Destiny (Experimental Heart Book 1)

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Destiny (Experimental Heart Book 1) Page 12

by Shannon Pemrick

I threw my head back. “Oh, for the love of—”

  All that time I had spent trying to hide his secret—coming up with excuses for those we struggled to fool or who had found out a part of the truth—and Raikidan decided now would be the best time to shift into his dragon form.

  Raikidan swiped at the demons, the pair running in two directions. But the succubus found herself too slow, still disoriented from Valene’s attack, so when Raikidan made a backhanded swing, he landed a successful hit and sent her flying into the forest. She cried out in pain when she hit something hard. Her partner hissed in anger and attacked Raikidan, but his scales proved difficult to get past.

  I focused on trying to maneuver around Raikidan’s large form to assist him, but struggled. He continuously moved, nearly toppling a few buildings with his tail.

  “Fat-ass, watch where you swing that!” I shouted. “We’re supposed to help everyone, not make it worse!”

  A deep rumble came from his throat, and I swear he was backtalking me. He’d better not be.

  While the two of us still struggled to deal with the elusive incubus, I looked to Shva’sika for help. She looked poised for another attack, having built up another electric charge. Unlike most lightning elementalists, Shva’sika couldn’t produce her own lightning at will. It had to build, storing in her body as it did, so she had to be careful with her aim.

  She nodded to me and I angled myself so I wouldn’t be in the way of her attack, keeping an eye out for the missing succubus. I knew she wouldn’t run off without her partner. Shva’sika found her chance and sent sparks of energy flying toward her mark, but it failed to make contact. The incubus used Raikidan’s attacks to his advantage and dodged both. Shva’sika swore in her native tongue and then pulled back to recharge in a safe place.

  Just then, the succubus reappeared and focused on me as her target. She attacked with a fury of swipes, pushing me back.

  “Valene, give me a hand!” When I received no response, I looked back to find her staring up at Raikidan, her eyes wide. “Valene, focus!”

  She shook herself. “Right, right.”

  Roots burst out of the ground near the female demon, but missed. They lashed out again and the succubus evaded, her eyes trained on the plant matter. She wasn’t going to be taken by surprise again.

  My nerves kicked into gear when Valene missed again, and the succubus decided to set her sights on the young woman. With incredible speed, the demon rushed Valene, but before it could reach her, Raikidan’s tail came slamming down on the ground between the two. He swung his tail at the succubus, landing a hit on the startled demon, and I had little time to duck through the narrow space between his appendage and the ground.

  The succubus slammed and bounced on the ground.

  “Valene, now!”

  She nodded and took a deep breath before a thorned root erupted out of the ground and wrapped around the demon. The creature cried out in frustration and struggled, but Valene used her skills to squeeze her prey. I could tell she lacked the conviction to kill the monster, but I wouldn’t force that on her.

  “Kill it.”

  I went to rush the female demon, to finish her off, but clawed hands grabbed me from behind, grappling me. I stilled when claws pressed up against my throat. Really, this again?

  “Let my beloved go,” the incubus hissed. “Or she dies. Painfully.”

  Valene stared at me with fear-stricken eyes.

  Poor thing. She wasn’t cut out for these choices. But I was. “Don’t listen to him. Whatever you do, don’t let him”—the demon pressed his talons harder against my throat—“don’t let him control your actions.”

  The succubus screamed in pain, pulling my attention. Raikidan pressed his claws down on her, crushing her slowly into the ground. The incubus cringed in pain, gritting his teeth, making me aware of just how tightly the two were connected.

  He pressed his claws into my throat more, drawing a bit of blood. “I mean it.”

  I stared at Raikidan, my resolve strong. “Do what needs to be done.”

  Raikidan watched us for a few moments, and then did what I never thought he would, he lifted his claws off the female demon. What is he doing?

  The incubus chuckled. “You mortals are so predictable. Threaten what’s precious to you, and eventually you’ll crack under pressure.”

