Hard Drive Boxed Set

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Hard Drive Boxed Set Page 52

by Tricia Andersen

  By five o’clock, the room filled with other fighters sharing the room with them. Mark settled on a chair and pulled his earbuds out of his bag. It was time to focus, to meditate on what he was about to do. As he woke up his phone, he noticed a message.

  Good luck, sweetheart. I love you.

  He smiled as his heart broke. Of course Lexi would want to encourage him. But it was just a reminder that she wasn’t there. She was on an airplane heading to Sin City. He quickly responded.

  Thanks. Love you too.

  Jamming the jack of his earbuds into his phone, he fired up a playlist, turned up the volume, and closed his eyes.

  He startled at a touch on his shoulder. Max laughed as he shook him again. Mark tugged the buds out of his ears. “What the…”

  “Come on. It’s time to tape your hands,” Max told him.

  “Isn’t it a little early?”

  “It’s eight. You’ve been asleep, big guy. You’re up in five fights.”

  Mark glanced around him, baffled. A couple of the amateurs were hunched over dripping in sweat. One was streaked with blood. He couldn’t tell if it belonged to the fighter himself. Mark stood enough to flip the chair around then lowered back onto it.

  Max took out tape he kept in the bucket he always carried around at the fights and began to secure Mark’s hand. The entire time he talked strategy. It was a habit he picked up in college. He never listened to his college coach before he stepped into the cage because he was too amped to get in and fight, so his coach gave instructions long before they walked in. Max did the same thing with his own fighters.

  “And, Mark?” Max concluded as he tugged Mark’s fingerless gloves over his hand.


  “For the next couple hours, you need to forget Lexi. I know her leaving is killing you. But if you don't have your head in the game, that guy in the cage with you will kill you. Literally. Understand?”

  “Easier said than done. But yes. I get it.”

  Max clapped him on the shoulder. “You got this, brother.”


  Mark watched Max as he stood and then crossed the room to Rico. Dan was already prepared to go. All he had to do was lose the glasses. Each man offered the other an encouraging smile. They both stood and started to shadow box when Max glared at them.

  Mark was so engrossed in his movement that he almost missed when Dan was called for his fight. He wouldn’t miss his best friend’s professional fight for the world. He followed the others from the room and stalked to the cage as Dan’s walk in music pounded overhead. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Only Dan would walk out to the theme song of a video game.

  Mark stood cage side with Rico and Max as the battle progressed. It went three long, grueling, bloody rounds. His stomach churned as the two men stood tired and beaten on either side of the referee. Mark cheered the loudest as the official raised Dan’s hand in victory.

  Once they were back in the tunnel, Max turned to Dan. “Incredible job, bud. Go get checked out by the doctor. Make sure that knee to the temple didn’t knock any screws loose.”

  “Not until Mark’s done,” Dan protested. “He was there for mine, I’ll be there for his.”

  “We can visit him together,” Mark offered.

  “What are you telling me?” Max chuckled. “Are you planning on getting hurt, Mark?”

  “I’m thinking it’ll be inevitable.”

  They all grew quiet as Mark’s opponent, a tall, bald man from Detroit, strode by with his team. He shot a murderous glare at Mark as he passed. Rico’s voice broke the silence. “Better get that thought out of your head, Mark. It’s showtime.”

  “Yep,” Mark agreed.

  They waited without saying a word for the music to change. The pounding of heavy metal echoed off the walls. A mixture of determination laced with a touch of fear flowed through Mark. He spun on his toe and stormed to the mouth of the tunnel back into the arena. He didn’t have to look to see if the others were following. He knew they were there.

  He turned toward Max for last minute instructions. His coach’s words were brief as he lathered petroleum jelly on Mark’s face. Rico, however, was behind Max barking off every bit of advice under the sun. Dan was beside him, his eye starting to swell. He didn’t say anything. He just gave an encouraging nod. Mark gave each of them a quick hug then turned toward the ref. After a pat down by an official, Mark popped his mouth guard out through his teeth to prove he had it in his mouth. The official nodded then swept his arm toward the cage.

