Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series)

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Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series) Page 10

by Karin De Havin

  “Let’s get things straight, right now. This is my home and you do as I say.”

  “Nice to see you too, Courtney.”

  “Did anyone tell you you look like shit?”

  “No. Thanks for stating the obvious.”

  Her finger pokes at the tip of my nose. “Don't be a smartass. I own you.”

  Ms. Crandy waltzes into the living room with a tray of cookies. “I’m so glad to see you girls are getting along so well.”

  Thankfully Courtney takes her finger out of my face. “Oh, yes, Mom. Esme and I were just exchanging beauty tips. I was telling her she needs a bit of powder on her nose.”

  “That’s so sweet, honey.” She places the tray on the coffee table. “Esme, you’re going to learn so much from Courtney. You know she’s up for prom queen.”

  Gag me. “Oh, yes, I heard. I’m sure she’ll win.” I grab a sugar cookie off the plate and take a big bite. “Yum. Delicious. Do you think you can show me my room? I’m really tired.”

  A look of concern crosses her face. “Of course, dear. It’s only your first day out of the hospital.”

  Exactly. I follow her down a long hallway. The walls are clad in cabbage rose-covered paper. The walls are dotted with awards Courtney has won for her cheerleading. Ms. Crandy’s hips swing back and forth like a large pendulum. I couldn’t help think of my dad. He’s a sucker for a woman with curves. She opens the door. “Here’s your new home. I think you’re going to love it here.”

  I have to squint because the walls are painted a blinding white. The bed is covered in a pastel garden of blue and pink flowers. I suddenly feel nauseous. “It’s fabulous, Ms. Crandy.”

  She beams. “All my guests have the same reaction.”

  They probably want to head straight for the bathroom too. “I’m tired, but I wondered if you can take me to see my dad after I get a little sleep? I tried to see him before I left the hospital, but he was getting an X-ray.”

  “I’m sure he’d like that. John…I mean your father, asked about you as soon as he could speak.”

  It’s nice to hear my dad misses me. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  Ms. Crandy turns to leave and I closed the door behind her. Knowing my dad missies me makes me feel even worse that I wasn’t able to see him. Then I realize I have the next best thing. I race over to my purse and pull the monocle out of the front pocket. It tickles when the cold metal hits my eyelid. I concentrate on my dad’s face. The image in the monocle is that of a stranger. A frail man with salt and pepper hair matted to his head. His neck is in a brace and his leg is suspended from a metal armature that hovers over the hospital bed. Looks like something out of a horror movie. My hand shakes as I take off the monocle. That man can’t be my father.

  I walk down the hallway to my dad’s room. After seeing the vision in the monocle I had to see him for myself. It has to be wrong. Dad can’t look that bad. A lump forms in my throat as I enter his room. The vision in the monocle wasn’t nearly as harsh as reality. I barely recognize the thin, pale man in the bed. At least there aren’t any tubes running everywhere—no monitors beeping. Definite progress. He motions for me to move closer to the bed. I muster up a big smile even though part of me is cringing at how horrible he looks. He’s aged ten years. But at least he’s alive. I have Jin and Polaris to thank for that. “Hey, Dad, look’n good.”

  He lets out a shallow laugh. “Right. I can tell by the expression on your face I look like hell.”

  “Are you in any pain?”

  He puts on a brave face. “A little, But they have me on a morphine drip.”

  “That’s good. I’m so happy to see you doing so well. You don’t look like you’re ready to do a marathon, but maybe you can start walking soon.”

  He points to the obvious problem. “Supposed to get out of traction in a week.”

  Ms. Crandy pops into the room. She reaches over and takes his hand. “You’ll be able to take me out dancing for my birthday. I’m sure of it.”

  Dad gives her a crooked smile. “That’s in two months. I’ll be able to boogie down by then.”

  Ms. Crandy flutters her eyelashes. “I know you will, honey.”

  I want to hurl. Do they both have amnesia? They act like the accident was just a fender bender. Doesn’t my father realize he almost died? “So, Dad, when are you getting out of here? I’m sure you’d like to recover at home.”

  “They’re sending me to a rehab place next Thursday. Might be awhile before I’ll be back home again.” He gives Ms. Crandy’s hand a squeeze. “But I’m sure you’ll enjoy staying at chez Crandy.”

