cold, thin air: Volume 2

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cold, thin air: Volume 2 Page 8

by C. K. Walker

  I sighed and walked over to wrap my arms around her lotion-slick shoulders. God knows, we hadn't been intimate in months. And I knew that a sensitive girl like Stella must be going crazy, thinking I was falling out of love with her or some other nonsense.

  "Well, if we didn't have five kids in the house over the weekend..." I trailed off and gave her my most seductive smile in the mirror.

  She frowned. "You just always seem to have an excuse, Matt. If you're not working late on campus, you're down in Phoenix. I just don't understand why you get pulled down to that campus so much when you teach at the Flagstaff campus."

  I dropped my arms from her shoulders and ran a hand through my messy hair. "Stel, I've told you, I'm helping out the chemistry department down there. I have to continue to do that if I want tenure."

  Stella walked away from me with a dismissive wave.

  "Boys!" She yelled, knocking on the door to our adjoining room with the kids. "Aiden! Is Wyatt dressed? Bring him in here; we're leaving for dinner in a few."



  Eyewitness account of Officer J. Pendlo (Badge #2881)

  11:27 a.m.

  I had a driver pulled over in Black Canyon City on Squaw Valley Road in the shoulder of the Westbound lane. As I was running his driver's license I noticed a dark blue 2009 Chevy Suburban stopped on the dirt road off Maggie Mine Road leading to the abandoned dog track. Plate number 22D4N12. The back bumper was heavily dented and the passenger side of the vehicle was sideswiped.

  A woman had the back door open and was leaning against the vehicle's frame talking to someone in the backseat. I heard yelling coming from inside the vehicle. The woman stumbled back a bit and then climbed into the backseat of the suburban. She appeared to be distressed. I intended to go investigate the vehicle when I finished writing the traffic violation. The vehicle was gone by the time I pulled out some minutes later. I searched the area but I believe the vehicle was back on the highway by then.


  Eyewitness account of E.S.

  11:27 a.m.

  I was pulled over for running a stop sign and I was texting my wife while the officer was back running my plates. I looked up and saw a woman and a maybe 9 year old girl standing outside the car. The woman was trying to walk forward and the girl was pushing her back trying to get her to sit down. At one point the girl got back into the car and the woman slid down the car to the ground. She looked really out of it. Then all of the sudden she got a sort of second wind and sprung up and walked around the other side of the car, jerked the door open and started yelling at the girl inside. I could hear a couple kids in there crying. She had her hand in the car trying to reach someone. Then she crawled into the backseat and about a minute later the car left.


  I shook Paul's hand as I grabbed a scotch off the bar. "Congrats, old man! Ten years is quite an accomplishment in this day and age."

  "Well, you're right behind me, there Matt." He laughed.

  "Very true," I said, glancing over at our wives who were talking in the corner. “But loving a woman that long is so easy when she's so beautiful." I saw her laugh then and admired the boisterous rise and fall of her chest, the swell of her breasts emerging slightly from the low cut glittering neckline of her gown. Even though she was so torn right now I hoped she knew how much I loved her.

  "Thick as thieves, those two," Paul chuckling, watching the scene beside me. "Ever since college."

  "Worse than sisters." I nodded as Dani picked up her youngest, Ava, and handed the squealing 1 year old to my wife. Stella laughed louder than I had heard in the past year and bounced little Ava on her hip. I smiled as I watched her. Another baby may be the solution after all.

  "Uncle Matt?" My attention turned to the lovely young lady standing behind me, Paul’s oldest. Izzy was intelligent like her mother but the spitting image of her father. The two had always been close. Paul put his arm around his daughter and kissed her on the head.

  "Hi Izzy,” I smiled, “are you excited to spend the weekend in Flagstaff? I think Aunt Stella is going to take you hiking tomorrow."

  "Yeah, I'm excited. Um, Wyatt keeps trying to pull people's wine glasses off the table and he's already spilled sprite on himself."

  "Ugh, that boy. Thanks for the heads up, Iz, I'll go get that little outlaw."

  I found my son sitting in between Paul and Dani's other daughter, Emma, and his big brother.

  "We were just holding him here. He's trying to drink the wine." Emma said confidently as Aiden nodded.

  "Is that so?"

  "Well, he was trying to grab it. I think he was going to drink it."

  “Yeah, he was. He was, Dad, but I stopped him.”

  I shook my head lightheartedly and looked around for Stella. She was now sitting at a table chatting and laughing with Paul’s sister, not a care in the world. I watched her for a moment and frowned. My wife wasn't one to neglect the whereabouts of her children, especially our youngest. Most of her days were spent following Wyatt around the world making sure he was safe and happy. It was very unlike her.

  I picked Wyatt up from the bench. "Okay boys, it's time to start calming down. We have an early morning so I think we'll head out in about 20 minutes."

  "I want to stay and play with Emma." Aiden stood up and crossed his arms.

  "I thought you didn't like girls," I teased.

  "Dad, STOP!" Aiden yelled so loud that people on the other side of the room turned to look. He ran out into the hall, his face reddening with every step. Emma and I both laughed and I looked over again at Stella hoping she was laughing too. But she wasn't.

