pie to have noticed either of them talking. She smiled at the older woman. “Sure. That sounds like fun.”

  “Great. Should I call Jenny and let her know you’re coming?”

  “I can in the car. We’ll just finish this up and head out. Thanks, Mom. What a great idea.”

  “You’re welcome, kiddo.”

  Chloe scooped up the empty plates and took them to the dishwasher as Avery slipped her last bite in her mouth. She looked at Chloe, confused. Chloe shot a glance at Max’s mom to find her busy assembling another pie. She signed to Avery. We have to go.

  Avery nodded. Both women gave Max’s mom a hug then headed to the front door. Chloe grabbed Jenny’s keys as they walked out.

  “How’d you get a car?” Avery asked.

  Chloe cocked a grin at her. “Mom suggested that we borrow Jenny’s to meet up with her and Tammy in Mankato to go shopping.”

  “But we’re not.”

  “We’re going to the mall, sure. But we’re going to the mall in Minneapolis. I’ll still call Jenny. I don’t want her to think I stole her car. I know she’ll let us borrow it. She told Max that this whole thing about leaving us in New Ulm was ridiculous.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chloe slipped her phone from her pocket. She scrolled through her contacts until she found Jenny then pressed SEND. “I know I’m right…Hey, Jenny. It’s Chloe. I have a favor to ask.”

  Chloe silently waved for Avery to get in. It wasn’t long before they were flying down the highway toward Minneapolis.


  The crowd gathering in the mall was mind blowing. It wasn’t just fans dressed in T-shirts and jeans. At least half of those surrounding the stage were dressed in full costume. Max looked down at his own attire. The jeans weren’t unusual. The character from Lexi’s book emblazoned on his T-shirt was. He just shook his head as he slipped the Bluetooth receiver into his ear, swiped his phone, and dialed.

  “Hey Max,” Dan responded.

  “Hey Dan. Are you in position?” Max asked.

  Max glanced toward the back of the crowd. Dan waved to him and nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I’m here.”

  “Ok, let me conference the other guys in.” Max looked at the screen of his phone. He dialed another number and waited for it to be answered.

  “Hey, Max,” Mark answered. His deep voice was tense.

  “Hey, big guy. I’ve got Dan on with us. What’s up?” Max questioned.

  “Lexi’s anxious. It makes me anxious. I want to be out there when you find Derek so I can beat the crap out of him.”

  “Your place is with her, Mark. We got this. Just take care of your girl. Assure her that she’ll be fine. We aren’t going to let anything happen to her. I promise. Give her a kiss,” Dan advised.

  There was a huge exhale. “You’re right,” Mark admitted. “I know you guys have got this handled.”

  “You better believe it,” Max replied. “Have fun. Enjoy the spotlight.”

  “Sure thing,” Mark chuckled

  “Okay. Let me get Ri…”

  “We got company,” Dan interrupted.

  Max looked up from his phone and scanned the crowd. Deep in the midst of all the space creatures and rabid fans were Derek and the two men in the photo Mark had on his phone. Max glanced at Dan and nodded. “Mark, they’re here. I’m going to dial Rico and the three of us will take care of this once and for all.”

  “Kick his ass, Max,” Mark demanded.

  “Can’t promise that, brother. But I’ll put the fear of God into him for certain. Hang on.” Max dialed Rico’s number. It rang twice and was answered. “Rico, Derek and his buddies are here. Are you ready?”

  There was silence. Max frowned. “Rico, answer.”

  There was no response. Max looked at Dan. The tall blond pointed to the other side of the crowd. It wasn’t hard to pick Rico out. Even though he was dressed in a sci-fi T-shirt and jeans to blend in, his striking good looks made him stand out. Rico’s eyes were locked to the second floor railing overlooking the area of the book signing. His mouth gaped open.

  “Rico!” Max demanded. He huffed then followed Rico’s line of sight. He couldn’t stop the words that escaped. “Oh, shit.”