  Wow. She’s been visiting him for a week and he’s totally gaga for her. I kick the leg of the bed in frustration. “I just want to see you get better so we can be together again—just us.”

  They both look at me like I’ve said something horrible. “Esme, I think it’s very generous of Ms. Crandy to take you in. Promise you’ll behave yourself while you’re a guest in her home.”

  Jeez. I’m outnumbered but I’m not going to give up that easily. “Anything for you, Dad.” I turn to Ms. Crandy. “Can you leave us alone for a couple of minutes?”

  “Of course.” She turns on her heels and walks quickly out of the room.

  Dad sucks in a breath. “Did you have to do that?”

  “Yes. I want to have some time with you alone.”

  He looks deep into my eyes. I hope he can see the disappointment in my face.

  “I’m sorry, Esme. Ms. Crandy has been so wonderful to me. Was there something you couldn't say in front of her?”

  My blood is boiling. I’m his daughter. It’s like Crandy has him under some kind of spell. “Dad, I think my feelings should come first. All I want is to spend time with you.”

  He nods. “You’re right.” He pats the edge of the bed. “Come sit next to me. Tell me how you’re doing. Jin told me you had a fall.”

  Leave it to my genie to make my near death experience sound like I stubbed my toe. Might as well join the lying party. “I just fell. It was nothing.”

  “Ms. Crandy never mentioned it.”

  Of course she didn’t. “That’s because there was nothing to talk about.”

  “I’m glad. Only one major accident per family.”

  I know he’s trying to be funny but I can’t muster a laugh. “Right, Dad. I better jet. You need to get your rest. Guess I’ll head off to Crandy’s.”

  “She told me you have the best room in her house. So generous of her.”

  Guess Ms. Crandy painted herself as a saint. I want to tell him what I really think of her, but this isn’t the place. “Totally. My room is awesome.”

  “I’m glad. I want you two to be friends.”

  I wish I could tell him to run as far away from her as he can, but right now he can’t even get out of bed. “She’s nice enough but I’d rather be home with you eating pizza.”

  He smiles. “Hopefully, that will happen soon.”

  I give his hand a squeeze. “You’ll do great in physical therapy, I know it.”

  Ms. Crandy bursts through the door. “Sorry to break up your visit, but the doctor is headed this way.”

  I kiss my Dad’s cheek. “See you again soon.”

  “Be good, Kitten.”

  I stop the doctor outside the doorway. “Can I talk with you for a minute? I’d like to know more about my dad’s condition.”

  Dr. Emery jots a note on his iPad. “Your father is doing surprisingly well. His intracranial pressure is back to normal. I am optimistic that the titanium pins and the steel plates in his leg will stimulate enough bone regrowth to stabilize his tibia and fibula.”

  Ugh, doctor talk. I only understood half of what he said. “Bottom line me, doctor. Will he be able to walk normally again?”

  “I think his prognosis is good. In the worse possible scenario, he will be left with a limp.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. He could have lost it. “When will he be able to come home?”

  “If he cont
inues to improve at this pace, he may be able to return home after a week of rehabilitation.”

  “Fantastic.” My skin gets all prickly. I’m so excited by the news. I can’t wait to have my dad back. “Thanks, doctor.”

  He nods and goes into Dad’s room. I want to jump up and down I’m so happy. Then I realize I have to live with the Crandys for a whole week.

  Ms. Crandy pulls out of the hospital parking lot and I plaster a fake grin on my face. I promised Dad I would play nice. We drive several blocks and I realize she’s not headed back to her house. Where the heck is she going? The car turns right and then I recognize where we are. She’s driving by my dad’s house. I wonder if she always cruises by to see what he’s up to. Maybe she’s checking to see if she has any competition. I should tell Dad his girlfriend is a stalker, but he’d never believe me. I see a light glowing in the living room and know its Jin. How I wish I could be with him. It’s bad enough I don’t have my father, but to be without him too leaves me with an empty feeling. No, it’s deeper than that. Without Jin by my side, I feel powerless. Even if I want to make a wish, I can’t.