  Raikidan’s muscles flexed and his weight shifted, his eyes fixed on the demon holding me captive. Oh, that’s what he’s doing.

  “You’re wrong.”

  The demon pressed his claws into my throat, not liking my words.

  “We’re more likely to make reckless decisions to destroy those who threaten what we hold dear.”

  Just then, Raikidan swung his tail and I braced for the inevitable impact. When it came, nothing could have prepared me for the pain. My body bounced and rolled on the ground until it came to a stop. Stunned, I struggled to breathe. I’d been hit by Brute soldiers, and even hit by a car driven by a deranged civilian. All of that pain felt like a kitten’s tickle compared to this. He definitely broke something.


  “Laz!” Valene shrieked.

  Pain seared my brain and I tried to shake my state. The battle hadn’t finished.

  “You…” I looked at the incubus, seeing him struggle to get up. “You bitch!”

  I chuckled, pain hammering all over. “I told you… we do stupid shit.”

  Raikidan advanced and snapped his teeth at the male demon. He missed when the creature managed to roll out of the way, but he kept the demon’s attention focused, allowing me to work on getting back up.

  It wasn’t easy, breathing remained hard, and at one point I coughed up blood, but I wasn’t dead yet, so I could get up.

  “Kill them.”

  Staggering on weak legs, I took slow steps toward the captured succubus. The flames in my chest stoked with each heavy breath. I could end this if I could get to her. I didn’t have the strength to launch any flames at her, so an in-your-face and personal death would have to do.

  Valene, seeing my intended target, strengthened her grip around the female demon. The succubus screamed in pain, as did the incubus. He had fallen to his knees and held his body as if he, too, were being attacked by the plant. Raikidan swiped his large claws at the incubus, but the demon managed to clumsily dodge the attack and head my way.

  I discreetly spat an ember into my hand and lit a flame, holding my hand up threateningly as I advanced.

  “No!” the incubus cried out.

  The demon’s speed suddenly tripled, and I was forced to ignore the succubus and clumsily dodge him once he was close enough to swipe at me.

  “I will not allow you to kill my Rosa!”

  Rosa? The succubus’ name is Rosa?

  The incubus lunged at me with outstretched claws. “She is mine. You cannot take her from me!”

  “No, Zaedrix,” Rosa whispered.

  Zaedrix? These demons were using their names so freely. It was as if they forgot they could be used against them.

  Zaedrix put me on a defensive that I struggled to keep up with. Every movement flooded me with pain. Raikidan came to my aid, landing a strong swipe to the male demon. He landed at the feet of his counterpart, winded and bleeding.

  Zaedrix staggered to his feet and stared at me with malice. “Let her go.”

  I struggled to hold myself up. “Why would we, demon? You attacked us without reason, beyond you indulging in the thrill of death.”

  “We will leave and not come back,” he promised. “We’ll do whatever you say.”

  Why would he bargain with me? Why was her life so important to him? I held his gaze as I thought this over. As I did, something within me stirred—a kind of familiarity emanating from these two. Why?

  “I will not lose her after everything we’ve been through,” Zaedrix said.

  “You will cease killing innocent people,” I bargained. “If you don’t, I will hunt you down and slowly kill her while you watch helplessly, unab
le to save her.”

  He nodded, his eyes pleading with me. “Deal. Just don’t kill her. Please.”

  Could I trust him to keep his word and stay away? Demons didn’t have to keep any verbal “promise” unless a blood pact was involved. Then I realized he wasn’t trying to hypnotize me. As I held eye contact, he chose not to control me.

  I lowered my guard. Could he possibly— “Valene, let her go.”

  “Laz, what are you thinking?” Shva’sika shouted from where she hid. “You can’t trust demons.”

  “I said let her go,” I repeated.

  Valene hesitated, but obeyed my order and released the succubus. The incubus held my gaze for a moment longer, then scooped up his counterpart and took off into the woods.