  Mark hopped up the steps and took his place in his corner. He jumped from the ball of one foot to the other as the announcements boomed overhead and cocked a grin as the crowd cheered loudly for him. He was motioned to the center of the ring for instructions. Once they were recited and the two fighters had shaken hands, he returned to his corner. His heart leapt in his throat as the referee shouted “fight!”

  The two men cautiously approached each other with their fists raised. Mark bounced from the ball of one foot to the other. His opponent charged at him with a jab then a cross. He finished with a low kick. Mark dodged each punch and blocked the kick with his shin.

  He countered with a kick of his own to the body. His opponent cringed at the blow. Mark stutter stepped back then threw a combo of his own. The jab skimmed the fighter’s shoulder, then cross tagged him on the chin.

  The two men circled each other again, occasionally trading a punch or a kick. Frustration burned Mark. He wanted an in, to find the weak spot he could take advantage of. He just couldn’t find it. Max and Rico’s voices buzzed over the noise of the crowd but the words made no sense.

  Mark threw another kick. Instead of taking the blow, his opponent caught his leg. Dropping his weight, the other man struggled to take him down as he hugged Mark’s leg tight to his chest. Panic filled Mark as he hopped on his other leg toward the cage wall and leaned on it for support. The other fighter let go and clinched his arms around him, angling him toward the mat. The two big men struggled against each until the bell signaled the end of the round.

  Mark plopped down on the stool with a heavy sigh. Rico blotted at a small cut over his eye as Max twisted the cap off his bottle of water.

  “Mark, keep your hands up,” Max reminded.

  All Mark could do was nod. Max continued. “You’re going to have to unleash on him, bud. You’re going to have to throw him off his game to get him to the ground. Yes, your ground game is your strength. But you have some heavy fists too. Use them.”

  Mark nodded again as he rose to his feet. He watched Max and Rico retreat to the door of the cage as the referee motioned the fighters to start the match. Once the doors were locked, he dropped his hand. “Fight!”

  Both men shuffled out of their corners toward each other. Max’s voice echoed in his brain. He threw a couple of jabs then a cross, finishing with an uppercut. None of them landed but his opponent stumbled back a step, seemingly shaken by the activity. Mark ducked a couple of counter strikes then threw a few more. His opponent scurried back but Mark followed, pinning him against the cage. They clinched again, trading knees to the belly and elbows to the face. Mark’s opponent shoved him off and backpedaled away.

  Mark wasn’t sure where the punch came from. He had tried it in the gym a couple of times but had never seriously trained it. He skipped into the air and fired the punch. His fist connected with his opponent’s temple. The fighter crumbled to the mat, covering his head with his arms. Mark launched on him, hailing strikes until the referee tugged him off and sent him back to his corner. Mark all but sprinted to his corner as his opponent was helped to his feet and the cage doors were opened. Max and Rico met him with big grins on their faces.

  “Finally someone listens to me,” Max chuckled.

  “I try my best,” Mark replied.

  The referee called the fighters to the middle of the cage. A smile covered Mark’s face as the announcer spoke into his microphone. “Winner by TKO via Superman punch two minutes and t
wenty seconds into the round, Mark Jacobsen.”

  Mark soaked in the roar of the crowd as his hand was raised in victory. His smile faded. Even though the win was sweet, his heart felt broken. Lexi wasn’t there to share it with him. With another sigh he followed his coaches from the cage.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mark wandered down the hall as he checked the file in his hand. He rotated his jaw slowly. It had been four days since his win and it was just starting to feel better. He didn’t remember getting hit that hard. Teaches me to keep my hands up better.

  He set the file on the nurses’ station and slipped his prescription pad from his pocket. He scribbled a script for an antibiotic and slipped it under the paper clip on the folder. “Mr. Andrews in room four has pneumonia. Again. Here’s his antibiotic. If he’s back in here again, I’m admitting him.”