  As we pass by Sardis’s and I yell out, “Stop!”

  Ms. Crandy brakes hard. “Don’t use that tone with me, young lady.”

  “Sorry. I just had a craving for pizza for dinner.”

  She purses her lips. “I don't know why you and your father are obsessed with pizza. It makes you fat.” She points to my stomach. “You’re getting a belly.”

  I so want to punch out my dad’s girlfriend. “Really? We can eat anything.” I pull up my shirt. “Here’s the proof. We both have flat stomachs. I’m sure you’ve seen my dad’s.”

  Her cheeks flush. “Out of the car.”

  Guess I’ll have to walk home. I stride into the restaurant and place my order for a pepperoni & cheese. My stomach growls in anticipation. This will be the first real food I’ve had in over a week. I glance out the window and notice Ms. Crandy’s car is parked out front. Maybe she though twice about abandoning me. She has to know the first person I’d call is my dad.

  The girl places the four slices in a box, and I head back to the car. I sneak a bite, relishing the grease as it drips down my chin. So much better than crappy hospital food. Takes all my willpower not to devour the rest of the slice. I get back in the car and Ms. Crandy gives me the silent treatment the whole way to my new home.

  Ms. Crandy stops in front of her house. “Get out.”

  Can’t say I’m not thrilled to be rid of her. “Okay.”

  She pulls the house key off her keychain. “You gave me a brilliant idea. I’m going back to Sardi’s and get your father two slices. Don’t you think he’d like that?”

  If only she was doing it for the right reasons. Not just to look good. “Never known Dad to turn down pizza.”

  Ms. Crandy reeves the engine. “I thought so.”

  She stomps on the throttle and peals away from the curb. Guess she can’t wait to be a pizza delivery girlfriend. I open the front door relieved to find the house is empty. Just to make sure Courtney isn’t going to make a surprise entrance, I take the monocle out of my purse and concentrate on her face. I wonder where is she now? The monocle zooms in on a pepto-pink and black bedroom. The black headboard looks like it’s levitating off the bright pink wall. I’m sure Courtney’s friend thinks her room is awesome, but I’d have nightmares if it was my bedroom. Courtney sits cross-legged between two brunettes. One has a short pixie cut, the other long flowing locks like Courtney’s. I recognize their faces from the girls I saw at the cheerleader table at school. They are lounging on a bed covered in fake black mink. Fashion magazines are scattered around them.

  The pixie girl points to a cute short, pink, halter top dress. “You think Rick would like me in this?”

  Courtney laughs. “Are you kidding? He’ll want to rip it off you.”

  The long-haired brunette chimes in, “You probably won’t even make it to prom. He’ll want to do you in the limo.”

  They giggle like crazy. So this is what cheerleaders talk about. Can’t say I’m surprised.

  Courtney points to a skintight blue mini with a plunging neckline. “You think Kirk could keep his hands off me in this?”

  More giggling ensues. And I thought spying on Courtney would be fun. I’m bored out of my mind.

  The pixie girl gives Courtney a high five. “Fab, we scored our prom dresses.”

  The long-haired brunette tosses the magazine on the floor. “So, Cort, how’s your little plot against Esme going?”

  Oh crap. They’re going to talk about me?

  Courtney’s smile fades. “Ugh, why did you have to bring her up?”

  “Because I want to know. You said you’d give her such a hard time she’d high-tail it back to California in a week. Don't see her hopping a plane with that hot boyfriend of hers anytime soon.”

  The pixie girl picks a thread off her top. “I feel kind of bad. I know you don’t want her as a sister, but she seems okay. A bit of a geek, but kind of sweet. Plus, you’ll finally get the father you always wanted. Principal Warren is a cool guy.”

  Courtney almost pushes her off the bed. “Whose side are you on? It’s not fair. My father ditches out on me and I never see him again. Her father actually wants her back. But he wants my mom too. I’m not going to let them take my mom away from me.”

  The long-haired brunette chimes in. “So you keep saying. To be honest, Cort, I thought you’d have it handled by now.”

  “Don't worry. I have a plan. Once I’m done with her, and that Brit boyfriend, they’ll both split Long Island for good.” Courtney sucks in a breath. “I have special plans for him.”