  Shva’sika came out from her position and sighed. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  I went to reply, but my body gave out and I collapsed onto the ground.

  “Laz!” Valene shrieked. “Alena. Alena, come quick!”

  “No…” I managed. “Save the others first.”

  Shva’sika rushed over to me. “We were doing that while you and Raikidan distracted those creatures. We need to tend to you now.”

  I nodded through labored breaths. At least those attacked and still alive were safe. It pained me to know others had died. I knew I should have made those demons pay for what they did. But something kept me from going through with it.

  “It’s because you’re a fool.”

  Alena rushed over to me with Valene and began assessing the damage. “You have so many broken bones…”

  She looked up at Raikidan, who I noticed took a step back. She smiled, and then focused on me again. “At least he’s remorseful.”

  She got all that from one look? I couldn’t see how, especially since he was in his natural dragon form.

  Alena’s hands hovered over me and a white light enveloped her hands and then my body. A soothing sensation washed through me, the pain disappearing, and I sighed with relief.

  The glow faded when she finished. “There. Give yourself a few moments before trying to—or not.” She sighed as I pushed myself up into a partial sitting position. “I wish you’d listen for once.”

  I twisted my finger in my ear. “What?”

  She chuckled and patted me on the head before standing up. “I’m going to go check on the others. Don’t get into any more fights.”

  I grinned, noting her motherly tone. “No promises.”

  She shook her head. “Kids.”

  As Alena left, she looked up to Raikidan, and he shook his head to the unspoken question. At least he was fine. Or, fine enough not to be a focus for healing at the moment.

  Raikidan approached, the ground shaking with each step, and then shifted.

  “Raikidan, have some decency!” I shielded my eyes from his… “glory.”

  Shva’sika laughed, as did some others in the village watching us. Valene shielded her eyes but was obviously contemplating snagging a peek.

  “Get him some clothes, please, Shva’sika,” I begged.

  “Sure thing.” She continued to laugh as she walked off.

  I pulled Valene close to me, and positioned her so she couldn’t see. She didn’t fight me, but the temptation to look remained.

  I turned her head back to face away from him. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Why not?” she said. “I’m an adult. I can look at what I want.”

  “Because it’s not becoming of a young lady to ogle at a young man who is being indecent.”

  She giggled. “Well, he’s not exactly a man, now, is he?”

  I laughed. “No, you’re right, he’s not, but he could at least put in some effort to adhere to our customs.”

  “You know, I’m right here.”

  “Then maybe you should take the hint.”

  He knelt down behind me. “I’d rather be sure you’re okay. I’m sorry for hitting you so hard. It wasn’t my intention.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. You took the necessary measures I wanted.”

  “That doesn’t excuse my actions. It won’t happen again.”

  I held my dagger up to him, the blade pointed at his neck. “You also won’t ever call me your “darling” again. Got it?”

  He held up his hands. “No need to get offended. That incubus called the succubus his ‘darling’ enough times for me to realize it’d have an effect if I called you mine.”

  “I don’t care. Don’t ever do it again.”

  He sighed. “Fine.”

  “Where is she?” a female voice demanded.

  I sighed. Great. Just what I want to deal with after all that.

  “That cold woman is coming,” Raikidan said.

  My brow rose. “Cold woman?”

  “She smells like winter.” He shrugged. “And her heart is cased in ice.”

  Valene sputtered a laugh and I chuckled.

  “Maka’shi, please, calm down,” someone begged.

  Maka’shi’s tone rose. “Where is she?”

  I pulled myself to my feet. Might as well get this done and over with.

  Chapter Eight

  Raikidan and Valene followed me as I went to meet Maka’shi half-way. When we came face to face, her eyes bore into me.

  “There you”—she stopped and looked at Raikidan, her face twisting and then flushing a shade—“Where are his clothes?”

  Raikidan shrugged, showing his lack of understanding about the importance of clothes. “Torn. Shapeshifting does that.”

  Maka’shi’s eyes snapped to me. “So, it’s true. You brought a shapeshifter here?”