  “He doesn’t have insurance,” Joan warned as she took the file from him. “The administration will scream at you.”

  “I don’t care. Am I supposed to let him die? Seriously, I’m getting tired of this. I need a change. Quick.”

  Joan smiled at him. “I know, Teddy Bear. I know. He won’t be able to afford these meds either. I’ll go see if we have any samples before I take it to him.”

  “Thanks, Joan.” Mark glanced up at the other end of the desk. A gigantic bouquet of two dozen red roses sat perched on the corner. Mark bit back a snarl. Some lucky nurse was deep in love with a lucky guy. He was lucky if he got a five minute video chat with his girlfriend before she was dragged off to the set. “Wow, Lucy’s boyfriend went all out, didn’t he?”

  Joan laughed. “Those aren’t for Lucy.”

  “Who’s the lucky girl then?”

  “Try lucky fella. They’re yours, big guy.”

  Mark frowned. “Mine? Who would send me flowers?”

  “I don’t know. The card says Doctor Mark Jacobsen. That’s you.” Joan wandered away, still laughing with the folder in her hand.

  Mark crossed the desk carefully, his eyes locked on the beautiful, fragrant blossoms. The scent permeated the ER. He would have to lock them up in case one of their patients was allergic. He plucked the card from its holder. He could feel something hard inside. He tore the envelope.

  A key slipped out into his hand. He tugged free the card from inside. There was no name saying who they were from. There was just an address scrawled across it. The city said Saint Paul. He shook his head, confused.

  “What’s up, Mark?” Joan asked as she plopped back into her chair.

  He walked over to her and handed her the piece of paper. “There’s no name. Just an address.”

  Joan’s brow furrowed as she studied it. “I know this address. It’s an office building that opened maybe two years ago. Some high profile doctors have offices in there.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Lexi sending you on a scavenger hunt maybe?”

  “She’s too busy to plan something like that.”

  “Then why do I hear hesitation in your voice?”

  “Because I’m not entirely sure I believe what I just said. My shift is over in a couple hours. I’ll go check it out.”

  “Call and tell me what happens.”

  “Of course.” Mark scooped up his next patient’s records and hurried down the hall.

  The rest of Mark’s shift dragged by. He drifted between one patient’s room and the next, trying to force the key in his pocket out of his mind. But he couldn’t. Did Lexi send him the flowers? Why did she want him to go to that address?

  Finally, he slipped his medical coat in his locker and slammed the door. He met Tom standing in the doorway. “Hey, did you see the game last night?” Tom inquired.

  “Sorry, Tom. Can’t talk. Have someplace to be. Besides I didn’t.”

  “Anything I need to know?”

  “Nope, handled everything before you got here.” Mark patted him on the shoulder. “Catch you later.”


  Mark nearly sprinted to his truck, bathed in the golden glow of sunrise. He threw it into reverse and guided it onto the interstate. The card sat on the dash where he could easily see the address. His heart thumped in his chest. What was he going to find?

  His phone vibrated violently the entire drive to St. Paul. He finally checked it as he rolled to a stop at the red light at the end of the interstate offramp. His three best friends were awake and chatting to each other in a message app. Rico was already talking smack. He must have started the second he woke up. It had to irritate the crap out of Avery. Max was delivering it back just as fast. Dan would toss in a quip every once in a while.

  A message popped up. Mark, u off yet?

  Mark sighed as he set the cell back in the cup holder. If he asked them, they would all race to Saint Paul to see this with him. He shook his head. He wanted to check this out himself. If it was as incredible as he thought it would be, they would be the first people he would bring back to show.

  The steel and glass building sat regally on the corner. Its triangular shape allowed traffic to flow on either side of it. A large parking lot beside it was dotted with trees and a few cars. The lawn around it was a lush green. Mark pulled into the spot closest to the structure as he studied it. He hopped out as he frowned at the door. He had one key. How would he get in?