  I pull off the monocle. Why do people always wish to be a fly on the wall? It totally sucks. I knew Courtney didn’t like me and now I know why. How strange that she and I both have been abandoned by our parents. What a thing to have in common. Boy is she ticked. She wasn’t just pushing my buttons because she was playing the typical mean girl. She’s really serious about getting rid of me and Jin.

  I toss the pizza box on the bed. Ms. Crandy would die if she saw me eating pizza on her precious Laura Ashley bedspread. Better not push my luck. I walk into the kitchen and grab a plate. After what I just saw I need to binge on my favorite pizza. I take a big bite. Somehow the slice tastes even better. I down the second piece, then the third. My eyes grow heavy. Thank god—a food coma. I lay my head on the pillow and try to forget everything. No luck. The bedroom scene plays over and over in my head like a bad movie. Then finally, after an hour of torture, everything finally goes black.

  I wake to the sound of footsteps racing down the hall. Ms. Crandy bursts through the bedroom door. She’s positively glowing. “Esme, I have wonderful news.” She sits down on the bed and gives me a rib-crushing hug. “I’m going to be your mother!”

  Chapter 4

  One Big Happy Family

  I hate to be proved right. Especially when it means I’m soon to have Ms. Crandy as a stepmother. Hoarding my wishes might just have paid off. I can’t think of a better reason to use one of the four I have left. But it burns me up to waste yet another wish on the Crandys. Maybe I can convince Dad to slow it down. A shriek breaks my train of thought.

  “Esme, how could you?”

  I stare into Ms. Crandy’s beet red face. How could the love fest be over so soon? “What did I do?”

  She points to the plate. “I told you not to eat in the room. You’ve ruined the bedspread!”

  What is she talking about? “Ms. Crandy, I don’t see anything.”

  She points to one of the pale blue flowers. “It’s right there. Look at that horrible grease stain. That’s why I don't allow people to eat in the bedroom.”

  I pull the plate away and see a tiny speck next to the flower. “Sorry. I never heard you say anything about a ‘no eating in the room’ rule.”

  “I will not have you disobeying my orders. You will pay to have the comforter dry cleaned.” She holds out her hand. �
�That will be eighty dollars.”

  This must be the real Ms. Crandy. Not the sweet façade she puts up for Dad. I want to tell her off but instead I honor my promise to my dad. “Sorry.” I walk over to my purse and hand her forty dollars. “I’ll pay you the rest when I get to an ATM.”

  “You’re not starting off on the right foot, young lady. I expect the rest of the money today.”

  Courtney comes bounding into the room. She must have supersonic hearing. “What did she do now, Mother?”

  Ms. Crandy points to the small stain on the bedspread. “Look at this mess.”

  Courtney throws her hands up to her face and lets out a gasp like a well-rehearsed soap opera star. “O.M.G!” She plops down next to me and points to a pink flower. She can’t even tell where the stain is it’s so tiny. “It’s ruined!”

  Ugh. Is this what it was like for Cinderella?

  “Has your mother told you the good news? We’re going to be sisters.”

  The huge grin on Courtney’s face vanishes. “What’s she talking about, Mom?”

  “John proposed!”

  I wish I had my iPhone to capture the look of sheer horror on Courtney’s face. This is her worst nightmare coming true. We finally have something in common.

  “What? No way!”

  “I know, honey, isn’t it exciting?” Ms. Crandy reaches over and grabs my hand. “We’re going to be one, big, happy, family.”

  I whistle the Rocky theme song as I head to my first class. Revenge is sweet. That is until I remember Courtney is still after me. Plus, she’s plotting something major against Jin. How am I going to protect him when I’m not with him all the time? Am I going to have to wish her back on Mars?

  I waltz into class a classroom full of people staring at me like I have two heads. The news of my freak accident must have spread through Grover High like a flu virus. The students in my calculus class are particularly shocked to see me show up. To make things even more exciting, the second I sit down, the teacher hands out a test. Like I could study in the hospital. The teacher couldn’t care less. I stare down at the twenty questions and sigh. At least it’s multiple choice. I use my preferred method to fill in the blanks. Turning in the test I realize yet another thing is being affected by having a genie in my life—my grade point average.


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