  I shrugged. “Last I knew, it wasn’t illegal.”

  Her lips pressed into a thin line as others around us chuckled. She looked at Raikidan. “So, are you human, or something else?”


  His expression remained impassive, and I could see it riled Maka’shi up. Her face reddened with anger. “I want you two to leave this instant.”

  Valene gasped, and my eyes narrowed. “Excuse you?”

  “You heard me. You bring a dragon here, disguised as a human, without disclosing his nature to me, and you cause demons to attack our village—”

  I held up my hand. “Whoa, back up! I am not to blame for those creatures showing up.”

  “You come here, and Hunters follow. You leave, everything goes back to normal. You return, and demons show up. You are to blame.” She looked at some of the damage that had come to a few buildings from Raikidan’s attack. “You pick destructive allies. You pick an ally whose species is known for stealing and manipulating. I won’t stand for the trouble you cause.”

  I held up a finger to her. “Shut your mouth. I will not allow you to insult my comrade.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I will insult him, and you. You caused more damage with your ‘help.’”

  My eyes darkened, and my fists clenched. “And where were you during all of this? If you’re so concerned about your people, why weren’t you helping?”

  “I was dealing with the dead!”

  “The dead don’t need saving, you egotistical bitch!”

  Her eyes flashed, and a cold aura leaked out of her, freezing the ground beneath her feet. “How d—”

  My fist collided with her jaw. She fell to the ground and held her face. The others around me gasped and I stared. Shit, what have I done?

  “She deserved it.”

  There was no going back from that. “Maybe that’ll knock some sense into you. I had nothing to do with these demons. But I had everything to do with getting them away from here. I may not have been able to save everyone, but at least I did more than you.”

  She looked up at me, her lips pulled back into a snarl. “You’re going to regret that, Laz’shika.”

  I spat on the ground and stormed off. I needed to hit something, and it’d be best if I didn’t hit her again.

  I punched the rock again, splitting and veining it more. Blood oozed from my knuckles as sever
al portions of rock fell to the ground. I put everything I had into each punch, but I didn’t feel any better. I was just too angry.

  How dare she think I caused this. How dare she! My fist collided with the rock again. During the fight I started to realize they’d been the reason for the Guardian’s behavior last night. They were so fast, I didn’t doubt they had been running around scoping the village out before attacking. It didn’t help there had been plenty of people outside the town to tempt them.

  “You know, something with a little more flesh might help you more than that rock.”

  I spun around, my breath heavy from exhaustion. Raikidan stood a little ways off, leaning against a tree, looking on. He’d finally found clothes, and the cuts and bruises he’d received from the earlier fight were partially healed, as if he’d rejected a full healing session.

  If my anger hadn’t been so focused, I would have made him my next target. “How long have you been there?”

  “Long enough.” His normally cocky grin wasn’t plastered on his face, so I knew he wasn’t being snarky.

  I looked away from him. “The only thing that could honestly make me feel better is if I smashed that damned woman’s face in.”

  He glanced back in the direction of the village and shrugged. “Then why don’t you? Dragons hurt each other all the time when they have a bone to pick with each other. If getting into a physical fight means you’ll feel better, then why not?”

  “Why not?” I let out a slow exhale. “Maybe because we’re not dragons, Raikidan. She’s the leader of a shaman tribe, and I’m some failed experiment. It just doesn’t work like that.”

  “You’re right. You are an experiment. And if I remember correctly, you also said you know how to kill. So, what’s the problem?”

  “What’s the problem? Do you think I like killing? Do you think I like being a monster?” I threw out my hands. “Newsflash, I don’t! I hate knowing that blood stains my hands. I hate knowing that if I killed something right now, it would make me feel better. I hate all of it! I hate…” I sighed and turned away. “Forget it…”

  “You’re not a monster, Eira. I refuse to believe that.”

  I looked back at him, my brow furrowed. He refuses to believe it? Why?


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