  The automatic doors slid open as he approached. His steps slowed. No doctor’s office he knew was open at this hour. Why would this door be unlocked?

  He chuckled as he looked over the directory inside the door. The second floor housed a sleep study clinic. Prime hours for those guys. His eyes shot down at the card and then back to the directory. Supposedly no one occupied the suite on the card. It was just down the hall on the first floor. With a shrug he sauntered down the corridor to find it. Once he reached the door stained in a rich dark brown color, he slipped the key inside and turned the lock.

  The reception area was empty except for the desk built into the wall. Another vase of red roses sat there with another card. But that wasn’t what caught Mark’s attention. It was the nameplate that leaned against the vase. It must have belonged on the door outside. It was inscribed with the words Dr. Mark Jacobsen, Sports Medicine.

  Mark crossed the room to the desk and tore open the envelope tucked in the flowers. He pulled free the card and read what was written.

  Surprise! I hope you don’t mind. I know you told me that you work in the emergency room to help people. But when I see the look in your eyes when you talk about someday opening your own practice, I know it’s what you really want.

  So I took the money from the script I sold for the movie and paid for six months of rent on this office. Don’t worry about your staff. I saved enough to pay their salaries. And maybe I can come help too.

  You’ve given me peace. I just want to make your dreams come true.

  I love you, Mark


  The card slipped from his fingers as his mouth dropped. He stared at the office surrounding him. It was too much to take in. He dug for the cell in his pocket then dialed.

  “Hello?” a sleepy voice on the other end answered.

  Mark cringed. “I’m so sorry, Lexi. I forgot about the time zones.”

  Lexi laughed. “It’s okay. I have to get up in a couple minutes anyway. So did you get my flowers?”

  Mark shook his head in disbelief. “Lex, it’s too much.”

  “No it’s not. I wanted to do this. I wanted to make you happy.”

  “You did, baby. You did. I’m speechless.”

  “Dad helped. He said the doctors in that building are the best in their fields. And he told them about you. They had heard of you and are excited that you’ll be there.”

  “Lexi, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You could tell me that you love me. That’s good enough for me.”

  “Of course I love you. And thank you.”

  “I love you too, Mark. I have to get to the set.”

  “Ok. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”

sp; “Love you too, sweetheart.”

  Mark ended the call and slipped the cell in his pocket again. He walked around the office, spending extra time in the examination rooms and what would be his office. He explored the rest of the building. They had a radiology department on site. This was better than he could ever dream.

  He pulled out his cell again and dialed another number, chewing on his thumbnail as he waited for Joan to answer.

  “So, what did you find?” the nurse demanded.

  “It’s a place for me to start my own practice. She paid for six months’ rent and saved money for salaries. I had already been saving so I can get equipment. Good-bye night shift.”

  “That girl is so in love with you. You should grab her up before she gets away.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Joan sighed through the phone. “I’m going to miss you, Teddy Bear.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come with me. I need a head nurse.”

  There was a moment of silence. “Can you match my pay?”

  “I can try.”


  “Of course.”

  “Then I’m in. I’ll even take a pay cut for daytime hours. Plus I’ll like my boss. That’s a benefit.”

  Mark laughed. “That’s true.”

  “When do I start?”

  “I have some things to take care of. I’m not exactly sure.”

  “I have two weeks of vacation the hospital owes me.”

  “Give them your two weeks tonight. I will too. We’ll be ready to move in a month for sure.”

  “Ok, Boss. Seriously, Mark. You just made my week.”

  “Thank Lexi. I think she made both our weeks.”

  “Next time I see that girl I’m going to give her a big hug. I got to get some sleep. See you tonight.”

  “See you later.” Mark ended the call and fired up his truck. He wove his way along the highways through Minneapolis. Sleep fogged his brain. He needed to eat and go to bed. But he had to take care of things first. At the first stop he came to, he shot a quick text to Dan pleading to his best friend to let Kinnick outside. Of course Dan came to his aid. Mark blew out a breath of relief as he proceeded through traffic.


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