  Stella was sitting down at the suddenly empty table with her head in her hands, rubbing her temples.



  Transcript of call from witness C.M.

  12:08 p.m.

  DPS Operator: Highway Patrol, where can I direct your call?

  Caller C.K.: Hi, yeah, sorry, I didn't know who to call but I thought 911 probably wasn’t it. Ah, there's a truck in-

  DPS Operator: Do you have a road safety issue, ma'am?

  Caller C.K.: Yeah, I'm about 5 miles north of Cordes Lakes on the I-17 and there's a truck in the left lane going slow. Like, really slow.

  DPS Operator: I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't handle those types of calls. Would you like me to put you through to emergency services?

  Caller C.K.: No, I don't think it's an emergency. But I passed her and she's going about 25 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone. She just has this, like, blank look on her face. She needs to get off the road, because she keeps crossing the middle line. She looks really out of it.

  DPS Operator: Would you like me to put you through to emergency services?

  Caller C.K.: No, it's fine. I'm way past her now, I just thought someone should know about it but yeah, I guess, I don’t- I don't need to report it at this point.


  Transcript of voicemail from the cell phone of Paul Grigg (602-307-29xx)

  12:14 p.m.

  “Daddy, I'm scared, can you come get me- me? Aunt Stella doesn't feel [inaudible] she's acting really weird and scary. I don't understand what she's saying when she talks and Wyatt won't [pause] stop crying and we're scared. Ava fell asleep. She won't listen to me, Dad, I told her to call you but she wouldn't so the last time she [inaudible] [pause] I took her phone. Please come get us or send Uncle Matt to come get us. I don't know what to do and I'm really scared. [crying] Aunt Stella keeps hitting stuff with the car and I saw her throw up [crying] [inaudible] driving right. Please call me back, Daddy, or text the phone so she doesn't hear you.”


  "We'll swing by around 8 tomorrow and grab the girls. What time is your flight?"

  "10:30 but the earlier you get to our house the better. Dani and I wouldn't mind some alone time." Paul leaned back on his heels and winked at his wife.

  "Alright, alright, Matt and I know how it goes," Stell
a giggled and leaned her head against my shoulder. "How does 7:30 sound?"

  "Earlier." Paul growled wrapping his arms around Dani's waist and nuzzling her ear.

  I'd known my wife so well and for so long that I detected the instant she felt uncomfortable and intimidated. She laughed nervously and I could feel the envy radiating off of her. Stella had always wanted the sort of open affection, no apologies relationship that Dani and Paul shared. It had just never been that way with us. I opened my mouth to break the tension but Stella spoke first.

  "You guys are like kids. Having sex all the time and in Mexico no less. Maybe you'll babysit for us some weekend and we can go to Mexico."

  "Stel, are you drunk?" Paul teased. "You're terrified of Mexico!"

  "You know I don't drink! And I'd risk being kidnapped in Mexico…Matt would protect me." Stella smiled up at me with the sort of eyes I hadn't seen in so long I'd forgotten how beautiful they were.

  I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her to me.

  "Girls! In the car!" Paul yelled to his daughters who were running around the empty parking lot. "I swear they're usually not this crazy." Paul shook his head.

  "Oh don't worry about it;” Stella laughed, “we've got lots of room to run on our property. They're in safe hands."



  Eyewitness account of J.S.

  12:37 p.m.

  I was buying cigarettes at the Chevron in Cordes Lakes when I heard somebody slam on their breaks outside and punch the horn. I looked out the window and saw a blue SUV drive by, just as calm as can be while this guy in a white pickup is yelling out his window at it.

  Then I was driving over to Wagners and I saw the same blue SUV going down Stagecoach Trail. The driver pulled over to park the car on the shoulder and then suddenly changed her mind or something and flipped a u-turn instead. The tires left tracks in the road. I could see some little kids’ heads bobbing around through the back windshield. I decided to follow her because I thought maybe she was drunk. We see a lot of drunk drivers around here.

  So I get in my car and follow her back down Stagecoach. She starts speeding up as she gets closer to the highway. I estimate she got up to about 75 and the limit on Stagecoach is 40. I lost her when she ran the light at Oasis. I would have called 911 to report her but I didn't have my phone.


  Transcript of call from witness M.M.

  12:52 p.m.

  Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergency?

  Caller C.M.: Hi, I'm calling to report a truck going the wrong way down the 69.

  Dispatcher: You said the vehicle is going the wrong way?

  Caller C.M.: Yeah, he's going north, or…south, sorry, in the Northbound lane. Outside of Spring Valley.

  Dispatcher: He’s going south in the Northbound lane?

  Caller C.M.: Yes.

  Dispatcher: Can you describe the vehicle, sir?

  Caller C.M..: It's like a blue colored SUV. A Tahoe, I think.

  Dispatcher: Can you tell me-"

  Caller C.M.: Oh shit! It just hit the guard rail. And it's- [laughing] it's still going!


  Transcript of call from witness F.D.

  1:11 p.m.

  Dispatcher: 911

  Caller F.D.: Hi, I need to report a speeding truck on the I-17.

  Dispatcher: You said it's speeding?