  Chloe and Avery hung over the rail watching the crowd below, dressed in their Hard Drive shirts and shorts. They stuck out in the crowd that gathered. They studied the crowd below as they shuffled from one foot to the other, ready to run.

  “We left them in New Ulm without a car,” Rico finally spoke.

  “I don’t know how they got here,” Max responded dumbfounded.

  Suddenly, with a little hop each, the two women sprinted off down the corridor. Max looked down to see the crowd part at the edge. Derek and his two friends popped out from the fans waiting for the signing and ran after them.

  “Dan! Rico!” Max shouted as he ran after them. “We’ve got to go. Mark, I’m sorry, man. You’re on your own.”

  “What’s going on?” Mark demanded.

  “Derek’s gone. He’s after Chloe and Avery.”

  “Wait, they’re in New Ulm. Never mind. Go. I’ve got this.”

  “Max, I’ll stay here with Mark,” Dan volunteered. “Just in case they come back.”

  “Sounds great. Rico?”

  “On your heels, Max.” Rico breath was ragged through the earpiece. “Let’s go get our girls.”

  They wove around the shoppers mingling in the corridor until they reached the entrance doors. Slamming them open, they caught sight of the two taxi cabs speeding away one after the other.

  “Do you think?” Max questioned.

  “No doubt,” Rico answered.

  They raced to the last waiting cab and gave the orders for him to follow the other two. Before they could settle back into their seats, they could hear Mark’s voice in the earpiece. “Where are you guys heading?”

  “I have no idea. Why?” Max questioned.

  “Dan, Lexi and I are following. Don’t ask why. The signing has been postponed.”

  “All right.” There was hesitation in Max’s voice. “I’ll keep you guys in the loop.”


  Max hung up his phone then looked ahead. The skyscrapers of downtown Minneapolis loomed ahead. He sighed and muttered. “I hope the girls know what they’re doing.”


  Chloe spun back toward the back window and searched the scene behind them. The ot
her cab was behind with a couple of cars between them but they were still following. She felt her heart thunder in her chest. She was thankful she had taken her anti-anxiety pill before she and Avery left New Ulm or she’d be heaving all over the cab floor by now.

  “Where are we going?” Avery asked, her voice trembling more than normal.

  Chloe didn’t turn. “The arena.”

  There was silence. Suddenly she felt a hand slap her. Chloe glared at Avery. “What was that for?”

  “I can’t read your lips when you’re staring out the window. If you’re not going to turn then sign please.”

  “Sorry. The arena.”

  “Why there?”

  “To put our guys in familiar territory when they face Derek. And to get him as far away from Lexi as humanly possible so she can have the event she deserves in peace.”

  “And if Max and Rico don’t follow us? Or can’t figure out where we’re going?”

  Chloe lifted up her cell gripped tight in her hand. “Max knows. I texted him. He’s furious but I’ll deal with that when this is all over.” She knocked on the window between them and the driver and startled a little when he threw it open.

  “Yes?” the driver demanded.

  Chloe dug in her purse for her wallet. She pulled out three twenty dollar bills from inside it and handed it through the partition. “Will that be enough for our fare?”

  The driver stopped at a light and took the bills from her. He chuckled. “Sweetheart, that’s way too much.”

  “I don’t care. You can keep it. And I’d really appreciate any help you could give us. That cab that is right behind us? I don’t know if you noticed but he’s following us. Can you try to keep him away from us when we get out?”

  The cab driver glanced at her through the reflection in the rear view mirror. “I can do that. And thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Chloe settled back against the seat trembling slightly. Instinctively she reached across the seat and squeezed Avery’s hand. She could tell her friend was shaking too. Avery gave her a weak smile.

  “Ladies, the arena is up here on the left,” the driver announced.

  Both women murmured their thanks as they sat up in their seats. They squirmed a bit as the monstrous structure grew closer. Just as the light on the corner turned green, the cab driver raced across and pulled up to the service door, angling the vehicle to block the entrance. “Go. I’ll stay here to make it hard for them to get in.”


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