  Caller FD: Yeah, it's speeding. It's going at least 100 miles an hour.

  Dispatcher: Where are you on the interstate?

  Caller FD: I just passed the exit for the 169. He's about a half mile ahead of me.

  Dispatcher: Is the vehicle in the Southbound or Northbound lane, sir?

  Caller FD: Northbound. It's headed into Copper Canyon.


  "Stella. Stella, wake up, we have to get the boys ready."

  She didn't move a muscle.

  "Baby, are you okay?"

  "Yeah," she moaned, "Just another migraine."

  "Stel, we gotta get you to the doctor. These chronic headaches worry me." "No, I'm fine, really, I'm fine. I already saw my doctor about it and he said it's likely the start of menopause."

  I tried not to show the surprise on my face. I must have failed.

  "Yes, Matthew, I'm going through menopause because I’m older than you." She snapped. "You knew that when you married me."

  "It's not that, I just-"

  "Save it." Stella rolled away from me and buried her face in the pillows. "Just go."


  "Yeah, just start heading home. I'll be right behind you. I just need to sleep for another half an hour."

  "I can’t. We told Paul and Dani we would pick the girls up early."

  "Fuck them. And fuck you for caring so much about their sex life."

  I got up from the bed and awkwardly straightened my tie in the mirror just to give myself something to do. It seemed I had been right about Stella's feelings of inadequacy last night.

  I'd made a move on her as soon as we’d gotten the kids to bed the night before. I’d pulled her into me and slid my hands down her hips, then slowly pulled her shirt up over her head. I’d let my hand slip down into her lacy bra. I’d kissed her neck...

  She’d jerked away from me then, complaining that she suddenly felt nauseous. I believed her too. Her face had grown pale and her hands were shaking slightly as she unzipped her pants and threw them in the corner.

  Then she'd gone straight to sleep.

  "I really don't give a shit about their sex life, Stella, I care about being where we said we'd be when we said we'd be there."

  "I'm sorry," she whimpered from the bed after a moment. "It just hurts so much."

  "Why don't I take the boys and go get the girls and then I'll come back here. It'll give you some time to sleep."

  "No, it's, it's fine. I'll take an Excedrin and I'll go get the girls. You go ahead and head north, somebody needs to let the dogs out this morning."

  "Okay, sweetie. Want me to take the boys?"

  "No, let them sleep in. Just take my car and leave me the suburban."

  "Are you sure?"

  "I'm sure. I'll take the kids."



  Transcript from interview of Danielle E. Grigg

  “Stella showed up just after 8 o'clock. She seemed [pause] normal. She came to the door, she was smiling, and she picked up Ava and tickled her. I mean she was just normal, old Stella. I didn’t know, I couldn’t tell that anything was wrong, [pause] um, [pause] excuse I'm, I'm sorry. [pause] [crying] I couldn’t tell that anything was wrong with her. Paul came to the door with all the kids’ bags and gave her a hug. She hugged him back.

  He walked all the luggage out to Matt's car and I kissed and hugged my girls goodbye. [pause] I'm sorry. Um, I kissed my girls goodbye and I held Ava for a minute. And then Paul kissed the kids goodbye. He talked to Izzy for a while because she was crying and didn't want to leave. Those two, they were like best friends.

  Then we put the kids in the car and Paul and I said hi to the boys. Izzy, Ava and Wyatt were in the middle row and Emma and Aiden were in the back. Then she – Stella, sorry - hugged us both and told us to have a safe flight. She seemed happy, she told the kids they were going to have a Disney sing-along. [crying] Then she backed out of the driveway with my children and I never saw them again.”


  Transcript of call from witness I.N.

  1:16 p.m.

  Dispatcher: Yavapai County 911.

  Caller I.N.: Um, oh god. Fuck. Oh Christ, there's, this, ah, there’s a car that was in front of me and it just went over the guard rail into the canyon. Just, oh god, he just [inaudible] and went over. He didn't even slow down at all. I'm still going, should I turn around?

  Dispatcher: Where are you, sir?

  Caller I.N.: On the 17. In the canyon.


  Eyewitness account of T.N.

  1:16 p.m.

  As soon a
s I saw the car go over, I stopped on the West shoulder of the road. I'd noticed that truck earlier because it'd been weaving in and out of traffic as it approached me. Something was definitely happening with the driver. She was really calm and steady, like real oddly serene, almost oblivious to what was going on outside of the car. She cut in front of me but I was prepared for it so I slowed down without a problem. She didn't. She just kept going in that trajectory right over the side of the mountain.

  Other people started pulling over too and we tried to get down the cliff but it’s a pretty sheer drop right there. Then about, well, when I guess we were about halfway down, the truck caught on fire. There were bodies all over the place. Little kids, mostly. I've never seen anything like it. I saw photos of the accident on the news but they were taken after the police had been there and cleaned up a bit. When we first got down into the canyon, it was like looking into hell. All the bodies were still burning. Everyone was dead.


  I made my first call to Stella's cell phone at 11:04. It rang for a while and then went to voicemail. This didn't worry me as my wife usually turned her cell phone on silent when she was driving through the mountains; that road had always made her nervous.


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